Chapter 869
The great leader of the upper emperor realm, but with the cultivation base of a seventh-rank emperor, was killed so easily, without any resistance at all.Now that all of them are under the control of Emperor Yinqiong, it is easy to kill them.

"Yinyue, give them the image and jade piece."

The voice of Emperor Yinqiong came from the black coffin again, but it was a little more angry than before, and it was no longer just hoarse and harsh.

"Yes, because of poverty, my lord."

The Yinyue Corpse Emperor respectfully opened his mouth, and with a wave of his hand, dozens of pieces of jade fell directly into the hands of bandits from the neighboring clans.

"Use your eyeliner, turn over the entire void around me, and find them! Whoever can find the whereabouts of the three people in the picture, shadow and jade film first, I will support him to become the chief bandit of the Lin clan!"

"Don't try to escape, otherwise you will be hunted down endlessly by the corpse clan! Now bring your men and horses to help me find them!"

The low-pitched roar of Emperor Yinqiong came from inside the black coffin, and the force of spatial suppression suddenly dissipated, and the bandits from the surrounding clan regained their freedom.

In just a short moment, the bustling meteorite belt instantly became deserted, and countless bandits, large and small, rushed out frantically, drilled into the void, and quickly disappeared.

The chief is dead, whoever can find these three people will be supported by Emperor Yinqiong of the Great Yin Sect and become the new chief!The big and small leaders of the Lin clan bandits swept away in all directions with fear and burning flames in their eyes.

When the news spread, it was like dropping a pebble on a calm lake, with ripples spreading to the surrounding water surface, not only did not become weak, but set off a huge wave!
The bandits of the Lin clan in the entire void are completely crazy!

"Boss, have you heard? The Yinqiong Emperor of the Great Yin Sect offered a reward to hunt down and kill three people. Whoever can find the whereabouts of the three first will be supported by the Emperor Yinqiong and become the new leader of the bandits!" Inside the hollowed-out meteorite, hundreds of bandits from the Lin clan hid in it. The leader, a bearded man, spoke in a low voice, his eyes gleaming with fiery luster.

"You'd better not even think about it. How can a martial artist who can be captured by the Yinqiong Emperor issued a reward order by the Great Yin Sect be an easy-going generation? It's not luck. If it really happened, we might not be enough for others Between the teeth." The boss in black said coldly.

The bearded man shrank his head and said with a sneer: "We're not going to capture them. As long as we're lucky enough to meet them, reporting the whereabouts of these people is considered a great achievement."

While speaking, the man's hand flashed a little, and he took out a piece of pale jade, with a bit of color on his face.

"Hey, this jade piece is a piece of jade that I exchanged 500 yuan for Chaos Crystal and the people from Jianyazui a few days ago. As long as you find the whereabouts of these three people, you can report it to the corpse clan and get this piece of jade." A great feat."

The black-clothed boss's face changed, and he stretched out his hand to hold the jade piece in his hand. He felt a ray of corpse air, and his face instantly became extremely gloomy!

"You have always been careless. If you accidentally crush this jade piece and attract corpse clan warriors, wouldn't you be asking for trouble! Leave this jade piece here for now, anyway, you have no chance to use it."

Although the bearded man was dissatisfied in his heart, he was also frightened by the majesty of the boss, muttering to himself, but he kept saying yes with a smile on his face.

But at this moment, a piece of jade in the hands of the black-clothed boss suddenly emitted a faint aura. Seeing this scene, the man's face was filled with joy, he put the jade piece into the storage ring, and spoke with a sinister smile.

"Brothers cheer up, a fat sheep is coming!"

All the gangsters in the cave were excited when they heard the words.

As a weak force among the bandits of the Lin clan, unwilling to be inferior to others, they can only be driven to remote places, where it is difficult to find prey that can be attacked.Even if one or two wormhole ships occasionally diverted due to special reasons, they often dare not attack due to lack of strength.It has been more than two months since the last harvest. If the prey does not come, I am afraid that even the cultivated Chaos Crystal will not be able to support it.

I hope this time there will be more fat and water, so that they can last for a while longer.

While the bandits of the Lin clan were eager to see through, a golden light appeared at the end of their line of sight. The speed was extremely fast, and within a flash, it had already entered the range that could be recognized by the eyes.

Four dragons drive, golden luan drives, and the Mercedes-Benz is like a burning flame!Behind the four dragon chariots, a silver light followed closely!
The bearded man's eyes straightened instantly, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down.

"Fat sheep! Fat sheep. Big fat sheep! Boss! Kill them! Doing this will be enough for the brothers to eat and drink for a long time!"

The other Lin clan bandits also looked excited, almost bursting into tears.God finally opened his eyes and sent such a big fat sheep when they were about to lose their hold!Just by slaughtering these four dragons, the oil and water harvested are worth their decades of harvest.

The black-robed boss frowned, and his eyes were cloudy and uncertain.

"Boss, order to do it quickly, or they will run away!" The bearded man scratched his head anxiously, as if he wanted to rush out immediately.

"If you want to send yourself to death, don't drag me!" the black-robed boss growled.

"These four fire dragons from the lower emperor realm alone are enough for you to drink a pot. A warrior who can use this kind of chariot is not easy. If we rush out, we may be killed directly by someone chopping melons and vegetables Clean!"

A bucket of cold water was poured on their heads, and a group of bandits from the neighboring clan were suddenly dumbfounded, and they were terrified by the boss's words, but they felt unwilling to watch this kind of fat sheep escape from under their noses.

"Boss, what do you say? Without Chaos Crystal, the brothers are already unable to hold on. This fat sheep missed it. I don't know how long it will take to open." Blackbeard muttered in a low voice, his face full of grievances.

"Hey! Let them go? I don't want to let them go! But this fat sheep idea is a bit tricky, we can't handle it by ourselves. Judging from their direction, they should be going to Tongli Empire. You should send a letter to Jianyazui and People from Heishayuan, ask them to bring people to wait, and share this fat sheep with us." The black-robed boss grinned, looking at the direction of the four dragon chariots Luanjia and Yinguang leaving, full of confidence in his heart.

Although these people are fast, they are not as good as these gangsters who hang around here all day long, and choosing a shortcut is enough to stop them.
"Where is the Fat Sheep? We came here after hearing your message, don't fool us." The boss of Jianyazui, Old Ghost Daya, said in a low voice, his eyes gleaming with coldness, his whole body filled with a strong evil spirit, obviously it was not easy generation.

"Old ghost Ya, don't worry. Since the black-robed boss called us over, he wouldn't be idle and teasing us. Just wait patiently." Wan Qian, it was really mesmerizing, seeing a group of gangsters who seldom touch women's eyes straightened, but they only dared to indulge their eyesight.

Even if this guy really lays down on the bed like a big white sheep after washing and peeling off, they dare not really lie down on it.Who doesn't know that the kung fu practiced by this woman is a famous evil method, and I haven't heard of anyone who can escape from her belly alive, and most of them are sucked by her to do it alone.

When the woman was speaking, she cast a wink at the black-robed boss, but he turned a blind eye and spoke indifferently.

"If the two bosses think that my black robe is someone who likes to waste time without doing anything, they can leave now, and we won't stop them."

Old Ghost Ya let out a low snort, but did not continue to speak.

"Boss, here we come!"

Hearing the words, the bandit leaders of the three groups of the Lin clan instantly cheered up, and looked forward, and a touch of gold appeared in their sight.

"The idea may be a bit tricky, but the three of us join forces, so we may not be afraid! But in order to prevent nights and dreams, we will take action later, and keep these fat sheep cleanly, and we will divide them after the benefits are over."

There was a faint flash of inspiration in the black robe's hand, and he had already taken out the treasure in his hand.

The old ghost Ya and the woman nodded solemnly and raised their hands. The bandits and warriors of the three Lin clans had already set up their positions, and their movements were familiar. Obviously, it was not the first time they had done such a thing.

The coachman stood in front of Luanjia, holding a golden long whip. Seeing that there were a large number of bandits blocking the way in front of him, his expression did not change at all. He raised his hand and waved the long whip, and the four dragons roared. In an instant, hot flames burst out from their bodies, turning into raging flames. The flames were burning wantonly, and they didn't seem to back down at all, and they went straight to the bandits of the neighboring clan!
The black robe's pupils contracted slightly, and seeing the driver so calm and tough, he knew that today he had encountered a hard point.But now that the three companies have joined forces, the arrow has to be launched!Moreover, once such a hard idea succeeds, the rewards that can be obtained are extremely rich.


While drinking, this person raised his hand and threw it away, and a flat-bottomed mountain-shaped treasure was thrown out instantly. It rose in the wind and turned into a size of a hundred miles. It shone like a real mountain peak, and it went straight to the four-dragon chariot Luanjia and smashed it down. .

At the same time, the old ghost Ya and the leader of Heishayuan attacked at the same time.

The former waved his robe sleeve, and immediately a grain of silver sand the size of a grain of rice was shot out directly, turning into a storm of silver sand and sweeping away with a howl.

As for the woman, Treasure's shot was a puff of black smoke, black as ink, and seemed to have its own spirituality in the tumbling, like a black boa constrictor, opening its mouth to swallow Luanjia.

Although the leaders of these three gangs of Lin clan bandits cooperate from time to time, they are truly powerful enemies who are facing each other. They are always thinking about how to annex each other in order to enhance their own strength.It's just because of the similar differences in their cultivation bases, their own subtleties of supernatural powers, and the fact that no one has certainty and fear of being exploited by others, that they have been living in peace and controlling this remote meteorite belt together.

At this moment, all the attacks were made with the help of treasures, integrated with the power of the Great Emperor, and the cohesion of the void made the supernatural power stronger. This move alone is enough to make it difficult for warriors of the same level to parry, and it is the three of them working together.

(End of this chapter)

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