Chapter 865 Wormhole Ship

Aunt Nian stretched her arms around the girl's thin waist, with tears in her eyes, she nodded repeatedly.

"Okay! Okay! I promise you, miss, you can't get too excited. The pharmacist said you should take a good rest, and don't have too much emotional ups and downs."

"Aunt Nian, I want to cry, so I'll just cry this time, okay?"

"Miss, you can cry if you want to cry. It's much better to cry out than to hide in your heart."

Rong Zhi nodded slightly, hugging the only relative beside her, tears streaming down her clothes, soaking her clothes.

I don't know how long it has passed, when the woman carefully placed her on the bed, Rong Zhi was exhausted and fell asleep, but a pair of jade hands subconsciously hugged Mingyu in her arms, her body curled up slightly, it seemed that only it could make her feel A trace of warmth.


"My lord, after monitoring, Lord Qingyun is fine." The Hu Kingdom has a vast territory, and the Hu Kingdom Lord naturally has his own source of information. The middle-aged man kneeling on the ground is his confidant and is in charge of intelligence matters.

"En." Hu Wangjun nodded slightly, it seemed that Meng Tianchen was still doing his duty, even if he noticed some, he didn't dare to resist the majesty of his lord, which made him quite satisfied.

"How are the tribute gifts prepared?"

"It is still short of the final finishing touches, and we will never miss the mission's departure from Beijing tomorrow."

"That's good, this matter must be properly supervised. Is there any news from Tongli Empire recently?"

"The royal family of the Shijia sent an order to call all the affiliated countries to pay tribute to the capital of the Shijia."

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom frowned slightly, then sneered.

"It's been quiet for a long time, and it's time for chaos. The royal court of the Shi family has already started to deter the vassal states under its command. You should pay close attention to this matter, and report back immediately if there is any news."

"No!" The kneeling man saluted respectfully, got up and quickly retreated.

"The tribute from all the vassal forces is considered a major event. In order to win over this king, the royal family of the master family should not be too embarrassing about being promoted to a high-rank vassal state."

"Meng Tianchen, don't let me down."

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom murmured, with a flame of ambition shining in his eyes.

Qingyun Duke's Mansion, secret room.

Meng Tianchen summoned the real body of the magic tire, and his eyes fell on the magic wheel.

The magic wheel stood on one side, although his expression was faintly tired, his eyes shone with excitement. With a wave of his hand, each golden light ball directly penetrated into the real body of the magic tire, and disappeared instantly.

"All right."

Motuzhen closed his eyes, opened them slowly after a while, with joy in his eyes, and nodded slightly to Meng Tianchen.

"Don't worry, since I said that I will prepare a complete and suitable cultivation method for him, I will naturally not break my promise." Molun said lightly.

"You can go to the Tongli Empire with peace of mind. I am too weak to help you now."

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly.

"The envoy will leave Beijing tomorrow, and I don't know when he will be back. As soon as the matter is resolved, I will ask you."

Molun nodded silently, with raging flames burning in his eyes.

Meng Tianchen, hurry up and leave, when you leave, it's time for Master Molun to show his skills!

Day three.

The embassy left the capital, and Governor Rong's mansion married a daughter, and the whole city of Hujing was enveloped in an atmosphere of celebration.

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom personally led the ministers under his command, drank the farewell wine, and gave a brief instruction to entrust the letter of credence to the court, and the mission officially left Beijing.

Meng Tianchen, Shiyue was side by side, with four dragon chariots driving behind him, the tribute and congratulatory gifts stretched for hundreds of miles, escorted by 30 troops of the lord on both sides, Haohao Tangtang left Hujing, and after leaving the city, he rode the light and went straight Soar above the sky.

The wormhole ship specially prepared for the emissary force empire has been prepared, and it is now docked above the sky.It is 1 miles long and [-] miles wide. It has a streamlined hull, with both ends shrinking and pointing slightly. Formation textures are densely covering the entire hull. The spiritual light shines slowly, like a beautiful star in the sky, but it is terrifying. The pressure diffuses from above.

From the Pot Kingdom to the Tongli Empire, it is extremely far away, and ordinary treasures that travel through space cannot do it at all.It can only be done by passing through the extremely terrifying wormhole passage.

However, only wormhole ships can travel through wormholes full of power to distort space-time.

Even a small faction as impressive as the Pot Kingdom is worthy of owning a wormhole ship.

With the support of enough chaotic crystals, the speed of this ship is astonishing, and it has an astonishing defense and attack power.
Just to build a wormhole ship, it needs to consume incalculable treasure resources, and the terrifying rate of loss of chaos crystals when using it makes ordinary warriors sigh.

The mission boarded the wormhole ship, the Lie Lie black flag was raised, and when their eyes fell, a phantom of a black dragon could be faintly seen churning and roaring around the flag.This is a manifestation of the blessing of the pot kingdom's luck, and it is also a proof of the identity of the wormhole ship.

It is a long way from the Pot Kingdom to the Tongli Empire, and it needs to cross countless distances, especially through wormholes.There are countless hidden dangers in it.

As an envoy of the Pot Kingdom, with the angel of the Tongli Empire on top, coupled with the defensive power of the wormhole ship, it should be able to deter the forces along the way and reach the Tongli Empire safely.

Meng Tianchen, as the envoy minister, stood at the bow of the ship, sipping in a low voice.

"set off!"

The forbidden formation of the wormhole ship suddenly rotated, and the scattered aura directly exploded into a beam of light that soared into the sky. A layer of translucent colloidal film enveloped the entire wormhole ship, and various forbidden scriptures flickered on its upper reaches. Release a powerful aura that compels people.

call out!
In a flash, the wormhole ship turned into a stream of light, and flew across the sky like a meteor, flying towards the ancient and vast sky.

The wormhole ship starts, and the mission officially travels. It takes seven months to travel through countless distances and wormholes to reach the Tongli Empire.

The Kingdom of Pot has made complete preparations for this mission, with sufficient reserves of various materials, and the Chaos Crystal is enough to support a battle. If there is no accident, it is enough for the mission to go back and forth between the Kingdom of Pot and the Tongli Empire several times .

Madam Zhi's status is respected, she was arranged on the highest floor of the building, equipped with a special maid, and the daily expenses were delivered by a special person, and no one was allowed to step in without permission.

The second floor was originally the residence of the envoys. Meng Tianchen, as a show of respect for the angels, ordered the second floor to be divided into two and shared with the angels.

Shi Yue did not shirk, but agreed with a smile, but in his heart he was quite satisfied with Meng Tianchen's prudence and thoughtfulness in his actions. Letting him stay on the second floor is not only respect, but also to show his attitude, and he has no other feelings for Mrs. Zhi .

The first floor is the residences of other warriors in the mission, which are allocated according to their status.

The lower four floors are where the guards and treasures are arranged.

Surrounded by maids, Mrs. Zhi climbed up to the third floor, with a graceful and luxurious demeanor, her eyes swept over, and everyone bowed slightly to salute.

The girl's eyes paused slightly on Meng Tianchen, her slender hands were tightly entangled in the sleeves of the wide robe, but there was no abnormality on her face, she turned and entered the room.

"Angel, please." Meng Tianchen got up, cupped his hands and said.

Shi Yue shook his head with a smile.

"Mr. Qingyun, please." Since Meng Tianchen gave him enough respect and reciprocated, he naturally knew how to act.

Meng Tianchen didn't make any excuses, nodded, and the two entered the second floor one after the other.The rest of the assignments will naturally be done by other warriors in the mission, but there is no need for Meng Tianchen to intervene.

In the vastness, a wormhole ship roared forward. Although Wanli's body was huge, he was like a drop in the ocean in the vast sky, as small as floating dust.

In half a month, the envoys of the Hu Kingdom had already left the territory of the Hu Kingdom.

From now on, the wormhole ship has entered a state of alert.Although he has the status of an envoy of the Pot Kingdom and the angels of the Tongli Empire, no one should dare to provoke him, but it is better to be careful in everything.

They are charged with the mission of envoys to the power empire, and they are also sending off their relatives, so there is no room for any mistakes.

The place where Shiyue lived was built into a gorgeous courtyard.

The two maidservants pressed their shoulders and beat their legs, serving carefully.Shi Yue drank a good wine, tasted a mouthful of dishes, tasted a mellow beauty, which attracted shyness and reluctance, but it was a happy life.

After the mission set off, Meng Tianchen seldom left the residence, and he never got close to Mrs. Zhi. He felt relieved, so he could enjoy it comfortably.I don't know how long this kind of safe life will last, so naturally we should cherish it.

The maidservants serving in the courtyard are all young, beautiful and extremely pleasant. They were specially prepared by the Hu Kingdom to suit their preferences. Of course, Shi Yue would not be polite.During this period of time, he teased and played with each other one by one, fondled him up and down, and there were quite a few who were dazzled and winked all over his body, but none of them really had a good time with this teacher's angel, but the eyes of these maids couldn't help it. Resentful.

Shi Yue stretched out his hand to pick up the leg-thumping maidservant's chin, along the white neck, stretched his hand from the slightly loose collar, held the round and crystal clear part, and gently kneaded it.

The maidservant's pretty face was instantly flushed with red, and she glanced at this man with watery eyes, looking forward to it in her heart.If you can have a happy union with this angel of the Tongli Empire, even if you don't ask for a name in the future, you can still take care of him for a while.If you are lucky enough to be taken away, even if your status is not high, at least you can get rid of your status as a servant, which is many times better than the current situation.

There was a faint smile on Shi Yue's face, his face was slightly flushed, and his eyes were slightly drunk, as if he had already been moved by lust, but his eyes were full of clarity.

I'm afraid no one would have imagined that this angel of the Tongli Empire, who has lived among thousands of flowers and prefers to play beauties, has to stay awake in the middle of it, so as to temper his mind and improve his cultivation.

But at this moment, Shi Yue's body froze slightly, and he recovered in an instant, and the two beautiful maidservants serving close to him didn't notice it at all.

Withdrawing his hand from the collar of the maidservant, he patted the round thigh of the woman who was leaning against his back, and said with a smile: "Okay, my interest is exhausted today, you two go down. Well, go find the man next to Qing Yungong." Master Xianzi received two pieces of Chaos Crystal, which is my reward."

Although the two beautiful maids were unwilling, they dared not disobey his will. After saluting, their gazes swept across his body with resentment, and they went away swaying their soft waists.

Shi Yue stood up, the flush and smile on his face disappeared bit by bit, and he walked straight to the secret training room.

(End of this chapter)

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