Chapter 871
The blue veins popped up one by one, turning into dark blue, trembling like tumbling earthworms, screams of pain came out from the mouth of the black robe, he fell to his knees and rolled wildly in the void, his body quickly shriveled, exuding the breath of corpses Emerge, enveloping his entire body.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Teng Shan's mouth, as long as he wanted to kill Meng Tianchen, he would stay.Maybe this black robe can be transformed into a good gadget. If successful, maybe he will be used in the future.

"Send a letter to Lord Yinqiong, and have found the whereabouts of Meng Tianchen and others."


A corpse tribe warrior had a flash of inspiration in his hand, he took out a finger bone and crushed it with a little force.

In the distant void, the black coffin was suspended in the air. At this moment, there was a slight shock, and a hoarse sound came from it.

"it's here."

Before the sound fell, the black coffin turned into a stream of light and roared away.

All the killing forces of the corpse race were quickly concentrated at this moment.

Standing with his hands behind his back, Teng Shan looked at the roaring and struggling figure in front of him, his eyes grew more and more satisfied.

"Meng Tianchen, it seems that you really gave me a good plaything this time."

After half an hour, the roar in the corpse air group became weaker and weaker, but there was a fierce aura hidden in it, and the roar fell into the ears of ten corpse clan warriors. The body remained stiff, and the pupils shrank slightly, revealing a look of fear.

The tumbling corpse energy suddenly began to converge, at an extremely fast speed, but it was still completely absorbed within a few breaths, and what appeared in front of the corpses was no longer a monster that could be called a human being.

Bright red flesh and blood, thick and powerful limbs, sharp and sharp claws, the body bowed slightly, a row of pale bone spurs grew out along the spine on the back, the nasal bone grew outward, and the jaw bone was pulled downward. The teeth were criss-crossed, the pupils were red, and all that was left was killing and bloodthirsty, without any sense of reason.

The monster transformed by the blood of the black robe kept roaring, and its eyes fell on Teng Shan, but the coercion from the blood made it dare not be presumptuous, and its eyes turned to the ten corpse clan warriors.

The two strong hind legs were slightly arched, and the bone spurs on the back pierced the sky ferociously.

Corpse tusks, monsters transformed from corpse blood, are brutal and irrational, devouring flesh and blood to gain strength and obtain evolutionary advancement.Perhaps because it was transformed from the blood of the corpse clan, this kind of monster prefers to devour the flesh and blood of the corpse clan warriors, and can also gain more power.

The faces of the ten corpse clan warriors instantly became extremely ugly, subconsciously took a step back, and made a defensive posture.Although transformed by the blood of the corpse, this corpse is far from their opponent, but this thing has a great deterrent to the warriors of the corpse clan.

Teng Shan showed satisfaction on his face.

"If you want to kill Meng Tianchen, I will give you this chance, but fools without sanity are easier to control. They are born in the complete form of corpses, so they are naturally worth cultivating, but these people cannot be eaten by you." .Go, there are enough corpses here, and enough for you to finish your first meal."

There were several dissatisfied growls from the mouth of the corpse, but after all, it did not dare to violate the control of the blood, turned around and rushed towards the floating corpse in the battlefield.

It opened its mouth wide, and suddenly there was a powerful swallowing suction force erupting from it. Corpses fell into its mouth one after another, and were easily chewed by the sharp fangs, and dark red blood splashed out.

The corpses of the [-] bandits and warriors of the Lin clan decreased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and with the process of devouring, weak corpse aura continuously overflowed from the corpses.When the corpse was finally swallowed amidst the sound of chewing, the corpse liao's entire body was once again wrapped in corpse aura. From time to time, you could hear the roar in its mouth, which seemed to be in pain, but also in joy.

It lasted for a while before the corpse's aura dissipated, and the corpse appeared in everyone's sight again. Its body grew a bit, and there were a few faint bloodshots on the pale bone spurs that pierced the flesh and blood on its back, and the bloodthirsty look in its eyes More Sheng!

"Okay, don't eat too much for the first meal, or you won't be able to absorb it, come back." Teng Shan waved his hand, and the corpse let out a low growl, and his body directly turned into a corpse gas, which merged into his body and disappeared. .

After finishing this, Teng Shan turned to look at the ten subordinates, and spoke slowly.

"I don't want to hear any rumors about the corpse liao, do you understand?" The corpse liao devours flesh and blood to increase its strength. The training method is simple but extremely powerful. If there is enough blood food supply, it can quickly form combat power.

However, because of the corpse's desire for the flesh and blood of the corpse clan, cultivating this thing is similar to a taboo method among the corpse clan.In addition, refining is not easy, and it is extremely rare in the corpse clan.

"Yes, my lord."

The ten warriors of the corpse clan trembled in their hearts, and spoke respectfully.


In the void, the two martial artists are hundreds of feet apart, facing each other from a distance.One side was burning with crimson flames, but without the slightest bit of heat.One party's place is full of corpses, and it is gloomy and cold.

"The Great Yin Sect is poor because of the great emperor."

"Emperor Zhen Yan."

"Mobilize the power of bandits from the Lin clan to search for and kill the target, because you are very clever, poor old ghost."

"The way of deduction of the chaotic secrets of the Tianjia lord Pangju Guoshi is incomparably exquisite, and he can point out the direction for Emperor Zhenyan when the chaotic secrets are confused here, which really makes me admire."

"Right now, you and I have come here for the same purpose. Both are to kill the girl who fills up the child master's luck. In order to prevent accidents, why not join hands to kill the target for now, how about it?"

"Emperor Zhenyan's words are in line with my heart."

Emperor Zhenyan stood in the void and reached an agreement with the Lord of the Black Coffin, but the two of them had a tacit understanding and never talked about Meng Tianchen's disposal. Obviously each had a decision in their hearts. After beheading him, if he really found the legendary Each of them will fight for the treasures by means.

The Corpse Clan of the Great Yin Sect and the Fire Clan of the Tian Clan joined hands for the time being, and the warriors of both sides controlled the treasures and roared away into the depths of the void.

Teng Shan sat cross-legged on the meteorite, looking at the void in the distance, frowning slightly.Although he didn't want to admit it, but Meng Tianchen's chance and luck were indeed higher than his. When he entered the Linglong Great World, he took advantage of the body of the corpse clan and devoured a lot of corpse emperors to achieve his current cultivation.

But Meng Tianchen was able to rise up on the battlefield of the Hu Kingdom. In the first battle, Feng Gong Qingyun went straight up, and his combat power was so strong that he was able to kill the seventh-rank emperor, which is amazing!He thinks that the speed of progress is astonishing, but compared with Meng Tianchen, the gap is incalculable.

He must be killed as soon as possible, otherwise the longer the delay, the greater the power gap between the two, and the less likely he can kill Meng Tianchen.

This time, relying on the power of Emperor Yinqiong is the best opportunity to kill him, and he must never be allowed to leave alive again!

After confirming the escape direction of Meng Tianchen and others, and sending a message to Emperor Yinqiong, he could only wait here.Although he was anxious and wished to set out to pursue immediately, the difference in strength between the two sides made him dare not act rashly.Otherwise, even if they catch up, I'm afraid not only they won't be able to keep them, but they will also ruin their own lives.


Because the poor emperor received the message, he will come soon.

"Meng Tianchen! Let's see where you can escape!"

"This time, you must die!"

Teng Shan growled ferociously in his heart.

A day later, the black coffin arrived with a roar, along with Emperor Zhenyan of the Fire Clan and his party.

"See Lord Yinqiong."

Teng Shan led the warriors from the Corpse Clan behind him forward and saluted respectfully.

"Teng Shan, you sent a letter to me, but you have already confirmed their whereabouts." In the black hall, Emperor Yinqiong's hoarse voice came.

"This matter is of great importance, and there must be no accidents, do you know?"

"My lord, don't worry, if you are not sure, your subordinates will not dare to report. Meng Tianchen and his party took a detour to the remote and desolate void, avoiding most of the sights and returning to the children's power empire. Your subordinates can be sure that they are on this route. " Teng Shan said in a deep voice.

"Okay! This seat clearly distinguishes rewards and punishments. Since you have discovered the whereabouts of the target, this is the reward you deserve!" The black coffin opened a gap, and a drop of black corpse blood floated out directly.

Teng Shan was overjoyed, and hastily knelt down on one knee, rolling his hands to pull the drop of corpse blood into his body.Obtaining this drop of Emperor Yinqiong's blood will have countless benefits for the warriors of the corpse clan, and they will be able to feel a trace of Emperor Yinqiong's power, which will be of great benefit to their future cultivation and promotion.

Including the Yinyue Corpse Emperor, all the warriors of the surrounding corpse tribe showed envy.

Emperor Zhenyan frowned slightly, and the Tian Clan and the Great Yin Sect were also in a faint rivalry relationship. He didn't have much affection for the Corpse Clan, and he chose to join forces for the time being only because of the drive of interests.

"Emperor Yinqiong, since the direction has been determined, don't waste any more time, and finish this matter as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

"Emperor Zhenyan's words are reasonable, we will leave immediately."

Headed by Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan, the warriors of the two races drove their treasures and followed behind, and went straight to the direction where Meng Tianchen and others left.

A streak of golden streamer whizzed forward, its speed was extremely fast, and it could cross endless space in a flash.If you look closely, you can find that this golden light is a flat golden disc-shaped treasure. Judging from the direction it came from, it should come from Tongli Empire.

Suddenly, the golden disc trembled suddenly, and the surrounding void space instantly became viscous, with layers of ripples appearing.

The roar of fright and anger came out instantly.

"Warrior of the Han Power Empire, do you want to stop me because you want to be an enemy of our Tong Power Empire?"

"Haha! Duke Ling's words are wrong. I, the Han Power Empire, is an ally of the great clan of the Tian Family. We are enemies and not friends with your Tong Power Empire. It's only reasonable for me to stop you. I heard that Ling Gong is a cultivator." In order to be comparable to a king in the imperial realm, I would like to ask for some advice, so how about asking Ling Gong to linger here for a while?"

"court death!"


In the vast void, a warrior walked with a wide robe and long sleeves, and he swayed naturally while walking, chic and easy.

Dare to penetrate the void alone, this is the absolute confidence in one's own strength.

There was a bandit from the Lin clan who hesitated a little, but he didn't dare to make a move after all. He hesitated a little and chose to retreat, but he ignored it.There was also that Lin clan bandit who was greedy for profit and wanted to intercept and kill this person, but he lightly waved his sleeves and killed him completely.

(End of this chapter)

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