Chapter 872
But from the beginning to the end, there was a faint smile on the face of the solitary warrior, without any fluctuations and changes, and the pace of progress did not stop at all.

But at this moment, the martial artist suddenly stopped, looked up and looked forward, with an even bigger smile on his face.

"A martial artist from the Han power empire?"

In the space ahead, layers of ripples suddenly appeared, and a slender figure with a calm expression appeared, cupped his hands and opened his mouth.

"I came here under orders, please stay here for a few months if you don't fall into the alliance, and please agree, don't make it difficult for me."

"I came here under the order of the leader of the alliance. If I stop here, I'm afraid I will be punished in the future."

"This matter is simple. It's not as good as you and I have fought a battle, so that we can prove each other's cultivation. I don't know what you think?"

Chang Xiao warrior nodded.

"Since I don't want to let it go, I have no choice but to fight with you."

The two of them took a step forward, and their figures disappeared in an instant.


In the silver moon, Shi Yue sat on the ground, leaning against the soft couch, holding a jar of Hanchuan wine in his hand, drinking from the wine bottle from time to time, with a faint smile on his face.

"Although this Hanchuan wine is not beneficial to warriors like us, it does have a unique taste."

Shi Yue smiled and didn't say much, raised the wine bottle in his hand, raised his hand and swallowed the wine ointment.

It was indeed a very correct decision to take a long detour and walk in a remote and desolate void, and it is still safe and sound until now.I hope that the rest of the journey will be safe and sound until they reach Tongli Empire smoothly.

Meng Tianchen took out a few pieces of Chaos Crystal with his backhand, and slowly replenished some of the power loss in his body.In the void and under the state of being hunted down, it is natural to ensure that the strength in the body is sufficient. Perhaps because of this little care, he can save his life in a crisis.

But at this moment, his face suddenly changed slightly, the movement of absorbing the chaotic spiritual power was directly interrupted, and his body became slightly stiff.

The relaxed and happy look on Shi Yue's face faded away, his eyes were serious but he didn't say a word, waiting for Meng Tianchen to speak.

After a few breaths, Meng Tianchen exhaled lightly, and nodded slightly to him.

"The first rune barrier I set up has been completely shattered, and it is still uncertain whether it has exposed its whereabouts."

A trace of evil flashed in Shi Yue's eyes.

"Then wait a little longer."

The two of them closed their eyes and meditated in silence. There was an invisible pressure in the air, like the calm before the storm.

Three hours later.

Meng Tianchen's eyes suddenly opened, and he spoke slowly.

"They're here!"

Along the way, Meng Tianchen has arranged extremely exquisite runes. After the forbidden formation is broken, give an early warning!
These mysterious rune forbidden formations, but the means he obtained from comprehending the Wu Zhan Tower, are absolutely rare in the Chaos Realm.

The second rune forbidden formation was broken again.Moreover, the shattering time is extremely fast, almost at the same instant, and it should be caused by the sweep of divine consciousness.

And the martial artist who can directly break through the forbidden rune array with spiritual consciousness must surpass Meng Tianchen and Shi Yue in cultivation.

Eighth Grade Great Emperor, or higher!
Meng Tianchen told Shi Yue his calculations, his face was immediately stiff, and his breathing was disordered for a moment, and when he regained his composure, his face was gloomy and frightening.

The two looked at each other, and both felt the awe in each other's hearts!

The eighth-rank great emperor, that is the king of the imperial realm!
Once this kind of absolute power comes after them, they will be directly wiped out without the slightest resistance.

"We must find a way to get rid of them." Shi Yue said in a deep voice, frowning together.

Meng Tianchen nodded, although he didn't know how to be discovered, but now is not the time to worry about this matter, how to escape safely is the key.

"Mr. Qingyun left a detection rune forbidden array to judge whether the rear is safe. Now that the people behind have discovered it, they must have determined our position." Shi Yue said in a low voice, and the light in his eyes shone like stars.

"The rune barricade left behind can tell whether the enemy has arrived, but it will also become a beacon for them to guide the direction of you and me."

Meng Tianchen responded lightly, met his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Sometimes the bright light that can guide the way may not be the right one."

Shi Yue showed admiration on his face.

"You thought of this a long time ago?"

"Just in case, I happened to realize a little gadget, so I used it casually." Meng Tianchen smiled, but his eyes were icy cold, without any warmth.

"Their speed is very fast. The distance covered in three hours is comparable to that of you and me traveling in half a day."

"In this way, we have to hurry up and arrange."

Shi Yue spoke in a deep voice, with a dignified voice, suppressing a trace of uneasiness in his heart.

Even the kings of the imperial realm, if they want to keep them, it depends on whether they have such means!
Emperor Zhenyan's face was extremely ugly.

With just a sweep of divine sense, such a tiny force actually touched these forbidden formations of runes.The seven rune barriers shattered at the same time, and the fleeing people in front must have noticed their existence.


This kind of rune forbidden array seems simple, but it is quite tricky to deal with!Below the emperor realm king, that is to say, all warriors who have not reached the eighth-rank emperor realm, unless they have special supernatural powers in cultivation, otherwise they will not be able to find it even if they scan with divine sense.

As for the King of the Emperor Realm, although he could detect the existence of the forbidden rune formation, because the power of his spiritual sense was too strong, it had already exceeded the limit of the forbidden rune formation. The moment his consciousness swept across, the forbidden rune formation would collapse directly.

Hei Coffin remained silent, paused for a few breaths before slowly opening his mouth.

"Our whereabouts have been exposed, and they are very likely to change the direction of escape. And along the way, there will inevitably be this kind of warning rune barrier. Unless you and I can find a way to crack it, we will definitely not be able to get close to them."

"Tan He, are you sure that on the premise of discovering this forbidden rune formation, it will not cause its collapse?"

Among the warriors of the corpse tribe, a warrior with a thin body and a cultivation base of only the lower emperor stepped out and spoke respectfully.

"Your Majesty, although you are not fully sure, you can try your best. It's just that this rune barrier is extremely delicate, and the fluctuations of chaotic spiritual power and even spiritual consciousness are extremely sensitive. Please restrain the team to minimize energy fluctuations." , in order to prevent the rune barrier from being triggered unconsciously."

"Yes, everyone will follow your command for the time being on the way." Emperor Yinqiong said slowly.

Emperor Zhenyan frowned slightly and pondered for a while.

"Huo Er, you come to help with this matter."

"Yes, my lord."

A feminine female voice spoke, and a woman wrapped in a tight red dress stepped forward, her figure was outlined with perfect seductive curves.

Tan He raised his head and glanced at the woman, his body straightened, his eyes were naked, and his spiritual consciousness broke out instantly, turning into countless fine mind attacks, and went straight to the fire woman.

Huoer smiled coquettishly, but he didn't have the slightest fear about it. He rushed out without hesitation, and fought directly with this corpse clan warrior.

In just a few breaths of time, the confrontation of spiritual consciousness could not be less than thousands of times. The two sides fought with all their strength, but there was a win or loss for each other, and no one could do anything to win the opponent.

The two stopped their hands at the same time, Tan He let out a low snort, as he recognized the woman's tricks, and bowed his hands to the black coffin.

The fire woman still had a smile on her face, but her pretty face was mostly covered by the red veil, but her eyes that were glistening with water seemed more and more enchanting.

After a short pause, the killing teams of the two races continued on their way.

Tan He and Huo Er each got their treasures, piloted the flight ahead, their spiritual consciousness was like fine raindrops constantly falling, and they carefully explored.

Three hours later, the faces of the two changed slightly, and they raised their hands at the same time, and the team following them stopped immediately.

The two of them closed their eyes slightly and sat down cross-legged, their consciousness turned into wisps of silk threads and broke out of their bodies. Although their bodies remained motionless, their faces quickly turned slightly pale, and they opened their eyes at the same time after a while.

There were seven runes, four from the altar of the corpse clan, and three from Huoer from the fire clan. The two teamed up to isolate them with the power of spiritual consciousness.

"My lord because of poorness, it has been dealt with." While speaking, his thoughts moved slightly, and a layer of corpse aura suddenly appeared outside the forbidden rune formation.

The fire woman nodded to Emperor Zhenyan, and a crimson flame rose from the remaining three rune barriers.

"very good!"

The voice of Emperor Yinqiong came from the black hall.

"As long as you can detect their whereabouts without damaging the rune barrier, you can make them lose their judgment on your and my whereabouts. If you can let them relax their vigilance, it may not be impossible to catch them all."

"What Emperor Yinqiong said is true, since they have found a way to crack it, they will never try to escape!" Emperor Zhenyan said in a low voice, the deep red color in his eyes flashed past, and the murderous intent was awe-inspiring!
The team continued on the road, cracking many rune barriers in a row, which made the warriors of the two races feel excited.But going forward, the team suddenly lost the rune forbidden formation that guided the direction.

The black coffin remained silent, and Emperor Zhenyan's face sank like water!
They managed to find the direction in which Meng Tianchen and the others were heading. If they suddenly changed their fleeing direction after they noticed the pursuit from behind, it would take a lot of time to find them.

The team pauses.

Tan He and Huo Er turned slightly pale. Although they were not at fault, if they lost their target, they would naturally be angered.

Without waiting for an order, the two have asked for their own orders, and led some warriors to spread around and search.At the same time, the Fire Clan and the Corpse Clan sent some warriors to move forward at the same time, in case they fell into the trick of confusing the target.

After spending more than half a day, news came from the corpse clan altar. In the depths of the void to the west, the existence of the warning rune forbidden array was discovered again!
The warriors of the two clans were heartbroken, and went immediately, and continued to move forward along the new pursuit route, stopping and stopping along the way, constantly changing directions to search, and found the existence of the warning rune forbidden array intermittently.

As a result, the forward speed of the teams of the two races was greatly reduced.Fortunately, the target has lost its way, and it has to go around the bend, and the speed may not be faster than them.According to the reports from Tan He and Huo Er, the shorter and shorter the time for the rune forbidden array to be deployed, it shows that they are getting closer to the goal!

(End of this chapter)

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