Chapter 868
Emperor Zhenyan's face was indifferent, this time he had the permission of the priest to take action himself, and he was bound to kill the daughter of the royal family who was sent to the master's family on the boat, and then Meng Tianchen would also be beheaded.

Just relying on this wormhole ship to stop him?


The corners of Emperor Zhenyan's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a trace of coldness and ferocity.

"The remaining [-]% ​​of the Chaos Crystals!" The return array mage's face was pale, and there was uncontrollable fear in his eyes.

The entire wormhole ship fell into despair. If it continued, the entire mission would collapse before Emperor Zhenyan blasted through the formation.

Xianzi took a deep breath and looked up into the depths of the sky.

"Palace Master, Xianzi has done his best, and I hope it can make you more safe." As soon as he thought about it, Xianzi's face showed a sneer, and he took a step forward and growled in a deep voice.

"Masters of the Tian Family, are you here for Madam? My Lord Qingyun and Lord Angel have already led Madam to leave early. I'm afraid all your efforts will be in vain!"

The rolling sound spread instantly, penetrated the restriction, and was clearly transmitted to Emperor Zhenyan's ears, making his face extremely ugly in an instant.Because he suddenly discovered that from the beginning to the end, none of the three people mentioned by Xianzi had ever shown up!
Emperor Zhenyan's hand flashed a little, and he took out three scarlet arrows, on which the fire clouds were filled, which was quite extraordinary.These three items are offered as offerings, and you can find the person who secretly supplemented the luck of the royal family of the Shi family. Because the production is precious, and there are only three of them, he has never used them before, but now he can't care less about the treasures.

With a wave of his hand, an arrow shot out directly, but instead of flying close to the wormhole ship, it turned around and roared directly into the depths of the starry sky.

In this direction!

Emperor Zhenyan let out a roar, and murderous intent erupted from his body. The majestic king of the Fire Clan Emperor Realm was toyed with in applause. According to his temperament, he must kill all the people on board in order to reduce the hatred in his heart. meaning.But at this moment, he couldn't delay any longer, he wanted to find the direction in which the woman was fleeing and kill her while the arrow was pointing the direction!

With a growl of unwillingness in his mouth, Emperor Zhenyan turned around without hesitation, and led nearly a hundred powerful Tian family powerhouses behind him to turn around and leave, turning into a startled rainbow, and roaring away in the direction of the scarlet arrow.

Xianzi's tense heartstrings suddenly loosened, and only half of the chaotic crystals on the wormhole ship were left. If Emperor Zhenyan did not retreat, what awaited the entire mission would be a brutal slaughter.

The palace master conspired against Wushuang, and there really was no accident this time!He collected his thoughts, maintained his superficial toughness and composure, and calmly ordered.

"The military members of the mission go back to their residences and are not allowed to leave without permission. The formation master repairs the damage of the large formation and maintains the defensive power of the large formation. The lord's personal army maintains the order of the wormhole ship, and any changes are directly suppressed, and chaos must not be caused."

"I will be in charge of the wormhole ship under the order of Lord Qingyun until it arrives at the Tongli Empire to welcome Lord Qingyun back. During this period of time, I ask for your cooperation."

The voice was calm, but the coldness in it was enough to make one's heart chill.

Xianzi held Qingyun's official order, and the 30 national lord's pro-army obeyed the deployment, so he controlled the absolute power of the entire mission, and no one dared to disobey his order.The chaos on the wormhole ship subsided quickly with a series of orders.

A black light flickered in the depths of the void, and the figure of a corpse clan warrior appeared, it was the Yinyue Corpse Emperor who failed to assassinate Meng Tianchen before, walked to the black coffin, knelt down on one knee, and spoke in a low voice.

"Because of your lord Qiong, Emperor Zhenyan has already attacked the wormhole ship that the envoy of the Hu Kingdom was on. Everything is as you expected. Meng Tianchen and Shi Yue have led the woman to leave early."

"Yifu, the Tongli Empire, is proficient in deducing the secrets of chaos. Even if there are three priests blocking it, it is not difficult to send an early warning message." A hoarse voice came from the black hall. After a moment of silence, he continued to speak.

"Teng Shan, have you found the lair of bandits from the Lin Clan that I asked you to find?"

Among the warriors of the corpse clan, a corpse emperor stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

"Reporting to Lord Yinqiong, the subordinates have already found out that there is a concentrated lair for bandits from the Lin clan here, which is located in a hidden huge meteorite fragment in front of them."

This corpse emperor has a handsome face and a calm demeanor. Although he is only at the lower emperor level, no one dares to underestimate him.

This corpse was Na Tengshan!

Back then, Lan Yin Corpse Emperor was seriously injured by the demon god Monument, and he recovered his strength by devouring his subordinate corpse king, but was taken advantage of by Teng Shan, who swallowed him whole and directly promoted to Emperor Realm!Because of his skills in doing things, in a short period of time, he was quite appreciated by Emperor Yinqiong.

"Lead the way ahead." Emperor Yinqiong spoke slowly, revealing a hint of coldness.


The corpse's aura flickered slightly outside Teng Shan's body, and his figure turned into a black light, whizzing away.

The black coffin floated on its own without any breath, but it could easily follow behind.

A hint of unwillingness flashed in Yinyue Corpse Emperor's eyes, but he didn't dare to show the slightest bit, and led many strong corpse clansmen to follow behind the black coffin.

Three days later, the group had already entered a chaotic void meteorite area.

Lin clan bandits are a group of warriors who wander in the void and rely on plundering and plundering past business groups and warriors to obtain living resources. Most of them are bloodthirsty and wanted by various forces. Occupied by them, it has become a place for material exchange and trading.

Teng Shan stopped his figure, and a meteorite in front of him was filled with countless chaotic auras, varying in strength and shining with aura.He turned around and bowed respectfully to the black coffin.

"Because of poverty, my lord, we have arrived."

"Go and lure them out."


Teng Shan showed a cold expression on his face, raised his hand slightly, and ten corpse warriors appeared directly beside him, and the aura of the great emperor burst out wildly.

As the gathering place of Lin clan bandits, in order to prevent being encircled and suppressed, there will naturally be various early warning methods. Eleven great emperors shot at the same time, instantly touching the large early warning array arranged on the meteorite fragments.

call out!
call out!
call out!
Outside the meteorite belt, a small meteorite suddenly erupted with auras of various colors. A dozen warriors with gloomy complexions and evil spirits all over their bodies roared towards them. Their eyes fell on Teng Shan and the others, and their expressions could not help but change slightly.

"Great Yin Sect? Warriors from the Corpse Clan, why did you come to our territory?" the leading bandit leader of the Lin Clan asked in a deep voice.

A icy smile appeared on the corner of Teng Shan's mouth, and he waved his hand.

"Kill them all."

Behind them, the body energy of the ten strong members of the corpse clan burst out, and without warning, they shot at the dozens of bandits from the clan clan.

The face of the bandit leader of the Lin clan changed drastically, but he was also a person who had been killed for a long time. When he was in danger, he crushed the alarm jade in his hand and let out a low growl.

"Brothers, kill them all!"

Although the Zombie Clan is numerous and powerful, and they are notoriously ruthless and cruel, these Lin Clan bandits show no fear at all. Instead, they yelled at their supernatural powers to strike, their eyes gleaming with crazy bloodthirsty luster.

At the same time, a powerful aura erupted suddenly from the meteorite in front of him. There were as many as a dozen people in the middle emperor realm, and there was even a super strong man in the upper emperor realm, leading the warriors under his command to rush forward.

This gathering place of Lin clan bandits can be preserved without being wiped out, because all the Lin clan bandits who joined have signed a protection contract. Once the meteorite is attacked, all Lin clan bandit forces will put down their disputes and join forces to defend against the enemy.

Teng Shan licked the corner of his mouth, and waved his hand to lead the warriors of the mission corpse tribe back, leaving behind a dozen mummified corpses floating slowly, the essence of flesh and blood had been sucked clean.

Seeing this scene, the gangsters of the Lin clan who shot on the meteorite instantly became extremely ugly, and looked at the corpse clan with unfriendly eyes, with evil spirits rising from outside their bodies.

"Warrior of the Corpse Clan, I did not embarrass you from the Lin Clan, why did you massacre my Fang Wu Zhe!" The old man in a Chinese robe took a step forward and said in a low voice.

"If you can't give this old man a satisfactory explanation today, none of you will even think about leaving here!" This person is the only high-ranking emperor-level powerhouse on this meteorite, and he is also the titular leader of the surrounding bandits.

"You bastards, how dare you be arrogant!" A hoarse voice came from behind, and the corpse clan warriors retreated respectfully to both sides, revealing the suspended black coffin behind them.


With a soft sound, a withered hand as thin as a bone stretched out from it, and grabbed the old man in the Chinese robe directly.

The void oscillated, and a cloud of corpse energy suddenly appeared. It was as black as ink, thick as ink, and turned into a bone claw while rolling. The whole body was black and exuded a metallic luster.

"The Emperor of the Great Yin Sect is poor!"

The old man's eyes widened in an instant, and he let out an exclamation, but he couldn't hide the horror in his heart.The moment he spoke, the aura flashed outside the human body, and when his foot stepped down, ripples appeared in the space, as if he wanted to escape directly.

Being able to survive among the bandits of the Lin clan with a very high probability of death and reach the cultivation level of the upper emperor, the old man's magical powers are naturally not weak, but what is really exquisite is his ability to escape.With the help of a certain treasure on his body, the old man in fine clothes can borrow a bit of the origin of the chaotic space. Even if he faces the real king of the emperor, that is, the terrifying power above the eighth-rank emperor, he may not have no hope of escape.


But at this moment, a cold snort came from the black coffin, and the black bone claw fell in the direction. The whole space was suddenly shaken, and the space ripples were severely interrupted.

The old man in fine clothes snorted, and suddenly turned to look at the black coffin, with a frightened expression on his face, and a desperate scream from his mouth.

Without giving him a chance to beg for mercy, the black bone claw directly captured this person, sealed all his supernatural powers and cultivation, turned into a black lightning and suddenly pulled back, pulling the old man in fine clothes directly into the black coffin.

The lid of the coffin was closed, and accompanied by the sound of tearing flesh and blood, a miserable howl came from the black coffin, which lasted for a while before gradually weakening and finally dissipating. Only a little blood dripped continuously along the cracks in the black coffin.

The entire space was turned into dead silence!
Countless bandits from the Lin clan had pale faces, and the fierce and evil spirit in their eyes had turned into fear. Their bodies were stiff, but no one moved a bit.

Great Yin Sect Yinpoor Emperor!
These few words alone are enough to drive them into despair.

(End of this chapter)

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