Chapter 874 is at stake
With his cultivation base of Emperor Zhen Yan, once he makes a move, everything can be completed in an instant. Even if the Great Yin Sect arrives due to poor Emperor, the dust will have settled.If he can really find that legendary treasure, he can fight or leave, and he is not afraid of him coming to snatch it.

After half an hour, it was already far away from the Forbidden Abyss of Chaos.

Emperor Zhenyan's pupils shrank slightly. He knew more about this fierce place than ordinary warriors, but because of this, he felt more fear and awe in his heart.

But the arrow remained undiminished, shooting towards a galaxy composed of meteorites outside the nebula.

The closer to the chaotic forbidden abyss, the greater the interference caused by the chaotic air mechanism, the faster the power of the arrow is lost, and the crimson luster shrinks rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was a soft cracking sound, and the arrow's power was exhausted, and it collapsed directly.

But these are enough!

Emperor Zhenyan's gaze was like an arrow, and he instantly locked onto a meteorite it was pointing at.

that's it!
The divine sense burst out of the body, like a sudden eruption of a vast ocean, sweeping away towards the meteorite locked in his eyes.

The faces of Meng Tianchen, Shiyue, and the black-robed coachman changed drastically in an instant. The treasure of positioning arrows was beyond their imagination. Under the premise of insufficient expectations, the whereabouts were discovered due to miscalculations, which was what was expected.

Rong Zhi reacted very quickly, but just as she opened her eyes, the restraint in the inner room was broken, and a figure appeared directly in front of her, and the breath in her body exploded to envelop her.

Her complexion changed, and she sensed a familiar breath, her body softened, and she bowed down to let him hold her wrist, her bright eyes shone slightly.

Meng Tianchen didn't notice the instantaneous change of the woman beside him, he stepped out without a pause, and the figure rushed out directly.

On the meteorite, the aura flashed slightly, and four figures appeared directly.

Without the slightest pause, the figure turned into a startled rainbow and frantically fled into the distance.

Facing the mighty King of the Emperor Realm, they have no chance of winning at all.

Meng Tianchen held the girl with one hand, and the other hand had a flash of inspiration. He had already taken out the Monument of the Demon God, and the dark golden textures lit up quickly.

Emperor Zhenyan's face changed slightly, the sweeping tide of spiritual consciousness stopped abruptly, his eyes instantly became extremely gloomy, and it was difficult to conceal a trace of fear and fear.

Demon Monument!

Others don't know, but he knows this fierce thing that has been passed down from ancient times.

It is rumored that the origin of the Monument of the Demon God is extremely mysterious. Some rumors say that it is a mysterious object from another world that was left behind when the Chaos Realm collided with another realm that was already on the verge of collapse.

Especially the Monument of the Demon God has an extremely terrifying restraint on the power of evil.

During the turbulent and catastrophic years of the ancient chaotic world, it was rumored that the monument of the demon god changed hands several times. It is unknown how many demigod ancestors and even true gods fell under its destruction.

"If I get the Monument of the Demon God, wouldn't a group of jumping clowns from the Great Yin Sect wait to die?"

Immediately, Emperor Zhenyan's eyes turned red and his breathing became short of breath.

At this moment, he had already forgotten the purpose of this trip, robbing and killing the woman who improved the luck of the child master, is not as important as obtaining the Monument of the Demon God.


Gotta get it.

"Go, kill them!"

Emperor Zhenyan waved his hand. Although dozens of fire fighters were afraid of the breath of the Demon God Monument, they were even more afraid of the coercion from Emperor Zhenyan. There is only one chance to use it.

In the void, dozens of crimson flames suddenly appeared, like red flowers blooming in the sky, and swallowed the figure of the great warrior of the Tian family in a flash, and when they reappeared, Meng Tianchen and others were already besieged.

"Hold this thing, once the fire warrior makes a move, it will be activated immediately."

Meng Tianchen turned around, involuntarily handing over the Monument of the Demon God to Rong Zhi's hands. It wasn't because he really trusted the girl, but he had no choice in the face of the incoming Fire Clan warriors.

Rong Zhi took the Monument of the Demon God in a daze, the thought in her heart was not fear, but a joy that swept the whole heart.

He did not hesitate to hand this kind of treasure into her hands, did it show that he still valued her in his heart.

Rong Zhi's mind was in a trance for a moment, and then turned into a firm look.Taking a step back and falling into the protection of the three, she showed a trace of determination on her face, without any fear.

Even if she really wanted to die here, she would be satisfied to be with him.

Shi Yue and the black-robed coachman were shocked by the Monument of the Demon God that Meng Tianchen suddenly took out, but they immediately restrained themselves.Although Emperor Zhenyan was scared by the treasure and did not dare to make a move for the time being, these Fire Clan warriors were by no means easy to deal with.

It's just that with the Monument of the Demon God behind him, today may not be a doomsday situation, and maybe there is still a chance of survival.

Meng Tianchen turned around, he didn't know what was going on in the girl's mind, his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the incoming fire warriors, his eyes were cold and without any warmth.

In silence, he stepped forward, driving the three strands of magic energy in the purple mansion, grasping the fist in the sleeve of the robe, raising his arm, and blasting forward.

A series of movements were smooth and flowing, and the slightly thin body burst out with a palpitating aura at this moment, revealing a mighty and cold strength, and the killing intent was soaring.

Right in front of him, a Huo Clan warrior showed shock in his eyes. He clearly sensed the power contained in this punch, and with his cultivation base, he had an irresistible thought.

But, after all, it was the elite under Emperor Zhenyan's command, which allowed him to remain calm enough in times of crisis. With one hand turned in front of him, a layer of flame crystal wall directly condensed and landed on the place where the punch fell.

The transparent crystal wall is like a crystal gem, but there is a flame burning inside it, like a blooming flower, releasing an astonishing beauty.

The Fire Clan warrior felt relieved, only he knew how amazing the defensive power of the flame crystal wall he had cultivated so hard was, and it was enough to keep him safe from this punch.

But at the next moment, his face suddenly changed drastically, turning pale with a bang, without any trace of blood!
This is the sound of the flame crystal wall breaking.

The power of the other party is very strange, cold, domineering, and tyrannical, which makes people's heart palpitate.


The fine cracks in the flame crystal wall spread to the surrounding like a spider web, and finally collapsed, turning into countless pieces of shattered crimson crystal jade, flying around.

With the sound of blunt objects tearing flesh and directly piercing it, the Fire Warrior looked down at the wounds on his chest and abdomen, feeling an unspeakable bitterness in his heart.

Integrating a defensive treasure that he has used for many years into the flame crystal wall, even the general powerhouses of the seventh-rank emperor in the upper emperor realm will find it difficult to break through the defense. This has always been his pride, but he doesn't want to Today, he would lose his life because of this.

The power that drilled into the flesh and blood through the shattered crystal jade suddenly exploded, turning into an incomparably terrifying tearing force, starting from the inside, like a blowout, sweeping to the limbs and bones.

Blood and water were thrown, flesh and blood were separated, and the remnant soul and mind were torn apart amidst screams.

He no longer needs to speak.

Several fire warriors around were injured under the impact of the shattered crystal jade, and their figures retreated amid muffled groans, their eyes showing fear.

With Meng Tianchen's punch, a mere third-rank emperor, who has not yet reached the middle emperor realm, unexpectedly erupted with power comparable to the upper emperor realm, how frightening.

This is the frightening thing about the magic element power fused with the original power of chaos.

This kind of power does not belong to the Chaos Realm.

At this time, Shi Yue and the black-clothed coachman had already attacked one after another, fighting together with the warriors of the Fire Clan who rushed forward.

Shi Yue's supernatural powers are weird and seem not strong, but when fighting with human supernatural powers, the opponent's body will always appear momentary stiff, and the original mind cannot concentrate under the influence of chaos, and the power it exerts is greatly reduced.

Because of this, he was able to entangle several Fire Clan warriors around him.

The driver in black made a move, his supernatural powers were just like his personality, he was indifferent and straightforward, with a simple black knife in his hand, the blade was slightly short, simple and unpretentious, every time the knife was cut, it could release a jet of black blade light, the chill was overwhelming, and the evil spirit rushed to the sky .

At first glance, it is an extremely extraordinary treasure.

No matter what supernatural powers the opponent uses, they can be chopped to pieces with a single slash.

This unremarkable coachman is actually a high-ranking emperor, a seventh-rank emperor.

Although the two of them have strong cultivation bases, they can only defend left and right in the face of the killing of many Fire Clan warriors.Once completely fell into the siege, until the power is exhausted, a few mistakes will die here.

Dozens of fire fighters cooperated closely, except for the first unlucky ghost who hadn't figured out the target's strength and was directly bombarded and killed by Meng Tianchen. People are nailed to the spot.

The five Fire Clan warriors took a step back at the same time, lowered their hands and raised their hands to the sky, grabbing down hard.

Five flaming rivers suddenly appeared, and the vast soup, as if hanging down from the clouds of the nine heavens, was extremely hot and imposing. They merged directly in the collision and turned into a fire dragon, which rushed down and swallowed while roaring.

The target was Rong Zhi.

Rong Zhi's pretty face turned pale in an instant. With her cultivation base of Destroyer Realm, she was locked on by the supernatural powers of five fire clan powerhouses. Her body suddenly tensed up, and her mind felt great fear, which almost completely submerged her mind.

She holds the Monument of the Demon God in her hand, which is a terrifying treasure that can kill eighth-rank great emperor powerhouses. With a single thought, she can defeat the fire dragon.

But she didn't intend to make a move at all, her eyes were closed, as if she was waiting for death to come.

Because Rong Zhi understood that the Demon God Monument was the only ceremonial guard they used to deter the eighth-rank Great Emperor of the Fire Clan, once it was used, Emperor Zhenyan would have no fear, and all of them would die.

Although some selfishly wanted to die with him, Rong Zhi wanted him to leave here alive.

She would rather die than use the Demon God Monument.

Meng Tianchen's face changed slightly, and at the same time, several Fire Clan warriors shot at the same time, and a sea of ​​flames condensed in the void, sweeping towards him.

This is a premeditated shot!
With the three of them entangled, no one can get away to save them. As long as Rong Zhi is killed and the child master's luck is destroyed, the main purpose of this trip to intercept and kill has been fulfilled.

In the blink of an eye, Meng Tianchen stomped hard under his feet, and his figure turned into a startled rainbow in a shock of the void, he retreated with a roar and embraced the girl in his arms, drinking in a low voice, the magic power in the Purple Mansion exploded instantly, and black and white aura shot up into the sky , Condensing a space of more than one foot, guarding the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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