Chapter 855 The Magic Wheel
The queen sat across from her, she lost a little of the honor and dignity of the palace, and there was a little more tenderness in her brows and eyes, she spoke in a low voice, her voice was soft and gentle.

"The lord is in a good mood today, but is there a happy event?"

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom raised his head, glanced at the queen, and said with a smile: "With your intelligence, you will not be able to see what I like in your heart. If the Han family is calm today, and the country is stable, I can save a lot of money." You can focus on your own cultivation."

After the expansion of the territory, the hearts of the Tianhan family's territory gradually stabilized, and the power of luck was gradually born, which merged with the power of the pot kingdom, and the number of them nearly doubled compared to before.With the blessing of this kind of strong luck, the master of the pot kingdom, who is stuck in a bottleneck, will surely be able to break through.Today, the discovery of a hidden danger in Meng Tianchen's cultivation made the Lord of the Hu Kingdom feel more at ease, let go of his worries, and felt happy physically and mentally.

The queen nodded.

"Grand Qing Yun should cultivate the Dao of Killing. The ruler of the country really doesn't need to guard against him. It will be difficult for this person to protect himself in the future, and he will never become the person who shakes the foundation of the country."

Speaking of this, her eyes flickered slightly, and she spoke lightly.

"On the other hand, Gong Ronglei on the pot post seems to have improved his cultivation. I'm afraid he is not far away from becoming an eighth-rank emperor. I wonder if the king has any arrangements?"

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom's face was slightly gloomy, and he put the jade cup on the table, and after a while of silence, he opened his mouth slowly.

"The lonely king will not allow the appearance of a general in command of the king of the imperial realm in the country. If Rong Lei goes further, I will give him a reward and take back his military power. Let him be an idle prince and focus on cultivation in the future." Yu Luo , his eyes fell on the queen, observing the expression changes on her face.

"The lord thinks about Qingming. Only in this way can we keep Huzhu Shanggong as much as possible, so that the power of the kingdom will be stable, and there will be no accidents and turmoil." The queen seemed not to notice, frowned slightly, and nodded.

"I just hope that Lord Hu Zhu can take the initiative to hand over his military power when the time comes, and don't cause twists and turns. The king also needs to be more prepared, so that he can calmly deal with the unexpected situation."

The master of the pot kingdom relaxed slightly, his eyes moved away from the queen's face, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again.

"Queen, don't worry, if Rong Lei thinks about his friendship with this seat and the queen, he should not have two hearts. Military power is a matter of the country, I think he can figure it out."

The queen nodded slightly.

"Queen, the night is getting dark, I will stay at your place today, okay?" His eyes fell on the queen's delicate body wrapped in a fine dress, and the Lord of the Pot Kingdom felt a little more heat in his eyes.

"The lord is interested, and the ministers and concubines are naturally happy." The queen lowered her head slightly, a rosy face appeared on her pretty face, spreading to her neck, turning into a seductive rosy glow.

Since their big wedding, the two have been in close contact very few times. With the mood of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, the fire in his heart was aroused at this moment. He stretched out his hand to hold the queen's jade hand, and walked towards the bedroom deep in the curtain.

The queen lowered her head, followed behind as if shy, and moved lightly with lotus steps, but no one noticed that there was only disgust and coldness in those slightly lowered eyes at the moment.

The palace is on the pot post.

As the person with the highest status among the three Shanggongs in the Hu Kingdom, Marshal Rong Lei's mansion is naturally of a higher standard, and after the renovation, it becomes even more extraordinary.

In the study room, Marshal Rong Lei sat at the head, and the military adviser and several close relatives sat on the two sides.

"Although Lord Qingyun is at the level of a second-rank great emperor, his combat power is so strong that he can directly defeat Ye Yungong! This person will definitely become a great enemy in the future, and the commander needs to take precautions as soon as possible." The next first kiss general Shen Sheng Open your mouth, heavy on your face.

"That's exactly the case, Lord Qingyun has to guard against it."

Marshal Rong Lei shook his head slightly, with a slight sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Meng Tianchen practiced the Dao of Killing. Although his cultivation base has improved rapidly, he has already planted the root of disaster. The breath in his body is floating. I am afraid that he is not far away from being destroyed, so it is not a worry."

The generals were overjoyed when they heard the words.

The military commander sat quietly at the bottom, because he used to have good words for Meng Tianchen at the beginning, but now he is inevitably angered by the general. Although he never said it explicitly, he could feel the alienation clearly. When he secretly smiled wryly, he had no choice but to say something Keep silent.

But at this moment, he hesitated a little, and still opened his mouth.

"Marshal, Meng Tianchen digs his own grave, so it's not a big concern, but I would like to ask, how long will it take for the marshal to officially step into the eighth rank of the Great Emperor? Shuai continues to command the heavy troops."

"Although it's not an imminent matter, it's better for the commander-in-chief to make arrangements early."

After the words fell, the study room fell silent for an instant.

Marshal Rong Lei's face became extremely gloomy in an instant, his eyes fell on the military adviser, and he nodded slowly after a while.

"What the military adviser said is true. This commander is not far away from breaking through. If there are no accidents, we will definitely be able to pass through smoothly within 300 years."

"At that time, this commander will take the initiative to resign from the king, hand over all military power, and practice with peace of mind."

The military division bowed his hands.

"The commander-in-chief is wise. Since he has already made a decision in his heart, there is no need for his subordinates to remind him." He felt a little relieved, knowing that he had finally seized the opportunity. Through this opening, the commander-in-chief regained some trust in him. As long as you draw it slowly, you will be able to restore it to its original state.Keep your mouth shut for the moment, and you are very well-measured.

"Okay, I'm a bit sleepy today, you guys go down." Marshal Rong Lei waved his hands, the military adviser and others got up and saluted respectfully, then turned and retreated.

The study returned to silence. Marshal Rong Lei sat behind the desk, but he didn't intend to get up and leave. His brows were slightly frowned, as if he was waiting for some news.

After a while, a soldier asked for instructions and quickly entered the study, offered the jade piece with both hands, and left directly after saluting.

Marshal Rong Lei penetrated into the jade piece with a trace of his spiritual sense, which contained only one sentence.

The king will stay at the queen's place tonight.

The palm was clenched tightly, and the jade piece was instantly crushed and turned into fine powder.


The war subsided, and Hujing City, as the new capital of the Hu Kingdom, gradually became lively.

Countless caravans gathered and died with special treasures from their respective regions. They dumped a lot of money in the capital, and then purchased a batch of scarce and various cultivation treasures, and then they were satisfied and set off on their way home.

No one knew that Mao Mao, Meng Tianchen's most trusted, turned into a caravan guard, and now he has quietly left from the caravan.

A few days later, Mao Mao rode the light and whizzed away, directly entered an uninhabited mountain peak, opened up a simple stone mansion with a wave of his hand, and strode into it.

The spiritual light in the void flickered slightly, and Meng Tianchen's figure appeared directly.

"Aba." Maomao took out the body of the Valkyrie Stele on his body and offered it with both hands.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly.

"Maomao, you will wait for me here. If there are no accidents, I will definitely return within a month."


After a few breaths, a startling rainbow rose from here and went straight to the forbidden place of the gods and men.

A ray of light roared from the distant sky, and landed outside the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range. The light converged to reveal one of the green-robed warriors. This person was none other than Meng Tianchen.

Looking at the place shrouded in clouds and mist, he didn't pause for the slightest, he took a step forward, and the figure rushed directly into it.The chaotic and frightening white mist could not affect Meng Tianchen in the slightest. He walked calmly and whizzingly. From time to time, strange snakes with sharp teeth shot out from the thick moss on the ground, but before they got close to his body, they were suddenly surrounded by Meng Tianchen. The gushing force directly distorted and obliterated, leaving behind blue pebble-like poisonous pills that were taken away instantly.

All the way forward, straight to the depths of the mountains.

Slightly pondering, he put his hands behind his back and stepped up the mountain.

The mist filled the air, the line of sight was less than ten feet, the mountain was steep and treacherous, but Meng Tianchen could not stop for a moment, every step of his foot landed on the best foothold, with a light touch, his body shot out again like a sharp arrow.

At the high altitude of the clouds and mists, several big blue eagles circled and screamed. They sensed the breath of life that broke into their attack range, but they dared not land for a long time.It seemed that on this lonely peak, there was an aura that terrified them.

Thousands of miles of Xiongfeng, but it took a moment, and one footstep has already reached the top of the mountain.

The gust of wind howled, blowing the mist and billowing, making the green robe on his body fluttering, and his black hair fluttering in the wind.

Above the isolated peak, a rare void appeared in the perennial mist. Meng Tianchen narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes fell on a huge raised rock on the top of the peak in an instant. The tall and straight figure stood with his back on his back. People feel as unfathomable as the stars and the sea, and feel that they cannot see through.

If it weren't for the induction of the spiritual sense, even if the spiritual sense searched, it would not be able to detect the slightest bit.And the moment Meng Tianchen's eyes fell, the figure turned around slowly, and the two eyes directly met.

The smooth and fair face reveals a sharp and cool handsomeness; the dark and deep eyes are full of charming color; the thick eyebrows, high nose, and slightly thin lips form a perfect visual experience. No longer flaunting nobility and elegance.

But his expression is so calm and steady, it seems that the sky is collapsing and the world is being destroyed, and his flat brows cannot be wrinkled a bit.

This is an unbelievably handsome, almost perfect man.

Meng Tianchen was stunned. Although he had already made sufficient preparations in his heart, he never thought that his second avatar would be born so perfect, and there was no similarity between him and him.But the sense of consciousness can't go wrong, and the perfect man in front of him is the purpose of his visit.

"You are my third clone." Meng Tianchen's state of mind has been tempered many times, and it has become as calm as a rock, and some ripples were quickly smoothed away, and he spoke calmly.

The perfect man nodded.

"If this way of understanding can make it easier for you to accept, then yes, I am your second body. But if you can, I hope you can call me the magic wheel."

Meng Tianchen frowned slightly, as if he had heard this word somewhere before.

After the second avatar was born, it seemed to be very different from the real body of the devil's fetus. Although there was an extremely intimate induction between the spiritual consciousness, it was impossible to detect any of his thoughts.

Moreover, he actually has his own name!
It seems that the second avatar really has an extremely mysterious origin.

After pondering for a while, he opened his mouth slowly.

"Malun, can you tell me your origin?"

(End of this chapter)

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