Chapter 857
Meng Tianchen rolled his eyes straight, before he was promoted to Emperor Realm, the remnants of the enemies he killed were basically swallowed by blood shadows.

But after he was promoted to Emperor Realm, all the remnants of his opponents were inexplicably dragged into the Purple Mansion and swallowed by the roulette, which was completely out of his control.

Molun spoke in a low voice, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

How long has it been since I fell asleep so far, and haven't experienced this feeling of guiding and cultivating?What's more, this kind of person who is very likely to be certified as a god is still his nominal master.


Seeing a hint of suspicion on Meng Tianchen's face, Molun took his time and returned to his previous expressionless, calm and composed look.

"I think by now, you should have a preliminary recognition of my ability."

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly, and had to admit that although Molun said very little, it seemed to make sense.It's just that the expression on his face just now didn't have the slightest resemblance to his expression at the moment. Could it be that he had slept for too long and his consciousness was a little confused.

His so-called secret is completely unobstructed in front of the magic wheel.

Now he has realized that the magic wheel is not so much his second clone, but rather a guy with a mysterious origin who is still entangled with his fate.

"Time will prove everything, and you will naturally be able to verify it in the future." Molun said lightly.

"it is good."

"So can we leave here now? Although the place is very quiet and the scenery is good, I want to see the outside world more."

"This sentence is very inconsistent with your calm and steady demeanor now."

"You'll get used to it later on."

Meng Tianchen shook his head slightly, his thoughts moved slightly, and the real body of the devil's embryo directly merged into his body and disappeared.

Before he could ask, the magic wheel took a step forward, and the figure directly merged into his body, turning into a ball of golden light and appearing in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"I will restrain my breath so that no one will notice."

After saying that, there was no more sound.

The mist that dissipated from the peak diffused again after the magic wheel left.

Meng Tianchen paused for a moment, frowned and thought for a moment, before taking a step forward, his figure turned into a startled rainbow and disappeared into the thick fog.


Honorary governor's mansion.

"Miss, in one month it will be the governor's 10-year birthday. It is said that the governor's mansion in Xinhujing has been completed, and I am afraid that he will move soon to celebrate the governor's birthday in the new capital. Even if you don't want to At that time, I will follow the relatives of the governor's mansion to celebrate the governor's birthday." After Rong Mo's death, the woman became the girl's only close and reliable person, her violent temper subconsciously restrained a lot, and she comforted her in a low voice.

The girl became thinner and thinner, showing a pointed chin, her pretty face was pale, and she leaned against the head of the bed with her hands folded on her knees, a smile barely appeared on her face when she heard this.

"Don't worry, Auntie Nian. I will do what I should do. I won't give anyone another chance to embarrass us. Don't worry."

"Hey, that's good." Looking at the girl's smile, Aunt Nian suddenly felt sore in her heart.

"Miss, I occasionally heard the servant who cleaned the governor's mansion mention that our Hu Kingdom defeated the Tianhan family, and now it has annexed the entire Tianhan family territory."

The girl raised her head, her eyes showed a bit of surprise, she didn't understand why the woman mentioned this matter.

"Some time ago, the lord canonized the generals who made great achievements in the battlefield. It is said that one of them is named Meng Tianchen. Because of his outstanding achievements, he has been canonized by the lord as Lord Qingyun." After the woman finished speaking, she saw the girl's eyes widen suddenly. Eyes, hurriedly continued to speak.

"I just heard some rumors, so I'm not sure. Besides, how high is Lord Qingyun, he is an adult whose status is far above Lord Rong, how could it be him."

The girl was stunned for a while, and then nodded slowly after a while, as if she agreed with what the woman said.After all, in the big world, strong people come forth in large numbers. To be canonized as a public, one needs not only meritorious deeds, but also enough cultivation to convince the public.Although he is extremely strong, but according to Uncle Mo's words before his death, he is just entering the emperor's realm for the first time, how can he have the cultivation level of being a duke in a short period of time, this person is naturally not him.

The girl touched the dark jade in her bosom, felt its warmth, and felt a little sad on her face.

Uncle Mo died, and the governor's mansion was in trouble everywhere, and her illness became more and more serious. I don't know how long I can hold on, but before I die, I really want to see him again.

"Aunt Nian, I'm a little tired and want to sleep for a while."

Waiting for the girl to lie down, the woman carefully backed out.

Hearing the sound of the door closing behind her, the girl curled up, closed her eyes, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and a teardrop flowed from the corner of her eye, slowly falling down.

In her arms, she still holds the only piece of Mingyu that can make her feel warm.


Maomao was originally Meng Tianchen's confidant, his whereabouts were secretive and erratic, his departure and return did not attract anyone's attention.

On the second day, Meng Tianchen left the customs.

"My lord, these are invitations sent by various families after you have retreated for a period of time. Please check if there is anything you need to pay attention to." Xianzi put the thick stack of invitations in his hand on the desk, and stood respectfully on one side.

Since his ascension to the Linglong World, in just a few years, Meng Tianchen has risen in the army, his cultivation has skyrocketed, and now he is even more expensive as the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, and his subordinates control the territory of the Twelve Cities. These achievements far exceed his expected.With the widening gap in cultivation and Meng Tianchen's rise in status, Xianzi naturally became more respectful in his words and deeds.

Meng Tianchen was leaning behind the desk, wearing a simple green robe, but regardless of the material and workmanship, it was the best choice, and even possessed not weak defensive strength, his eyes fell on the invitation card and he frowned slightly.

Meng Tianchen had indeed offended many dignitaries in the Hu Kingdom, but among them there were some people who had no enmity with him. Now that Meng Tianchen has a high status as a duke, and he has no foundation in the Hu Kingdom, it is time for him to fully develop his wings.Naturally, many forces within the Hu Kingdom began to test and get closer, in order to be able to board the big ship of Lord Qingyun.

Although I don't want to be contaminated with these things, if I shirk them all, it will make people feel proud and difficult to get close to, which is not conducive to cultivating one's own power in the pot kingdom.

"You must have read and screened these invitations, and tell me which ones need attention, and reject the others." Accepting the invitation shows Qingyun's attitude of recruiting talents, but it does not require every invitation. You must agree to the invitation, otherwise you will lose your status if you waste your time.

"The first three invitations were sent by the subordinates who thought they needed attention. They were sent by Duke Changling, Governor Rong, and Duke Jianlu. The subordinates have already done a detailed investigation. However, Duke Changling and Duke Jianlu are the successors to the title of Duke, and although they enjoy the title of Duke, they do not have the right to be Duke, and each has only one city as a fief."

"Rongdu Lord is a warrior who ascended from the lower realms. He was cultivated because he married the daughter of Duke Daming. It is a fiefdom. These three people are the representatives of these invitations. Your Excellency does not want to waste time, and only accepts three invitations." Xianzi opened his mouth and briefly explained the news he had received.

Lord Honor?
Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered slightly, and the figure of a weak woman appeared in his memory. At the beginning, he gave her a piece of dark jade. I remember listening to Rong Mo's words. It seemed that the one they were going to defect to was Governor Rong. How is it now?

It wasn't that he had other thoughts, but that girl really gave him a very special feeling.

Reaching out to pick up the invitation card, Meng Tianchen nodded slightly as his eyes swept over.

"Master Rong's [-]th birthday will be the day after tomorrow, so let's go to Lord Rong's invitation first, Lord Changling's and Lord Jianlu's invitations, you just need to arrange the time."

Xianzi respectfully said yes, put away all the invitations, and stepped back after saluting.

As for the preparation of congratulatory gifts, the Lord of the Pot Kingdom bestowed many treasures, just pick one at random, naturally there is no need to bother Tianchen.

Two days later, in Hujing City, Governor Rong's birthday.

Although he is a titular Governor, but after all, he is quite a dignified person in the pot kingdom, and with the faces of Governor Rong and Duke Daming, the guests who receive the invitation will naturally not refuse, even if they cannot arrive in person, They will also send their nephews and nephews with gifts.Because of such a trivial matter, naturally no one wants to cause unnecessary trouble.

In front of the newly built Rongdu Lord's Mansion, the eldest son of the Governor's Mansion greeted the guests on behalf of his father. The visitors naturally clasped their fists and said congratulations.

There was a lot of traffic, there were a lot of guests, all kinds of congratulatory gifts lined up the long street, and the master of ceremonies kept talking, announcing the congratulations to the guests, so it was very lively.

In the main hall, Governor Rong had already taken his seat at the main seat, chatting and laughing with everyone in the hall, the atmosphere was quite harmonious.But inadvertently, there was a bit of regret in his eyes.

Back then, he was seized by Marshal Rong Lei and expelled from the army in a rage. Even Wuyi Shanggong was unwilling to turn against Marshal Rong Lei and take him in, so that he could only have empty ambitions, but he could no longer go to the battlefield. It is a great regret to be an idle governor.

It wasn't until the war between the Hu Kingdom and the Tianhan family, and the rapid rise of Lord Qingyun, that he once again saw the possibility of leading the army.As long as he can get Qing Yungong's approval and help, with his cultivation and status, he will definitely get what he wants.

This birthday was originally the best opportunity to get close to him, and he sent people to send invitations early, but Lord Qingyun announced his retreat after the feast of the king, so far no news has come.I'm afraid this opportunity will be missed, if you want to get close, you can only look for another opportunity in the future.

With a secret sigh, he managed to pull himself together and greeted all the guests.

Meng Tianchen went out with a small number of relatives. With his cultivation base that he had just been promoted to a third-rank emperor, unless a super strong man in the middle emperor realm, or even a superpower in the upper emperor realm took action, he would not have to worry about protecting himself. , Wherever you go, you have to follow 30 guards.

Although in Hujing City, there is a decree that warriors are not allowed to perform Escape Light Flight, but the position of Shanggong is obviously a privileged class, and he is not within the restricted range.

(End of this chapter)

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