Chapter 879

"The fighters chasing after us entered the chaotic forbidden abyss with us." Meng Tianchen spoke slowly, the light in his eyes converged, and he returned to calm.

"Not only the Fire Clan, but also the Corpse Clan fighters, and now they seem to have chosen to join forces."

Shi Yue's demeanor changed slightly, and then he snorted coldly.

"These people are really lingering, but this time, they are afraid that they will make a mistake!"

Meng Tianchen's ability to use his spiritual power in the chaotic forbidden abyss is the biggest variable!In this way, they took the absolute initiative. Even if there are eighth-rank emperors in the corpse clan and the fire clan, if they can't detect their whereabouts, they can't do anything about them.

As long as they dodge quietly, they can leave safely, leaving them to struggle in this chaotic forbidden abyss, whether they can leave alive depends on their own luck!

Meng Tianchen remained silent, and shook his head slowly after a while.

"It's so bizarre what they're doing now, I think we'd better go and see."


"They move meteorites."

Emperor Zhenyan personally led nearly a hundred warriors from the two races to attack together, converging their cultivation bases into a driving force, vigorously chiseling the fixed trajectory of the meteorite, and slowly pushing it in a predetermined direction.

Meteorites move, because they attract and repel each other, each has its own fixed trajectory, and the whole body is moved by one movement.Although it is to push the direction, it is extremely difficult to compete with the suction and repulsion of all the surrounding meteorites.

If it weren't for the chaos in the forbidden abyss, the unstable power of the void was chaotic, making the mutual check and balance of the meteorites unstable, otherwise, even if Emperor Zhenyan led nearly a hundred warriors to make a move, he would never be able to complete the move of the meteorite!

Shaking the trajectory of the meteorite with manpower is beyond the imagination limit of ordinary warriors!

Emperor Zhenyan looked dignified, carefully controlling the gathered power, manipulating the meteorite to move slowly little by little, thinking about the predetermined position.If you want to be perfect, you need meteorites to appear where they should be, without any deviation.

All right!

right here!

After moving this huge meteorite to its proper position, the entire formation has been completely completed.

But at this moment, a counter-shock force suddenly broke out.

The entire meteorite is shaking slightly!

Emperor Zhenyan let out a low growl, the eighth-rank emperor had no reservations about his cultivation base, and he burst out and integrated all his forces, not to push, but to help this meteorite stabilize its current position and resist the repulsion and attraction of other meteorites .

Only by passing this level can a new balance be formed among the surrounding meteorites.

The oscillating power that filled the void turned from strong to weak, and finally dissipated slowly.

A new balance has been formed among the meteorites.

Emperor Zhenyan's face was slightly pale, and the warriors of the two tribes behind him were all panting like cows, exhausted a lot, but their faces showed ecstasy.

It worked!
After completing the formation, they will have a chance to leave here alive!
In the void, the seven meteorites are arranged in a strange way, five of them are connected in a line, and two of each are perfectly symmetrical with the third meteorite in the center. If they are vertically connected with each other, they will form a standard cross.

"Cross?" Shi Yue's face froze suddenly, and shock appeared in his eyes.

"Tell me how the seven meteorites are arranged, hurry up!"

Meng Tianchen's face was gloomy. From Shiyue's expression, he already smelled an extremely dangerous aura. With a wave of his sleeve, the space in front of him gradually became transparent, and he could clearly see the situation outside.

You don't need a sense of consciousness, you can see it directly with your eyes. In the void in the distance, there are seven meteorites arranged in a cross.

"Five elements determine the universe!"

"Yin and Yang play a secret!"

The blood on Shi Yue's face faded instantly.

"Seven-star celestial array."

Meng Tianchen's eyes instantly fell on his face.

"Seven-star heavenly formation? What is the effect of this formation?"

But before Shi Yue could explain, Rong Zhi had already spoken softly.

"Using the power of the five elements and yin and yang, the meteorite formation is covered with meteorites. With the power of the five elements, the heaven and the earth can be determined, and all the confusion in the world can be broken, and all directions can be identified. With the power of the dual generation of yin and yang, the changes of the heavens can be performed, and the calculations and judgments are accurate."

Rong Zhi raised her head, with a trace of bitterness hanging from the corner of her mouth.

Shi Yue nodded, feeling his whole mouth was bitter.

The seven-star heavenly secret formation has been completed, and only by activating the large formation and arousing the power of the meteorite, the corpse and fire warriors can instantly reverse the positions of the two sides. Not only can they recognize the direction, but they can also use the power of the meteorite to deduce their location.

At that time, it will undoubtedly be the end of death!

Meng Tianchen's pupils contracted slightly, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the cross-shaped seven-star array, and spoke in a deep voice.

"We must stop them from activating the formation!"

"There is no way." Shi Yue's face was full of bitterness.

"Unless you can forcefully move one of the seven meteorites when the formation is activated and the warriors in the main formation fuse the power of the meteorite, causing the formation to backfire, you can completely destroy the seven meteorites and cut off the possibility of setting up the seven-star heavenly formation. But relying on you Even with my strength, even if I can get close, I can't change the trajectory of the meteorite at all."

Meng Tianchen's face was gloomy, his eyes flickered for a while, the thoughts in his mind were spinning wildly, and he whispered to himself.

"No! There must be a way! There must be!"

He already knows the effect of the seven-star heavenly array, if it is successfully completed by the corpse and fire warriors, they will have nothing to hide!

Even if he escapes now, with the location confirmed, he will be killed in the face of the crazy siege of warriors from the two races!
The only turning point now is to destroy the two clans' activation of the Seven-Star Heavenly Secret Formation!
But as Shi Yue said, they don't have enough power to interfere with all this.

Meng Tianchen took a deep breath, forcing himself to suppress all the restlessness in his heart, panic is useless, if you deal with it calmly, maybe you can still find a chance.

If you can't shake the meteorite with your own strength, you can only borrow strength from the outside.He manipulated and changed the angle of view of Yinyue Liushuo, expanding the scope of his eyes to explore, and after a while, his eyes suddenly lit up!
"We're going here!"

Meng Tianchen stretched out his hand and pointed at a huge crimson meteorite, with crazy flames jumping in his eyes.

Shi Yue followed his direction, his face showed shock, his eyes flashed sharply, and he quickly deduced the feasibility of this matter in his heart, and it turned into a sigh after a while.

"This flaming meteorite has reached the end of its destruction, and its power is unstable. If it can be allowed to erupt in advance, the terrifying power generated by the destruction of the flaming meteorite can indeed forcibly destroy the Seven-Star Heavenly Secret Formation. However, you and I also have no way to trigger it. The flaming meteorite destroys the power of the premature eruption."

"How will you know if you don't try it?" Meng Tianchen said in a low voice, his face returned to calm, but the two flames in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

"Since we know it in advance, Meng will never allow them to activate the Seven-Star Heavenly Secret Array smoothly."

Shi Yue's heart trembled slightly, and he raised his head to look at the green-clothed warrior in front of him, and suddenly understood in his heart why he was able to achieve today's state in just over ten thousand years.

Perhaps, the current strong state of mind that never gives up anytime and anywhere is the main reason for his rapid rise all the way.

Shi Yue's heart was full of pride, but his face calmed down, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"Okay! Then go and try it. If you succeed, you will be happy, and if you fail, you will die!"

Rong Zhi looked at the only man in her eyes, a little splendor appeared in the depths of her eyes, she was able to do this without giving up in a desperate situation, she deserved to be the man she fancyed!
In the void, the silver light flickered slightly, changed direction silently, avoided a safe enough distance, and galloped towards the crimson flaming meteorite that could hang obliquely in the void.

The black coffin hangs high, and a meteorite containing the power of the wood system below exudes a strong power of the wood spirit. The ancient trees are towering, and the green vines are overgrown, covering the entire surface of the planet.

Emperor Zhenyan stepped forward, his face slightly pale, moving the meteorite would be a great loss even for him.Walking to the side of the black coffin, he sat cross-legged directly.

"The layout of the seven-star heavenly array has been completed. When this seat is restored, you and I will work together to stimulate the power of the meteorite."

"it is good."

In the black coffin, the hoarse voice of Emperor Yinqiong came out.

Emperor Zhenyan closed his eyes and tried his best to recover, and the whole space was silent.

The warriors of the corpse clan and the fire clan entered the chaotic forbidden abyss. I don't know if it was bad luck, and they were in danger again and again. Even if there were two eighth-rank emperors, Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan, the warriors under his command still lost nearly half of them.

Until the warriors of the two races came here.

The five-element meteorites are connected in a line, and there is a Yin-Yang meteorite in the void not far from the left and right sides. It is a wonder of heaven and earth, formed by the force of nature. With a little modification, the mighty seven-star heavenly array can be created!

Because Emperor Qiong and Emperor Zhenyan were naturally overjoyed, after completing this formation, not only is it easy to find Meng Tianchen and others, but also they can discern the direction in one fell swoop, and the possibility of retreating from the chaotic forbidden abyss is greatly increased.

After a short discussion, it was decided to try to move the meteorite and arrange the seven-star heavenly array.

As for today, it took more than two months to complete intermittently.

Right now, everything is ready, and only when Emperor Zhenyan recovers, he can concentrate the strength of the two of them to open a large formation that integrates the power of meteorites, penetrates the five elements, connects yin and yang, and opens the seven-star heavenly formation.Break through the current predicament.

Seven days later, Emperor Zhenyan's eyes suddenly opened, and two phantoms of flames were faintly visible in the depths of his eyes.

The black coffin moved accordingly, and a faint corpse aura diffused from it, and the decayed aura of the corpse race slowly spread, cold and chilly.

The seven-star celestial formation needs to be formed with meteorites and dominated by the two forces of yin and yang before it can be activated.

It coincided with this wonder of heaven and earth, and Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan divided Yin and Yang with their power to help them break through the current crisis. There is no reasonable explanation other than that.

That being the case, where can Meng Tianchen and the others escape!This time, they must be beheaded, complete the mission, and then use the power of the great formation to escape from this chaotic forbidden abyss.

Accompanied by the explosion of the auras of Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan, the entire void shook suddenly, and the seven meteorites that formed the Seven-Star Heavenly Array suddenly emitted dazzling aura, gathered into beams of light that soared into the sky, showing seven colors, a palpitating feeling The momentum and coercion suddenly condensed!

Seven beams of chaotic spiritual power rushed into the void and evolved into a cloud of colorful mist. The colors gradually faded into pure white during the tumbling.Surging and flickering, exuding endless mysterious atmosphere, it seems that the evolution of the whole world is in this cloud and mist.

When all the colors of the mist are normalized into pure white, the seven-star heavenly array will be fully activated!
(End of this chapter)

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