Chapter 881 Relentless pursuit
The black coffin and Emperor Zhenyan were suspended in the seven-star heavenly formation, but at this moment, both of them were shocked, and suddenly turned to look at the scarlet flame meteorite, and a power that shocked them suddenly erupted from there.

"Meng Tianchen!"

Emperor Zhenyan let out a low growl. Although this power had increased several times compared to before, he could not identify the wrong breath. An extremely bad premonition came out of his heart, making his face extremely gloomy.

After a brief silence, that crimson flaming meteorite suddenly erupted with an incomparably dazzling brilliance, accompanied by a wave of breath that could destroy everything.

Meteor destruction!

A layer of crimson energy, centered on the destructive flame meteorite, formed a spherical space and spread wildly to the entire space!It was like a monstrous wave that swept towards the sky, exuding an endless scorching aura. Wherever it went, everything was directly incinerated into nothingness.

meteorite, nebula.
Nothing can stop its crazy expansion pace!

Emperor Zhenyan's face turned pale in an instant, and the seven-star heavenly formation has reached the most critical moment. If it is interrupted at this time, the power of the seven meteorites will completely erupt. backlash.

Inside the black coffin, Emperor Yinqiong roared in fright and anger, and the aura of the rolling corpse exploded crazily, wrapping the black coffin layer by layer.

Outside the seven-star secret array, the warriors of the Corpse and Fire clans screamed and fled frantically into the distance!

Teng Shan was among these fugitive warriors, his face was pale, and his eyes were full of despair!

The terrifying power released by the explosion of the flaming meteorite was so fast that it was impossible for them to escape at such a distance.Once you fall into it, you will lose your body and spirit, and you will die instantly.

He doesn't want to die!

I can't believe that I will die here!


There was a desperate scream in the mouth, and the corpse burst out of the body instantly, and the body directly turned into the body of the purple-red corpse clan. A pair of sharp claws pierced into the body of a corpse clan warrior around him like a blade, and he was caught off guard and tore his body directly. Cracked, the corpse warrior fled frantically while screaming.

Teng Shan ignored the frightened and furious corpse warriors around him. He opened his mouth wide and devoured the corpse of the corpse warrior in his hand. The black blood flowed from the corpse while chewing, but the corpse aura emanating from his body exploded in an instant.

At this moment, there is only one thought in his mind, which is definitely not to fall here!

A pair of crimson eyes fell on a corpse clan warrior in front of him in an instant. He let out a sharp growl, and his figure rushed out madly wrapped in corpse aura, but at this moment, a person suddenly appeared in the space in front of him. Abbot Yu-sized black holes.

It was a touch of extreme black, endless as far as the eye could see, and seemed to lead to the darkest abyss in this world!
Teng Shan wanted to dodge, but the sudden burst of devouring power from the black hole made him unable to make any resistance. His body was sucked into it instantly, and the next moment, the black hole squirmed and disappeared.

The crimson energy wave blatantly impacted on the yet-to-be-formed seven-star celestial array, the seven meteorites arranged in a cross trembled violently, the seven pillars of chaotic spiritual power trembled crazily, flickered for a while, and the clouds that were about to condense in the sky churned wildly and crashed. It exploded, as if it was directly torn apart by a pair of invisible hands.

The next moment, the seven beams of light went out one after another, but the meteorite backlash power contained in the seven meteorites completely exploded at this moment!

The entire void directly turns into a place where energy turbulence gathers!
The destructive power of the crimson meteorite and the five elements, yin and yang, and seven-color aura collide with each other crazily, destroying everything within the enveloping range crazily.Nearly a hundred warriors of the two races were directly torn apart in this chaotic energy turbulence, and their bodies and spirits were completely destroyed!

The billowing corpse aura and a group of hot and dazzling flames are still struggling to support this group of destructive forces.

It took a whole moment for the boiling and chaotic power to slowly disappear. The vast void has endless capacity, no matter how powerful the power erupts in it, it will eventually melt into it.


A crack suddenly appeared on the black coffin, and wisps of dim corpse air lingered outside.

Emperor Zhenyan withdrew the flames outside his body, his face was pale, and his eyes were dim, which could not hide his exhaustion.

The backlashing power of the seven meteorites of the Seven-Star Heavenly Secret Formation and the destructive power of the red flame meteorite collided with each other and broke out. Although it made the energy turbulence more chaotic, it offset most of the meteorite backlashing power they had to bear, otherwise the two of them would have perished by now .

Thinking of this, Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan were terrified, and they gritted their teeth with hatred!

Meng Tianchen!
The destruction of the seven-star heavenly secret array almost cut off the possibility of them leaving the chaotic forbidden abyss smoothly, so how can the two of them be prevented from hating each other!

Emperor Zhenyan's eyes were burning with raging flames of resentment, and with a flash of inspiration in his hand, he directly took out a red command arrow.

"Because of the poor emperor, I can activate the command arrow to trace the whereabouts of Meng Tianchen and others. You and I will catch up and kill them all at any cost!!"

"it is good!"

The hoarse voice of Emperor Yinqiong came from inside the black coffin. It was low and gloomy, as if it came from the Nine Netherworld.

Raising his hand and throwing it, the scarlet arrow immediately turned into a shocking rainbow and whizzed away.

With a movement of his body, Emperor Zhenyan moved forward side by side with the black coffin, closely following behind.

In the chaotic forbidden abyss, the chaotic sky is in chaos. The power of the scarlet arrow is extremely fast, but the speed is as fast as lightning. Moving forward in this fierce place, it has locked the aura of the target in front of it.
Inside Yinyue Liushuo, Meng Tianchen's eyes were closed tightly, his physical body has now recovered to its original state, and the remnant soul of Patriarch Tianhan was completely refined by the roulette.

He could clearly sense the destructive aura of the flame meteorite in the rear, but the Emperor Zhenyan of the Fire Clan and Emperor Yinqiong of the Corpse Clan never fell, otherwise the roulette would not be unable to absorb their remnant souls.

Such a terrifying power cannot kill them, which once again proves the horror of the eighth-rank great emperor powerhouse.He naturally didn't dare to be careless, otherwise, once he was caught up, it would not be difficult for even a wounded King of the Emperor Realm to kill them.

The remnant soul of Patriarch Tianhan was the source of continuous improvement in his body, but it was exhausted after detonating the flaming meteorite. He thought he could use the power of the flaming meteorite explosion and the backlash of the Seven-Star Heavenly Array to kill the powerful members of the corpse and fire, making the round The disk devours more powerful energy.

Now it seems that this idea is going to fail.Although he was a bit unwilling, but the current result is already lucky, Meng Tianchen changed his mind slightly, and suppressed this thought.

Shi Yue's eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, his expression was stiff, and his heart was already full of turmoil.

Soaring in cultivation and advancing to the middle emperor level in a short period of time is already an extremely terrifying method against the sky.

Indeed, after that earth-shattering punch, the breath in his body was suddenly exhausted, and it even gave people a feeling that his life was coming to an end.But after an instant, Meng Tianchen's body unexpectedly surged with powerful power again.

When he came back from the flame meteorite, he could still sense his weakness, and his physical body also showed the aging state that should be due to the forbidden technique.But less than half an hour had passed before Meng Tianchen's physical body had completely recovered, his complexion was ruddy, and his body was filled with breath.If Shi Yue hadn't sensed a mistake, he would be even stronger than before he made a move.

As the teacher's disciple, his status is quite high in Tongli Empire, so his vision is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary warriors, and he thinks that he is also a person with extraordinary talents that few people can match.

But in the short time with Meng Tianchen, Shi Yue has already suffered too many shocks and blows.

It's not that he is incompetent, but that the scenes in front of him are far beyond his tolerance limit!
Rong Zhi lowered her head slightly, so that no one could see the expression on her face at the moment, but what emerged in the sea of ​​consciousness was that calm and calm face, and that fierce and terrifying punch that shattered The whole meteorite.

Seeing him hurt, she felt pain in her heart, and seeing him return safely, she felt joy in her heart.Seeing him recovered, all that remained in her heart was a touch of pride and pride.

Although he had never made any promises to her or had any relationship with her, none of this could prevent her from having such inexplicable but righteous emotions in her heart.

There was silence, but this silence was soon broken.

Meng Tianchen's eyes suddenly opened, his face suddenly darkened, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"Be careful, we are being chased!"

Shi Yue was shocked.

"Who is it?"

"Emperor Zhenyan and Emperor Yinqiong." A stern look flashed in Meng Tianchen's eyes, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"Be careful, I'm going to shake them off."

As the words fell, Yinyue Liushuo's direction changed instantly, roaring straight towards a cloud of dust.

There are often many dangers in this kind of dark place. Normally, Meng Tianchen would control Yinyue Liushuo to avoid it far away, but now, in order to get rid of the pursuit of the two people behind him, he deliberately entered it.

Although he will take some risks, he has the advantage of spiritual detection. He can dodge in advance before encountering danger, and he can use the hidden crisis to stop the approach of Emperor Zhenyan and Emperor Yinqiong of the Great Yin Sect. It would be best to lead it into a dangerous place and never get out.

call out!
With a flash of silver light, it has already penetrated into the pitch-black clouds.

call out!
The scarlet arrow suddenly changed direction, Emperor Zhenyan and Emperor Heiguan were slightly startled by Emperor Qiong. Could it be that Meng Tianchen and the others were aware of their pursuit and then dodged?But this thought only flashed slightly, and they put it down.

In the chaotic forbidden abyss, how could Meng Tianchen be able to do this even if they were unable to use their spiritual power with their cultivation.The sudden change of direction may be to avoid the danger ahead, or to be cautious.

However, watching Ling Jian penetrate into the extremely dark dust cloud full of strong wind and unknown danger, the two of them still couldn't help but change their expressions slightly, and felt suspicious in their hearts.

It is quite strange that Meng Tianchen and others took the initiative to sneak into the clouds without leaving the safe path.But at this moment, Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan didn't have time to think about it, they followed Lingjian and roared into the clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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