Chapter 852
In Xinhu Hall, accompanied by the performances of singing and dancing beauties, the atmosphere gradually became lively. Jade cups and gold cups were toasted to each other, and the voices of people were boiling.

The master of the pot kingdom waved his hand slightly, indicating that the master of ceremonies did not need to stop, and turned around to raise his glass to drink with the queen.

When the song and dance performances were over, the atmosphere in the hall was already quite lively, and some generals even got up directly to ask the king for the person he liked among the beauties who performed the dance before.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom agreed to everything and bestowed it together.

In Linglong's big world, beauties have never been lacking. You can use them to win over your subordinates, so there is no need to be stingy.

In this way, the atmosphere in the hall was pushed to the peak.

But at this moment, at the place where the descendant of the Tianhan family was, a martial artist wearing a royal crown uniform stood up and respectfully saluted the Lord of the Hu Kingdom.

"When I was still in the Tianhan family, I heard that in order to stimulate the cultivation of the ministers under his command, the lord of the country made a specific rule. If the meritorious service is enough to rank in the public position, he must go through a challenge. The winner will not be rewarded, and the loser will be reduced. One-tenth of the fiefdom will be given to the challenger. I heard that at the court meeting today, the lord of the country has made a lot of canonizations, and several ministers have been canonized. I wonder if the lord will allow the ministers to challenge the new lords, which can be regarded as adding to the fun of the feast?"

After the words fell, many sights in the hall converged, and the noisy and chaotic voices became much quieter in an instant.

Meng Tianchen's heart moved slightly, he vaguely noticed many eyes sweeping towards him, he sneered slightly in his heart, but there was no change in his expression, he drank quietly.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom didn't rush to respond, he pondered for a while before laughing.

"Since you have such a good intention, the inspector, I will naturally not refuse it. It's just that today is a festive day, and the challenge is okay to add to the fun, but the reduction of the fiefdom is still avoided. If there is really a challenge winner, this seat will have other rewards."

Duke Xun was a descendant of the Tianhan family. At the beginning, he sent out to rule the three cities, and was appreciated by the Lord of the Hu Kingdom.He mentioned the challenge this time, probably representing the meaning of most of the Tianhan family's surrender, wanting to take this opportunity to show their strength, in order to gain the attention of the king and not be underestimated.

"The lord has thought carefully, and the minister has no objection." The inspector said respectfully.

"I also ask the lord to take action and open up a void battlefield, so that I can ask the princes for advice."

"Since the inspector has proposed a challenge, I will naturally not let them down. Please open up the battlefield, and I also want to learn the methods of your new colleagues." Unable to hold back, they came out one after another, with anger hidden on their faces.

Although the Lord of the Hu Kingdom did have the order to challenge the duke, very few people would take action.After all, it's okay to win, if you lose, not only will you not get any benefits, but you will also erect a strong enemy for nothing.

Now facing the provocation of the Tianhan family's descendants, how could the newly promoted governors not be angry when they were still in high spirits.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom smiled and nodded, but there was no displeasure on his face. With a wave of his sleeves, the restriction in the New Pot Hall was immediately opened, and the color of the circular sky quickly dissipated and finally turned transparent, and the sky could be clearly seen.

With the slight movement of the mind, with the new pot hall as the center, there have been extremely subtle changes in the space with a radius of ten thousand miles. Ordinary warriors can't detect it yet, but the warriors of the imperial realm are so clear that they are in awe.

This is the frightening place where the eight strands of the original power of chaos broke through the void and imprisoned it into an independent space.

This is the means of the peak powerhouse of the eighth-rank great emperor, that is, the super power of the king and emperor realm.

Meng Tianchen's body tensed slightly, this is the power of the eighth-rank great emperor, it is indeed powerful!
With his current cultivation base, if he fights against him, he will be killed in an instant!

"This seat has built a void battlefield, you can enter it to fight, but remember to stop when you reach the point, and don't hurt your life, otherwise you will be severely punished!" The Lord of the Pot Kingdom spoke slowly, matching the power of the great emperor at this moment, and the majesty is even heavier .


The inspector and the others felt awe-inspiring, and respectfully said yes.

One of the vassals of the Tianhan family came out and bowed to the Lord of the Hu Kingdom.

"Chen Luobu, I want to challenge Lord Changding."

"I accept the challenge!" Duke Chang Ding sneered, as the No.1 challenged person, he was even more angry.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom nodded.


The two stood up immediately, with a flash of inspiration, and their figures instantly turned into two startling rainbows soaring into the sky, passing through the transparent palace sky as smoothly as if piercing through the water layer, and the figures appeared directly on the void battlefield, facing each other with cold and cold faces.


After clasping hands together and saluting, the two raised their heads, the aura in their bodies exploded without reservation, sweeping in all directions, all of them were in the realm of a fourth-rank great emperor.

Duke Changding and Luo Bu, a descendant of the Tianhan family, erupted with their strongest strength at the moment of the battle, without any reservations.The supernatural powers collided, but the final result was that no one could do anything to win the opponent. After a moment of fierce fighting, they had to give up in a tie.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom rewarded him with a few points, and asked people to take treasures as rewards, and gave them to Lobu in recognition of his cultivation.

Duke Changding was unable to defeat the enemy in the first battle, which immediately shocked the hearts of many former officials of the Hu Kingdom in the palace. Their contempt for the descendants of the Tianhan family suddenly subsided, and their faces became slightly dignified.

Although the courtiers have their own factions, this is the first confrontation between the old courtiers and the descendants of the Tianhan family in the court hall. It is reasonable to win. If you are at a disadvantage, it will be called the real loss of face .

How could these prostitutes of the Tianhan family please the lord of the country!
In the second battle, Bei Chenggong went out to fight, and defeated the Tianhan family's surrender ministers to challenge him slightly.

The former ministers of the Hu Kingdom feel at ease.

But immediately after the third battle, it was the Tianhan family's surrender who challenged successfully.

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom bestowed two cities as a reward for the challenger.

After several fierce battles, the two sides also won and lost each other.

At the beginning, the Great Army Master of the Hu Kingdom became famous and swept across the Tianhan family's territory, and many areas fell upon hearing the news. They had not experienced the baptism of war, so many strong men were preserved.The one who took the challenge today is naturally the best among them, and it is reasonable to have such a result.

But the result of being slightly disadvantaged is definitely not acceptable to the former officials of the Hu Kingdom. Even Huzhu Shanggong Rong Lei and Wuyi Shanggong couldn't help frowning slightly, and their faces were slightly gloomy.If they were really beaten by the descendants of the Tianhan family, they would also lose face.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom sits high on the throne, with a faint smile on his face, and whispers to the queen from time to time, as if he is unaware of the subtle atmosphere at the moment.

At this time, the seven newly promoted governors of the Hu Kingdom have lost four and won three, and have been challenged for a round.

Among the descendants of the Tianhan family, another martial artist stood up, wearing a royal crown.

"Mr. Ye Yun has admired the name of Lord Qingyun for a long time. If I want to challenge you today, I ask the Lord to agree."

As soon as the words fell, the entire Xinhu Temple could hear the needle falling.

The hearts of countless courtiers of the Pot Kingdom were shaken, and the secret thought finally came.

There were vague rumors before that among the descendants of the Tianhan family, there was a strong man who wanted to make a move and challenge Lord Qingyun at the luncheon.When the news spread, many courtiers of the Hu Kingdom secretly sneered and looked forward to it.

But the current situation made their minds slightly complicated.Originally thought that the Tianhan family's surrender was to attack Meng Tianchen alone, but he didn't expect to suppress the entire Hu Kingdom's former officials at a disadvantage.He wanted to see Meng Tianchen lose face and lose his prestige, but he didn't want the old ministers to really lose to the Tianhan family's descendants, so he felt a little embarrassed for a while.

It is really a contradiction to hope that Meng Tianchen will win, but also hope that he will lose.

The master of the pot kingdom was silent, and shook his head slowly after a while.

"Duke Qingyun was injured by the assassins of the corpse tribe of the Great Yin Sect in order to save the angel. The corpse poison in his body was removed not long ago, and his cultivation level may not have recovered. Let's put this challenge on hold for now. If there is a chance in the future, it will not be too late to make up for it. .”

The old ministers and other ministers felt a little relieved, and then couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.But there were also many people who tasted it secretly, their eyes flickered slightly, and they sneered in their hearts.

Ye Yungong remained silent for a while, but still respectfully said yes, since it was the lord's veto, he naturally did not dare to disobey.

Meng Tianchen's eyes drooped slightly, and at this moment, he sneered in his heart when he heard the words, secretly thinking that the Lord of the Pot Kingdom had really become wary of him, and wanted to weaken his position in the Pot Kingdom without a trace through today's events.

Even if it is said not to fight due to injury, but not to fight is not to fight, and the evaluation of fear and retreat cannot escape. How to establish prestige in the pot kingdom in the future!
This move seems to be a soft knife for protection, but it is indeed an extremely clever method.

But since he saw through it, how could Meng Tianchen let the Lord of the Pot Kingdom fulfill his wish.

Meng Tianchen stood up, walked up to His Highness, and bowed his hands in salute.

"Lord Lao is bothered, but today's challenge is about reputation, and I will definitely not back down. Although the corpse poison is strong, it has been wiped out, and I am willing to fight."

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom frowned slightly.

The profilers of the Tianhan family made trouble and provoked the old officials of the Hu Kingdom. He saw this and had no intention of stopping it.The courtiers are in conflict, attacking and defending each other, and he can control it more easily. There is no need to worry about courtiers embracing the United Party for personal gain, which will have an impact on his rule.

Moreover, the opportunity to be enshrined and challenged can weaken Meng Tianchen's status without a trace, which is also an additional gain.But the Lord of the Hu Kingdom doesn't want to see Meng Tianchen really lose. In the final analysis, it is he who supported Meng Tianchen to achieve today's status, and the Shanggong was also sealed by him himself, in order to contain Huzhu Shanggong and Wuyi Shanggong .

Before there is any definite evidence, the master of the pot kingdom is still unwilling to touch him based on suspicion.If he fails today, Meng Tianchen's prestige will be ruined, his influence in the army will be greatly reduced, and he will lose his face.

"Mr. Qing Yun, Mr. Ye Yun are fourth-rank Great Emperor Perfect Realm fighters with extremely strong supernatural powers. You have to think about it carefully. If your injuries are not healed and you are not strong enough, you can fight again. Don't be in a hurry."

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom spoke slowly, and had already given enough hints to Meng Tianchen, and had already prepared the steps. He only needs to nod his head and admit that his injuries have not healed, and he can step down.

"Thank you for your sympathy, the minister is not acting out of anger for a while, and I ask the lord to agree."

A trace of fear flashed in Ye Yungong's eyes, then he sneered in his heart and spoke respectfully.

"Since Lord Qingyun is willing to fight, I ask the lord to give me a chance to ask for advice."

"Since that's the case, I won't say any more." The Lord of the Hu Kingdom nodded, and his eyes swept over Meng Tianchen.

"You go."

"Thank you, Lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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