Chapter 866

With a wave of his sleeve, the restriction was opened, and his hand flashed a little, and he took out a golden bead directly.This thing rose up by itself, turned into a liquid and extended to form a thin light curtain, on which the clouds and mist billowed, and the figure of the purple-robed old man appeared directly, but this time it was somewhat blurred and slightly distorted from time to time.

"Your Majesty wants to gain the body of the Xuannv, and your luck has greatly increased. Someone has already discovered the secret of the master's deception. At this moment, I am afraid that an assassin has been sent to intercept and kill it! Shi Yue, quickly lead Madam Zhi out of the wormhole of the Tongli Empire Mission Corps." boat, secretly drove away in the four-dragon chariot."

"Remember, no matter the cost, we must protect Mrs. Zhi comprehensively!"

Shi Yue's demeanor instantly turned dignified, he saluted respectfully, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Teacher, don't worry, this disciple will swear to the death to protect Mrs. Zhi!"

"Right now at least three people are fighting with me, and they have completely disrupted the chaos here. I can still send you a message at this moment, and I also use this golden orb. Later, I will do my best to destroy the chaotic atmosphere here. With all the opportunities scattered, no one will deduce and determine your position. But before entering the Tongli Empire, the teacher can no longer give you any hints, and the rest of the road depends entirely on yourself, so be careful! "

The purple-robed old man said solemnly, and the light curtain in front of him distorted and disappeared, turning into a golden bead and falling into Shi Yue's hands.

Those who can break through the secrets shielded by the teacher and fight with the teacher must be powerful existences of the same level as the teacher, and there are as many as three of them.In Linglong World, those who are qualified to fight against the teacher must be powerful warriors from other empires, which shows that on the way home, they may face three parties or even more interceptions!

Because it is impossible to find their location, even if His Majesty and the teacher want to send warriors to meet them, there is no way.The severity of the matter seems to be higher than Shi Yue expected!
call out!
Shi Yue stood up abruptly. The previous teacher reminded him to lead Madam Zhi to leave the Hu Kingdom mission immediately, which indicated that the wormhole ship the mission was on was no longer safe.That being the case, it is natural to respond as soon as possible, lest there will be changes later.

Leaving the courtyard in a hurry, and pondering for a while, Shi Yue strode straight to where Meng Tianchen was.Even if it is really necessary to leave the wormhole ship that the mission is on, this matter cannot be hidden from Meng Tianchen, and his cooperation is necessary to complete this matter secretly.

"Master Angel." Xianzi bowed his hands, thinking of the two rosy-faced maidservants who came to beg for rewards, he couldn't help but feel a little weird.

"Quickly inform Duke Qingyun, please show up and see him." Shi Yue said anxiously, his face full of solemnity.

Xianzi's heart trembled slightly, he didn't dare to delay, he hurriedly responded, turned around and walked into the courtyard quickly.

After a while, Meng Tianchen stepped forward, cupped his hands and opened his mouth.

"The angel is here, why not?"

Shi Yue bowed his hand and returned the salute.

"This is not a place to talk too much, please go to Mrs. Zhi's place with me, Lord Qingyun, and discuss it again."

"Okay." Meng Tianchen saw that he was anxious, so he didn't say much to delay the time, and the two immediately set off for the third floor.

After being informed, a maid respectfully led the way and led the two into the living room of the courtyard. The girl had already sat on the head, and Aunt Nian waited on her side.

"The minister waited to see his wife."

Meng Tianchen and Shi Yue bowed their hands in salute.

"Mr. Qingyun, Shiyue don't need to be polite, please sit down." Rong Zhi said lightly, trying not to fall on Meng Tianchen, so as not to cause trouble for him.

"I don't know why you two are here?"

Meng Tianchen sits at the first place on the left, and at this moment, he heard the words and looked down at Shiyue.

Shi Yue glanced around, and the girl nodded.

"Go down, all of you, and no one shall come near the living room without orders."


The maidservant bowed her knees and bowed her head slightly to bow respectfully.

Shi Yue came out with his divine sense, scanned the living room carefully, and made sure that no one had tampered with him, so he raised his hand and laid a layer of restraint, covering the entire living room.

"It's urgent, I'm being rude."

Meng Tianchen's face instantly turned solemn. Although Shi Yue usually behaved quite unrestrained, he was by no means easy-going, and the city was extremely deep.For him to be so solemn, things must be extremely difficult.

Rong Zhi remained silent for a while, and spoke slowly.

"Shi Yue, what happened, please tell me directly."

Shi Yue stood up and saluted.

"Madam, I have received the exact news that someone has been secretly eyeing the wormhole ship of the mission of the Kingdom of Pot, intending to do harm to Madam. I am sorry that I cannot explain the specific reasons. I also ask Madam and me to leave the mission immediately and take a The four dragon chariots drove away. This matter still requires the assistance of Lord Qingyun, and the people on board the embassy should be kept secret, so as not to be noticed in advance, so as to buy more time for me, and lead my wife to escape safely."

As the words fell, Rong Zhi's face changed, but his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen.

Meng Tianchen frowned, and spoke slowly after a moment of silence.

"The angel's words were too sudden. I don't know who wanted to harm Madam? Could it be that the current strength of the envoys can't resist? If the angel can't give a reason for me to agree, please forgive me for not being able to agree to this matter."

Shi Yue could sense the firmness in Meng Tianchen's plain words, but he also understood that if he couldn't give him a satisfactory answer, he would definitely not be able to take Madam Zhi away, so he smiled wryly.

"Mr. Qingyun, this matter is confidential. Please forgive me for not being able to tell you the details. But there is one thing I can assure Mr. Qingyun that with the power of the mission, it is impossible to protect the safety of my wife, because these assassination forces come from other forces. empire!"

"Every minute of delay now, the madam will be more dangerous. Please, Lord Qingyun, make a decision early."

Meng Tianchen's face changed slightly. He originally thought that the royal family of the Shi family suddenly ordered Rong Zhi to be conferred the title of wife. It was just a whim, and the love of beauty was moved, but now it seems that the matter is not as simple as he imagined, and it will attract other people. The empire intervened.

Right now, the eight power empires in the Linglong World are tense, but they have maintained a superficial calm.Only the head of the Tian family is the world's enemy of the children's power empire. The two parties have long-cherished wishes and are already irresolvable mortal enemies.If there were assassins to rob and kill, the big boss of the Tian family would definitely intervene.

The leader of the Tian Family, the Fire Clan!
If what Shi Yue said is right, they came to assassinate Mrs. Zhi, and they would definitely not let him go!The Fire Clan assassins in the Meiyan Pavilion that day had already shown that the Fire Clan's intention to harm him was still alive.Also, will the Great Yin Sect Corpse Clan fish in troubled waters and send strong men to kill Meng Tianchen while he is on his way to envoy Tong Power to the empire?
In the blink of an eye, Meng Tianchen turned countless thoughts and made a decision in his heart.

"I believe what the angel said, but I can't hand over my wife to the angel alone. I will leave the mission together with the angel to protect my wife and go to Tongli Empire secretly."

Meng Tianchen spoke slowly, but it was the result of his deliberation.The mission was no longer safe, so he couldn't stay here, and led his wife away with Shi Yue, not only to complete his mission, but also to avoid possible interception from the dark.It is safer to hide your tracks and move forward.

Seeing Shi Yue's expression of hesitation, Meng Tianchen spoke lightly.

"The lord ordered me to escort my wife to the Tongli Empire. I will definitely send my wife to the Tongli Empire safely. Please don't refuse the angel."

"Okay! Since Lord Qingyun is not afraid of taking risks, why don't I want to." Shi Yue said in a deep voice.

"Please ask Lord Qingyun to make arrangements as soon as possible so that the wormhole ship of the regiment can move on, and we will leave as soon as possible."

"Mr. Qingyun, please be more cautious, and don't let the wind leak. As long as I wait to escort my wife away, and secretly intercept the assassin, I will not attack the mission. But before that, the mission needs to attract enough attention. , to buy us more time."

Meng Tianchen nodded.

"Angel, don't worry, this guild will arrange this matter properly."

Yuluo got up and cupped his hands to Rong Zhi who was sitting on the head.

"Madam, please make preparations as soon as possible. It's just that this time I'm hiding from the interception. I'm afraid Madam can't leave with the people around me. I will leave first."

Shi Yue got up immediately, and left together with Meng Tianchen.

Aunt Nian turned pale slightly, the sudden news made her tremble with fear.


"Aunt Nian, you don't have to worry, go and help me prepare the items I need, more medicine and Chaos Crystal." The girl stretched out her hand and patted the woman's hand.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of myself."

"Yes." Aunt Nian sighed softly in her heart, turned around and walked hurriedly towards the outsider.

Rong Zhi lowered her head slightly, she should have felt very scared at first, but she felt slightly happy in her heart.

He will also leave the mission with her, although in his eyes, this is just a mission, but in Rong Zhi's heart, there are more opportunities to get along with him.Even if it's just a few more meetings, it's good.

When Meng Tianchen came forward, the matter was naturally extremely simple. Without disturbing anyone, a certain place of the wormhole ship stopped for a moment, and then resumed, without anyone noticing at all.

Xianzi announced that Lord Qingyun will temporarily retreat for a period of time, and the deputy envoy will take over the affairs of the mission for the time being, and nothing should be disturbed.Shi Yue, a flowery angel, always likes to play with beauties in the courtyard, even if he doesn't show up for a month or two, no one will be suspicious.As for the lady at the top, Aunt Nian obeyed her orders and announced that the lady was unwell and needed to rest for a while, and she would be responsible for all care matters.

The matter was kept secret, and the entire envoy was kept in the dark except for Xianzi and Aunt Nian.

The wormhole ship on which the envoys of the Hu Kingdom continued to head towards the Tongli Empire, but the real key figures in it had already quietly left.

The spiritual light in the void flickered slightly, and four figures appeared directly.

Meng Tianchen, Rong Zhi, Shi Yue and that unattractive driver in black.

"Brother Tu, I'm in trouble."

Shi Yue bowed his hand, but to the black-clothed coachman, his expression was not respectful, but it was definitely not the slightest bit of arrogance.

The black-clothed coachman didn't say much, and with a wave of his sleeves, a dazzling golden light burst out in front of him, and the four-dragon chariot Luanjia had already appeared in the void.

"Ma'am, please get on the Luanjia, Qingyun Guild and I will follow behind." Shi Yue cupped his hands and said.

Rong Zhi nodded slightly, glanced over the several people, and stepped into it alone.

(End of this chapter)

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