Chapter 863 The Ambition of the Demon Wheel

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom nodded slightly, he thought the same as his family's cronies, and now he felt more at ease after hearing the words, it seems that this time was just a whim of the Shi family's royal family, and moved the love of beauty.

Putting this matter aside, he glanced down, pondered for a while, and opened his mouth slowly.

"The royal family of the Shi family is marrying the daughter of Lord Rong Du's mansion. I have to express it. I must send a team to send the relatives to show the grandeur."

"What the lord said is true. We annexed the Tianhan family with the help of the assassination of the angel. Although the master is famous, we have defied the will of the royal family of the master. I am afraid that the royal family of the master will be dissatisfied. Now the master must not give People have the slightest handle, in case the royal family of the Shi family makes use of the problem."

"Since we want to send a family sending team, why not send envoys to the division capital under the order of the lord. Firstly, we can also serve as the sending team, and secondly, we can formally hand over the letter of credence and prepare generous gifts to show humility and reduce the dissatisfaction of the royal family of the division family. Urge the royal family of Shijia to make an official order to promote our Pot Kingdom as a top-rank vassal state."

"That's a good word, but this envoy must be a person of high status in our Pot Kingdom, and personally send the daughter of Lord Rongdu's mansion into the capital, so that we can show that we attach importance to it, and it can also make the royal family of the Shi family feel that the king is the king. sincerity."

"As the first time to pay tribute to the Tongli Empire after being promoted, the tribute must show enough sincerity, so as not to cause dissatisfaction with the royal family and dignitaries of the Shi family, and secretly guard against and suppress our Pot Kingdom."

The master of the pot kingdom tapped the back of the chair with his fingers, his face revealed a contemplative look, and nodded slowly after a while.

"What you said is reasonable, and I have no objection to it, but who should this envoy send?"

The group of cronies were silent for a while, their thoughts turned, and they were also trying to figure out the mind of the Lord of the Pot Kingdom.

"My lord, according to this old slave, in order to show the lord's importance to this tribute, the envoys sent must be noble people. In the Kingdom of My Pot, naturally the lord cannot go in person, and the next three Shanggong. The old slave thought that this envoy should appoint one of the three Shanggongs to go to Tongli Empire."

When this person opened his mouth, all the cronies of the ruler of the country naturally knew what he meant after hearing the news.

"My lord, among the three Shanggongs, Huzhu Shanggong and Wuyi Shanggong are all generals in the army of our Hu Kingdom. Now that the country is at the beginning of peace, it is very likely that there will be ups and downs. The two Shanggongs should not leave Huhu at this time. Kingdom, to send envoys to influence the empire. Therefore, I think Duke Qingyun is the most suitable candidate for this matter."

"Mr. Qingyun has a lot of schemes. Although he is high and powerful, he has not yet intervened in military affairs. Even if he withdraws for a while, it will not have a great impact on the mobilization of the army. The old slave also thinks that Qingyun is the best candidate for the envoy. .”

"I heard that there is suspected to be the royal blood of the Tongli Empire flowing in Duke Qingyun's body. In this way, he can also be regarded as the clan of the Tongli Empire. Let him lead the mission to the Tongli Empire. It can not only show the importance of the king, because of the blood in his body, perhaps It can also weaken the dissatisfaction of the children's forces and empire dignitaries."

"I'm waiting for a second opinion!"

The master of the pot kingdom showed satisfaction on his face.

"Everyone has considered it carefully and considered it properly. Since this is the case, I will send an order to appoint Lord Qingyun as the Minister of Envoy to go to the Tongli Empire to pay tribute on my behalf."

"Master Shengming!"

The victory of the Hu Kingdom War annexed the Tianhan family, and the reorganization of various interest-divided groups. This period of time is naturally a critical period for rapid development of strength, plump wings, and self-improvement.

At this time, Meng Tianchen was dispatched to the Tongli Empire to pay tribute to the Tongli Empire on behalf of the Hu Kingdom. It seemed that he valued and praised his identity, but when he returned from the Tongli Empire, the domestic competition for interests had been settled. Even if he has the position of Shanggong, if he wants to regain stable interests, he will be counterattacked by the entire Hu kingdom.

In this way, he can be tightly suppressed in the territory close to the wilderness, and he can only become a Shanggong guarding the frontier under the command of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, and there is no possibility of the carp jumping over the dragon's gate.

As for whether this move will let the tiger return to the mountain and the dragon return to the sea?The master of the pot kingdom doesn't think so.What Meng Tianchen possessed in the Pot Kingdom, an ordinary warrior may not be able to obtain it after a lifetime of hard work, so how could he give up so easily.

Moreover, he has already known the news that Lord Qingyun favors Miss Rongdu's mansion.Through this matter, it is also to remind Meng Tianchen, what is a monarch and minister?

The king is above, and the minister is below.

Even if it is your beloved daughter, the lord of the country ordered you to send her off, you can only choose to agree, not to disobey.Passing this matter can be regarded as a test for Meng Tianchen. If he makes any changes, he can take this opportunity to take him down, and he can stand on the righteousness and not be criticized by others.

All the dark schemes are hidden under the glamorous appearance.

Qingyun Gongfu.

Meng Tianchen sent away the valet who came to read out the Wang Ling, his brows were slightly frowned, and his face was solemn.

Returning to the secret room, he waved away everyone and ordered that no one should disturb him without permission.When the restriction was activated, Meng Tianchen's eyes flashed slightly, and the figure of the magic wheel appeared directly, and he spoke lightly.

"It seems that the Lord of the Pot Kingdom doesn't treat you as well as he seems."

Meng Tianchen's face was gloomy.

"Because it's such a high-sounding reason, I can't find an excuse to refuse."

The magic wheel nodded.

"It's good that you can understand this. Now you are not qualified to confront the Lord of the Pot Kingdom, so you can only choose to endure."

"Don't worry, if I'm an impulsive and irritable person, I won't be able to survive to this day." Meng Tianchen frowned in thought, raised his head after a while, and his eyes fell on the magic wheel.

"I will go to Tongli Empire, and I will leave it to you to take care of the territory."

"no problem."

Meng Tianchen quickly thought about the many arrangements after leaving.

"Before I leave, I hope that you can provide a perfect training plan for the real body of the magic tire. I hope that he can improve his cultivation as soon as possible."


"That being the case, you go and prepare."

Molun tilted his head slightly, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"This territory is the foundation of your foothold in Linglong World. If you give it to me so easily, you won't be afraid that I will make a mess for you, or just finish it off."

"If you want to recover your strength in the future, instead of being sealed and suppressed in a dark place, you should know how to choose." Meng Tianchen looked directly into the eyes of the magic wheel.

"And now, I have no better choice. The only one I can choose to believe is you."

Molun nodded slightly, is that so?
The great Lord Demon Wheel can be considered to have recovered a trace of memory, he only vaguely remembered that he was once the master of a boundless and vast territory.

As for how big the territory is and where it is, I have no impression.

In the eyes of the great Lord Molun, this is only the first step in a journey of thousands of miles. Before there is enough power, the territory of the wilderness can be expanded. When enough power is accumulated, it can go back and swallow the pot kingdom, and It is the surrounding forces, large and small.

.Well, it seems that they can finally confront the Tongli Empire. If they can really fight with the royal family of Shijia, it will be cool to think about it!

There was a dangerous gleam in Molun's eyes, as hot as a burning flame, and he left a sentence.

"I'm going to sort out the exercises that are suitable for the real body of the devil's fetus!"

He hurriedly returned to Meng Tianchen's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Fortunately, Meng Tianchen couldn't know what the magic wheel was thinking before, otherwise he would definitely faint from fright.

Meng Tianchen shook his head, the corner of his mouth couldn't help revealing a trace of helplessness, Molun sometimes behaved calmly and calmly, as if the world was falling and the earth fell, and couldn't make him feel the slightest fluctuation, but sometimes he behaved like a paranoid lunatic.

However, the pot king's attack had disrupted his current layout. If he couldn't resist, he could only choose to deal with it.

Now, he can only choose to believe in the power of the magic wheel, which can help him take good care of the fief while he is in the empire of the envoy's power, and he does not seek merit but no fault.

If Molun knew what he was thinking, he might not be able to help but get mad right away?
With the mission imminent, Meng Tianchen still had a lot of things to prepare.After waving his hand to open the restriction of the secret room, Meng Tianchen spoke in a deep voice.

"Come here, order the officers and men under my command to discuss matters."

"Yes, my lord."

The soldiers responded respectfully, turned around and walked away in a hurry.

After a while, the generals under his command gathered in Qingyun Duke's Mansion.

After some secret discussions, it ended after a long time, Meng Tianchen only took Xianzi to go, and the rest went to the fiefdom with the army.Meng Tianchen had already ordered them to follow the instructions of Molun in all matters. Although the generals were surprised by the sudden appearance of Lord Molun, no one questioned Meng Tianchen's decision.

Meng Tianchen became the Duke in the first battle, and the sky rose straight up, and he has fulfilled his promise at the beginning!Including the eleven relatives under his command, Liang Dong, Lan Ling and others have also been promoted repeatedly to become real generals in the army, holding heavy troops.

Everything was bestowed by Meng Tianchen, which also created their absolute obedience and respect for Meng Tianchen.In some respects, with the generals under his command who are absolutely obedient, the entire Mongolian Ministry is the army of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, but it is also Meng Tianchen's private army.

After arranging all the matters, Meng Tianchen pondered for a while, and decided to go out to Lord Rongdu's mansion.Now that he has been appointed as the Minister of Mission of the Hu Kingdom, and is also responsible for leading the sending of the relatives, it is natural to first ask about the departure date of the mission and meet the new wife, so that he can respond.

Leading a small number of relatives, Meng Tianchen went straight to the governor's mansion.

The order of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom has been issued, Lord Rong and Shi Yue have also been notified respectively. When Meng Tianchen arrived, the two were discussing matters in the main hall.

"I've seen Lord Qingyun."

Lord Rong bowed his hands and opened his mouth, but his eyes were carefully observing Meng Tianchen's reaction. After learning that the lord appointed Meng Tianchen as the envoy and sending off his relatives, he felt uneasy, for fear of twists and turns.Seeing his normal expression now, I was slightly relieved in my heart.

"You don't need to be too polite, Governor. I came here today to discuss with the two of you. When the mission will leave, I can make preparations in advance." Meng Tianchen sat down, glanced at the two of them, faintly Open your mouth.

"This seat has already discussed with the angel. It will be an auspicious day in three days. If you miss it, you will have to wait until next month to find a suitable day. Considering the urging of the imperial family's decree, we have chosen three days as the time to leave the capital." Today, I don't know what Qingyun will do?"

(End of this chapter)

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