Chapter 878

More than a hundred rays of light shot up into the sky, and a strange black shadow with red dots appeared behind him. If you look closely, you can find that this black shadow is composed of densely packed bloodthirsty insects.He didn't give up because of the escape of the warriors from the corpse clan and the fire clan, but he left his lair and chased them all the way into the void.


Emperor Zhenyan roared, and the space behind him was torn apart suddenly, and a huge crack hundreds of miles wide and stretching for thousands of miles appeared, from which crimson flames burst out crazily, and the scorching heat caused the temperature of the entire space to rise rapidly.It was like a mouth of flames, frantically devouring the bloodthirsty insects chasing from behind, and incinerating them directly in the flames.

In an instant, countless bloodthirsty insects were burned to death.But the terrifying supernatural power did not frighten off the bloodthirsty insects. Every bloodthirsty insect's body would explode before death, shooting out a faint blood light, which quickly accumulated and turned into a blood-colored evil cloud.Under this evil cloud, the Tianyan Yan tempered by Emperor Zhenyan seemed to be sealed, and the crack in the space was completely sealed!
There was a low hum in the black coffin, and a puff of light gray powder suddenly dispersed under the agitation of the corpse, turning into a cloud the size of thousands of miles, directly covering the tide of bloodthirsty insects.The bloodthirsty insects that fell into it were instantly killed, and their bodies quickly corroded and turned into bloody water.

Because of the poison of the poor emperor's corpse, its toxicity is so fierce that even the king of the imperial realm dare not touch it lightly. It is naturally easy to poison the bloodthirsty insects.Although under the impact of the bloodthirsty worms, the color of the poisonous mist quickly became dim, but they did not want to fight this terrifying monster. After two times of supernatural powers, they were able to let the warriors of the two races get away. enough.

Breaking through the blockade of the poisonous mist, the bloodthirsty worms that lost their attack screamed upwards, their sharp voices converging into an extremely terrifying sound wave, and then frantically scattered to search for nothing before returning to their lair.

In a dark void, the black coffin was more than ten feet away from Emperor Zhenyan, and they all kept silent, the atmosphere extremely dignified.

Although there were two people who fought against the bloodthirsty worm's mad pursuit before, in a short period of time, more than [-] warriors from the two races were buried in the belly of this terrifying monster.The horror of the chaotic forbidden abyss may be beyond their imagination!

On one side of the huge meteorite, it is comparable to a small fragment of a continent, extremely huge.

Rong Zhi took a breath of fresh air, and glanced at the slightly frowned eyebrows. It was really unimaginable that such a huge meteorite, which can be called a beautiful place, still existed in the chaotic forbidden abyss known as the desperate place. .

After a thorough search by Meng Tianchen and Shi Yue, it was concluded that there was no hidden crisis on this meteorite that could pose a threat to the three of them, at least they had not discovered it.Although he hesitated, after a little consideration, he decided to use this place as his second foothold.

But just to be on the safe side, the two teamed up to build a very sophisticated defensive formation around a hundred miles around them, and Rong Zhi was also told not to step outside the protection range of the formation.

Afterwards, the two hurriedly retreated to recover from their injuries.

Rong Zhi stayed outside alone, but she never felt lonely.

A full month had passed before Rong Zhi suddenly saw a tall and straight figure in a green shirt appearing, she suddenly raised her head, a burst of joy arose in the depths of her eyes, she reluctantly suppressed it, bowed her knees slightly, and finally breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, but felt a little bit lost .

Now that he's out of customs, they shouldn't be able to stay here for too long.

Meng Tianchen bowed his hand and returned the gift.

Coincidentally, Shi Yue also left the test, and the aura on his body was extremely solid, obviously returning to his peak state.

"What kind of chaotic forbidden abyss exists? I don't know much about it. I don't know if the angels know it. How can you and I get out of here?"

Mentioning the current situation, Shi Yue's smile was restrained, his expression was dignified, and he pondered for a while before opening his mouth slowly.

"Although the Forbidden Abyss of Chaos is a famous and dangerous place, it is well known by the world, but there are very few people who really understand the dangers in it. I don't know much about the dangers in it. I only heard my teacher occasionally mention that the Forbidden Abyss of Chaos The most dangerous place in the book is the word chaos."

"In the chaotic and raging void, there is a strong mysterious power condensed. Even if the king of the emperor enters it, the divine sense cannot fully withstand the power of chaos. If you can't recognize the direction, you can only be trapped in this chaotic void forever Among them, no matter how strong the cultivation base is, it will be impossible to escape the fall."

"As for how to leave." He looked up at Meng Tianchen, and continued: "The Forbidden Abyss of Chaos is a void shrouded by chaotic forces and full of crises. Although we can't identify the direction in it, as long as we can keep going Go in one direction, no matter which direction you go, you can leave here after all.”

He had already sensed the secret hidden in Meng Tianchen's body about the heartbreaker that day.

He can use the power of divine consciousness in the chaotic forbidden abyss!
Thinking about it now, when he successfully passed through the God-Man Forbidden and won the last battle between the Hu Kingdom and the Tianhan Family, he must have relied on his own super power of consciousness to resist the chaotic fog of the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range.

But this point is obviously a secret kept by Meng Tianchen. Even though Shi Yue knew it in his heart, he never asked, but wisely chose to keep silent.

Meng Tianchen was silent for a while, then nodded slowly.Although he didn't say much, the calm and steady expression on his face made it easy for people to feel the powerful confidence in that quietness.

Shi Yue's body froze slightly, and then regained his composure.Seeing with his own eyes that Meng Tianchen acquiesced to the speculation in his heart, even though he was already prepared, it still shocked him.

After a short while of silence, he suddenly raised his head.

"Mr. Wen Qingyun is an ascended martial artist in a small world. I don't know how much time he has spent cultivating so far? Is it 10 years?"

Meng Tianchen's heart moved slightly, and he paused for a moment, looking at this lord angel with a half-smile on his face, shaking his head slightly.

Shi Yue's face changed slightly.

"5 years?"

Shaking his head.

"3 years?"

Shake his head again.

Shi Yue's voice was dry, the shock in his eyes couldn't be concealed at all, he opened his mouth with some difficulty, and asked just now: "Please ask Qingyun to announce it, how many years did it take?"

Meng Tianchen raised his head, paused for a moment, and said in a low voice: "My aptitude is blunt, and it took me only thousands of years to embark on the road of martial arts."

Shi Yue's head buzzed, he couldn't hear what Meng Tianchen said behind him, and his face turned pale.

What kind of monster is this?It's just thousands of years, and he's still a small world ascended martial artist, yet he has reached this level.

Shi Yue is very unimaginable.

"Let's go."

Meng Tianchen spoke in a low voice, the spiritual light rolled up the girl, turned around with Shi Yue and entered the silver moon shuttle, and this object turned into a silver light and rushed into the void.

A sliver of silver light penetrated the thick dark zone of dust condensation, far away from the pitch-black area formed by the strange black hole in front, and whizzed forward along a meteorite belt.

Although there are constant crises on the road ahead, this silver light can always avoid it long in advance, pass through in the safest way, and fly to the predetermined direction.

In the inner space of Yinyue Liusuo, Meng Tianchen closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, and took over the control of the entire treasure. The powerful divine sense came out of his body, like invisible tentacles, and the detection range was centered on Yinyue Liusuo. A spherical space with a sufficient safety radius is maintained, and breath fluctuations from all directions are closely detected, so that in the shortest time when an accident occurs, it can be dealt with.

It's just that this detection method consumes a lot of energy. Although Meng Tianchen's consciousness can resist the power of chaos raging in the chaotic forbidden abyss, the rate of consumption will increase a lot. Every two hours, he needs to swallow a Yishen Dan. to restore consciousness.But even so, the replenishment speed of the power of consciousness is still far behind the depletion speed.

When the power of the spiritual consciousness reaches half, out of caution, Meng Tianchen will choose to suspend the journey, find a temporary safe place to restore the spiritual consciousness to its peak, and then continue on the road.

Shi Yue sat on the ground, holding a jade pot in his hand, seemingly lazy, but his eyes were full of clarity, and occasionally his eyes streamed, and they were also full of light.

In the chaotic forbidden abyss, there are too many unpredictable crises. Even if Meng Tianchen controls their progress, they have a great advantage over ordinary warriors, but if they relax because of this, they may not be able to leave safely.

Rong Zhi leaned on a soft couch, lowered her head slightly, revealing a section of her jade-like white and delicate pink neck, her long eyelashes trembling slightly from time to time.The light blue skirt falls naturally, without any artificiality, it can outline the slightly thin but perfect and charming body.

It's just a pity that the two men here, one closed his eyes and had no time to distract, the other looked away, not daring to fall on the girl at all, wasting the beautiful scenery at this moment.

And at this moment, Meng Tianchen closed his eyes and slowly opened them.

"Pause here first, and continue on the road after I recover." After saying this, Meng Tianchen took out the Yishen Pill and swallowed it with his hands, and began to close his eyes to refine the medicinal power of the elixir with all his strength, but he still remained behind. A trace of consciousness senses changes in the outside world.

Three days later, Meng Tianchen's eyes opened again, and after consuming eleven Yishen Pills, his consciousness finally recovered, and there was a slight improvement, and it became more pure, which made him nod slightly in his heart.

Although it is only a slight progress, the martial artist's cultivation starts from dripping water, and only when he moves forward step by step can he gather into a vast ocean.

Although the grains of sand are small, they can be condensed into mountains when hundreds of millions of them are piled up.

The so-called journey of a thousand miles is accumulated in a few steps, and a majestic peak begins with dust and sand. This is exactly the truth.

"Okay, let's go on."

Once recovered, Meng Tianchen didn't delay at all, his consciousness dispersed abruptly, silver light flashed slightly, he left the docked meteorite, and roared away.

If you can leave such a dangerous place like the Forbidden Abyss of Chaos, the sooner the better.

But half an hour later, Meng Tianchen's eyes suddenly opened, and his divine light flashed.

Shi Yue raised his head, his face instantly turned solemn, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"What happened?"

Although Rong Zhi on the side didn't say much, her eyes were full of worry.

(End of this chapter)

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