Chapter 864 Indifference
"Three days later?" Meng Tianchen frowned slightly and pondered for a while.

"Is the time too rushed? The gifts for the mission have not been prepared yet. Mrs. Zhi's marriage to the royal family of the master's family needs to be well arranged. There must be no mistakes. Everything can be done in time?"

"The lord of the country has agreed to leave the capital in three days, and ordered to help prepare for sending off the relatives. Although it is a bit hasty, it can be completed."

"That being the case, I have no objection."

Shi Yue has never opened his mouth, and he has been paying attention to Meng Tianchen's expression and behavior from the corner of his eye, but he has not noticed any abnormality. He secretly wondered if this Lord Qingyun really had no intentions towards Mrs. Zhi, or the city is too deep, so he can hide it so cleverly. dew.But no matter what the possibility is, since he can understand the current situation and make a wise choice, it is naturally the best, and he can avoid a fatal disaster.

Not to mention the importance of Mrs. Zhi to the royal family of the Shi family, even if she is an ordinary concubine, she is still a woman of the royal family of the Shi family.

If you dare to harbor ill will towards a woman from the royal family of the Shi family, you will only die!
"My seat and Lord Qingyun hit it off right away, and I was lamenting that it was too early to leave. I didn't want to be able to go back to Tongli Empire with you. On this journey, I have to ask Lord Qingyun to take care of you. When I return to the capital, I will definitely be the host." Lord Qingyun, please have fun!"

All the way back to the children's power empire, the teacher has already reminded me that it may not be a smooth road.If Meng Tianchen can cleanly cut off some of the feelings between him and Mrs. Zhi, Shi Yue would naturally welcome such a strong person to accompany him along the way.

"The angel is polite. I was ordered by the king to send an envoy to the empire, and there are many places that need the care of the angel."

The two looked at each other, with a faint smile on their faces at the same time.

After discussing about leaving Beijing in three days, Meng Tianchen pondered for a while.

"Since I have arrived at the governor's mansion, I will naturally go to visit Mrs. Zhi. I wonder if there is something taboo?"

Shi Yue's eyes flickered slightly, and he said with a smile: "Mr. Qingyun is not only an envoy but also a sender of relatives. He is regarded as the wife's natal family, so he can visit him naturally. I have to make some preparations, so I won't stay for long."

All the way back to the Tongli Empire, Meng Tianchen had to get along with his wife, if he really had second thoughts, he couldn't guard against it.That being the case, let him go to see him. Now he is in Lord Rong's mansion, and Lord Rong will naturally pay attention to it secretly. If there is something abnormal, he should take precautions as soon as possible.

Governor Rong sent Shi Yue away, and ordered someone to report to Mrs. Zhi before leading Meng Tianchen there.

"Rong Zhi has now received the royal decree of the Shi family, and her status has become a woman of the Shi family's royal family, with a respectable status. Even if I meet each other, I still have to perform the rituals of the monarch and ministers. The world is changing rapidly, and it will never be the same after a day. It's really embarrassing." Lord Rong spoke in a low voice, seeming to express his feelings, but also seemed to mean something.

Meng Tianchen shook his head secretly, it seems that Governor Rong also misunderstood the matter of the birthday banquet a few days ago, and took this opportunity to secretly mention something.Now he had no choice but to pretend not to understand, nodding his head to deal with it.

Governor Rong saw that Meng Tianchen's expression was calm and calm, and his heart was a little more stable, and during the conversation, Chun Nuan Pavilion had arrived.

"Mr. Qingyun is going to visit his wife, and I will wait here. There are still some things that need to be discussed with Lord Qingyun." Lord Rong smiled and cupped his hands.

Meng Tianchen nodded, although he didn't like his prudence, he could understand it, and followed the maidservant towards the courtyard.

Aunt Nian was already waiting outside the flower hall, seeing Meng Tianchen approaching, she bowed her knees and saluted.

"Mr. Qingyun, Madam is already waiting for you in the hall." The tone of voice was a little more reverent and respectful than before.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly to her, but without pausing at all, he directly stepped into the flower hall, his eyes fell directly on the girl above.

A day later, we met again, but the weather was very different.

The weak and lonely girl at the birthday banquet is now dressed in gorgeous clothes, her hair is high, she wears a hairpin and wears beads, her pretty face is covered with less makeup, which covers up the bloodless paleness, making her look even more beautiful and delicate.

Graceful and dignified, she seems to have the demeanor of a powerful woman. Compared with before, she is really a different person.

Meng Tianchen's heart moved slightly, but he didn't think deeply, and slightly bowed his hands.

"Your servant, Lord Qingyun, I have seen Madam." The royal family of the Shi family decreed that she be conferred as Madam. Although the status is not too high, she is a royal woman after all, and her status is naturally respected.As the Duke of Meng Tianchen's affiliated country, he does not need to pay respects, but the due etiquette cannot be abolished.

Rong Zhi thought she was ready, but seeing him coming from outside the hall, her heart couldn't help beating violently, a soreness and pain emanated from it, making her whole body slightly stiff, and she managed to suppress it after a few breaths. Feeling fluctuated, he opened his mouth lightly.

"You don't need to be polite, Lord Qingyun, please sit down."

"Mrs. Xie."

Meng Tianchen frowned slightly, although he didn't think he had given too much favor, but he finally gave Mingyu first and birthday banquet help later, this Miss Rong's attitude changed too quickly.How could he fail to notice the alienation in this faint tone.

It seems that being canonized by the Shi family's royal family, Miss Rong has other reliance, and her vision has improved a lot, and she no longer regards him as a mere vassal of the state.

Shaking his head secretly, although he didn't understand the reason, Meng Tianchen didn't want to think too much about it. He didn't mean to ask for credit in return, so naturally he didn't have much feeling at this moment, but there was a lot of emotion in his expression. A bit of businesslike indifference.

"According to the agreement between the angel, the honorable governor and my lord, and the approval of the country's lord, the date of the envoy's departure from Beijing will be three days later. As an envoy, I will also send off the relatives and escort my wife all the way into Tongli Empire. "

"I already know about this matter, and on this journey, I have to trouble Mr. Qingyun."

"Ma'am, you are welcome, this is a matter of Meng's duty."

Meng Tianchen finished his speech, thought for a while and didn't need to say much, then got up directly, cupped his hands and opened his mouth.

"If Madam has no other orders, and Meng is still busy with other things, he will leave first."

Rong Zhi felt a pain in her heart, and her face became paler, but she couldn't see it under the cover of the good rouge and blush, so she nodded.

"Auntie Nian, send Lord Qingyun out."

"Yes, ma'am."

The figure of a woman appeared at the entrance of the flower hall and spoke respectfully.

"Mr. Qingyun, please."

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly, and strode away from the flower hall.

There was an unconcealable look of surprise in Lord Rong's eyes, he never expected Meng Tianchen to back out so quickly after entering, but he was completely relieved in his heart.It seems that Lord Qingyun also knows the seriousness of the matter, and has restrained some thoughts in his mind.

This is naturally the best result.

Aunt Nian watched Meng Tianchen and Lord Rong leaving, with a look of hesitation on her face, finally sighed softly, turned around and walked towards the flower hall in a hurry.

Rong Zhi still sat at the head, but the previous indifference and grace had all faded away at this moment, her lips were tightly pressed together, showing a layer of paleness.

"Ma'am, are you tired? I'll help you rest."

Rong Zhi nodded, and got up from the seat, but her feet suddenly went limp, if it wasn't for the woman's poor eyesight and quick hand to help her, she would have fallen straight away.

"Ma'am, are you okay? Do you want to ask the pharmacist to have a look?"

Rong Zhi's face was gloomy, she shook her head, and walked forward without saying a word.

Aunt Nian had no choice but to carefully support her and send her into the bedroom.

"You all go down, no one is allowed to go near the bedroom without Madam's call." The woman waved her hand, sent all the maids in the Governor's Mansion away, opened the restriction in the bedroom, and then turned to look at the man who was leaning on the bed. Girl, a bit of pity flashed in her eyes.

Gently walked to the bed.

"Miss, if you are suffering in your heart, just cry out, no one here will know, you can't keep all the suffering in your heart."

Rong Zhi shook her head and spoke in a low voice.

"Auntie Nian, I don't feel bitter. This is my own choice. I have already planned what kind of consequences I will face." Although the voice tried hard to keep calm, thinking of his slightly frowned brows and demeanor revealed a The indifference still made her feel a pain in her heart, and her voice trembled slightly.

Aunt Nian stretched out her hand to caress the girl's hair, her face was full of unbearable expression.

"Miss, why do you have to bear this alone? Tell Lord Qing Yun what you want to say. Even if you can't get together, you can let him know your mind."

"Aunt Nian, stop talking, I can't do this." Rong Zhi raised her head, trying to show a smile on her face.

"I saw him coming today, and I almost couldn't help but throw myself into his arms, hug him, and tell him that I am willing to give up everything now and leave this place with him forever. But I did a good job, didn't I ?He didn't see my disguise, and now he must think that I am a selfish and snobbish woman. He must no longer like me, and he will even hate me from the bottom of his heart, thinking that he has misjudged him before. That’s fine, that’s what I want.”

Rong Zhi smiled hard, but her eyes became crystal clear, tears washed away the bright red on her face, revealing a pale face without a trace of blood.

"Miss, how about I go tell Lord Qingyun and tell him what you think. I think if Lord Qingyun really likes you, he will definitely be willing to take you far away. When the time comes, you will remain anonymous and no one will be able to find you."

"No! Don't!" Rong Zhi reached out and hugged the woman's waist.

"Auntie Nian, in my heart, I have always regarded you as my mother. This time, you must promise me that you must never tell him about it. I just want him to forget me completely."

"Now I am a woman of the Shi family's royal family. I have a noble and sensitive status. If I really leave with him, it will cause an uproar, and the entire pot kingdom will be implicated. Although I have no feelings for them, I can't just watch them because of me. He died in vain. And I know that he is a man who achieves great things, and the vast world is the battlefield for him to fight bravely, instead of simply giving up everything for a woman, this life is destined to hide and hunt Even if I choose again, I would rather he completely forget about me, so that no one will find a flaw, and I will not become a disaster that will bring him disaster."

"Aunt Nian, you promise me."

(End of this chapter)

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