Chapter 854 What a killer

Meng Tianchen raised his head, his eyes penetrated the barrier of the evil sea and the flames, and fell on Ye Yungong, shaking his head slowly in his heart.Although it is a tie right now, he knows in his heart that he cannot defeat Ye Yungong without using most of his hole cards.

Although the result of the draw was unsatisfactory, Meng Tianchen still slowly suppressed the thoughts in his heart after asking and pondering for a while.Today's eruption of combat power comparable to the complete level of a fourth-rank great emperor may have aroused suspicion in the hearts of the Hu Kingdom Lord and others. If he really defeated Ye Yungong desperately, there may be more troubles in the future.

Furthermore, the combat strength he displayed today is enough to frighten the courtiers of the Pot Kingdom. If you want to embarrass him in the future, you will have to think more about it. If you are not absolutely sure, you will not dare to act recklessly.

That being the case, then let it go.

But at the moment when Meng Tianchen was about to nod his head in agreement, his complexion couldn't help but change slightly, a ball of golden aura suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, tumbling and undulating, releasing waves of chaotic and violent waves.In this golden light, the breath of the second clone can be clearly sensed.

In the depths of the God-Man Forbidden Mountains, in the depths of the cave, inside the skull of something that looks like a dragon but not a dragon, a figure sits cross-legged, and the surrounding area emits dazzling golden light, making it impossible to see clearly.

The second avatar is about to be completed!
But for some reason, when the second avatar was about to be born, the traction of Qi mechanism had a great impact on Meng Tianchen himself.

With the emergence of a golden light in the sea of ​​consciousness, a restless breath was released from it and merged into Meng Tianchen's body.Under the influence of this aura, Meng Tianchen's consciousness also felt restless, almost making him unable to maintain the calmness of his own aura, and this kind of expression is constantly strengthening with the passage of time, and has a constant trend to continue.

Even the aura of the second avatar became stronger and stronger in this restlessness, and gradually felt uncontrollable.If things were allowed to continue, Meng Tianchen would not be able to continue to block the breath of the second clone before too long.

This incomparably weird second clone can only be obtained under the guidance of the roulette, and its background probably has a deep secret, and even has some origins with the roulette itself.If the breath is leaked, it will definitely be noticed by the master of the pot kingdom and others. If he is not careful, I am afraid that the secret he carefully concealed will not be able to continue to be maintained.

Once his strange and chaotic original power of the Purple Mansion can be turned into a roulette wheel, and people notice the star point clues, what awaits him will inevitably be the end of being slaughtered and seized for treasure.

If nothing else happened, with the method of the mysterious roulette, it should be able to suppress the fluctuations when the second clone was born, but now it is used to suppress and refine the remnant soul of Patriarch Tianhan, so the clone is probably already weak.Today's matter can only be resolved by Meng Tianchen himself.

Feeling the increasingly restless breath in his body, Meng Tianchen's thoughts turned rapidly.

With the passage of time, but Meng Tianchen did not respond for a long time, Ye Yungong's face became more and more gloomy, and his heart was raging with anger.

If he hadn't taken Meng Tianchen's position as the Duke into consideration, how could he have taken the initiative to open up a tie, but now this Meng Tianchen has chosen to remain silent on his proposal, or it can be said to be indifferent!Could it be that he thought he had a chance of winning!
Ye Yungong sneered in his heart, Meng Tianchen's actions had already enraged him completely, he wanted to see what kind of tricks this Lord Qingyun had, how dare he do this.

"Since Lord Qingyun is unwilling to give up, let's continue to fight. I may not have a chance of winning!"

Because the Lord of the Pot Kingdom had spoken in advance, he could not fight to the death when he ordered it.Otherwise, even if the situation is evenly matched, but there are many accidents in the fight, even the slightest carelessness will instantly reverse the situation of the battle and lose on the spot.At that time, the two have already fought with all their strength, and no matter how difficult it is to recover their magical powers, even if it does not cause death, the losing party will inevitably suffer heavy losses.Although dangerous, Ye Yungong is confident, he may not be the loser!
Meng Tianchen suddenly raised his head when he heard the words, he had already made a decision in his heart.

The restlessness conveyed by the second avatar caused his own aura to float, which made it impossible to cover up the aura of the second avatar.Since this restlessness cannot be suppressed, let it be vented, and the crisis will resolve itself by then.

Ye Yungong, originally wanted to let you go, but now it seems that he can only trample you down.Although this move will definitely cause a lot of trouble, Meng Tianchen has no other choice at this moment.

"Mr. Ye Yun, could it be that by relying on such supernatural powers, you can force me to draw with you to stop the fight? It's really delusional." He opened his mouth lightly, but his voice sounded like thunder.The crown swayed, and the dark eyes gleamed coldly. Before the voice fell, he stepped forward, and stretched out one hand from the sleeve of the robe, pointing at the tumbling black ocean.The restless breath in the body, accompanied by the magical powers, fully integrated into it.

Drop a finger, and the sea of ​​evil will roll!

The drastic change in the Shahai Sea actually condensed dramatically!
In an instant, Shahai disappeared, and what appeared instead was a shocking giant blade!
Black blade!
That's right, this is one of Meng Tianchen's hole cards!

Shadow Killing Avatar!
This supernatural power is infused with a trace of riot power from the second clone, so terrifying.

How can Lord Ye Yun resist the supernatural attack?

Meng Tianchen's face was calm, and he had absolute confidence in his heart.

The huge black blade rhythmically slashed down, and the crimson sky dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The next moment, the sea of ​​fire extinguished and the mountain peak collapsed, and the rocks pierced through the air and melted away, returning to nothingness.

Ye Yungong's face turned pale with a slap, and there was no trace of blood anymore. Blood gushed from his mouth and nose when he raised his head, and his body fell down at an astonishing speed as if hit by a wild beast.

Meng Tianchen flicked his sleeves to dissipate his supernatural powers, he never killed this person directly, but he also didn't intend to let him go, he took a step forward, and his figure appeared directly in front of Ye Yungong, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"If it weren't for the lord of the country who said that killing is not allowed today, I will definitely kill you here today just because you dare to provoke my majesty! But remember, this opportunity is only once. If you dare to offend me again, I will definitely kill you!" You just kill it!"

The voice was calm, but those cold eyes and the wanton killing intent between the words pierced Ye Yungong's flesh and blood like a sharp needle, which made him have no doubt that Meng Tianchen had already killed him at this moment. Heart, how dare you continue to delay, nodded again and again, his face became paler and paler.

Meng Tianchen took a deep breath, let out a cold snort, took this person forward, and his figure appeared directly in the New Pot Hall, casually threw Ye Yungong on the ground, bowed respectfully to the Lord of the Pot Kingdom, and spoke in a deep voice.

"The minister did not disgrace the trust of the lord, and came back victorious!"

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom took a deep look at Meng Tianchen, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Grand Qing Yun's cultivation has improved so quickly that I really exceeded my expectations. If you practice hard, you will definitely become a peak martial artist in our Pot Kingdom in the future."

At this moment, all the fear and guard in his heart dissipated.


Killing intent!
The chaotic atmosphere in the body is difficult to control.

All this shows that there is an extremely important hidden danger in Meng Tianchen's cultivation!
Although cultivating the Dao of Killing can improve one's cultivation at an astonishing speed, what it brings is an unstable foundation and heavy killing karma.Only by cultivating with an absolutely strong state of mind can we suppress the counterattack of the strength in the body.

Now the hidden danger of killing Dao in exchange for cultivation has gradually exploded. Although he has the combat power comparable to the peak of the fourth-rank emperor at present, and his combat power is extremely tyrannical, he has almost cut off the possibility of being promoted to the upper emperor realm, which is not enough to pose a hidden danger.

That being the case, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom naturally felt at ease.

Such a person can rest assured that it will definitely not affect his rule.

Gong Rong Lei on the pot pillar had a sneer flashing in his eyes, he bowed his head and drank without saying a word.In the New Pot Hall, he was the second person who vaguely sensed the agitation in Meng Tianchen's body, so he could naturally come to a conclusion that was almost the same as that of the Lord of the Pot Kingdom.

"At first I thought he would be a very strong opponent, but I didn't expect to be a generation with few days left."

"Mr. Qingyun, Feng Gongping stepped into Qingyun in the first battle, but if he falls, he will probably rise faster than him. Hehe, kill Dao, what a kill way!"

On the side of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, the graceful and dignified queen frowned slightly, and then stretched her eyebrows with a calm expression, as if she had never done this before.

Meng Tianchen sat down with a slightly gloomy expression, but he sneered endlessly in his heart.

Using the help of the second avatar to convey restlessness, coupled with his deliberate actions afterwards, unexpectedly received unexpected results.In this way, the Warlord of the Pot Kingdom should let go of his wariness and jealousy for the time being, which is naturally a good thing for him.

After all, Meng Tianchen still doesn't have the strength to contend with the Lord of the Pot Kingdom.

The descendants of the Tianhan family helped Ye Yungong, and the banquet continued, but everyone's eyes fell on Meng Tianchen unconsciously. At this moment, under the duke's crown, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his face was cold, which was even more so. It added a bit of awe-inspiring feeling to him.

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom only said that he had already noticed something wrong in his body, and the smile on his face became heavier, and he frequently toasted and drank together.

Meng Tianchen left the Xinhu Palace without talking to anyone, he led the guards and a group of Mongolian generals to leave in a hurry.

Leading the guard Haohao Tangtang back to the Duke's mansion, Meng Tianchen directly ordered to announce the retreat, no matter what happened, he would not be disturbed.

The personal guards took over the guarding of the mansion, and the duke's mansion was completely restricted, and for a while, a spiritual light shone into the sky!

royal palace.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom leans against the soft couch, and holds a jade cup in his hand that contains a body-warming spiritual liquid made by the court alchemist with many treasures. The light amber juice exudes a faint and rich fragrance, which is fresh and natural. Every sip , While tasting the delicious food, there will be a warm current rising from the abdomen, flowing along the meridians, and merging into the flesh and blood.

The effect of warming the body and spiritual liquid is to temper the body and comb the meridians. Just a sip of the soup can bring benefits equivalent to that of ordinary warriors who practice hard for a month. Drinking it for a long time can gradually improve the physical fitness and make the speed of cultivation continuously increase .

The master of the pot kingdom had a faint smile on his face, and his tone of voice was quite gentle.

(End of this chapter)

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