Chapter 882
The cloud layer is composed of grains of dust, but there are also countless small meteorite fragments hidden in it. The small ones are as small as a fist, and the largest one is hundreds of miles wide. , wrapped in the black cloud and flowing at an astonishing speed.But if it is not bad to be hit directly on the flesh, the weaker flesh will be directly pierced, which is very terrifying.

Corpse air billowed outside the black coffin, and a mass of crimson flames grew out of Emperor Zhenyan's body. Within a short time after entering the pitch-black cloud, they were attacked by several gravels one after another. Although they could not break through their defenses, the The tyrannical impact force made the forward speed of the two people pause for an instant.

But the most critical point is the crimson command arrow. After entering the cloud layer, the burning speed of this thing is getting faster and faster, and it may not be able to last for too long.

This made the hearts of Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan sink slightly, and their faces were solemn.

Yinyue Liushuo whizzed forward in the clouds, and with Meng Tianchen's spiritual exploration, it was enough to avoid all meteorite fragments coming from the sky.

After entering the cloud layer, he manipulated the Silver Moon Shuttle to whizz into the depths of the nebula.But the pursuit from the rear is still not over, and the distance between the two sides is shrinking at an extremely fast speed. According to this trend, it won't take long for them to be caught up.

Meng Tianchen frowned tightly, his spiritual consciousness roared freely in the clouds, but at this moment, his ray of spiritual consciousness was suddenly attacked and was directly torn to pieces.But before that, he had already seen clearly what was attacking his consciousness.

This is a kind of weird monster worm the size of a rice grain, with its body curled up like a black stone. Before it makes a move, it can perfectly cover its own aura without any leakage.The number is dense and incalculable, and they gather together in this dust cloud like ordinary gravel, and it is absolutely impossible to think of its true face until it is close.

Meng Tianchen's heart moved, the cold light in his eyes flashed with firmness, his thoughts moved slightly, Yinyue Liushuo's forward direction changed instantly, and he went straight to the area formed by the rice-sized demon insects.

Just before approaching this area, he dexterously manipulated the Yinyue Shuttle to avoid the attack of the strange monster insects, circumvented a safe arc outside the detection range of the monster insects, and then returned to the same straight line as before, roaring forward.

The scarlet talisman made two changes in direction in a short period of time, making Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan even more suspicious, but according to estimates, they may not be far away from Meng Tianchen and others.If all goes well, they will be caught soon!
At that time, the two eighth-rank great emperor powerhouses will let them know what will happen to them after completely angering them!
A piece of tiny meteorite fragments blocked the front, but it didn't roar and move in the wind like ordinary gravel, but floated slowly up and down as if floating in water.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
For the sake of caution, Emperor Zhenyan waved his robe sleeves, and a ball of crimson flames suddenly appeared, directly enveloping the rubble.Even the hard gravel left behind after being ravaged by the strong wind cannot withstand the scorching heat of the flames, and will be incinerated into ashes in an instant.

But this time, things were very different from his expectations.

There was a piece of gravel that was directly wrapped by the flames, and it didn't change at all. Instead, it was a ball of flames he shot, which went out at an extremely fast speed.With Emperor Zhenyan's cultivation base, and his family background of the Fire Clan, his supernatural powers of the Fire Department are so powerful that even the flames thrown at will are no small matter, and it is impossible to refine a mere piece of gravel.

But at the next moment, Emperor Zhenyan and Emperor Heiguan Yinqiong couldn't help but let out a low cry in unison, full of shock and anger.

In front of them, in Om's life, they suddenly spread out, turning into countless black stones the size of rice grains, coming towards them.Before getting close, the body of the black stone stretched out and turned into fierce monster insects!

Emperor Zhenyan was caught off guard, and his figure fell directly into the siege of monster insects. A gap was torn in the flame protection outside his body. Dozens of monster worms penetrated directly into his flesh and blood, and opened their mouths to devour him frantically. It can be seen that it grows rapidly, from the size of a rice grain to the size of a mung bean, and is still growing.

Amidst the muffled hum, Emperor Zhenyan's face suddenly changed drastically, and the flame protection outside his body suddenly flourished, and the surging flames expanded to a size of ten feet, resisting all the demon insects outside his body.But in the crimson flames, this jet-black demon worm did not receive any damage, but opened its mouth wide, crazily devouring the power contained in the flames.

Lan Bug!

One of the extinct monsters in ancient times. It likes to devour the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It is completely immune to the supernatural powers of warriors. It has a strong body and is invulnerable to water and fire.

In this black cloud, there is actually the existence of haze worms. Although they are only in the young state, they are already troublesome enough!
Emperor Zhenyan recalled the identity of the Lan Chong, his pupils contracted slightly, stretched out one hand without any hesitation, and instantly inserted it into his own flesh and blood, took out the Lan Chong that was swallowing, squeezed it hard and crushed it.Blood flowed out, staining the robe on his body red, and the wound healed quickly while wriggling.

"It's Lan Chong, don't get entangled, go!"

During the low drink, the aura flashed slightly in Emperor Zhenyan's hand, and a huge sword burning with raging flames appeared directly in his hand, and it slashed down, smashing countless haze worms alive, and broke through the siege of haze worms with continuous shots , the figure roared away without a pause.

The black coffin of the Great Yin Sect was completely covered with worms, densely packed layer by layer, but at this moment, a light gray cloud suddenly floated out of it, and the worms crouching on the black coffin slammed into each other. When he fell, his body quickly rotted into pus.

Because of the poison of Emperor Qiong, it is naturally a big killer for the larvae of the haze insect.

The black coffin rushed out directly, following closely behind Emperor Zhenyan.

Lanchong from the rear pursued frantically, but because he couldn't catch up with the speed of the two, he had to give up. Amidst the buzzing sound, he condensed into a restricted area of ​​meteorite fragments, ups and downs in the strong wind.

Emperor Zhenyan's expression was serious.

"I didn't expect there to be haze worms here. The Chaotic Forbidden Abyss is indeed a famous and fierce place, and there are such ancient monsters alive."

The black coffin was silent, and it was only a few moments ago that the hoarse voice of Emperor Yinqiong was heard.

"Emperor Zhenyan, don't you think it's strange? The target in front suddenly turned twice in a small range. If I didn't make a mistake in my calculation, it was just to avoid the haze worm, but it can guarantee that you and I can meet this kind of monster worm. "

Emperor Zhenyan's expression changed, and a look of shock appeared in his eyes.

"Emperor Yinqiong means that among the targets ahead, someone can use the power of consciousness in the chaotic forbidden abyss!"

"This is just my conjecture, maybe it's just a coincidence. But after you and I chased and approached, suddenly turned and rushed into this dust cloud, is this also a coincidence? And before he started to destroy you and me to arrange the seven-star heavenly array, he is How did you discover you and me in advance, but avoided our detection? Could it be a coincidence?"

In the black coffin, the Emperor Yinqiong spoke lightly.

"If you say that these are all coincidences, don't you think it's a bit too absurd, Emperor Zhenyan?"

Emperor Zhenyan didn't think about it when he was frightened and angry. It doesn't mean that he is a weak-minded person, otherwise, how could he achieve the cultivation base of the emperor.At this moment, reminded by Emperor Yinqiong, he had already figured out the joints in an instant, his expression suddenly became gloomy, and after a slight pause, he showed a little joy.

"What does Emperor Yinqiong mean?"

"Capture them, and the chances of you and I getting out of the chaotic forbidden abyss will be greatly improved." Emperor Yinqiong said lightly, but there was a trace of unconcealable heat in his voice.Being able to use the power of spiritual consciousness in the chaotic forbidden abyss, one can naturally discern the direction.As long as this person is captured, with their cultivation base, the possibility of getting away safely is extremely high.

"What Emperor Yinqiong said is very true." Emperor Zhenyan slowly raised his head, his eyes looked deep into the clouds ahead, and two faint flames burned in his eyes.

"In order to prevent delays and fear of changes, you and I should quickly capture them!"

"As it should be!"

call out!
After the scarlet arrow, the black coffin and Emperor Zhenyan rushed forward.

Meng Tianchen raised his head and swallowed a pill of Yishen, and when he urged the power to refine the medicinal power, his spiritual consciousness was still sensing the changes behind him.After noticing that the pursuit from behind paused for a while and then came after him again, a sharp light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

With the help of that strange monster, it is naturally impossible to keep the two eighth-rank great emperor powerhouses, but after this obstruction, the distance between the two parties has been shortened, which is enough.

In this dark cloud of dust, there must be more than one danger, and there will still be opportunities in the future.Moreover, he had a faint feeling in his heart that Emperor Zhenyan and Emperor Yinqiong could lock their positions now, it should be because they used some special method, and this method was absolutely unusual, or could not last long.

Otherwise, they would have been able to use it long ago, and there was no need to give Meng Tianchen and others a chance to enter the chaotic forbidden abyss to kill them all.

If so, the longer the delay, the better it will be for them.

Yinyue Liushuo whizzed forward in the clouds, Meng Tianchen's spiritual sense explored the way, naturally there was no danger along the way, but in order to find the crisis hidden in the clouds, the detection range of his spiritual sense had to be expanded a lot, and the speed of loss also followed promote.Even if it is replenished with beneficial magic pills, it has already consumed nearly [-]% at this moment.

But at this price, what he got in exchange was that Emperor Qiong and Emperor Zhenyan encountered the affections of ancient monsters three times, and enjoyed the taste of the vortex twice.

Even later, as long as there is a change in the direction of Yinyue Liushuo, the hearts of Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan will jump, and they will directly enter a state of 12 points of alert, guarding against unknown crises that may come at any time.

The distance between the two sides is constantly alternating between approaching and pulling away, but it almost maintains the original state.Meng Tianchen couldn't get rid of the chasing and killing of Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan, and the latter couldn't get close to completing the goal of taking down the target person and forcing them to leave the chaotic forbidden abyss.

And with the passage of time, the situation of both parties gradually became more difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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