Chapter 867
The black-robed chariot driver stood in front of Luanjia, and the golden whip appeared in his hand. He waved the four dragons and roared. The chariot Luanjia directly turned into a golden streamer and went straight to the depths of the sky. , but there is a big deviation from the direction of the wormhole ship of the mission.

With a wave of Shi Yue's robe sleeves, a silver treasure shaped like a long shuttle but flat in shape appeared directly in front of the two of them, who cupped his hands and opened his mouth.

"Mr. Qingyun, please."

Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered slightly, he stepped down, and the figure directly entered it.

A look of admiration flashed in Shi Yue's eyes, obviously quite satisfied with his trust and courage, the figure then entered.

The next moment, the silver light of this thing was shining, and it shot out like a flying shuttle, and whizzed away immediately after the four dragon chariots.

At this point, Shi Yue relaxed a little from his nervousness. Now the teacher must have disturbed the secrets of chaos, and no one can deduce their whereabouts.

After breaking away from the wormhole ship of the Hu Kingdom Mission, the four of them melted into the vast void like a speck of dust, and it was not easy to find them.Moreover, this time, they chose a remote route. Although it will take more time, the safety has also been improved a lot.

Meng Tianchen looked at Shi Yue in front of him, his face was calm without any strange expression.

"Leaving the mission does not mean that they are completely out of danger. If they really want to harm Madam Zhi, after seeing through the empty shell of the mission, they will definitely search for it. That is the real crisis moment."

Shi Yue's eyes flickered slightly.

"What Lord Qingyun said is reasonable, but the vastness of the sky is endless, and it is not easy for them to find our whereabouts. At least for a short time, we will be safe and secure."

"I have feasted with you three times, I was assassinated in the Meiyan Pavilion, the Lord's luncheon was disrupted by the challenge of being a knight, and the Lord Rong's birthday also had twists and turns. Thinking about it carefully, I have never had a good drink with Lord Qingyun. How about making up for this regret?"

"The angel's words are exactly what I think in my heart."

The two looked at each other, with a little smile on their faces at the same time.

Shi Yue's hand flashed with inspiration, and various dishes and drinks kept appearing, and a sumptuous banquet was assembled in a short time.It's just that all the dishes are frozen in the ice, crystal clear, and the ice is disperse directly with a gesture of the hand, and the tempting fragrance is released in an instant.

This angel of the Tongli Empire is indeed a very enjoyable person.

Shi Yue picked up a jade altar and waved his hand to open the seal on it. Suddenly, there was a trace of cold air coming out of it, accompanied by a cold and heart-warming aroma of wine, which lifted people's spirits.

"Good wine!"

Shi Yue's face showed a bit of color.

"This Hanchuan wine is made from the unfreezing cold water deep in the eternally cold glacier, combined with many treasures, sealed under the eternal glacier in the way of wine making, it can be made into wine in 10 years, and the cold air can be absorbed in a million years to make the wine pure. Bai, just one sip of a warrior below the emperor's realm can freeze his body to death, and even his spiritual consciousness will be directly frozen and cracked, even if you and I drink it, you have to swallow it in small mouthfuls, so that it will be beneficial and harmless."

"This wine is extremely rare. I also found it by chance in a deserted cave in the depths of a glacier. The owner has been gone for an unknown number of years, but he has left behind this exquisite wine for more than a million years, and I took it all away. Take it out today and share it with Lord Qingyun."

"The angel's kindness, but I'm disrespectful. Let's take this fine wine and offer a toast to the angel."

The two collided and each raised their heads and took a sip.

Drinking wine is like drinking an extremely cold current, which suddenly spreads and spreads to every inch of flesh and blood in the body, but after the extreme coldness, it suddenly turns into a scorching heat and melts into the flesh and blood.

Meng Tianchen closed his eyes slightly, and slowly opened his eyes after savoring for a few breaths.

"Angel's wine is really extraordinary."

It was not the first time for Shi Yue to drink, and he had already recovered, but seeing that Meng Tianchen had absorbed the power of Hanchuan wine within a few breaths, he couldn't help being secretly shocked.

This wine is highly poisonous if consumed below the emperor's level, and it will kill you instantly.However, even for a mid-level emperor-level martial artist like him, it takes a lot of time to absorb the power of the wine for the first time drinking it, and to adapt to the power of Hanchuan wine, Meng Tianchen can do it in a few breaths, which is enough to know his cultivation tyrannical.

"Mr. Qingyun is good at drinking!"

"Let's try these dishes. I ordered someone from the Drunken God Pavilion of the Tongli Empire to make them and seal them directly with black ice to preserve the deliciousness of the dishes for thousands of years. It will definitely satisfy you."

The two drank facing each other, tasted a few mouthfuls of delicious dishes, and talked and laughed in low voices from time to time.

"Husband was born in heaven and earth, and he should indulge in pleasure and pleasure, so that he can live happily and not waste this life and time."

Shi Yue's face was slightly flushed due to alcohol, and his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen.

"Drinking good wine, enjoying delicious food, and appreciating beautiful people are the three great joys in life. We warriors roam the world, we can see countless beautiful things in the world, and we have endless choices. How can we give up the future because of a flower and a grass."

"I wonder if Mr. Qingyun thinks what I said is reasonable?"

Meng Tianchen was slightly silent, and spoke slowly.

"Warriors roam the world. Although they can enjoy themselves to their heart's content, they also need to know how to be restrained and have a sense of proportion. You can enjoy what belongs to you. If you don't belong to it, you should let it go earlier, so as not to cause disasters and harm others and yourself."

"I don't know if the angel thinks what I said is reasonable?"


The sky is vast and endless, and a wormhole ship whizzes with dazzling aura, and a powerful pressure is released from it, filling the void.

But at this moment, not far from the wormhole ship, a crimson flame suddenly ignited, bright but without the slightest temperature, and nearly a hundred figures slowly emerged from the burning flame, looking coldly at the wormhole Boat.

The lead warrior had a burly body, his long red hair was scattered casually, and his eyes were burning like flames.

Raising his hand suddenly, the person slapped the wormhole ship down.

With this beat, the void vibrated, and a pair of crimson flaming palms suddenly appeared. The hunting flames rose up wantonly, scorching like the sun, like the wrath of the fire god in the world, releasing the power to incinerate everything!

The flaming palm fell instantly, and landed on the wormhole ship. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and crimson light filled the sky and the earth.The large array of wormhole ships was suddenly attacked, running at full capacity, with dazzling aura, soaring into the sky!The scriptures of the Forbidden Path wandered wildly, bursting out with a tyrannical resistance force, resisting all the attacks of the flame palm.

But even so, the formation protection on the wormhole ship suddenly became dim.

With just a single palm, most of the chaotic crystals in the wormhole ship that maintain the operation of the forbidden formation were lost. Such supernatural powers can be called terrifying!The person who made the move must be a super strong person in the upper emperor realm!
On the wormhole ship, facing the sudden attack, the entire mission was in a mess, especially when they sensed the supernatural power of the attacker, everyone was terrified and desperate.

Xianzi's figure appeared on the second floor, and suddenly let out a low growl.

"Preach Qingyun's order, I will take over the affairs of the wormhole ship from now on, and control the ownership of the mission. If there is any disobedience, it will be killed on the spot with the power of the lord's own army!"

"Everyone in the mission stays where they are and does not move rashly. The Lord's personal army patrols the entire ship, and anyone who intends to misbehave will take it directly! The array mage immediately fills the chaos crystals and repairs the damage to the forbidden array!"

This yell suddenly spread to the ears of the members of the chaos envoy, although they didn't understand why Lord Qingyun hadn't shown up, but now they seemed to have found support, and they all responded.

The lord's army poured out from the lower level like a tide, and instantly controlled the entire wormhole ship. The formation master quickly replaced the chaotic crystals and repaired the big formation. The slightly dim guardian aura of the wormhole ship suddenly became dazzling again.

Under the premise of having enough chaotic crystals to supplement the power of the formation guarded by the wormhole ship used by the mission, as long as it is not instantly defeated by absolute power, it can be supported by the protection of the formation.

Seeing that the big array was lit up again, the chaos on the wormhole ship calmed down a little.


Emperor Zhenyan let out a low hum, and the evil energy in the depths of his eyes was surging. He slapped his palm without any pause, and stretched out one hand to ruthlessly tear at the space above the wormhole ship.


With a tear, the space collapsed directly, revealing a huge gully hundreds of miles wide and stretching thousands of miles.A crimson fire snake sprang out from it, and the scorching hot temperature erupted instantly, sweeping the entire space.

"Fire perish!"

During the low drink, a huge meteorite burning with raging flames shot out directly from the crack in the space, mixed with terrifying power, and smashed down on the wormhole ship.

The terrifying impact force, coupled with the hot flame temperature, releases amazing destructive power!After the entire wormhole ship array guard was hit, the spiritual light flickered for a while, and a large formation of spiritual light shot up into the sky.

After the first terrifying meteorite, came the second and third.
The number is dense and endless!
The loud bang was endless, and the huge sound wave swept across wantonly.The entire wormhole ship was in violent tremors, and the loss of chaos crystals reached a terrifying speed. Even if the reserves were sufficient, they could not last long under this kind of attack.

Xianzi's face turned slightly pale, but he still remained calm. The 30 National Lord's pro-army patrolled the entire ship, barely able to maintain the chaotic situation and prevent it from collapsing.

"Chaos crystals are lost by [-]%!"

"[-]% of the chaos crystal is lost!"

"Chaos crystals are lost by [-]%!"

The formation master kept reporting the loss of Chaos Crystals. In less than an hour, the Chaos Crystal reserves of the entire wormhole ship were only the last [-]%!
The palms of Xianzi's robe sleeves were tightly clenched, and his face maintained a sufficiently strong and cold posture. A terrified missionary soldier begged for mercy and cried bitterly, but he directly ordered him to kill him on the spot, so cold The method immediately made everyone's hearts awe-inspiring, although they were afraid, they did not dare to make any changes.

"At the time of life and death, if you carry enough Chaos Crystals on your body, you can take them out. Maybe you and I can hold on for a while longer and wait for a turnaround." Xianzi waved his sleeves as he spoke, and all the Chaos Crystals on his body were taken out.

After being reminded by this, the military members of the mission and the soldiers of the country's lord took out Chaos Crystals to make up for the loss, but they barely made up [-]% of the Chaos Crystals in the wormhole ship's reserve.

(End of this chapter)

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