Chapter 860 Three Laws True God
It's just that this delicate appearance of the pear blossom and rainy beauty is even more endearing.

Meng Tianchen waved his hand.

"Miss Rong, you don't have to be so polite. I don't know if this Mingyu, which I gave to Miss back then, can relieve Miss's pain?"

"The Mingyu you sent, our lady never leaves her body, and it has indeed relieved a lot of pain. I still have to wait for our lady to thank you for the gift." Aunt Nian bowed and replied on behalf of the girl.

Rong Zhi's pretty face suddenly turned rosy. Although it was true, it was to alleviate the cold poison in her body. After the woman said it, it added a bit of charming reverie, which naturally made her shy.

Meng Tianchen seemed to be unaware, nodded slightly, then turned around and bowed to the governor.

"When I ascended, I met Ms. Rong in the ascension passage. When we meet again today, I will naturally not feel dissatisfied because of trivial matters. Governor, don't worry about it."

"It's just that I see that Miss Rong is not feeling well and shouldn't be overtired, so please allow her to go down to the palace to rest."

Governor Rong nodded repeatedly.

"Since it was Qingyun who spoke publicly, how could Rong not do it, and quickly sent the young lady back to rest, and ordered someone to invite the best pharmacist to come for diagnosis and treatment immediately, and he must take care of it properly, and there must be no slightest negligence!"

Madam lowered her head tightly, her heart was in chaos, she never thought that this lowly girl who has been ignored by her would have such luck to be favored by Lord Qingyun, if she really becomes Lord Qingyun in the future Ma'am, thinking about all the things before, I feel even more bitter in my heart.

With the support of the woman, Rong Zhi bowed to Meng Tianchen, then turned and walked outside the hall.On the pale face, there was more of a shy look, which made her look more charming and charming.

Many people in the hall secretly swallowed their saliva, but they could only forcefully suppress the thoughts in their hearts. This is the woman Qingyun Gong likes, so they naturally dare not have any unreasonable thoughts.

The butler was already waiting outside the hall, seeing the girl coming out of the hall, he respectfully saluted.

"Congratulations, Miss." After today, this person can be regarded as turning over immediately. In the governor's mansion, even the governor would not be able to despise her any more.

Rong Zhi's face had returned to calm, and he spoke lightly.

"During this period of time, I have relied on the care of the big housekeeper, and I will keep it in my heart."

The big housekeeper trembled in his heart, remembering his kindness, he would naturally remember others' evilness, some people can only ask for good fortune for themselves.But these things are beyond the scope of his meddling, so he can only pretend that he doesn't understand, and respectfully lead the way away.

After Rong Zhi left, the banquet continued in the main hall. Madam managed to maintain a smile and led the descendants of the Governor's Mansion to toast all the guests. After saying that she felt unwell, she hurriedly left.

The guests were all thoughtful people, so naturally no one mentioned about Fang Cai, and the atmosphere of the banquet was quite lively amidst the chatting and laughing.

A birthday banquet, happy ending.

Governor Rong personally sent Meng Tianchen out of the governor's mansion, and saw him leading the army to drive away in Dunguang, so he turned directly into the mansion just now, but there was a trace of joy on his face but he couldn't suppress it.

If Lord Qingyun is really interested in Rong Zhi, with this relationship between the two, why worry about not having a chance to rise in the future!Just thinking about her previous situation in the governor's mansion, she couldn't help but feel a little headache. It seems that she still needs to be comforted, so don't make her feel resentful.

Before Shi Yue left, his eyes brightened with joy.

Returning to the residence, I screened away the idlers, etc., and Master Angel made an excuse that he needed to meditate and practice, and no one was allowed to disturb him without permission.Although I was surprised by this sudden burst of cultivation enthusiasm, naturally no one in the Hu Kingdom dared to disobey his intentions.

Entering the training room and opening the restriction, Shi Yue's divine sense came out of his body, and scanned the entire stone room to make sure there was nothing wrong.Only then did he flip his hand, and a faint golden bead appeared directly in his hand.

The material of this object is unknown, it is translucent, and there are a few golden light spots floating up and down in it, which seems extremely mysterious.

Shi Yue flicked his fingers, and a burst of emperor's power shot into the bead in an instant.

Immediately, the object had a great inspiration, and it directly dissolved into a puddle of golden liquid, slowly stretched, and turned into a thin layer, with clouds and mist lingering on it, but no image or shadow could be formed during the rolling.

Shi Yue was not in a hurry, and quietly waited aside.

A moment later, the turbulent cloud suddenly boiled violently. The phantom of the old man in a purple robe, with a high crown on his head, and a majestic face gradually became clear. At the moment this image formed, there was a faint coercion permeating the air.

Shi Yue's face instantly turned into awe, and he saluted respectfully.

"The disciple has seen the teacher."

"Shi Yue, you summoned me as a teacher, but you discovered something?" The old man said lightly, his voice was mellow and gentle, but he had a high-ranking majesty, which made people feel awed without knowing it.

"Teacher, I have been staying in the Pot Kingdom for several months, and I have sensed it carefully according to your instructions. Although there is some breath, it has not yet reached the time to open it."

The old man nodded slightly.

"As a teacher, I just sensed a little breath from another world, but I couldn't detect it clearly after deduction, so I asked you to take over the errand of delivering the decree and investigate it by the way. Since it is not yet the time to open it, you should come back."

"Teacher, this disciple disturbed your cultivation today. Besides this matter, there is another urgent matter that I need to ask you for instructions." Shi Yue raised his head slightly, with excitement on his face.

"The disciple found a woman who was born with extremely cold water attributes in the pot kingdom, and she was in the extreme body of Tianyin, and she was even more icy cold. She has almost formed the body of a mysterious girl. If the teacher can take action, she will be dead Once the evil spirit is gone, it will definitely help her take a crucial step!"

"The body of a mysterious girl!" The old man's eyes were slightly closed and suddenly opened, the divine light shone, and the coercion that pierced through the phantom also skyrocketed. The more cultivated as a teacher, the more he felt like a mountain, and his expression became more and more awe-inspiring .

"Shi Yue, this is a big matter, don't get me wrong."

"The disciple understands that the matter is of great importance. If he is not absolutely sure, he must not dare to directly disturb the teacher Qingxiu."

"Well, I know that you have always been cautious. If this can be done, it will be a great achievement for you. You wait here, and I will go to the palace to face the saint immediately, and then decide how to proceed."


The picture and shadow suddenly disappeared, the aura faded away, and the stretched light curtain returned to the shape of a cylinder again, and Shi Yue took it into his hands.

The body of a mysterious girl!

He also never imagined that this unsuccessful search for the breath of the other world would allow him to encounter an extremely yin physique that is rare in hundreds of millions of years.

"Mr. Qingyun, you can't let this young lady of the Governor's Mansion be yours. From now on, her status will be beyond words!"

There was a slight smile on Shi Yue's face, and he sat down cross-legged, waiting for the order from Master.


"Palace Master, if you are interested in Miss Rong, and my subordinates are willing to find out Governor Rong's tone, I think he will definitely not refuse." Xianzi followed behind Meng Tianchen, pondered a little, but still spoke respectfully.

With Meng Tianchen's current status, if he really married an unfavored young lady in Rong Du's mansion, it would be a big compliment.

Meng Tianchen smiled and shook his head.

"Although I feel pity in my heart, I don't have any other thoughts about Miss Rong. You don't have to think about it, let alone test Lord Rong's words."

Xianzi should be respectful, although he has a close relationship with Meng Tianchen, it is okay to ask about some things, but you can't ask too much, otherwise you will not know how to advance or retreat, and it will not be good for you.

"Grandpa Tianwu has any news recently?" Meng Tianchen asked, his face slightly solemn.

"The third brother sent a letter two days ago, saying that he has arrived in the bordering wasteland. If all goes well, he will be able to get in touch with other brothers soon, and it should be able to help the palace master gain a firm foothold as soon as possible." Mentioned On this matter, Xianzi's voice is dignified.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly.

Xianzi saluted and stepped back respectfully.

Inside the Martial God Monument, the Wu Zhan Tower!

This behemoth hidden in the dark is also one of the general trends that Meng Tianchen can rely on.But the premise is that he can successfully obtain other witch war towers.

You know, there are as many as one hundred Wuzhan Towers, and God knows where the rest are.

Since he took control of the Wu Zhan Tower, Meng Tianchen tried his best to comprehend it, and only now did he learn the real secret of the Wu Zhan Tower.

This is the inheritance left by a true god.

Three Laws True God!

However, only by gathering all one hundred Wu Zhan Towers can the mystery of the inheritance of the Three Laws True God be revealed.

That is the mystery of becoming a god, and Meng Tianchen couldn't help being tempted.

In the Linglong world, Meng Tianchen has not heard of the existence of a true god.Even the demigod powerhouses who have reached the top of the Emperor Realm, the Ninth Rank Great Emperor, are very few.

Once you become a god, a true god!Then you can jump out of the shackles of the chaotic world, and you will no longer be bound by the rules of the chaotic world. It can be said that you are free and the real master.

What made Meng Tianchen extremely surprised was why this mysterious god of the first section, the true god of the three laws, would leave a legacy in the chaotic world.

It is almost conceivable that no matter whether the other 99 Wu Zhan Towers have owners or not, Meng Tianchen will find it extremely difficult to obtain them.
Shi Yue closed his eyes and suddenly opened them, and the pale golden ball in his hand suddenly floated up automatically, and the spiritual light turned into a light curtain again, and the figure of the purple-robed old man appeared on it.


"The teacher has already discussed with His Majesty, no matter the cost, we must bring this woman back to the teacher's capital safely!"


Shi Yue spoke solemnly, although he had expected this, but when he actually heard the teacher's order, he was still heartbroken.If this matter is done well, His Majesty will definitely be rewarded, otherwise it is a serious crime!
"Your Majesty's decree has been drawn up, and the teacher will directly display the supernatural powers and send it to you. Tomorrow, you will announce the imperial decree. To prevent nights from having long dreams, return as soon as possible and bring her back to the capital! Here, you can safely wait for the imperial army to take over and return to the division capital."

The old man spoke solemnly, she was only a mere woman, but she was too important to the royal family of the Shi family.Speaking of this, he pondered for a while, but still reminded.

"Along the way, you must be respectful and courteous to this woman. After all, if nothing happens, her status will be extremely noble in the future, do you understand?"

"Teacher, don't worry, the disciple will remember."

The old man nodded slightly, stretched out his palm from the wide sleeve of his robe, held a roll of five-color imperial decree, and shook his hand. The three-foot imperial decree ignited spontaneously without fire, and did not turn into ashes in the flames, but disappeared as if it had melted directly.

(End of this chapter)

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