Chapter 877

Raising his head and swallowing, Meng Tianchen directly closed his eyes, and began to restore the current weak state with all his strength.

He had already suffered serious injuries from the fight with the Fire Clan warriors, and after entering the chaotic forbidden abyss, protecting Shi Yue and Cheng Rongzhi from harm, resisting the turbulent energy flow made his injuries worse.

In this chaotic Forbidden Abyss of the Great Jedi, this state is undoubtedly extremely dangerous.That's why he was anxious to restore his cultivation. Only by recovering himself to the peak state can he be qualified to give it a go in the face of crisis.

Meng Tianchen closed his eyes slightly, and was about to enter deep cultivation, but his face suddenly changed, and his eyes opened instantly.

Meng Tianchen stood up, not caring about inhaling the vibrations that had not had time to refine the chaotic spiritual power in his body, and took a step forward, his figure directly appeared in the outer closed room, and put away the main body of the Martial God Stele.

The entire stone chamber vibrated violently, and booming muffled sounds came from all directions.

Meng Tianchen came out with his divine sense, his face suddenly became gloomy, he waved his hand to disperse the restriction, and his figure rushed directly into the hall.

Rong Zhi had been awakened with a start, her face was a bit dazed.

Meng Tianchen's figure turned into a phantom, sweeping Rong Zhi away directly.

The next moment, the rock where Rong Zhi was originally standing was instantly shattered, and a terrifying mouth opened, biting into the empty space.Missing a hit, he suddenly drew back, but this short time was enough for people to see what it looked like.

This is a black body, like a strange monster with a layer of horny shell. There are no such things as mouth, nose and ears on the smooth body, and there is only a big round mouth growing at the end of the limbs, accompanied by circles of fine and sharp fangs. The contraction of flesh and blood can be as rapid as sawtooth.If the martial artist falls into its mouth, one can imagine the end.

In her arms, Rong Zhi's face turned pale in an instant, without any trace of blood.

At this moment, Shi Yue also rushed out of the secret room, and spoke in a deep voice.

"What happened?"

Meng Tianchen shook his head.

"Now is not the time to talk about these things, you and I will leave here immediately."

"Come with me!"

Yu Luo had a flash of inspiration in his hand, and directly took out the Canglong stick, and without getting out along the excavated stone chamber passage, he stabbed the stick towards the stone wall, and a passage sufficient for passage was opened amidst a loud bang, and the figure fell into it instantly.

Without the slightest hesitation, Shi Yue quickly followed behind him.

Without any warning, the Canglong stick in Meng Tianchen's hand was stabbed to the left in an instant, the light of the stick shot out, embedded deeply into the rock wall, smashed the rock and moved forward with a bang. On the wriggling black-armored monster, cut it off directly.

A painful roar that sounded like a bull's roar came through the stone wall and echoed wildly in the passage.

But the most astonishing point is that the body of the monster that was broken into two parts did not die, but shrank away at an astonishing speed in an instant, without being beheaded at all!

The booming sound came through the stone wall, like ten thousand horses galloping, which seemed to indicate that countless black-armored monsters were gathering towards them.

Wearing black armor, with a body length of hundreds of feet, he survives deep in the ground and never dies!

This kind of terrifying monster that likes to devour life has almost been killed in the Linglong world, and it has rarely appeared. He only found out about the existence of this terrible monster when he accidentally checked the information.

Every adult Heartcracker possesses incomparably terrifying power, howling in the ground, possessing a destructive power that is almost comparable to that of a high-ranking emperor-level warrior.

Shi Yue's face instantly turned pale.

With a backhand stick, Meng Tianchen broke through a long passage again and turned to another direction. At the same time, the Canglong stick in his hand slammed down to both sides three times in succession, cutting off the bodies of three heart worms behind the stone wall one after another.

Two of the broken bodies left quickly, and the other was directly torn apart and swallowed by several Heart Ripper Worms that suddenly rushed up beside it.The dark green blood gave off a slightly fishy smell, but it further stimulated the viciousness of the heart splitter monster.

Meng Tianchen opened the way forward, the Canglong stick in his hand kept falling, and the light of the stick smashed into the stone wall, and one of the heart worms would be cut off directly.

The smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and more and more Heartworms were attracted by the siege.

Meng Tianchen's face became paler and paler, and the injury in his body was interrupted before he could recover.Now that he has shot wildly, the strength in his body has been crazily lost, which has aggravated the deterioration of his injuries.But his face was still calm, and there was a firm look in his eyes.

The Canglong stick slammed down and plunged into the rocks, and the shot shot directly into the mouth of the heart cracker that jumped from below, crushing its entire body and dying directly.

"Shiyue, back left, go all out!"

The sudden roar made Shi Yue startled, he subconsciously made a move, and slapped his palm to the left rear.

The entire underground stone layer vibrated violently. Before a heart cracker could escape, it was directly shocked to death by the supernatural power. Although the black carapace had not been shattered, the flesh and blood inside the body had been completely shattered.


When Meng Tianchen swung his stick and smashed it down, he sipped again.

Without hesitation, Shi Yue slapped out again, killing the second heart worm.

Meng Tianchen embraced the girl with one hand, held a stick in front of him with the other, and Shi Yue followed closely behind. The three of them roared forward in the ground, avoiding the siege from the terrifying heart cracker.

A stick fell, and the gray stick smashed the stone wall, shot out from the ground, and shot into the void, and the sound of howling wind was clearly transmitted to the ears of the two along the hole.

Meng Tianchen slammed down the last stick, rushed out with the girl in his arms, and his figure whizzed away without stopping in the light package.There was ecstasy in Shi Yue's eyes, and the figure rushed out after him.

Standing in the void, looking back down, the rocks collapsed and the ground rolled like falling waves. From time to time, a piece of the heartworm's body could be seen emerging from the ground, and disappeared again in a flash.

In this area, countless bloodthirsty heart worms gathered!

Shi Yue looked back and saw this scene clearly, the excitement of the rest of his life in his heart seemed to be poured by cold water, and disappeared in an instant, the blood on his face faded, his body was stiff, and he felt dry mouth for a while.

It was a fluke to be able to escape from the ground alive!

Do not!
Perhaps it shouldn't be called a fluke, but relying on the Lord Qingyun beside him!
He was busy running for his life underground, so he had no time to think about it. At this moment, he wanted to lead the way, kill the heart worms, guide him to attack, and finally lead them to escape from the siege of countless heart worms. There is only one reasonable explanation for these. , in the chaotic forbidden abyss, he can use his own spiritual power!

Thinking of this, Shi Yue's heart was shocked, and the gaze he looked at Meng Tianchen suddenly changed a little bit.

Being able to use the power of divine consciousness in the chaotic forbidden abyss is a power that no king of the emperor realm has ever possessed. It seems that although he believed that Meng Tianchen's cultivation was strong before, he still underestimated this Lord Qingyun!
Breaking into the chaotic forbidden abyss without hesitation in a desperate situation certainly reflects his strong and decisive state of mind, but it may also prove the strong self-confidence in his heart from another aspect!He is confident that this famous Jedi will not be able to keep him!If Shi Yue had some doubts about his self-confidence in his heart before, then now he has begun to believe in his heart that maybe Meng Tianchen can really lead them out of here!

"Let's go, get out of here, and find another place to stay."

Meng Tianchen let go and let Rong Zhi stand aside.Under this seemingly safe meteorite, there are such a terrifying number of heart worms, and it is bound to be impossible to stay.However, it also positively confirmed the horror of the chaotic forbidden abyss. If Meng Tianchen could not use the power of divine consciousness, the three of them would have been buried underground now.

Shi Yue nodded, reached out and took out the silver moon shuttle, the three of them entered it, and the silver light flashed and roared away.

"Heart worms are born in the ground. They like to devour flesh and blood, but they are in a state of deep sleep all year round. They will only wake up when they are induced. The three of you and I didn't make much movement. How did you attract so many mobs in the center of the earth? "

While muttering, Shi Yue's face was full of puzzlement.

"The most urgent thing is to find a place where you and I can pause to recover from our injuries. The current state of you and me is too dangerous in the chaotic forbidden abyss." Meng Tianchen couldn't help frowning slightly.

Shi Yue nodded slowly.

A silver light whizzed forward in the chaotic void, looking for their new foothold.



Looking at the monsters gushing out of the surrounding caves, the face of the black coffin changed greatly because of Emperor Qiong and Emperor Zhenyan, and there was a trace of unconcealable fear in the depths of his pupils.

After entering the chaotic forbidden abyss, the corpse and fire warriors also encountered many crises, but with the help of the two eighth-rank great emperors, they survived one by one and came to the meteorite under their feet.

Scanning with their spiritual sense, they didn't notice anything wrong, but just after they fell down and were about to cultivate for a while, the current scene suddenly happened.

Bloodthirsty insects, ancient monsters that have long been extinct in the Linglong world, are shaped like mosquitoes and flies, about the size of a foot, with a pair of black fleshy wings behind them, and a pair of eyes with a strange withered yellow color, but the pupils are crimson blood. .

Sexually likes blood and eats food, lives in groups.

Although the individual strength of this kind of monster is weak, but the endless number still makes it a famous fierce beast in ancient times.Hundreds of millions of bloodthirsty insects spread their wings and fly high, their shadows cover the sky and the earth. Wherever they pass, the entire meteorite and even the entire continent will be turned into a dead zone, and no living beings can survive.

Even the king of the imperial realm, if he falls into the swarm of bloodthirsty insects, he will not escape the fate of being sucked!

The black coffin and Emperor Zhenyan didn't dare to stop for a moment, the spiritual light outside their bodies was shining, and their figures soared into the sky, fleeing into the void.

The warriors of the two races all followed with horror on their faces.

The sound of flapping wings is like the sound of a magic chasing soul, which makes people feel terrified and gives birth to great fear!


The movement of several zombie warriors slowed down for a moment, and they were directly submerged in the tide of bloodthirsty insects. The aura flashed wildly and resisted for a few breaths, and then extinguished the screams of panic and despair. Their bodies were instantly eaten up, and their souls and minds were torn apart swallow.

(End of this chapter)

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