Chapter 851

"There is no rush on this matter. I will continue to observe for a period of time before making a decision."

"The lord of the country is wise. Although the fief near the wilderness has the strongest growth potential, it is also troublesome. Even if Meng Tianchen enters here, the lord's intervention may allow him to form a check and balance with the wilderness area. To ensure the stability of the border, and to use the strength of various forces outside the wilderness to continuously wear down and block the growth of Meng Tianchen's strength. In this way, even if this person really has evil intentions secretly, as long as he does not have enough strength, he will never dare to act rashly."

The master of the pot kingdom nodded when he heard the words, with a smile on his face.

"Good! As long as I have enough power to control the Pot Kingdom, Meng Tianchen can only obediently use it for me. This is a kingly strategy and cannot be changed by humans!"

"It's time for the luncheon, you guys go first, I'll be there right away!"

You cronies stand up and say yes respectfully.

The New Pot Hall is the most luxurious and majestic palace among the palaces built by the Lord of the Hu Kingdom.It is nearly a hundred feet high and covers an area of ​​hundreds of miles. It can easily accommodate hundreds of thousands of warriors to feast here at the same time without using any method of folding space.

The stairs made of pure white spar are like a road to the sky, leading directly to the mouth of Xinhudian.Glittering clouds are born within the spar, which surrounds the entire hall from a distance, like the residence of a god.

Eight black stone pillars soared into the sky, pushing up the circular sky of the entire palace. On the stone pillars, which were tens of feet thick, there was a lifelike figure of a dragon, with its teeth and claws, it seemed that it would rise into the sky at any time, turning into a dragon!
At this moment, many ministers of the pot kingdom have arrived in the new pot hall, and the jade tables are arranged neatly, leaving enough space between them, showing more and more momentum.

Seats are divided according to the rank of title and status.

The king's case is facing the gate of the new pot hall, and there is a small jade case on its side. Judging from the specifications, it should be the queen of the pot kingdom.

Further down, there are seats for the public, and then they are arranged in order.

Now, Huzhu Shanggong and Wuyi Shanggong have already sat down, surrounded by a group of military generals, talking in low voices.But there was an empty seat between the two of them, judging from the specifications, it was slightly ahead of Wuyi Shanggong.

The face of the man on the pot post was calm, and there was nothing strange in his expression, which made it impossible for people to see the real thoughts in his heart.The surrounding generals chatted and laughed in low voices, but they just looked at the Wuyi Shanggong with a sneer.

Meng Tianchen was granted the duke title and won twelve cities. His status surpassed that of Wuyi Shanggong in an instant. Although he was also a strong rival, it didn't prevent them from watching more fun now.

The Duke of Wuyi was wearing the official uniform, which made his aura even more majestic. At this moment, after sitting on the desk, his eyes were slightly closed and his demeanor was not the same as before.

On the contrary, the faces of many generals around him were gloomy, and there was anger in their eyes!In particular, the faint mocking eyes from the public place on the pot pillar made them even more angry.

"No matter how great Meng Tianchen's meritorious deeds are, he will only become famous in one battle. It is an extraordinarily gracious favor for the lord of the country to be canonized as a public servant. How can he have a higher status than Duke Wuyi!"

"In terms of strength foundation and prestige background, how can this Meng Tianchen be compared with Duke Wuyi, and now that Duke Zhezun is placed under him, this general is really unwilling!"

"Hmph! Even if the lord of the country confers him with special grace, it is still uncertain whether he will be able to take the position of Qingyun Shanggong smoothly. Today, I am afraid that someone will challenge the title of duke. If he loses, I think he will How can you face to do this Lord Qingyun!"

"That's right. I've heard about it. It's said that one of the prostitutes of the Tianhan family will make a move."

When several generals said this, sneers appeared on their faces at the same time.

Wuyi Shanggong's eyes suddenly opened, and he spoke lightly.

"Duke Qingyun is canonized by the lord of the country, and his status is respected. You can discuss it at will, and you can't mention it again in the future. Noon is approaching, and the lord of the country is about to arrive. You should go to your seats."


The generals were slightly trembling in their hearts, but the anticipation in their eyes was not weakened in the slightest. After saluting, they each took their seats.

Lord Yi shook his head slowly, everyone thought that he was dissatisfied with Meng Tianchen's sudden birth to dominate him, but the real situation was that they really thought too much.

He didn't feel dissatisfied, but rather relaxed.

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom supported him, and he fought against the powerful Marshal Rong Lei in the army.Over the years, every step he took, Wuyi Shanggong was trembling like walking on thin ice, for fear that if he was not careful, he would fall into a situation that would never be restored.

But now the person who is facing Commander Rong Lei has changed from him to Meng Tianchen. Moreover, with the current grudge between the two, there is bound to be no room for relaxation in the future, and various calculations and conflicts will inevitably occur. By then, the pressure he will face will undoubtedly be less many.

That's it, why is he angry?
Could it be just for the slight gap in the territory?As long as he does not enter the realm of the upper emperor, it will be difficult to get the real attention of the king. In his opinion, Meng Tianchen's position may not be as beautiful as it seems on the surface.

Being in the limelight and being the target of public criticism, he has tasted the taste before, so it is naturally not good.

Now with this shield, he can also breathe a sigh of relief, meditate and practice, and strive to take a crucial step as soon as possible.

The servant respectfully led the way, Meng Tianchen was wearing a royal uniform, and walked forward calmly with a graceful demeanor.Although his face was calm, but against the background of Shang Gong's crown, it could naturally produce a force of deterrence, which made people dare not look directly at him, and felt awe in his heart.

The Chinese Lord of the Hu Kingdom is the king, and the Shanggong is the highest position of the courtiers. His status is respected, and he does not have to worship the king when he sees the king. Except for the official position, ordinary people will pay homage to the subordinates when they see it. This is a custom!
"Master Qingyun, the lord will hold a banquet in the Xinhu Palace, and the slaves are not allowed to enter it, you just invite yourself in."

This close attendant is also quite trusted by the king, and his vision is extremely high, and ordinary people can ignore it.But at this moment in front of Meng Tianchen, some are absolutely respectful and obedient.He understood his own weight, if he really dared to rely on the trust of the king to be rude to Lord Qingyun, even if he was directly ordered to kill him, he would be more than guilty, and the king would definitely not say a word for him.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly, waved his hands, the servant lowered his head slightly, took two steps back, and then turned and left.

His eyes fell on the new pot hall, and Meng Tianchen couldn't help admiring slightly in his heart. To build such a luxurious and majestic palace, I don't know how much chaos crystal treasures need to be consumed, and only the lord of one side can have it. Years, I'm afraid it won't happen!

This is the most direct manifestation of building power and gathering cultivation resources.

After a slight pause, he took a step forward and stepped into the new pot hall.

Countless gazes gathered in an instant, and the noble and gorgeous Shanggong Mianfu made these gazes stagnate for an instant.

The three Shanggongs of the Hu Kingdom, and now the Huzhu Shanggong and Wuyi Shanggong have arrived, the last person is naturally Qingyun Gong Meng Tianchen!

In the first battle, the Duke is sealed, and the sky rises straight up!

In addition to awe, these gazes naturally implied a lot of content, envy, jealousy, and hostility of varying strengths.

From this point of view, among the dignitaries of the Hu Kingdom, there are probably not a few who hate him to the bone.

Meng Tianchen's face was calm, his eyes didn't even fluctuate in the slightest, and he strode forward.

Wherever you go, no matter who you are or what official position you are in, whether you are willing or not, you must stand up and bend slightly to show awe.If he hadn't joined the army back then, how could Meng Tianchen have risen at such an astonishing speed, became the Supreme Duke in a short period of time, held military power in his hands, and had twelve cities as his territory!
Walking to the front, only Huzhu Shanggong, Wuyi Shanggong and a few cronies of the monarch's family on the opposite side sat still.

Meng Tianchen clasped his fists slightly to salute several people, turned around and sat down without waiting for a response.

But at this moment, he secretly frowned, but his expression remained unchanged.From the corner of the eye, he glanced at a corner of the hall. This place should be where the Tianhan family surrendered, and the obvious hostility came from here.

But at this moment, Meng Tianchen didn't wait for Meng Tianchen to search for the source carefully, the bell and music suddenly sounded, and everyone in the hall got up at the same time, but it was the Lord of the Hu Kingdom and the queen who arrived.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom is wearing a black dragon robe, with a smile on his face, walking like a dragon and a tiger, and his every move has the majesty of a king.If you look closely at him with your cultivation base, you will be able to see that the power and luck around him are like a canopy, and the rich purple soars to the sky.This is the legendary "Great Luck", which is the manifestation of a surge in power and luck.

Beside him, a woman dressed in a queen's costume followed quietly, with her head slightly lowered to show awe of the king, but this action did not feel humble in her body, but raised her own temperament to the extreme.Lianbu lightly moved half a step behind, even under the mighty aura of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, she was able to maintain a smooth and smooth appearance, giving people a sense of grace, luxury, and endless honor. Pay a little more attention.

Obviously, this princess who has always been low-key and not well-known is definitely not an ordinary woman.

"The ministers see the king, see the queen!"

The voice of the mountain is deafening, echoing endlessly in the spacious new pot hall.

"Everyone, sit flat." The Lord of the Pot Kingdom swept his Highness with gentle eyes.

"In today's palace, there are both old ministers and new talents, but since they can appear at this seat's celebration banquet at this moment, they are all the courtiers of this king. This seat promises today that all ministers under his command will be treated equally, and rewards and punishments will be clearly defined. As long as you all work hard and contribute to the stability of the kingdom, I will definitely reward you!"

These words showed the attitude of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, and immediately lifted the hearts of the descendants of the Tianhan family, and the uneasiness in their hearts dissipated a little.At the same time, it is also a reminder to the veteran ministers, they are all ministers under his command now, so don't use your identity to provoke disputes.

"The ministers will do their best to share the worries of the lord!"

The master of the pot kingdom smiled and nodded, and waved his hand.

"Today is a celebration banquet, so you should enjoy it to the fullest. There is no need for a special license. After drinking this cup, you can do whatever you want." While speaking, they exchanged glances with the queen, and the two raised their wine bottles.

All His Highness raised their glasses and drank together.

The master of ceremonies waved his hand slightly, and all the beautiful palace servants poured into the hall, and all kinds of jade plates and delicacies were presented like flowing water.

Marshal Rong Lei made a toast to the lord, wishing the lord a stable country and a great cause!
The master of the pot kingdom smiled, raised his head and drank it all.

The singing and dancing beauties in exquisite and festive clothes are like butterflies dancing lightly in the flowers, flying into the new pot hall with the beautiful music, dancing with long sleeves, the dance is beautiful, the clothes outline the beautiful delicate body, and occasionally reveal a little warmth The fair complexion added a bit of charm.

(End of this chapter)

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