Chapter 861
At the same time, in the secret training room where Shi Yue lived, a ball of flame was born in the void, jumping quietly, but without the slightest heat.

A volume of imperial decree slowly appeared amidst the burning flames.

When the flame in the old man's hand was extinguished, the imperial decree had passed through countless spaces and fell into Shiyue's hands.

"With this girl, your majesty's congenital deficiencies can be made up for, and your luck will definitely be tumbling, and it will increase instantly. The teacher will take action to disrupt the chaos and temporarily shield this matter, but it will definitely not be able to completely conceal it. It is bound to be noticed. Return to the teacher all the way It may not be a smooth road, you must be careful and not be careless."

"Teacher, don't worry, the disciple will do his best to do this well!"


When the light curtain disappeared, Shi Yue put away the golden ball, slowly raised his head to look at the dimming sky, and spoke in a low voice.

"Today, I will give you the last night of freedom. From tomorrow onwards, you will become a woman of the Shi family's royal family!"


Aunt Nian took the concoction from the maid.

"Miss, it's time to drink the medicine."

The girl nodded slightly, maybe because her mood improved, her usually pale and pretty face was now a little more rosy.

"Auntie Nian, let's test first."


The woman took out a poison needle, which was refined from silver marrow and was extremely sensitive to worldly toxins.

Inserting the silver needle into the medicine juice, her face instantly became extremely ugly!

The silver needles turn black, and the medicinal juice is poisonous!
"Miss! How dare they poison you!" The woman suddenly turned around and looked at the maid who brought the medicine.

"I ordered you to brew this bowl of medicine yourself. Tell me, what's the matter with this poison!"

The maid fell to her knees with a puff, but before she could speak, she had already bit the poison sac in her mouth, and died of the poison on the spot, bleeding to death from seven orifices.

Rong Zhi's complexion turned pale, and she took a deep breath before suppressing her emotional shock.

"Aunt Nian, go and tell the Governor about this matter." In the past, she could not open her mouth because of the humiliation, but now because of the appearance of that person, she no longer needs to endure it.

"Yes, ma'am."

Aunt Nian hurried away, and after a while, the entire Lord Rong's mansion was shaken!
Governor Rong sits on the main seat, his wife sits on one side, and several sons, ladies and other direct bloodlines are all here.

The maid who committed suicide had already been carried down, and her consciousness dissipated at the moment of the toxin explosion, leaving no trace at all.And the poison in the girl's bowl has been proved by experience, it is the same as that used by this maid, if you accidentally eat even a little bit, it will probably disappear by now.


Governor Rong was furious, his face twitched slightly, and he spoke in a cold voice.

"Investigate! Let me check it out! No matter who it is, dare to do such insidious activities in the governor's mansion, I will definitely not tolerate him!"

The butler responded respectfully, and waved his hand to lead the guards away.

The entire Rongdu Lord's Mansion has been banned, and everyone stays in the residence and is not allowed to move rashly.

The eldest lady's face turned pale slightly, but so did the children of Governor Rong, who were not noticeable.She regretted it secretly, and made such a bad plan out of jealousy, but she did not expect to get into such a situation.

But the matter has come to this point, she can only pray that all the people involved in this matter have taken poison and died. Even if there is no evidence of death, even if someone doubts it, she can still refuse to admit it.

Governor Rong is like a raging lion, his face is gloomy like water, his wife's gaze falls on Rong Tao, others can't see that she is very nervous at the moment, but as a mother, she is naturally familiar with her daughter, so she couldn't help but feel a ruthless sigh in her heart. Shen.

Could it be that Rong Tao did what happened this time!Thinking of this, her face turned pale instantly, and she hurriedly lowered her head to avoid being noticed by Governor Rong, but she was secretly anxious in her heart, she only hoped that this girl's methods would be more clean, and don't leave any evidence, otherwise the governor will be furious , I'm afraid no one can keep her!
After half an hour, the butler returned with a serious expression on his face.

"Reporting to the governor, the servant has traced down the medicine bowl. From purchasing medicinal materials, transporting, brewing, and delivering the medicine, a total of four people came into contact with it, but including the maid who delivered the medicine, all four of them died of poisoning."

The eldest lady felt relieved suddenly, took a light breath, and her face suddenly became calm.

The madam has been carefully observing her reaction, and when she sees it, she naturally understands everything, she curses stupidity in her heart, but she slowly relaxes.

"All four of them took poison? There is no proof of death?" The governor's breath became stronger, and he spoke slowly.

"Okay! Very good! There are not many people in the government who have the means to do this without knowing it. Maybe they are in this house. Do you think that if this is the case, I will not be able to continue the investigation."

He raised his hand and slowly swept across the children below.

"All of you have made a spiritual contract, which has nothing to do with this matter! Today, I will definitely catch this cancer and punish it severely!"

The eldest lady's complexion suddenly turned pale, without a trace of blood, and the faces of all the princes and ladies of the governor's mansion also turned pale.

Madam suddenly got up and knelt down on the ground, and said anxiously: "Master, you must not do this! They are your own flesh and blood. If you are forced to make a spiritual contract today, it means that you no longer trust them. The news spreads." , Let them hold their heads up in front of others! Please think twice, Lord Governor!"

"My daughter will never make a heart and soul contract. No matter how much my father values ​​this girl, is it true that he really doesn't care about our face and the reputation of the entire governor's mansion? Please take it back, my lord father!" Rong Tao kowtowed to the ground. , The voice is sad.

"Father, please have mercy on us and take back my life!" Several young masters and young ladies of the Governor's Mansion bowed down at the same time, deeply burying their heads.

The chief steward has already retreated with the guards of the governor's mansion. This matter involves the governor's family affairs, so outsiders like them are naturally not suitable to stay.

The governor's eyes fell on the madam, then turned to the kneeling children, but paused for a moment on the eldest lady, and then slowly moved away.

He is not a stupid person, the mansion is qualified to do this, and there are not many people who have gaps with Rong Zhi, coupled with his wife's performance, it is not difficult for him to guess the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes, but it is still hard to believe that he himself How could a daughter who has always been doted on become so vicious.

But after all, it was his daughter.
"Today's incident is the first and last time. I don't want to continue to investigate further, but if there is another time, I will definitely investigate to the end and never tolerate it. No matter who it is, I will never let it go lightly!"

The madam felt relieved, the governor finally softened his heart.

Rong Tao got up together with the young master and young lady of Rong Du's mansion beside him, a layer of sweat was born on her delicate body, and her clothes were already wet and sticky.

Just now, Governor Rong's gaze made her tremble in her heart, she could clearly feel that her father had already noticed something, but it didn't happen, and when she was frightened, she couldn't help feeling lucky.

"Rong Zhi, I have wronged you for today's matter. I promise that such a thing will never happen again. What do you think?" The governor looked at the girl on the other side and said gently.

"Grandson will not make things difficult for the governor. Since you have spoken, let's stop the matter. It's just that the grandson hopes that everything will be as you said, and there will be no third time. The governor may not know that this is the first time for the grandson. Being poisoned for the second time, otherwise I would not be so cautious that I would test the poison with a silver needle every time I use it." The girl said lightly, her pretty face was calm, and she quietly narrated things that seemed to have nothing to do with her.

The blue veins on Lord Rong's forehead twitched sharply, his gaze fell on the eldest lady coldly, and just about to explode, his face couldn't help but change slightly.


The golden luan soared into the sky, and the four real dragons roared to the sky at the same time.

The driver in black was standing in front of Luanjia with a golden whip in his hand. When the golden whip sounded, Luanjia flew away in an instant.

Such momentum has already caused the entire Hujing to vibrate, and countless eyes gathered. I don't know what kind of madness this Shijia royal angel has gone today, or he is going to say goodbye and return to the Shijia royal court.

Just in the eyes of the eyes, the four dragons landed on the Lord Rong's mansion.

The golden mantle was lifted, and Shi Yue stepped out, holding a three-foot five-color imperial decree, with a serious expression on his face.

"Lord Governor's Mansion, accept the order!"

The sound turned into a rolling sound wave, sweeping wildly in all directions.

Governor Rong was stunned for a moment, but at this moment, seeing that Shi Yue was really holding the five-color imperial decree, he dared not delay any longer.

"Your servant, accept the order."

Shi Yue swept his gaze, dignified and dignified, stretched out his hand to open the three-foot imperial decree, and spoke loudly.

"The imperial majesty of the Xuantong power empire has a daughter, Rong Zhi, who is dignified in appearance, beautiful in appearance and blue in heart, in Wenhu Kingdom's Governor Rong's mansion. She is a beautiful woman in this world. I am very happy with it, and I specially issue a decree to be promoted to wife, that is, to choose an auspicious day and return to the teacher with the angel. All, hereby!"

Rong Zhi's eyes went dark, and Aunt Nian supported her so she didn't fall down.

Governor Rong and the others were even more shocked, they didn't know why the royal family of the Shi family had a sudden decree to accept Rong Zhi as his wife.

After Shi Yue announced the decree, seeing that there was no response from the people in Rong Du's mansion, he smiled lightly.

"Lord Honor, please accept the order."

Only then did Lord Rong come back to his senses, and hastily led everyone to kowtow in thanks, and received the imperial edict with both hands.The moment I touched the imperial decree, I sensed the mighty coercion emanating from it, and I no longer doubted it. This decree was definitely not hypocritical.

"Governor Honor, Your Majesty admires his wife very much. There will definitely be rewards in the future, and he has been emphatically urged in the imperial decree. Let the minister choose an auspicious day to welcome his wife back to the capital. This matter still needs to be discussed with the governor." Yue arched his hands and said with a smile.

"What the angel said is reasonable, and His Majesty must not be allowed to stay for a long time. Please invite the angel to enter the mansion and discuss it later." Lord Rong clasped his hands and said.

"What the Governor said is very true." Shi Yue nodded, but did not immediately enter the Governor's Mansion, but walked in front of Rong Zhi, respectfully saluting.

"Chen Shiyue, see Madam!" The voice was respectful, revealing absolute awe.

With the imperial decree, the identity changes immediately.

The original Miss Rongdu's Mansion has now become a woman of the Shi family's royal family, with a respectable status, she can bear the big gift.

"Master Rong, although Madam is your blood relative, but the avatars of each other's monarchs and ministers have changed, and the Governor still needs to greet Madam."

Governor Rong nodded.

"What the angel said is right, that's exactly what it should be." Yu Luo, together with a group of people from the governor's mansion, paid respects to the new wife, but the faces of Mrs. Rong and the eldest lady were pale.

(End of this chapter)

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