Chapter 873 Meteor Galaxy
Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan in the black coffin sneered in their hearts, no matter how cunning as a fox, they would never get rid of their pursuit!

"My lord because of poorness, this rune forbidden array will not be arranged for more than an hour, we are already close to the target!" Tan He Gongjin said, but there was a firm brilliance in his eyes, which was an absolute guarantee for him to follow and investigate confidence!

"Indeed." Huoer echoed in a low voice, bending over slightly, and the exaggerated contrast between the grasped waist and the chest and buttocks was even more shocking.


Emperor Zhenyan raised his head and smiled, feeling that the suppressed breath in his heart finally had a chance to vent!Thinking that he is a majestic and powerful king in the imperial realm, but he was played by two mere middle-ranking emperors like this!
Today, they must be shredded into thousands of pieces!
The rolling sound waves shook the heavens and the earth.

A soft sound instantly fell into the ears of all the warriors of the Corpse and Fire clans, causing their expressions to change instantly.

Emperor Zhenyan's laughter stopped abruptly.

There is an undetected rune barrier!

Shocked by this laughter, it shattered directly.

Tan He and Huoer's faces turned pale instantly. They had already checked carefully, but they hadn't noticed the existence of this forbidden rune array!
I thought I had found a way to approach quietly and wipe out the target, but I didn't know that others had already seen through your tricks, and they were just playing tricks on you for cooperation.

what is this?
This is Chi Guoguo's mockery!

Why set up this simple forbidden formation to remind them, the reason is very simple, others are already tired of playing.

The black coffin remained absolutely silent. It seemed cold, but there was an incomparably terrifying aura coercing from it, covering the entire space.

All the corpse warriors could clearly feel the anger of Lord Yinqiong and the absolute pressure from their blood, which made them terrified. They couldn't support themselves under this breath, and they all knelt down on one knee, their faces turning pale.

Tan He's eyes widened suddenly, with fear and despair in his eyes, before he could make a sound, his body exploded, and he was directly obliterated without even escaping his mind.

"Find them! Kill them!"


A hoarse and deep voice came from the black coffin. Although it was calm, the anger and killing intent contained in it could tear the entire sky apart!
As the giant of the Great Yin Sect, Emperor Yinqiong has a majesty that cannot be challenged. Whoever dares to touch it will have to pay the price of death!

"Yes, my lord because of poverty!"

The warriors of the Corpse Clan shouted in a low voice, turned around and steered the bone canoe to scatter the treasures, chasing and killing them frantically in all directions.

Emperor Zhenyan's face was as gloomy as water, a wave of restless hot breath emanated from his body, his eyes had already turned crimson red, and the divine light shot out like two flaming flames.The family pattern on the center of the eyebrow flickered wildly!
The shocking murderous intent soared into the sky, making him look like a Vulcan in a frenzy!

Huoer's face turned pale, his watery eyes were full of despair and pleading, but he didn't dare to escape, kneeling in the void, his perfectly outlined delicate body trembling.

But at this moment, her beauty could not arouse the slightest pity from Emperor Zhenyan.

A group of crimson flames suddenly sprouted from under her feet, enveloping her entire body, burning quietly.In the flames, the body of this fire female cultivator was directly burned into ashes, and her mind and remnant soul were melted into nothingness while screaming.

"This seat wants to do it with my own hands, extract the soul and refine the soul, so that they will die without a place to bury them!"

"Go find them!"

The Fire Clan warrior got up, and the drink also spread out, and the crimson flames burned outside his body, and his figure disappeared in place, roaring towards a direction that the Corpse Clan warrior hadn't considered.

The two powerful kings of the imperial realm fell into complete rage at the same time!
Three hours later, the two clans searched for the warriors and returned without success. Even though they swept the entire space several times, they still found nothing.

Obviously after teasing them, the target martial artist has already fled away.

The black coffin was silent, and Emperor Zhenyan was silent.

The two superpowers of the eighth-rank great emperor teamed up to hunt and kill them. Not only did they fail to make any achievements, but they were severely teased by the juniors in the middle emperor realm and left calmly. If the news spread, they would lose face and be ridiculed!


But at this moment, anger cannot solve the predicament in front of them. They came here separately, even violating the regulations of the joint construction of the Eight Holy Lands, just to kill the girl who filled the child master's luck smoothly.

If things fail, even in their capacity, they will be severely punished!

After a long time, the black coffin broke the silence first.

"Emperor Zhenyan, I will lead the warriors of the corpse tribe to take a step first, and the cooperation between you and me will be suspended. In the future, each will pursue and kill them by means."

As the words fell, the black coffin roared away without hesitation, followed by the warriors of the corpse tribe.

Emperor Zhenyan watched the corpse clan go away, his eyes flickered slightly, and finally turned into a sneer.

The Great Yin Sect must have thought of other ways to find the target because the Emperor Qiong retreated at this moment, but he was unwilling to share it with the Fire Clan.

But this kind of means may not only be available to you!
There was a slight flash of inspiration in his hand, and two scarlet arrows appeared in his hand.Emperor Zhenyan gritted his teeth slightly, raised his hand and threw it, and a command arrow shot out instantly, instantly turning into a mass of crimson streamer, whizzing away in a direction.

it's here!
A nebula lies across the void, full of various bright or deep colors, and it can still be clearly seen from countless distances away as it slowly rotates, and every trace of rotation will release a palpitating horror breath.

A galaxy composed of small meteorites is attracted by chaotic forces and cannot escape. It can only follow a fixed trajectory year after year and slowly move around the nebula until it is swallowed or destroyed.

The colorful light shines, but the chaos gives people a special sense of beauty, like an excellent scenic spot, but there are countless dangers hidden in it.

Because, here is the forbidden abyss of chaos.

As a fierce place that shakes the entire Linglong world, countless powerful people, even kings of the eighth-rank Great Emperor realm, have been buried here.

It is said that a long time ago, a huge vortex appeared inexplicably here, and countless chaotic forces erupted at the same time, swallowing the entire vast void.

It was a catastrophe.

The empires of the eight major powers each sent strong men to enter it to find out what happened.

But the final result is that the powerhouses of the eight major power empires have suffered heavy losses, and only one out of ten people can really leave alive.These warriors who left alive, never mentioned what happened in it, and never got close to this place in this life.

Perhaps the empires of the eight major forces already knew something, but they chose to keep this secret at the same time.

One version after another, rumors began to spread. Some people said that the sudden catastrophe was caused by the destruction of foreign world fragments, and countless treasures and opportunities were left behind.Some people also say that this place is a jeopardy created by heaven and earth, but there are great opportunities hidden in the danger, and whoever can enter it can get it all.

Just because of the rise of the rumors one by one, countless warriors flocked to enter it full of longing for treasures and opportunities, but most of them were buried in it and never came back.

Some people may occasionally get some strange treasures or precious materials, but in the face of the high death rate, these gains are not worth mentioning.

After experiencing the initial frenzy and devouring countless warriors in the birthplace of catastrophe, the reputation of the Forbidden Abyss of Chaos began to spread, and fewer and fewer warriors dared to break into it to find some opportunities.

With the passage of time, the reputation of Chaos Forbidden Abyss became more and more famous, and it became a recognized Jedi by the warriors of the Linglong World. Even if there really existed a heaven-defying opportunity, no one could get it alive, and gradually no one dared to approach it.
In the meteorite river, on an inconspicuous stone, facing the chaotic forbidden abyss, there is another inconspicuous small hole in the depression.

"We are hiding here, unless the divine consciousness of the king of the emperor's realm sweeps over, we will never be able to detect where you and I are."

Shi Yue opened his mouth slowly, showing the image outside through the forbidden formation, and opened his mouth slowly facing Xingyun.

"They shouldn't be able to imagine that we didn't escape far, but we were on the edge of the chaotic forbidden abyss not far from them."

A group of warriors from the Corpse Clan came before, but they just looked at the chaotic forbidden abyss from a distance, and their spiritual sense hurriedly swept away, and then hurriedly retreated.

No one wants to stay in such a fierce place for a long time.

Even the ferocious corpse clan.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly, and looked at the nebula that released the beautiful brilliance. For some reason, there was a strange feeling of palpitation in his heart, and his face was slightly dignified.

The driver in black stood not far from the two of them, his face was calm or indifferent, and he kept absolute silence. From the beginning to the end, he did not say a word.

Rong Zhiqiao was standing opposite the three of them, she couldn't get medical treatment due to the continuous rush, her pretty face was slightly pale, but she forcibly endured the discomfort in her body. At this moment, her eyes were slightly blurred and she looked at Xingyun, it was really unthinkable that such a situation A place that looked so beautiful everywhere turned out to be a famously fierce place.

Shi Yue suddenly frowned and saluted respectfully.

"Mrs. Zhi is not well. She hasn't had a rest during this period. Now that she has calmed down, Madam can go to rest for a while. When I leave, I will call you."

Rong Zhi hesitated for a moment, nodded, then turned and walked towards the inner room.

After opening the restriction, she lay on the mattress, with a flash of inspiration in her hand, took out Mingyu and hugged it in her arms, sensing a long-lost warmth, her heart gradually calmed down.
The crimson command arrow roared forward like an angry arrow.

Emperor Zhenyan led the warriors under his command to follow closely behind, his brows were slightly frowned, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

The arrow was bestowed as a gift to help him find the target in the void, but at this moment it was heading in the chaotic forbidden abyss!

Actually hiding here!
Emperor Zhenyan suppressed the thoughts in his mind, so that the arrow would not go wrong. He had a clear intuition that the target he had been looking for was about to appear in front of him.

This time, he wanted to kill them all!
(End of this chapter)

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