Chapter 880 Asura Emperor Armor
A sliver of silver light stopped tens of thousands of miles away from the crimson flame meteorite, and one could still sense the terrifying power of fluctuations within it.

This is a flaming meteorite whose life is about to come to an end, but at this time, it is also the peak period of its strongest power.

If there is no external interference, maybe thousands of years later, this flaming meteorite will completely disappear into this void after a loud bang.

There was a faint flash of spiritual light outside the silver light, and three figures appeared directly in the void, and their eyes fell on this crimson flaming meteorite at the same time.The horrific scorching heat lingered all over the body. If it weren't for the protection of chaotic spiritual power, the bodies of the three of them could be reduced to ashes in an instant, and their minds could not escape at all.

Meng Tianchen's dark eyes exuded a faint light, calm without any fluctuation, slightly gloomy, and spoke lightly.

"Shi Yue, you stay here to protect Madam, I will take care of this matter."

Shi Yue's face changed slightly, but before he could open his mouth, the green-robed warrior took a step forward and roared towards the crimson flaming meteorite, leaving the two of them with a thin and straight back, which seemed to be able to support the entire scene world.

"Because you can't help me." The moment the voice fell, the vast aura in Meng Tianchen's body exploded, turning into a monstrous pressure, sweeping across the entire space.

This aura did not stagnate after reaching the Perfect Realm of the Lower Emperor Realm, that is, the limit of the third-rank Great Emperor, but continued to skyrocket in an outrageous manner.

Shi Yue's body suddenly stiffened, sensing Meng Tianchen's soaring aura all the way outside his body, his pupils shrank wildly, and his face was full of shock.

The horror of Meng Tianchen's aura outside his body at this moment has surpassed that of the warriors of the lower emperor realm by several times, and it is still rising at an extremely astonishing speed!

Fourth Rank Great Emperor!

Actually broke through the bottleneck barrier in an instant and achieved the middle emperor state.

Although it's unbelievable, the facts in front of him make Shi Yue unable to deceive his own judgment!No wonder Meng Tianchen would propose to use the destructive power of this flaming meteorite to destroy the Seven-Star Heavenly Secret Formation. With the power he has exploded from his sudden promotion, coupled with Meng Tianchen's own powerful and terrifying combat power that can leapfrog, it may not be impossible to do this !

Shi Yue didn't know why Meng Tianchen had been suppressed at this moment, broke through the bottleneck, and was promoted to the middle emperor realm!It seems that there are countless secrets hidden in him. Whenever Shi Yue thinks that he has paid enough attention to Meng Tianchen, he will suddenly find that his previous thoughts are so naive!

Rong Zhi looked at the back of the man who was walking away, felt Shi Yue's shock, and suddenly a thought came to her heart, this is the man she likes, and no difficulties can stop him!
"Master, don't worry, don't forget that Lord Qingyun still has a treasure in his hands that can force back the eighth-rank Great Emperor powerhouse. Although I don't know why he didn't directly use this treasure, he still has other plans, but today The idea of ​​the Corpse and Fire Warriors trying to form a seven-star heavenly formation is likely to fail." Rong Zhi spoke slowly, although she tried her best to calm herself down, there was still a trace of pride in her eyes.

Shi Yue's body shook, and the panic and panic in his heart suddenly calmed down. He was panicked for a moment, and he completely forgot that Meng Tianchen still had such a precious treasure as the Monument of the Demon God in his hand.

As long as this thing is activated, with the help of the terrifying power of the Demon God Monument, it is bound to be able to directly defeat this flaming meteorite!Thinking that he was not as calm as Mrs. Zhi showed, Shi Yue couldn't help feeling a little ashamed, but he didn't notice the strangeness on Rong Zhi's face for a while.

Meng Tianchen faced the crimson flaming meteorite with a calm demeanor, bulging blue robes, black hair tumbling violently, sensing the palpitating terrifying power in the flaming meteorite, his whole mind was like a clear spring in a valley, calm and without waves, Can't afford the slightest disturbance.

In the most dangerous place, you should be calm, so that you can have vitality!
Shaking the crimson flaming meteorite hard, breaking it, and using the terrifying power generated when the flaming meteorite was destroyed, destroying the Seven Stars Heavenly Secret Formation is the only chance for them to escape the killing situation right now.

So in the moment of thinking, Meng Tianchen has already made a decision.

The power of the bloodline totem.

Only in this way can he burst out a power that is several times greater than his own in a short period of time, and he is qualified to shake the crimson flame meteorite!And the resentful soul of Patriarch Tianhan who has not been fully refined in the roulette is his current reliance!As long as the power of the Holy Flame Tiger's bloodline totem can be activated, and the powerful power contained in the resentful soul of Patriarch Tian Han can be successfully swallowed, it will be enough to help him replenish the power that was lost in his body.

Meng Tianchen's actions revealed a huge secret in him.

Once the Saint Flame Tiger bloodline totem is known to outsiders, it is simply unimaginable.

However, even if the power of the Holy Flame Tiger's bloodline totem is stimulated to the greatest extent, and the remnant soul of Patriarch Tianhan is completely refined, there is still a huge risk in this move, and if he is not careful, he will end up dead without a place to bury him, but he did not Too much time to think about it, so I can only choose to give it a go!
As for the Monument of the Demon God, Meng Tianchen hadn't thought of it, but had a feeling that today was not the time to use it.

As his cultivation level got higher and higher, he learned more and more about the Monument of the Demon God, and felt that the Monument of the Demon God was even more frightening.

More importantly, Meng Tianchen felt that the Monument of the Demon God might not be just a mysterious ominous creature from another world, as it was in the legend, and it was very likely that it contained even greater secrets.

However, with his current cultivation level, he still can't comprehend it.

As soon as he took a step, all the power of the Holy Flame Tiger's bloodline in his body erupted, and the unprecedented powerful force surged through his body, surging like a vast ocean, raging endlessly!

Above the head, a huge phantom of a tiger's head appeared.

Thousands of miles around.

This surge of power has already exceeded the limit of his physical body, the veins under the flesh and blood are bulging, and there is a dense cracking sound from the bones.

This is the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart by a tyrannical force. Blood gushes out instantly, dyeing the green robe on his body red.

Meng Tianchen frowned, enduring the severe pain from every inch of flesh and blood in his body, trying his best to control the tyrannosaurus-like power in his body.A tyrannical and powerful hostility emerged from his heart, like a ferocious beast that wanted to choose someone to devour, let out a frenzied roar, trying to infect Meng Tianchen's mind and reduce him to a slave controlled by power.

This kind of situation will appear when the surge of power is beyond the control of the mind.If it is unable to resist, once the mind falls, the entire sanity will be directly obliterated, and it will become a monster that only knows how to kill, until its power is exhausted and it dies.

With Meng Tianchen's state of mind and cultivation base, facing the impact of the surge of power after being stimulated to the extreme totem power of the Holy Flame Tiger's bloodline, his whole mind is like a sailboat on the sea in a storm, struggling to support in the turbulent waves, and may be caught at any time. The possibility of being engulfed by large waves.

But at this moment, a more powerful force of blood in the body was also stimulated for no reason.

The power of the dragon!


Suddenly, Meng Tianchen became nervous.

Showing Shi Yue or Rong Zhi the Holy Flame Tiger bloodline totem is not so scary.However, if they see the Qinglong bloodline totem appearing on Meng Tianchen's body, it will be a disaster.

Unless, Meng Tianchen killed someone to silence him.

Fortunately, the totem of Qinglong's bloodline did not appear, but the power of Qinglong's bloodline stimulated for no reason, helping Meng Tianchen stabilize the power of the riot in his body.

Under the suppression and coordination of Qinglong's bloodline power, Meng Tianchen's whole mind suddenly calmed down!


Seeing a huge blood-colored tiger head phantom appearing above Meng Tianchen's head from a distance, Shi Yue and Rong Zhi were both stunned.

They never expected that Meng Tianchen actually had such a trump card.

This is the bloodline totem of the ancient and powerful race, the Holy Flame Tiger Clan!
How could it appear on Meng Tianchen?

He is a member of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan?
No one knows better than Shi Yue what the bloodline totem of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan means.

Who is this Meng Tianchen?

Suddenly, in the distance in the void, seven beams of chaotic spiritual power shot up into the sky!

The seven-star celestial formation is starting to activate.

Meng Tianchen raised his head suddenly, his eyes turned crimson, but there was no madness at all, what was just completely calm, cold and without any emotional fluctuations.

A terrifying fighting spirit erupted from his body, piercing through the entire world. The blue robe on his body was torn to pieces, and a layer of blood-red battle armor covered his entire body. It was as thin as nothing, but there were countless intricate and fine textures engraved on it. , exuding an earth-shattering powerful aura.

Noble, ancient, unyielding!
Emperor Asura!

step down.

Arms raised.

make a fist.

blast out.

Flowing and flowing, natural and round, it seems that he has done this movement countless times, and now it is just a random wave.

But at this moment, all the boiling power in Meng Tianchen's body had gathered into this punch without a sound, and a sense of weakness suddenly broke out in his body, almost making him pass out.


After extremely stimulating the power of the Sacred Flame Tiger's bloodline totem, the four wisps of magic energy in the Purple Mansion suddenly turned into a roulette, frantically refining the remnant soul of Patriarch Tianhan.

A pure and powerful force, like a roaring black dragon, surged out from the roulette, poured directly into Mengtianchen Zifu, and frantically merged into his entire body at an astonishing speed.

Meng Tianchen frantically absorbed the power coming from the roulette with hunger and thirst, filling his own emptiness.A bright color flashed across his dull and lifeless eyes, and his flesh and blood bulged.


In the roar, an extremely terrifying force bombarded the flaming meteorite in front of him.

But at this moment, Meng Tianchen didn't pause at all, summoning up the power pouring into his body, his figure directly turned into a phantom, and retreated crazily to the rear.

Where the crimson flaming meteorite was located, a palpitating and terrifying aura suddenly appeared, and the collapse was imminent!

This is the most powerful eruption of the entire flame meteorite's life, just like the bright fireworks in the void, only once, it is bound to be dazzling!
But this dazzling beauty contains the power that can destroy all living beings!


With a low shout, Shi Yue and Cheng Rongzhi, who hadn't recovered from their senses, were awakened. The figures of the three directly entered the Yinyue Shuttle, roared away, and rushed to the depths of the void.

(End of this chapter)

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