Chapter 876 Chaos Blood Pact

With a slight movement of her slender hand, the owner of the embrace has already let go, allowing Rong Zhi to stand aside, but still using her own strength to shield her from the impact of the surrounding chaotic forces.

Shi Yue's face was also slightly pale. Although he had not suffered any frontal trauma during the fierce battle with the Fire Clan warriors, the loss of strength in his body and the backlash caused by his magical powers still made his blood churn.

Feeling slightly at this moment, his face instantly became extremely ugly.

Forbidden Abyss of Chaos is indeed worthy of the word chaos.Here, the power of spiritual consciousness cannot be scattered too far outside the body, otherwise it will be directly defeated by the mysterious power of chaos and raging wind.Moreover, such chaotic chaotic spiritual power cannot be smoothly absorbed into the body at all. Once the power in the body is depleted, the only way to replenish it is to absorb the chaotic spiritual power through the chaotic crystal.

"Let's go, we can't delay here for too long, first find a safe place to recover from the injuries in the body." Meng Tianchen spoke slowly, with a solemn look on his face.

Shi Yue nodded slightly, his eyes fell on Rong Zhi beside Meng Tianchen, he frowned slightly, but he still didn't speak.

Although he wanted to remind Meng Tianchen that no matter where this girl was, she was already the child master's woman, so he should keep a sufficient distance.But in this case, hesitation was repeated and finally gave up.

Meng Tianchen's cultivation base is relatively strong, so let him take care of his wife temporarily until he is out of danger.

Now, Shi Yue can only comfort himself like this.

Meng Tianchen carried Rong Zhi forward, and when he passed by Shi Yue, he suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"You should know the background of that Old Brother Tu, right?"

The teacher was stunned for a moment, and then a look of sadness appeared on his face.

"That's right, Old Brother Tu is an enshrinement warrior, and his family lives in the capital."

"Well, when we arrive at the capital, let's go visit his family and see if we can do something." Meng Tianchen said, and strode away.

Shi Yue looked at Meng Tianchen's back, chewing on the meaning of his words.

Going to the capital is to tell him that he has no other thoughts about Madam Zhi.

But at the same time, it is also an expression of strong self-confidence.The chaotic forbidden abyss can't trap them, and they will reach the capital in a short time.

"Sure enough, he is a confident and powerful guy. No wonder he dared to break into the chaotic forbidden abyss." Shi Yue murmured in his heart, and the restlessness in his heart suddenly calmed down a lot. Looking at Meng Tianchen's back, he stepped up to follow.

More than a dozen of the warriors of the Fire clan died, and most of the rest suffered some injuries and were sitting cross-legged, recovering with the help of treasures and elixirs.

Emperor Zhenyan stood on one side with a gloomy face, looking at the nebula filled with chaotic colors, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

Suddenly, not far from the chaotic forbidden abyss, the space shattered, and a black coffin shot out from it.When he got close to here, the black coffin turned into a black shadow and went straight to the place where Emperor Zhenyan's aura was located, because Emperor Yinqiong didn't dare to continue taking risks because of his cultivation base.

At the same time, Emperor Zhenyan raised his head and looked towards the approaching direction of the black coffin expressionlessly.

call out!
The black coffin stopped, and after a brief silence, the hoarse voice of Emperor Yinqiong came.

"Emperor Zhenyan, have you succeeded?"

The corners of Emperor Zhenyan's eyes twitched slightly.

"They escaped."

The voice was calm, but the resentment and patience in it could not be concealed.

This time, Emperor Yinqiong was silent for a longer time.

"With your cultivation base and the help of warriors under your command, how can you let them escape?"

Emperor Zhenyan's face became indifferent again, and he spoke in a low voice.

"Because Meng Tianchen holds the Monument of the Demon God in his hands."

Because of poverty, the emperor was silent again.

Demon Monument!

What it represents is a peerless weapon handed down from ancient times. Once activated, even the eighth-rank great emperor can be killed.

Especially for the corpse warriors, they are more restrained.

Thinking of the murder target holding such a peerless weapon, even with Emperor Yinqiong's cruelty, he couldn't help feeling his throat dry out, and endless fear arose in his heart.

"Where did they flee to? Why didn't you send warriors to hunt them down?" Although the Demon God Monument was strong, it only threatened the power of the Eighth Rank Great Emperor once.

Emperor Zhenyan was silent, and slowly raised his head to look at the group of bright nebulae across the void. Although he didn't speak, Emperor Yinqiong already understood what he meant.

The two fell silent together.

Forbidden Abyss of Chaos, a forbidden zone for all creatures!They know more about the crisis contained in it than ordinary warriors, but because of this, they understand how terrifying this place is!

Even if they enter it with their eighth-rank great emperor cultivation base, there is more than [-]% chance of falling inside.For warriors below the Emperor Realm and Kings to enter, there is a near-death fate.

But the key point is that there are still a few warriors with excellent luck who can leave alive.

They were not sure whether Meng Tianchen and others would become one of the very few among them.

The two eighth-rank great emperor powerhouses are in a dilemma at this moment.

An hour later, the corpse clan warriors arrived.

Standing among the corpse warriors, Teng Shan lowered his head slightly, but his eyes gleamed with hatred and shock.

He never expected that Emperor Zhenyan would personally lead someone to attack, but he still failed to kill Meng Tianchen, instead he fled into the chaotic forbidden abyss.Teng Shan had an almost certain intuition that Meng Tianchen's life would never be spared in this famous and fierce place in the big world.

But now, he can only keep silent.

The final decision on this matter is in the hands of Emperor Yinqiong of the Great Yin Sect.

The silence in the void was finally broken by Emperor Yinqiong, his slightly hoarse voice came from the black coffin.

"Teng Shan, you are the person who confronts Meng Tianchen the most among us, tell me, how is this man's luck?"

With good luck, bad luck can be turned into good luck, and disaster can be auspicious.

If luck is declining, misfortunes will never come singly, and there will be no good end.

Especially in the great world of the ten directions, the mysterious power of luck is the foundation for all the strong to continue to practice and continue to grow stronger.

Emperor Yinqiong hopes to make a judgment by climbing the mountain.

Teng Shan took a deep breath. He knew that this was his only chance to interfere with the outcome of the matter. He respectfully saluted and said in a deep voice, "My lord, if we stop chasing and killing right now, I can assure you that Meng Tianchen will When people can definitely leave the chaotic forbidden abyss alive, this interception will fail completely."

After the words fell, the space turned into dead silence again, and an invisible pressure was born and fell on Teng Shan.

"Tell me your reason." After a while, Emperor Yinqiong spoke slowly.

The pressure on Teng Shan's body dissipated, but he didn't bother to wipe the sweat from his forehead, his face was calm, and he told the whole story after he met Meng Tianchen from Jiawu Continent, without hiding anything.

"The subordinates can make a spiritual contract, and there is absolutely no falsehood in what they say, otherwise they are willing to bear all punishments from the poor emperor."

There was another long silence.

"Because of Emperor Qiong, I decided to enter the chaotic forbidden abyss, and at any cost, I must kill the target of this trip." Emperor Zhenyan said coldly, with two paranoid flames flickering in his eyes.

"They dare to break into it, why don't I dare to go in and chase them down?"

"Here is where they are buried."

The black coffin creaked open, and a drop of black corpse blood floated out from it.

"Emperor Zhenyan, you and I each took out a drop of blood essence and signed the Chaos Blood Pact. After entering the Chaos Forbidden Abyss, warriors from our two races must not harm each other. Even if there is a dispute, we must leave this place before dividing."

"Because what Emperor Qiong said is true, if you and I work together, even the chaotic forbidden abyss may not be impossible!" Emperor Zhenyan flicked his fingers, and a drop of blood was shot out.

"Establish the Chaos Blood Pact, and join forces to pursue and kill them!"

The Chaos Blood Pact is a supreme contract that is more terrifying than the mind and spirit contract, and it is dominated by the origin of the Chaos Realm.

For the powerful and powerful at the level of Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan, the spiritual contract does not have super binding force, as long as the price is paid, it can be completely resolved.

However, the Chaos Blood Pact is different.Once the blood oath is completed, let alone the kings of the eighth-rank emperor level like them, even the emperors at the ninth-rank emperor level, under the dominion of the origin of the chaotic world, they must not violate it!

The two drops of blood essence approached each other and rotated rapidly around each other. The speed became faster and faster. The blood beads suddenly dispersed in a tremor, and condensed into two blood-colored runes, which disappeared into the void and disappeared.

The blood oath has been fulfilled.

"set off!"

In the black coffin, Emperor Qiong and Emperor Zhenyan spoke at the same time, and the warriors of the two races followed closely behind, driving the escape light straight to the forbidden abyss of chaos.

The dazzling or deep and obscure colors in the nebula often represent more dangers.

After killing several strange monsters on a meteorite fragment, the three of Meng Tianchen found the first foothold.

Set up a simple defensive circle, opened up a simple cave, Meng Tianchen and Shi Yue retreated successively to recover from their injuries.

Because the dust covered the entire sky, the temperature on the meteorite was extremely low. Even though they were deep in the ground, the rock was still as cold as eternal ice.

If one has a cultivation base, this bit of coldness is nothing, but Rong Zhi already has cold poison in his body, and all his cultivation is used to resist the outbreak of the cold poison. Now that he is invaded by the cold from the outside world, he feels that his whole body is going to freeze stiff.

Looking at the two closed doors of the secret room, she urged the Mingyu in her hand, which immediately made her feel much more comfortable.

Meng Tianchen took the next step, and his figure appeared in the Martial God Monument.

He has left his spiritual thoughts in the outside world, and once there is a change, it can be detected instantly.

There are countless strong people in the Linglong Great World. With the rank of the Martial God Monument, it is no longer possible to use it at will. If you are not careful, you may be defeated by the enemy and destroy this treasure.

After all, this is just a broken monument of power.

With a wave of the sleeves, millions of Chaos Crystals shot directly, arranged the formation, sat cross-legged in it, moved the mind slightly, the formation directly operated, and the billowing chaos spiritual power was extracted from the Chaos Crystal, converging into a river, the vast soup Soup rushed madly into him.

Meng Tianchen's face turned red in an instant, the power gathered by millions of Chaos Crystals had already exceeded his tolerance limit.The mental control formation was adjusted, reducing the speed of absorbing power, which was just below his tolerance limit.

At the same time as absorbing the power of the chaotic crystal to make up for the loss, his hand flashed slightly, and he took out a snow-white panacea the size of a longan.This kind of elixir called Liyun Pill is a treasure for high-ranking emperor warriors to recover from injuries, and it is very valuable.

(End of this chapter)

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