Chapter 859 Rong Zhi
After the eldest lady was shocked, joy suddenly surged in her heart.Since she was reprimanded by the governor last time, this little bitch has been taken care of by the housekeeper himself, even if she wanted to teach her a lesson, she would not have the opportunity.Today, this little slut committed suicide and dared to cause such trouble at the birthday banquet. How could she miss such an opportunity.

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and pull this girl down and lock her into the torture chamber!"

The girl's body trembled. Although she seldom went out, one of Rong's guards was framed for having an affair with a slave in the governor's mansion. After being sent to the execution room, she committed suicide because she couldn't bear the torture.

What kind of purgatory it is, she knows very well.

Lord Rong clenched his hands in the sleeves of his robe, but he could only suppress the impulse in his heart without saying a word.No matter what, even if he wanted to forgive the big mistake today, in order to obtain Qing Yungong's forgiveness, he must be severely punished.

Although he can't bear it, he won't affect the overall situation because of small losses.

The second steward rushed into the palace with the guards of the Governor's Mansion, bowed to Governor Rong, and waved his hands with a sneer. The two guards strode forward blankly, and stretched out their hands to grab the girl, quite violently.

Meng Tianchen frowned slightly, and spoke lightly.


Although the two guards heard it, they didn't stop their movements. Instead, they moved a little faster and struck extremely hard. If they really grabbed it, they might directly cause serious injuries to this weak girl.

But at the next moment, before the two of them could even touch the girl, they were sent flying by a huge force, their bodies flew upside down, and fell directly outside the hall.

The second housekeeper's face turned red instantly, and he screamed.

"Where did the person come from, dare to act wildly in our governor's mansion, come here, take him down for me!"

Xianzi sneered, stopped in front of the girl, and never looked at the stern second housekeeper at all.

Meng Tianchen got up slowly, his gaze passed over the crowd and landed on the second housekeeper.

"It's my man, go and try him."

The second butler's face turned pale, and he knelt down on the ground, his body trembling violently.He didn't see who spoke clearly at all, otherwise the two guards wouldn't have ignored it, and they were going to take down the girl blindly.

Madam's expression changed. The second housekeeper was brought by her, and she has always been loyal. Some matters that are not convenient for her to come forward are left to him to take care of. Now, of course, he can't watch what happens to him.

"Mr. Qingyun, don't get angry. This person is the second steward of my governor's mansion. He has always been cautious. I am afraid that this girl has offended Lord Qingyun and lost her sense of proportion. She absolutely does not mean to offend. I ask Lord Qingyun to forgive me." .”

Xianzi bent down to salute.

"My lord, this subordinate really has gained knowledge. The servants of Lord Rongdu's mansion dared to be cruel to the master. If the subordinates hadn't stopped me just now, I'm afraid this young lady would have been seriously injured on the spot at least." Sneer meaning.

Madam's heart sank instantly, and the second butler's complexion was even more ashen, and a dense layer of sweat instantly appeared on his head.

Meng Tianchen was noncommittal, but the expressions of all the guests in the hall changed, and their eyes suddenly became a little weird.This kind of servant dared to do harm to the master, it must be supported by someone behind the scenes, otherwise, where would they have the courage.

Lord Rong's complexion suddenly darkened, and he shouted angrily.

"Pull off these two things on Wuzun, and kill them directly!"

"Second steward! Second steward! Our brother dares to deal with the young lady only after you ordered him to do so. You can't let her die!"

"My lord, have mercy! Have mercy!"

The guard's voice came from outside the hall, but was quickly interrupted and completely disappeared.

But the atmosphere of the birthday banquet became even weirder instead. Governor Rong's eyes fell on his wife, he was silent for a while, and spoke slowly.

"The second steward is no longer fit to stay in the governor's mansion, chief steward, you send him away personally, and send him back to Dongming Duke's mansion."

"Yes, Governor." The chief steward waved his hand, and immediately another guard rushed into the hall, pulling out the second steward who was already limp on the ground.

Madam's face turned slightly pale, she lowered her head tightly and said nothing, the look of Governor Rong just now made her feel chilly.

The eldest lady is very favored in the governor's mansion, and she has a very high vision. She doesn't look down on the young masters of each family at all, and she just waits to find a husband who can match her.At today's birthday banquet, seeing Mr. Qingyun's dignified appearance, his majesty made her heartbroken, and her heart was already swaying.As for the severe punishment of the second housekeeper, she didn't take it seriously at all. It was because he was so stupid that he dared to go against Qing Yungong's wishes.

"Mr. Qingyun doesn't want my governor's mansion to take action. He must want to teach this girl with his own hands. Although she is a member of my governor's mansion, she has a low status. She is just a girl from a middle school. No matter how Lord Qingyun handles it, I will be honored." The governor's mansion has no objection."

The eldest lady spoke softly, and seeing the man in front of her turn her eyes, her heart beat faster intuitively, her pretty face was stained with a thin layer of blush, she looked shy as a beauty, but her heart was vicious.

A trace of coldness flashed across Meng Tianchen's eyes, he looked at the woman expressionlessly, and spoke lightly.

"I don't know who you are?"

"The little girl is the eldest daughter of Governor Rong, Rong Tao." The eldest lady never heard the coldness in these words, she only thought that the man in front of her had some kind of affection for her, and her heart was beating so fast that she felt that she was about to leave. It jumped out of the mouth.Once she becomes a woman of Duke Qingyun, her status is extremely respected, and she is much stronger than Miss Governor's Mansion.

"It turns out to be the eldest lady, but you may not know it. I also ascended from the small world. If you know it well, Lord Rong is also an ascension warrior in the middle world. Could it be that in the eyes of the eldest lady, we are the ones who ascended?" Is your status low?" Although Meng Tianchen's voice was calm, the coldness in it was so clear.

Rong Tao's pretty face suddenly turned pale, and the ripples in her heart were scattered before they could fully spread.

The madam felt bitter again. Although she doted on her daughter, she couldn't help cursing an idiot in her heart at this moment, and began to doubt whether it was right or wrong for her to dote on her so much all these years.

Shaking his head slightly, Meng Tianchen ignored this obviously spoiled young lady, and spoke slowly after taking his seat.

"Xianzi, bring her here."

Xianzi responded respectfully, turned around to look at the weak girl, and bent slightly.

"Miss, my lord is here to invite you." While speaking, his expression was gentle, and even faintly respectful.

This scene fell into the eyes of the surrounding people, and made their hearts jump. This Xianzi was able to follow Lord Qingyun to the banquet, obviously he was a very close and capable subordinate, and he was not stingy with them, but he was completely unknown to the governor's mansion. The concubine's young lady is so polite, obviously there are a lot of intriguing information in it.

Could it be that Lord Qingyun has taken a fancy to this woman?
Governor Rong was also slightly taken aback, although this idea came to his mind, it just passed by in a flash and was overthrown by himself.With Lord Qingyun's current status, if he wants a beauty, the daughters of countless powerful families in the whole pot kingdom will be available for him to choose. Such a stunning beauty cannot be obtained. Why should he favor a sick daughter in his mansion? This does not make sense at all. Could it be that there are other Hidden secrets?
After the initial shock, the weak girl barely calmed down. Hearing this, she nodded and followed Xianzi and walked forward under the gaze of countless people.

She has a pretty pale face, bright and clean eyes, a straight nose bridge, and a pointed chin. She is wearing a long blue dress with a waist that can be grasped. She walks like a willow in the wind, It is even more delicate, which makes people feel a little pity in their hearts.

The eyes of many people in the hall lit up, and only then did they realize that they had just looked at the unremarkable woman, but now they looked at it with a certain taste.

Xianzi walked to the desk, stood sideways behind Meng Tianchen, revealing the weak girl behind her, saluted gracefully, and parted her cherry lips lightly.

"Rong Zhi, see Lord Qingyun." Her name is Rong Zhi.

Meng Tianchen's eyes fell on the young girl, and he could clearly sense her weakness and loneliness. Obviously, in this governor's mansion, she was not living well.A solitary woman came flying up, suffering from illness and looking for relatives to cling to. If Governor Rong's mansion is not a good place, what can she do except to experience the pain herself?

Thinking of this, Meng Tianchen couldn't help thinking of the few wives who lived in the world of the Martial God Monument, but he couldn't help feeling a little pity for this girl, his eyes became more gentle, and he raised his hand slightly.

"It's been a long time, Miss Rong is everything okay?"

Since she is an old friend and can't bear it in her heart, then I can help her to make her life easier in Lord Rong's mansion.

This sentence, because of its ambiguity, makes it impossible to distinguish the relationship between him and the girl. It may arouse many people's imagination, but because of this, it may be possible to use Qingyun's status to help her.

The girl's body froze slightly, and her pale pretty face suddenly became a little more rosy. She could feel the gentleness and pity in the man's eyes, but she didn't know what was going on in his mind, so she would naturally think elsewhere.

His hands twisted together in a slight sense of perplexity, and he whispered softly.

"Everything is well, Mr. Lao Qingyun misses you."

Meng Tianchen nodded.

"Miss Rong is not feeling well and needs to be treated sooner. If you need my help, you can directly send someone to Qingyun Gong's mansion. If I can help, I will definitely not stand by."

The girl nodded slightly, but the circles of her eyes suddenly turned red, and tears fell uncontrollably from her eyes. She took a breath to hold back, but for some reason, there were more and more tears.

In this birthday banquet hall, listening to Meng Tianchen's gentle words, the grievance in the girl's heart seemed to have someone to pour out, and the boundless pain and fear in her heart were merged into these tears and flowed freely.She didn't expect that she could really see him, and talk to him so close, even if she was really about to die, she felt satisfied in her heart.

But at this moment, the girl's pretty face suddenly turned pale, and the corners of her pretty brows frowned, revealing a look of pain.

"Get out of the way!" Aunt Nian Liumei shouted back the guards who were about to stop her, trotted into the main hall, hurriedly helped the girl, fed her a elixir, and put a crimson spar on her hands.

The potency of the medicine dissipated, and the heat of Mingyu melted in, and the pain on the girl's face weakened a lot.

"I can't help myself for a while, please don't laugh at Lord Qingyun."

(End of this chapter)

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