Chapter 856

Molun simply shook his head.

"I know you have a lot of puzzles you want to know, but I'm sorry that my memory has been sealed a lot due to the heavy loss of power. The root cause of wanting to unseal more memories is not me, but you."

"In the current state, my strength needs to be continuously restored with the improvement of your cultivation base, and then the memory will be unsealed."

Meng Tianchen nodded, but felt a little helpless in his heart. He thought that after the second avatar came out, he could get some secrets that were hard to find from him, and even find some clues about Roupan's background, but now it seems that the idea is to Frustrated.

But fortunately, it is no longer groping without direction. The magic wheel obviously knows a lot of things, but because the power is not enough to unseal the memory, it can't tell him too much.With the improvement of his cultivation in the future, the secrets he wants to know will naturally be revealed to him bit by bit.

Thinking of this, Meng Tianchen slowly dissipated a little unwillingly.

"If you are really curious, you can ask him directly." Molun said lightly.

"Who is he?"

The magic wheel's eyes flickered slightly.

"I will recognize your status because of his existence. But judging from your reaction, I am afraid that you have not yet obtained the qualifications for his recognition. Even if you ask, he will not answer."

"I'm not recovering my memory, but I know this naturally, there is no reason. But to be honest, I am very surprised why he is willing to stay by your side instead of leaving."

The man in the mouth of the magic wheel is a roulette?

Meng Tianchen's heart was shocked, from the words of the magic wheel, he had already verified what he had guessed in his heart, he and the wheel really had a very deep relationship!
It's just that the magic wheel spoke, it was really a mess of calmness, directness and coldness, no matter how you look at it, it was not the relationship between the avatar and the master, and he was not polite to Meng Tianchen.As expected of a guy who has something to do with roulette, he is really proud!This thought flashed in Meng Tianchen's mind, and he slowly suppressed it, without affecting his own state of mind in the slightest.

After a short moment of silence, Meng Tianchen raised his head and his eyes fell on Molun.

"Although I am still a little confused now, there is one thing that should be correct. From now on, your fate has been closely linked with mine."

"Then tell me, Magic Wheel, as my second clone, what can you do to help me?"

Such a mysterious magic wheel must have its strength.

"My current strength is very weak, and at most I can only compare to a great warrior. If you want me to help you deal with powerful enemies, at least this will not be possible for a long time." Mo Lun's eyes narrowed slightly , but soon regained his composure, and spoke lightly, without feeling guilty at all.

Meng Tianchen frowned, but his heart was still calm.Although the roulette is mysterious, it will never do some inexplicable things. Since it guided Meng Tianchen to find the magic wheel, it must have his reasons, and it will not be boring just to add a burden to him.

"Although I am not strong now, I still have the strength to protect myself. Since you can't help me in terms of personal combat power, you should have your abilities in other areas."

Molun nodded slightly, his face was still calm, and he spoke lightly.

"My strength has never been used in individual battles, but to help you coordinate the overall situation, and can make rational use of all the resources around you, and let you grow up quickly in the shortest possible time."

"To take charge of the monument of power needs to deal with the trivial matters of the entire space. Although it can accumulate resources and absorb the power of luck, if you are entangled with vulgar things, it will also have a great impact on your cultivation. If you have a monument of power in the future, you can hand over the entire power to Let me take care of it, there is no need to delay your own cultivation, and it will be better than your own control. All the power of luck can be integrated into your body through me. In addition, I can teach you to practice, although now Most of the memory is sealed, but because of it, the part of the memory related to cultivation retains a lot of content, which can save you a lot of detours."

The voice of the magic wheel is always calm, direct, clean and neat, but reveals absolute confidence.

It seems that what he said can definitely be done.

Meng Tianchen's eyes brightened slightly, if the magic wheel really has the ability as he said, it will indeed be much stronger than what it can play in an individual fight.

"In the future, I will definitely establish a powerful force, so naturally you will have the opportunity to try it. But can you really teach me how to practice?"

Although the magic wheel is extremely confident, trust needs to be established bit by bit through the test of time, not just a few words can be obtained.

"I understand the distrust in your heart, but you are right in one thing. My fate has been linked to you in the future. If you fall, although I will not die, I will definitely lose my strength. Therefore, you Don't worry, I won't do anything I'm not sure about, let alone harm you." Molun said lightly, and stepped closer.

"I think, I can feel the power in your body first, and maybe you can build initial trust in me."

While speaking, he stepped down a few steps, and a figure appeared beside Meng Tianchen, with a calm expression, he stretched out his hand to hold Meng Tianchen's wrist.

Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't dodge.Although he feels some differences in the magic wheel, but trust often needs to take the first step.

After a while, Molun suddenly opened his eyes, took a step back, and his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, revealing a kind of solemn emotion.This is the first time Molun has had an obvious emotional change since talking with Meng Tianchen. Although he has quickly returned to calm, it is enough to prove the shock of his mind at the moment.

"Perhaps, I already have a little understanding of why he chose to stay with you."

Speaking of this, the magic wheel paused slightly, and continued to speak.

"What you are appearing in front of me now should be your main body. Although the power of your purple mansion resembles the original power of chaos and has even begun to merge, it is not the essence, but the magic source power that I am very familiar with!"


Meng Tianchen who screamed was dumbfounded!
He always felt the strangeness of the two strands of the original power of chaos in the Purple Mansion. It turned out that it was not the original power of chaos in essence, but the magic source power he had heard for the first time.

What is magic power?

It is actually able to assimilate the original power of chaos, which is exactly like the original power of chaos, and it also hides the extremely mysterious existence of the roulette.

You must know that once any creature in the Chaos Realm is promoted to the Emperor Realm, the most fundamental power derived from the Purple Mansion in its body is the original power of Chaos.

It is also the most original force in the Chaos Realm.

Why isn't there the real original power of chaos in his Purple Mansion?
Meng Tianchen, who was a little bit confused, clearly remembered that when he was promoted to the Emperor Realm, although he also communicated with the source of chaos and grabbed a ray of power from the source of chaos.He succeeded in transforming Wu Dan into a purple mansion, but the most mysterious black space that has been hidden in him for a long time did burst out a frightening force.

It was this force that entered the Purple Mansion and merged into that wisp of the original power of chaos, which caused the original power of chaos to change so that it could evolve into a roulette.

It never occurred to him that when he was promoted to the Emperor Realm, it was Laoshizi's magic source power that sprang out of the dark space.

So far, he has not suffered the backlash of the origin of chaos, which is simply inconceivable.

Is the power of the magic source comparable to the power of the original chaos, or is it a terrifying power that surpasses the original chaos?
Do not!
how can that be possible!
In the boundless world of chaos, any creature, even a transcendent existence such as the ancestors of the various races in the ten-party world, cannot violate the rules of the entire world of chaos.

For a moment, Meng Tianchen's complexion changed dramatically, and his heart was ups and downs.

Sensing the change in Meng Tianchen's face, Molun shook his head slightly.

"How terrible is this secret for others! But I believe you will understand in the future. What I have sensed is only your memory related to cultivation, and other content cannot be explored. You can rest assured about this."

Meng Tianchen's heart trembled, and his pupils shrank slightly.He didn't know how the magic wheel existed, and he didn't even sense any breath fluctuations from him, but he had already ascertained all the power in his body.

Perhaps, the magic wheel is not just as simple as the second clone.

At this moment, Meng Tianchen is almost certain that the magic wheel, including the original power of chaos hidden in his Purple Mansion, no, it should be the roulette hidden in the magic source power of the Purple Mansion, is definitely an extremely terrifying existence.

Moreover, it should not be something from the Chaos Realm.

It is very likely that it is an extremely terrifying existence in another world.

Suddenly, Meng Tianchen had an inexplicable idea.

Could it be that the real identity of the alcoholic father is not a being from the Chaos Realm?However, why did the alcoholic father inherit the Qinglong bloodline from him!

What is the power of the black blood in the body that resembles the blood of the dragon?
It took a while before Meng Tianchen calmed down a little.

Mo Lun stepped forward, his eyes flickering, apparently looking for what he needed from Meng Tianchen's memory.

"Summon all the powers I mentioned, and only by careful sensing can we make a judgment."

Meng Tianchen nodded numbly, the spiritual light flickered outside his body, and the real body of the devil fetus appeared on the top of the mountain at the same time.

But at this moment, with a wave of his sleeve, the black blade, that is, the supernatural power of shadow killing, was directly summoned, and his body shrank to a size of more than ten feet, exuding a strong and terrifying murderous aura!
"The cultivation of the main body is already on the right track, as long as you keep practicing and don't go astray. The origin of chaos, the greatness of the center, the power of the magic source, the fusion of all forces, and the complete fusion will be considered a great success."

"The real body of the devil's body cultivates the Konglong Zuzhu of the Dragon Clan. Since it is the technique he gave, it is naturally correct. It can temper the body and stimulate the hidden power in the blood. But the attack power has not been discovered at all. To In a few days, I can sort out a set of supernatural powers suitable for the battle of the magic tire real body, so that his cultivation can be on the right track."

"The black blade, the supernatural power of killing that combines the power of death, is stained with a trace of magic power, which is very good! Unfortunately, the power to devour the remnant soul of the strong is too little. To complete the drastic change, you need to kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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