Chapter 862 Revenge
Rong Zhi's expression was in a daze, her pretty face was bloodless, and she hadn't recovered from the news at all.The royal decree of the teacher's family promoted his wife.

The sudden change interrupted all the thoughts in her heart in an instant. From then on, she has become the woman of the Shi family's royal family!

This point can no longer be changed!

"Madam was overwhelmed with surprise, Xu Shi didn't react for a while, please help Madam to return to the Governor's Mansion to rest for the time being, and when the departure date is agreed, I will go to see you." Shi Yue knew the girl's mind in front of him, but never From then on, no matter what she thought in her heart, she couldn't reveal the slightest bit.

Aunt Nian nodded hastily, and stretched out her hand to help the young lady, but seeing that the look in Rong Zhi's eyes had regained a bit, she spoke lightly.

"Aunt Nian, I'm fine."

While speaking, her eyes swept over the people in Lord Rong's mansion.

"Get up."

Once in the middle world, she was also the proud daughter of heaven under one person and above hundreds of millions of people. She naturally developed a noble aura all over her body. His demeanor became more graceful and luxurious, he turned around and stepped down, and his figure returned to the Rongdu Lord's Mansion.

Shi Yue, Rong Duzhu and others followed behind.

Entering the mansion, Rong Zhi took a seat at the top, glanced down, and spoke lightly.

"Master Rong, the poisoning of me was a family matter before, and you can decide it with one word, but now that my grandson is the wife of the royal family of the Shi family, this matter is considered a provocation and disrespect to the royal family of the Shi family. We will change our minds and re-investigate the matter thoroughly.”

Rong Zhi has always been soft on the outside and strong on the inside, but now she has undergone a sudden change, her mind is in a trance and it is difficult to control, but at this moment she suddenly calms down.

The imperial decree has been issued, whether she is willing or not, the matter is a foregone conclusion, and no one will ask her what is in her heart.According to the decree, she might not be able to stay in the Lord Rong's mansion for a long time, so she will follow the angel to leave the pot kingdom and go to Tongli Empire. There is not much time left for her.Before leaving, she had to fulfill her promise, Uncle Mo and the others could not die in vain.

Shi Yue's complexion instantly became gloomy, and there was a look of shock and anger in his eyes.

"Poisoning Madam? Such a treasonous matter must be thoroughly investigated to the end, and the mastermind behind the scenes must be found and sentenced to death! Governor Rong, I will truthfully report this matter to His Majesty, and please the Governor handle it impartially!"

Rong Zhi is so important to the royal family of the Shi family. If he is poisoned and killed before the decree is announced, the royal family of the Shi family will be greeted with overwhelming anger. Even the teacher may not be able to keep him at that time. In the heart.

Lord Rong's face changed slightly, seeing the girl's indifferent expression, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Entering the Governor's Mansion, he knew what happened to this granddaughter. She had no feelings for the Governor's Mansion.What's more, this matter is justified first, if he shirks and covers up, once Rong Zhi feels resentment, the entire governor's mansion will be in great trouble soon.

"Madame and Angel can rest assured, this seat will definitely give a satisfactory explanation to the two of you."

Mrs. Rong Du's face turned pale instantly, but she didn't dare to show any strange color, so she could only bow her head and say nothing.

Rong Tao's body was limp on the ground, his face was dull, and he screamed suddenly.

"It's me! I was the one who was poisoned twice! Rong Zhi, I wish I could poison you, little bitch! You are just a lowly girl, what qualifications do you have to compare with me!"

Shi Yue's face was as gloomy as water, his eyes gleamed coldly, and he sneered without saying a word.

Rong Zhi's expression was calm, her eyes fell on Rong Tao indifferently, and she spoke lightly.

"I am now the wife of the emperor of Tongli Empire, with a respectable status. You are just a lady of the Governor's Mansion, and you are just an ant in my eyes."

"Twice poisoned and made things difficult. Although you are my elder, in order to maintain the majesty of the Shi family's royal family, I cannot allow you to live in this world anymore."

Rong Tao froze frantically, and Rong Zhi's calm and indifferent voice was like a sharp sword that severely shattered the madness and toughness she had pretended. Fear grew uncontrollably from her heart, expanded wildly, and spread across her entire body in an instant.

"Mother! Help me, I don't want to die!"

"Father, I am your own flesh and blood. I am the eldest lady of the governor's mansion. You have loved me the most since I was a child. You must save me this time! Kill this little bitch, and then kill this Shi Yue, when the time comes, no one will come to kill me again. Father, you kill them both, kill them!"

She has gone completely insane.

Shi Yue's face changed, and he took a step forward, his figure directly blocked Rong Zhi's body, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"Lord Rong, since the mastermind behind the scenes has been found, please take action yourself to clean up the house."

There was a flash of pain in Lord Rong's eyes, but he was suppressed, his eyes fell on Rong Tao, and he slowly raised his hand.

"Master! Tao'er is your own flesh and blood, no matter how big a mistake you make, you can't kill her!"

"My lord, I beg you, please spare her!"

The governor's wife hugged Lord Rong's feet, screaming.

"Tao'er, run away quickly, or the governor will kill you!"

Rong Tao suddenly came back to his senses, seeing his father's hideous face, his heart skipped a beat suddenly, the aura flashed outside his body, turned into a rainbow and whizzed away.

With a flick of his sleeve, Governor Rong swept his wife away, and slapped Rong Tao down in the direction where Rong Tao was fleeing.The aura of the middle emperor realm burst out suddenly, and the void twisted and directly enveloped the startled rainbow transformed by Rong Tao.

This woman was directly obliterated in an instant, and only a wisp of remnant soul survived.

"Ma'am, Rong Tao is my own daughter after all, please forgive her remnant soul for the sake of blood." Du Lord Rong cupped his hands and said, after finishing this matter, he looked a little older .

If Rong Tao is not killed, the entire governor's mansion will be in great trouble!Even if he didn't make a move, how could Rong Tao escape with Shi Yue here?If he killed her with his own hands, at least she could leave a remnant of her soul, and not end up in a state of complete annihilation.

Thinking of Uncle Mo's death in vain, Rong Zhi suppressed the unbearable feeling in her heart, and nodded slowly with no expression on her face.

The governor's wife lost her mind, and suddenly raised her head and spurted out a mouthful of blood, her face was pale and there was no blood left.

"Help Madam back to the courtyard to rest. Without my order, no one is allowed to disturb Madam's cultivation during this period."

"Yes, Lord Governor." The chief steward complied solemnly, waved two maids to step forward, and helped the Lord Governor's wife to leave.This is already a disguised restraint for the wife. It seems that after this incident, the status of the wife in the governor's mansion will be greatly reduced in the future.

"Rong Tao guarded Rong Yang and forced my loyal servant Uncle Mo to death. The close maid Huai'er repeatedly instigated assassinations, and three slaves and servants framed the guards around me, so that he was placed in the death penalty room. I hope the governor can do it for you." Those who died in vain will be rehabilitated, and the perpetrators will be severely punished."

Governor Rong nodded, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Rong Yang killed Huai'er and the three maidservants. I wonder if Madam is satisfied?"

Rong Zhi nodded, really repaying all the resentment, she suddenly felt empty in her heart, she was silent for a moment, and opened her mouth slowly.

"The matter of leaving for the teacher's capital will be discussed by the angel and the governor. I am a little tired."

"Resignation." Shi Yue saluted respectfully, but his heart was awe-inspiring.It seems that this weak and helpless Mrs. Zhi is also a person who can accomplish great things, at least this ruthlessness is awe-inspiring.

Lord Rong folded his hands, sighed in his heart, and turned to leave.


What Shi Yue did spread throughout Hujing at an extremely fast speed.The reading of the imperial decree is not secret, and the content is naturally known to everyone.

There is an order from the royal family of the teacher's family to confer Rong Zhi in the governor's mansion as his wife and call him into the teacher's capital. For a while, there are countless admirers!
With this relationship, Lord Rong's status in the Hu Kingdom is bound to increase greatly.Regardless of what's in his heart, as long as he doesn't really want to tear the face off with the Tongli Empire, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom will treat Lord Rongdu with courtesy.

It's just that after this incident, even though Governor Rong is honored and favored, I'm afraid he can only be an idle governor and can't hold great power in the power.

There are gains and losses.

But at this moment, there are still many eyes focused on Duke Qingyun's mansion, waiting for the reaction of the newly promoted Duke.

During Governor Rong's birthday banquet a few days ago, Lord Qingyun and Rong Zhi cherished each other, but now the royal family of Shi's family suddenly intervened to win the love. I don't know whether Lord Qingyun has the courage to become a beauty in anger.

But their little calculations in their hearts are destined to come to nothing.

When Meng Tianchen heard the news, although he was surprised, he just shook his head slightly, secretly thinking that even without his own help, this Miss Rong is a very wealthy person, so he will have a home in the future.

As for entering the Shi family's royal palace, whether there will be intrigue and sinister calculations, that is beyond his ability to intervene.

Ming Xianzi sent a congratulatory gift to Governor Rong's mansion, but he put the matter aside.Now that the Lord of the Hu Kingdom has officially established his capital in Hujing, the confusion within the forces has quickly subsided, and he should also leave for the fiefdom.

But the mobilization of the army, the request to the lord, and many arrangements and preparations are extremely complicated, and I am afraid that it will not be completed in a few days.

Once he enters the fiefdom, even if he is barely out of the control of the Lord of the Pot Kingdom, as long as he is careful and with the help of the old man Tianwu and others, his strength will definitely expand rapidly in a short period of time.

At that time, just wait for his cultivation base to enter the realm of the upper emperor, then he can divide the territory and create his own power!With power and luck in his hands, he can quickly gather strength and have the qualifications to compete in this vast world.

"The royal family of the Shi family issued an order to marry the daughter of Lord Rong Du's mansion?" The master of Hu Kingdom frowned slightly, showing a puzzled expression.

"Everyone, in your opinion, is there any deep meaning in this?"

The lord's cronies fell into deep thought. After a while, one of them slowly shook his head and opened his mouth.

"Xu is the special envoy of the royal family of the Shi family who witnessed the beauty of the daughter of the Rongdu Lord's Mansion, and was granted the invitation to contribute to the royal family of the Shi family. Then he issued a decree and summoned her to the Tongli Empire. The left and right are just a woman, and there should be no Profound."

"Although Governor Rong is the Great Governor, he does not hold the real power in our Hu Kingdom. Even if the Shijia royal family wants to support the power in the Hu Kingdom, the Lord only needs to treat Lord Rong generously, but does not let him touch the power. , so nothing will go wrong.”

"All the ministers think so, and ask the lord to judge."

(End of this chapter)

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