Chapter 853
The two saluted at the same time, their eyes met after getting up, Meng Tianchen was calm and safe, and Ye Yungong showed a cold light.

"Mr. Qingyun, please."

Meng Tianchen was not polite, turned around and took a step forward, his figure pierced through the sky of the New Pot Palace, and appeared directly on the void battlefield.

The gust of wind howled and came oncoming.

The crown is bulging, the handsome face is solemn, and the black eyes are shining like stars, adding a bit of cold majesty, which makes people feel awe.

In the new pot hall, many sights gathered in an instant.

When Meng Tianchen killed Zeng Duzhu Zeng Tai in the first battle, although his cultivation was perfect as a second-rank emperor, his explosive combat power was comparable to that of a fourth-rank emperor.However, the burst of combat power and all the means can be compared to the fourth-rank emperor, which does not mean that such a super strong combat power can be maintained forever.

If you want to use this to compete against the real fourth-rank emperor, that is life and death!However, including the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, although many former officials of the Hu Kingdom do not have a deep understanding of Meng Tianchen, it can be seen from many actions that he is a person who is thoughtful and alert, how could he do such an unwise thing? thing.

If you study carefully, there is probably only one explanation. Meng Tianchen is full of confidence and can defeat Lord Ye Yun!
It was this that shocked their hearts, and they all wanted to know whether their guesses were correct.

As for many descendants of the Tianhan family, they sneered secretly.

Meng Tianchen can be regarded as the person who benefited the most from the war between the two countries. In the first battle, he became the Duke of Qingyun, and the Tianhan family was defeated.Although he has now surrendered to the Lord of the Pot Kingdom and managed to maintain his own status, his status is not the same as before. He must be careful all day long to prevent the Lord of the Pot Kingdom from being suspicious and causing a catastrophe.With such a situation, they naturally have a lot of hatred for Meng Tianchen.

Defeating it today, although it can't really kill him quickly, but it can make Meng Tianchen lose face and reputation, which is enough comfort for them.

As for failure, the descendants of the Tianhan family never thought about it.Ye Yungong's cultivation base is the real peak power among the descendants of the Tianhan family, with supernatural powers and powerful powers, he can be called invincible under the fifth-rank emperor, and this Meng Tianchen is only at the peak of the second-rank emperor. Even the third rank great emperor has not been promoted, how can he compete with Lord Ye Yun!

Ye Yungong sneered in his heart, flicked his sleeves, and his figure came out, rushing into the void battlefield.

Meng Tianchen's eyes fell on this person. If his sensing was correct, the source of the hostility he sensed at the place where the Tianhan family surrendered was precisely this Ye Yungong.Presumably today's challenge is the intention of all the Tianhan family's descendants, in order to discredit him and lose his face.

The master of the Hu Kingdom canonized the throne and bestowed twelve cities as territories in one fell swoop. Such a generous reward has already caused many twists and turns among the courtiers of the Hu Kingdom. Although no one spoke directly, most of them were dissatisfied or envious His mentality was at work, and he didn't have a good impression of Meng Tianchen, causing an undercurrent to float, and a crisis would erupt at some point.

Even though Ye Yungong's challenge today is a crisis, it might not be considered an excellent opportunity.If you can defeat this person, you will be able to rectify your name in one fell swoop, shocking the courtiers and dignitaries of the Hu Kingdom, and you will not dare to provoke them easily in the future.

But the root of everything still lies in the result of this battle.

Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered coldly, and with a wave of his sleeves, the entire sky suddenly darkened, a touch of extreme black appeared, and then expanded wildly at an astonishing speed, and within a short breath time, the entire battlefield was covered.

With the line established by Meng Tianchen as the boundary, the sky behind him has already turned into absolute pitch black, with rolling waves, howling wind, and murderous intent!
This is murderous aura turning into a sea of ​​evil, extremely terrifying.

In an instant, the evil sea stirred up, and the materialized black murderous aura turned into countless waves, sweeping towards the sky with an aura of devouring heaven and earth. Looking at it at a glance, the aura is astonishing!

Silently, the supernatural power shot, shaking the earth, weeping ghosts and gods!

Ye Yungong's complexion changed instantly, his pupils shrank slightly, showing shock.


According to the information obtained after repeated inquiries, Meng Tianchen's cultivation base is the pinnacle of the second-rank great emperor, but the continuous ups and downs of the waves of the evil sea clearly told him that the imposing Qingyun Lord in front of him was a evildoer!This murderous aura condenses the supernatural power of the evil sea, and it is also a powerful and terrifying supernatural power!
At this moment, a strange illusion suddenly appeared in Ye Yungong's heart. Could it be that he secretly offended one of the subjects of the Tianhan family and deliberately took this opportunity to harm him?But as soon as the thought flashed by, he was directly suppressed by this person. Now, no matter what, he has no way out.

Today's battle is inevitable!
Sensing the monstrous evil spirit, the arrogance in Ye Yungong's heart had all dissipated at this moment, he let out a violent drink, and the cultivation base in his body exploded, suppressing all the restlessness in his heart!

Even if Meng Tianchen has the monstrous combat power to fight against the enemy, he is not inferior to him, and the victory is still undecided!
"Mountain Shadow!"

Lord Ye Yun sipped and waved his hand. In the fluctuation of space, countless phantoms of mountain peaks suddenly appeared, all over the void, stretching endlessly, with no end in sight.


The shadow of the mountain suddenly became clear, its color condensed and darkened into crimson, the scorching aura erupted, straight beams of smoke shot out directly from the top of the mountain, piercing through the sky, and the chilling momentum was formed in an instant!

"Smelting fire!"

The mountain shadows condensed into mountains, each one was extremely red, the rocks trembled slightly, and hot waves of fire gushed out from the place where the beacon smoke rose. The terrifying temperature made it easy to refine financial stones, burning the entire sky red.

"Purgatory fire!"

Endless flames gushed out, mixed with viscous red magma, and the vast soup gathered like a river, turning into an endless sea of ​​magma flames, including the entire battlefield, burning crazily and refining wantonly!
Dazzling light erupted in Ye Yungong's eyes, and his external aura was overwhelming, facing the sweeping evil sea, he was calm and calm, but he had a sense of self-confidence permeating his chest.

This purgatory fire supernatural power is the most powerful technique of his cultivation, which has been integrated with the original power of chaos, burning the sky and refining the earth, making it invincible. Even a martial artist of the same level as the fourth-rank Great Emperor's Perfection Realm, with this supernatural power, he can't easily retreat completely.

Meng Tianchen, no matter how evil you are or how genius you are, I, Lord Ye Yun, may not be weaker than you!As long as I can defeat you, the name of Ye Yungong can be blatantly raised, and I will be more valued by the Lord of the Hu Kingdom. I have a bright future in the future.

Today, I will not lose!

The black ocean of murderous aura and the crimson volcanic flames collided instantly on the void battlefield. One was the powerful force of killing and destruction, and the other was the power of bursting and incinerating. In an instant, a violent conflict far beyond imagination broke out.

The loud bang, like the roar of thunder, resounded through the entire void battlefield!
The entire Xinhu Palace was instantly dead silent!
Countless eyes raised up and landed on the two people fighting in the void battlefield. Apart from shock, there was a trace of awe and fear that couldn't be hidden deep in their eyes.

The strength of Ye Yungong and Meng Tianchen exceeded the expectations of all the courtiers of the Hu Kingdom. Sensing the fighting and collision of the two forces of cold and hot, even though they were separated by countless distances, their bodies still tensed up and their hearts were horrified.

In all fairness, if it were them in this fighting situation, it might not be easy to barely resist, let alone fight with the two of them.

Gong Ronglei's expression on the pot pillar suddenly became solemn, but he was extremely shocked in his heart. Meng Tianchen's cultivation base was much better than when he killed Zeng Tai that day!
Did he hide his cultivation back then?Or the realm can be improved again, so that the combat power soars.

If the former is fine, what if it's the latter. Such a powerful growth talent, how heaven defying!

However, in this way, another powerful force that cannot be ignored will appear in the Hu kingdom. The city of the lord may not be able to accommodate Meng Tianchen.

Rong Lei glanced at the Lord of the Hu Kingdom from the corner of his eye, and saw that although his face was calm, he couldn't hide a gloomy look in his eyes, and he couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

As a result of today's battle, he no longer paid attention to it. Even if Meng Tianchen wins, what awaits him in the future must be the suspicion and suppression of the king.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom will not allow a second Grand Marshal Rong Lei to appear in his forces!
Lord Wuyi lowered his head slightly, suppressing the shock in his heart. He really did not expect that Meng Tianchen's cultivation level would be so terrifying!Could it be that he is not afraid of causing the country's lord to suppress it!Having followed the lord for many years, he is very clear about this suspicious and cautious temperament.

If Meng Tianchen really aroused the jealousy of the king, it would be fine for Zhongyong to abide by his duty in the future, otherwise there will be no good end.

The face of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom quickly recovered. At present, all the attention of the people in the hall were attracted by this fierce battle, but few of them noticed the change in the expression of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom.

Meng Tianchen, you really gave me too much shock and bewilderment, so how can I use you with confidence!
Thinking of this, the master of Hu Kingdom became more and more cold.

And when the thoughts of everyone in the hall changed, the battle in the void battlefield had reached its most intense moment.

The black sea of ​​evil and the sea of ​​red flames are completely entangled, and the frenzied fighting between the two diametrically opposed forces presents an evenly matched situation, and no one can gain the upper hand!
Lord Ye Yun's expression was solemn.

Qingyun Gong Meng Tianchen really lived up to his reputation. Although he was at the peak of a second-rank great emperor, he was extremely powerful in battle. He had tried his best in today's battle, but he still couldn't gain the upper hand.It seems that the result of this battle may only end in a tie.

Although it is not the most desired result, through today's battle, he has proved that his tyrannical cultivation is enough to attract the attention of the master of the pot kingdom, and to shock the former officials of the pot kingdom, which can be regarded as barely achieving his goal.

At the moment, he cupped his hands and spoke in a deep voice.

"Mr. Qingyun's cultivation is indeed tyrannical. I benefited a lot from today's battle. But now that the long-term battle can't tell the winner, why don't we suspend the war with a draw? I don't know what Qingyun's will do?"

The sound spread far away, and even the bang and loud noise produced by the collision of supernatural powers could not cover up the sound at all, it spread far and clearly passed into the ears of every warrior.

(End of this chapter)

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