Chapter 875
The sea of ​​fire swept across, and the fire dragon swooped down.

Meng Tianchen let out a muffled snort, his face immediately turned pale, but his back was still straight, his dark eyes flashed with divine light, he was calm and resolute without any fear or retreat.

All the pressure that Rong Zhi was under suddenly dissipated, and she felt herself falling into a broad embrace. The familiar atmosphere made her want to stay here forever, and a sense of peace of mind lingered in her heart.

He has come to save her!
Looking at Meng Tianchen's slightly pale face, Rong Zhi's heart ached slightly, and the emotion that she had forcibly frozen was churning violently in her heart.

Under the protection of the shield formed by the magic power, Meng Tianchen rushed out of the area covered by the sea of ​​fire, retreated to Shi Yue and the black-robed coachman, and whispered in his mouth.

"We have to rush out of here, otherwise we will delay and die!"

There was gratitude in Shi Yue's eyes, if Meng Tianchen hadn't made a move and blocked the Fire Clan's killing move at the expense of injury, Mrs. Zhi would have been poisoned.If his wife is killed, even if he does not die today, he will not be able to escape the wrath of the child master in the future.

Now is not the time to talk about gratitude, he nodded fiercely, his eyes showed a fierce look.

"Come with me!"

In times of crisis, he didn't care too much, Meng Tianchen grabbed Rong Zhi's soft and slender waist, stepped out, and his figure rushed towards the place where the Fire Clan warriors were least.

This is the direction towards the Forbidden Abyss of Chaos.

Shi Yue was stunned for a moment, then understood Meng Tianchen's meaning, his heart shook violently, and then turned into endless determination, he raised his hand and slapped it down while roaring, and the figure followed closely behind.

The driver in black is still expressionless, but it is this calmness in the face of the crisis that makes his mood so strong that it is outrageous!

Towards the chaotic forbidden abyss, the four of them walked firmly and forged ahead!

Emperor Zhenyan's heart was shocked, and a dazzling light burst out in his eyes.

"They want to escape into the chaotic forbidden abyss, stop them for me!"

Roaring like thunder, the sound waves penetrated the space and clearly entered the ears of every Fire Clan warrior.

Right in front of them, several fire warriors who were about to retreat suddenly gritted their teeth, and suddenly a raging flame burned on their bodies, bright red and scorching hot!
The flames that ignited on several people were not only supernatural powers, but also inspired by the burning of their own blood.

A warrior of the fire clan, who is gifted with the fire attribute, cultivates the way of fire, and uses the supernatural powers of the fire attribute is the strongest in the chaotic world!
Several Fire Clan creation warriors shot themselves, roaring forward and slapping their palms, the flames exploded, across the sky and the earth, in the raging crimson flames, a phantom of a flaming mountain range loomed, stretching endlessly, cutting off all progress path of.

The cold light in Meng Tianchen's eyes shone, causing Rong Zhi to reach out and hug his strong waist, stretching out her hands and tearing him fiercely.

A huge black blade appeared!

Cut off!

The flames exploded, but they were cut open in an instant, turning into a stream of fire that filled the sky, flying in all directions.


Amid tears of blood from their mouths and noses, several Fire Warriors were sent flying as if they had been hit hard.

Meng Tianchen's face became even paler, but his footsteps did not stop at all. He strode down and rushed towards the colorful nebula.

Just as Emperor Zhenyan said, he wants to enter the chaotic forbidden abyss!
The Monument of the Demon God is in hand, but it can deter Emperor Yan Yan from making a move, but dozens of Fire Warriors are enough to completely bind the three of them.

What's more, the hidden pursuers are not limited to the Fire Clan. If they attract others, they will die even more.

Although the Demon God Monument is strong, it can only use the strongest power to threaten the eighth-rank emperor once, and it cannot help them get through the current crisis.

That being the case, this is Meng Tianchen's choice!

Although the Forbidden Abyss of Chaos is a well-known and fierce place in the Linglong World, it may not be without a chance of survival.

It was not the first time that Meng Tianchen encountered the great fear between life and death in his life. There was no fear or panic in his heart, but absolute calmness.

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

Taking one step forward, it seems that you want to die, but maybe you can survive from desperation!

Blow away the obstacles of several fire warriors, and there is a smooth road ahead, let's get rid of the siege of fire warriors for the time being.

Meng Tianchen embraced Rong Zhi and stepped forward, followed by Shi Yue and the black-clothed coachman, the four people's spiritual lights flashed, and they roared forward.

Emperor Zhenyan's face was gloomy, and the terrifying flames on his body were burning fiercely, exuding an incomparably astonishing evil spirit. If anyone dared to retreat and not pursue them, what awaited them would be the thunderous anger of the king of the fire clan.

A group of fire warriors gritted their teeth suddenly, and a crimson flame burst out of their bodies instantly.

Although they didn't want to get close to the chaotic Forbidden Abyss Burial Ground, they didn't even want to face the wrath of Emperor Zhenyan.

The driver in black stopped walking in an instant, and two crazy flames flickered in his slightly lowered eyes.

"You go!"

This was the first time he spoke, and his voice was not dry and hoarse as expected, but thick and steady, revealing a sense of determination.

The spiritual light in the void flickered slightly, and the four dragon chariot Luanjia appeared in the shining golden light. He took a step forward, and his figure stood directly on it.Holding a golden long whip, the black-clothed coachman greeted the chasing fire warriors with a calm and indifferent expression, without any fear.

The golden flame suddenly ignited from the golden mantle of the Luanjia, spreading wildly in a sweeping trend, enveloping the entire Luanjia, the coachman and the four dragons pulling the cart.Through the raging flames, four dragons could be faintly seen roaring, the driver in black stood aloofly, and the entire Luanjia was like a chariot of ancient gods, with a terrifying and heart-pounding aura of tyranny erupting from the golden flames!
Like the eruption of a volcano, this is the power that is concentrated to the extreme, and the power is released instantly!A circle of golden flames, centered on the chariot Luanjia, spread wildly to the entire void.

In the miserable howl, more than a dozen fire warriors were directly buried in the flames, and were instantly incinerated into nothingness.The rest of the crowd showed horror in their eyes, and stopped abruptly. Looking at the blazing golden flames in front of them, they didn't dare to take another step forward.

Shi Yue's body was slightly stiff, his feet didn't stop, and he didn't even look back.

This is a glimmer of life that Old Brother Tu bought for them with his life, and he can't waste it.

Meng Tianchen lowered his head slightly, and one of the three stayed behind, temporarily preventing the fire warriors from chasing and killing, and buying the other two people a chance to escape.

This is the coldest and most sensible choice.

Meng Tianchen thought of this, but he didn't decide the life and death of others, so he didn't speak, but the driver in black had already made his own choice.

Emperor Zhenyan's eyes flickered sharply, and his eyes flashed sharply, obviously the thoughts in his heart were churning rapidly.In an instant, he had a decision in his heart that he must not let Meng Tianchen and others lead the target to escape into the chaotic forbidden abyss.

The terrifying aura belonging to the king of the imperial realm erupted wildly, and with one step, with his cultivation base, he was able to instantly use the division of space to form a completely independent world, directly obliterating Meng Tianchen and others.

But at this moment, Meng Tianchen reached out to take the Monument of the Demon God from Rong Zhi's hand, turned around suddenly, his dark eyes were silent, and looked at Emperor Zhenyan from a distance, their eyes met in the void.

The Demon God Monument exuded a dazzling dark golden aura, a sharp aura that could destroy the world, pointing at Emperor Zhenyan, locking his aura instantly.

Emperor Zhenyan stiffened instantly when he stepped down!

There is no emotion in Meng Tianchen's eyes, but it is this kind of absolute calm that represents an incomparably powerful absoluteness!

He can be sure that if he dares to stop him, the strongest power of the Monument of the Demon God will pierce through his chest the next moment!
Between the completion of the mission and his own life, Emperor Zhenyan paused for a moment, and finally failed to take this step.

Meng Tianchen held Rong Zhi in his arms, his figure turned backwards and forwards, the wind blew up her black hair, her ears and nose twitched up and down, carrying the unique fragrance of girls.Front and back with Shi Yue, the three disappeared into the dazzling nebula without a trace.


The black coffin was hanging in the air, and nearly a hundred warriors from the corpse tribe stood behind it.

"Look for a slightly larger meteorite, sprinkle corpse poison, and use the resentment generated by the destruction of hundreds of millions of creatures to break through the confusion and lock the target."

Emperor Yinqiong's voice was calm, but what he said was enough to make one's heart chill!

"Yes, my lord because of poverty." The corpse clan warriors responded respectfully, and took out the magic weapon of the rib canoe one after another.

But at this moment, the black coffin of Emperor Yinqiong was suddenly shaken, and he suddenly turned to the chaotic forbidden abyss.Emperor Zhenyan made a move, and since the distance was not far away, it was natural that he couldn't hide his feeling.

"They are chaotic Forbidden Abyss!"

"This seat will take a step first, and you will follow behind!"

Because the poor emperor whispered, the voice did not fall, the black coffin had already been released, and the strong corpse aura was released, shattering the void space directly, and the black coffin disappeared directly into it.

The eighth-rank Great Emperor powerhouse can tear through the void by relying on his own cultivation, but it will cause a heavy loss of his own strength.And in the void, there are countless unknown dangers. If you directly crash into some mysterious desperate situation while tearing the void, even the eighth-rank great emperor may not be able to retreat completely.

But at this time, Emperor Yinqiong couldn't care less about it.

The warriors of the Corpse Clan did not stop for a moment, they steered the canoe with ribs, turned into black light, followed the breath of Emperor Yinqiong, and roared away.


The dark space, the turbulent wind, the chaos and chaotic spiritual power.

This is a chaotic place.

This is the Forbidden Abyss of Chaos!
All of a sudden, the space split apart soundlessly, and powerful and raging forces spewed out crazily from it. A shroud more than ten meters in size flashing with black and white aura was ejected together in this turbulent energy flow.The black and white aura flickered endlessly on it, but it finally survived without collapsing.

After a while, when the chaotic power dissipated and the space recovered, the shield slowly dissipated, revealing three figures.

The green-clothed warrior hugged the woman in his arms slightly, his face was pale, and his pair of jet-black eyes dimmed slightly, but he was calm and firm, without the slightest hint of panic.His eyes swept around, and his brows could not help but frown slightly.

The woman in her arms closed her eyes slightly, her pretty face was pale, but there was a slight blush on her face.Sensing the warmth and heat from her embrace made her feel warmer and more reluctant to part with her.But now that there is nothing wrong, she can't stay in his arms any longer, so as not to cause trouble for him.

(End of this chapter)

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