Chapter 858
After the escape light fell, his own soldiers took the invitation and went forward to pass it on.

The master of ceremonies took the invitation card and glanced at it, and couldn't help trembling violently in his heart, how could he dare to delay even a little bit, so he raised his head and drank.

"Mr. Qingyun congratulates Governor on his [-]th birthday!"

The sound is much louder than before.

Countless gazes gathered in an instant. Although Meng Tianchen's appearance was not known to ordinary warriors, seven or eight out of ten people who came to celebrate his birthday today recognized him. At this moment, they all saluted and said they had seen Lord Qingyun.

The eldest son of Governor Rong showed surprise in an instant, and hurriedly sent his servants in to make an announcement, but the servants had already rushed up to greet him.

"Mr. Qingyun is able to come to my father's birthday. My honorable governor's mansion will be full of splendor, please!" While speaking, he personally led the way.

Ranked among the three Shanggongs, he is the highest peak in the Hu Kingdom except for the Lord of the Hu Kingdom. He has a large number of fiefdoms under his command, and he has an army of hundreds of millions in his hands.

Today is Lord Honor's [-]th birthday, you can invite Lord Qing Yun, this is a great face!

Meng Tianchen is only wearing a blue robe today, but the various textures and embroidery patterns are all exquisite and noble, showing his noble status.Hearing the words, he nodded slightly, and under many awe-inspiring gazes, he took the strings and followed behind towards the governor's mansion.As for the troops under his command, there were naturally people from the governor's mansion leading him to the side hall to greet him.

Before he had walked a few steps, he saw a red-faced middle-aged warrior walking quickly with a large number of guests, and he opened his hands and spoke from a distance.

"Duke Qingyun is here, and he is far away to welcome you, so please don't blame him!"

Behind him, all the guests naturally saluted.

Meng Tianchen smiled softly, and returned the salute with his hand.

"Master Rong, you are polite. I retreated a few days ago. After I left the customs, it coincided with the birthday of the governor. How can I not come?" These words are intimate, and they have already given the honor of Lord Rong. Faintly revealed another signal.

How could Lord Rong not understand the meaning, he just felt relieved in his heart, the smile on his face was a little bit heavier, and he turned sideways to make a false pretense.

"Mr. Qingyun! Please come inside!" There was already a hint of respect in his expression.

Meng Tianchen smiled and nodded, but he did not refuse, and entered the hall surrounded by everyone.

As Meng Tianchen, he naturally took the first seat on the left, dealing with all the warriors who came to pay their respects, with a faint smile on his face all the time, with a graceful demeanor, but no sense of domineering, but the majesty of the Lord, as before. Awe-inspiring.

"Supervisor, the Royal Angel of the Master Family has arrived!"

Governor Rong's face was filled with joy. Although the Shi family's royal angel had no real power in the Pot Kingdom, it still represented the face of the Shi family's royal family. It was a great honor to be able to attend his birthday.

"All distinguished guests, stay here, Rong will go to greet the angel."

Lord Rong came out to welcome him, which was a respect for his status as an angel, but he didn't need to bring many guests with him as he did when he greeted Meng Tianchen.

For a moment, Governor Rong entered the hall while chatting and laughing with one person, it was Shi Yue.The person's eyes swept across the hall, and fell directly on Meng Tianchen, and nodded with a smile.

Originally, he didn't want to attend Lord Honored Lord's birthday banquet today, so he just sent someone to give him a gift.But when he heard that Lord Qingyun had arrived, he pondered for a while and brought a few followers to come.

Meng Tianchen bowed his hands, he was still a little grateful to this old man who helped him tide over the difficulties.

"Angel, please take your seat."

Lord Rong bowed his hands to the chief on the right. Shi Yue had a special status, so naturally he couldn't be rude.

Shi Yue nodded with a smile, and turned around to take a seat with an attendant behind him. Naturally, guests from all walks of life came forward to greet each other.

By noon, the guests had arrived. Although some guests continued to come, most of them were small families or solo warriors who came to curry favor without invitation. Although they would also be invited to the governor's mansion for dinner, they did not enter Qualifications for the main hall.

"All honored guests are able to come to this old man's [-]th birthday. Rong is very grateful, and please drink this cup together!" Governor Rong stood up, raised his head and drank the fine wine in the jade bottle.

The guests in the hall should drink one after another.

After drinking a cup, the banquet officially began. The beautiful servants and servants presented all kinds of delicacies on jade plates like flowing water, and the singing and dancing performances had already begun.

The atmosphere of the birthday banquet became more and more lively. The guests kept getting up to congratulate Lord Rong on his birthday.

Shi Yue was full of smiles, and when he was toasting to everyone, he ordered him to present a rare treasure.

Meng Tianchen, as the most honored person in the palace, naturally had various warriors toasting one after another, he smiled and nodded, and he would not refuse anyone who came, but he gave Lord Rong enough face.

Xianzi held the gold-plated jug and filled the jade bottle, Meng Tianchen stood up and toasted Lord Rong.

"Today is the governor's birthday. I specially ordered someone to find a soul tree among the rewards from the king. You can calm your mind and drive away the demons. I will send it to the governor as a birthday gift. I wish the governor Heshan the same life as the sun. Lift."

Xianzi stepped forward, with a flash of inspiration in his hand, he directly took out the soul mountain.

This gift is naturally extremely precious, and it also represents the importance Meng Tianchen attaches to Governor Rong.

Governor Rong was overjoyed immediately, sensing the shocked and envious eyes of the guests in the hall, he couldn't help but feel a little complacent, he hurriedly got up and had a drink with Meng Tianchen, and thanked him repeatedly, making people take this soul Shan carefully.

"Supervisor, Madam brought your son, miss, and young masters and misses here to pay respects to your birthday." The head steward was wearing a brand new robe, and bowed respectfully to His Highness with a smile on his face.

Governor Rong nodded with a smile, his eyes swept over the guests on the left and right.

"Some of Rong's children, if they don't come into your eyes, please bear with me."

Everyone naturally smiled and spoke, even Daorong Duzhu was too modest.

In the Great World of the Ten Directions, family bloodlines are extremely valued, and those with high positions and powers will marry wantonly in order to spread their branches, multiply their offspring, and seek more outstanding offspring, so that they can maintain their family status and even rise to the next level.

Only the most outstanding juniors can be vigorously cultivated by the family and will be in charge of family affairs in the future.The governor has been knighted for many years, so there are naturally many heirs behind him, but those who are eligible to enter the palace to worship the birthday are only the blood of sons and grandchildren, and they are not eligible any further.But even so, there were more than a hundred warriors pouring into the hall at this moment, and under the leadership of his wife, they saluted Governor Rong to celebrate his birthday.

Lord Honor waved his hand.

"Get up, everyone, today's birthday, you can come to congratulate me, I am very comforted in my heart."

Speaking of this, his eyes swept over the left and right guests.

"The distinguished guests from all parties pay their respects, and I will give you a toast to thank you."


Madame leads everyone to be respectful.

Thanks to the distinguished guests by the younger generations in the family is not only an expression of respect for the guests, but also the hope that through this method, the younger generations in the family will get to know more people, which is conducive to future development.

A slightly weak girl stood at the end of the crowd. Although she was dressed up a little, she still couldn't hide her weakness. Her pretty face was slightly pale, and she lowered her head slightly. She was so quiet that people hardly noticed her.

Being in the last seat shows that she has a very low status in the governor's mansion, and she is only eligible to enter the hall to pay her birthday due to her blood. It is estimated that she should be born of an unfavorable concubine of Lord Rong, so she is naturally not taken seriously.

"The left chief, Lord Qingyun, is the governor's most honored guest today, so you should toast to Lord Qingyun first."

The governor's voice came, and at the end the girl's heart moved. Although she knew that Lord Qingyun would definitely not be him, she still had some expectations in her heart. After all, this was a person with the same name and surname as him. Looking up, he finally saw the man behind the desk clearly.

Black hair, black eyes, calm and peaceful demeanor, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's him!

It was really him!
This figure had appeared in her dreams countless times!

The girl suddenly felt tense in her heart, a feeling that she couldn't find what she was looking for, but when she looked back suddenly, the feeling that he was close to her side suddenly hit her heart, causing the girl to feel a momentary sluggish and delicate body tense, but then a feeling of pain arose in her heart. Countless grievances.

Although there is only a relationship between two people, in the girl's heart, he has become the only person she feels close to in the Linglong world except Aunt Nian.

Meng Tianchen had already spotted the young girl's figure, and she was much thinner than before.At this moment, the eyes of the two met, and Meng Tianchen nodded slightly to her.

The girl suddenly lowered her head, feeling the gentleness in his eyes, her eyes were sour.The only thought in her mind at this moment is that he still remembers her!
It turns out that in the Linglong world, in this cold Governor's Mansion, besides Aunt Nian, there are still people who miss her.It's just a weak body, it's already barely enough for her to maintain her usual actions, how can she bear the ups and downs of her mood, dizziness and weakness come in an instant, making her unable to resist.

The jade wine bottle between the slender fingers fell to the ground, and the amber wine spilled.

The sound of the cup falling was clear and piercing in the hall.

Countless gazes gathered in an instant, and fell on the thin and petite figure. She lowered her head tightly, her face already pale.

Dropping a glass at a birthday banquet, especially when toasting distinguished guests, is a great disrespect, and can even be considered disrespectful to Lord Rong and disrespectful to distinguished guests.

Governor Rong's expression changed instantly, he hurriedly stood up, and cupped his fists respectfully at Meng Tianchen.

"Forgive me, Lord Qingyun. My grandson came from the middle world. I have always been weak, and I have never seen such a scene. I lost my composure for a while, and I have absolutely no disrespect for Lord Qingyun!"

This matter can be big or small, if it really arouses Lord Qingyun's dissatisfaction, the matter will be really troublesome.But looking at the girl's helpless figure, the governor couldn't blame her, and only hoped to keep her from punishment.

"Forgive me, Lord Qingyun. This girl has always been ignorant of etiquette. She was not qualified to go to the palace today. She only gave her this opportunity because she thought that her body was the blood of the governor after all. I didn't want to offend Lord Qingyun. I will definitely die later. Punish her well, and please Qingyun Lord not to get angry." The madam bowed her head, her pretty face showing anxiety.

She naturally knew how important Qingyun Gong's attitude was to Lord Rong, and whether the Lord Rong's mansion could rise again, all hopes were pinned on him.If Duke Qingyun is offended because of this, this little girl will never be forgiven for her crime!

(End of this chapter)

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