Chapter 883
Meng Tianchen's face was pale, and he had lost [-]% of his spiritual power. Even if he had narrowed the scope of his spiritual exploration, he couldn't last too long.Once the spiritual power is exhausted but cannot be replenished, things will really be troublesome.

Emperor Zhenyan's face was pale, his eyes fell on the scarlet arrow in front of him, sensing the rapidly fading power in it, a bit of helplessness flashed in his eyes, but he could only flick his fingers, and suddenly a blood sword shot out, directly blending into the The red arrow hit.

The original strength of Lingjian was almost exhausted, after absorbing this blood sword, its aura suddenly rose sharply. Although the speed of power loss was more than twice as fast as before, it still maintained the aura locked. Function, clinging tightly behind Yinyue Shuttle, has never been thrown away.

And after shooting this blood sword, Emperor Zhenyan's already pale face turned a bit more blue, and his eyes were full of exhaustion.

The three Command Arrows bestowed by the enshrinement can prolong the use time with the help of blood essence, but as time goes by, the strength required to maintain the Command Arrow will increase. In the case of pumping out blood, it can't last for too long.

Now that the speed at which the arrow burns blood essence is getting faster and faster, if the target Meng Tianchen and the others can maintain this fast escape method for a long time, I am afraid that Emperor Zhenyan will die of blood essence exhaustion before he catches up.

Damn it!With their forward speed, they were definitely much faster than the target, but because they were repeatedly led into dangerous situations, although the two of them survived by relying on their cultivation, they were still delayed for a long time.If not, they would have already caught up with the goal ahead.

You must not fall into the hands of this seat, otherwise I will make sure that you cannot survive or die!

The resentment in Emperor Zhenyan's eyes was almost condensed into substance, and he let out a mournful and resentful roar in his heart.


The thick dust cloud in front of my eyes suddenly disappeared, and through the restriction of the silver moon shuttle, I finally saw the long-lost brilliance.After rushing out of the cloud layer, what appeared in front of him was an endless belt of meteorites.

call out!
call out!
call out!
This is the shrill whistling sound caused by the meteorite's rapid rotation, which is enough to show how terrifying their rotation speed is at this moment!
But Yinyue Liushuo didn't pause at all, and instantly got into it with a proud attitude.

The danger of the crazily rotating meteorite belt is much higher than that of the dust cloud. The sharply rotating meteorites can be preserved under the ravages of the strong wind. Each shape is large and small. Once it is mounted on the front, its terrifying impact force is enough. It is comparable to the destructive power of any supernatural power!
But this kind of danger is exactly what Meng Tianchen and others need. The more dangerous the place is, the easier it is to find a chance to get rid of the Yinqiong Emperor and Zhenyan Emperor of the Great Yin Sect in the rear.

Yinyue Shuttle is like walking through thorns and flowers. While ensuring sufficient speed, it has to make precise dodges, whizzing forward in the gaps between the meteorites.

And this kind of environment can undoubtedly expand the advantage of Meng Tianchen's spiritual power to the maximum!
Emperor Zhenyan felt a long-lost joy in his heart, and finally rushed out of the damned dust cloud. As long as there was no danger and obstacles in it, with their speed, they could catch up with the target in a very short time.

But in the next moment, the joy that had just risen in his heart was extinguished by a basin of cold water before it could spread.

Looking at the meteorite whizzing and turning like a spiral in front of him, the whistling sound brought about by that terrifying speed made Emperor Zhenyan's face instantly become extremely ugly, as if he had eaten dozens of Coptis chinensis, his mouth was bitter, his throat was bitter, and his heart was even more bitter. .

Just after leaving the dust cloud, who would have thought that he would enter the meteorite flow again!
If he wanted to catch up with the target, he didn't know how much blood he would have to consume!Thinking of this, Emperor Zhenyan's face completely turned blue.

The blood essence of a warrior is a vital force in the body no matter what state it is in. Every drop of loss will take a lot of time to recover through a little bit of warming, and a large amount of loss will even cause one's own cultivation to decrease.

Leading the way before has at least lost tens of thousands of years of cultivation of Emperor Zhenyan!But at this moment he has no choice, the red arrow has already rushed into the meteorite flow, Emperor Zhenyan can only rush in with Emperor Yinqiong, the black coffin.

The response speed of the eighth-rank Great Emperor powerhouse is astonishing in terms of sensing ability. Even without the judgment of divine sense, in this meteorite flow, he can also dodge like lightning and move forward rapidly along the gap.

The meteorite came whistling, swept past his body in an instant, and brought a gust of wind to blow towards his face.The terrifying impact contained in it, even with the cultivation bases of Yinqiong and Zhenyan, they couldn't help frowning slightly, they didn't want to taste the feeling of being hit.

It’s just that as it continued to go deeper, the rotation speed of the meteorite flow became faster and faster. No matter how fast Emperor Qiong and Emperor Zhenyan reacted, they couldn’t really compare with the detection of the power of spiritual consciousness. They were bombarded by several meteorites in the body On the ground, Emperor Zhenyan who hit directly was boiling with anger and blood, and the black coffin creaked.

And once they are hit by a meteorite, they are often not in one piece. After the two stabilize their figures, the distance between the two has widened silently, and is still increasing at a steady speed.

Inside Yinyue Liusuo, Meng Tianchen's complexion was pale, without the slightest trace of blood.The loss of his spiritual consciousness has reached a terrifying [-]%, and only the last [-]% is still struggling to support it. It is already a great miracle to be able to persist until now and not pass out!It takes an astonishing state of mind cultivation and tenacious willpower to resist the attack of weakness, and it is necessary to complete precise spiritual exploration in this state.

If it were an ordinary martial artist, I am afraid that he would not be able to persist.And Meng Tianchen's support until now is already at the end of his strength.

Shi Yue's face was solemn, and his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, showing admiration and shock faintly.

This tenacious state of mind moved him again!

In all fairness, if the two get along in different places, even if he has all the power that Meng Tianchen possesses, he will definitely not be able to last until now.This kind of formidable endurance convinced him willingly!
Rong Zhi's eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, her slightly pale pretty face was full of worry, seeing Meng Tianchen struggling to support at this moment, she seemed to be suffering endless torment in her heart, she felt extremely painful and exhausted.

Meng Tianchen closed his eyes and opened them instantly, his pupils were dim, bloodshot and flushed, and he spoke hoarsely.

"My spiritual consciousness has been supported to the limit. If I continue, I may fall into a deep sleep at any time. Therefore, I have to make a decision at this moment. For the time being, I will stop the Yinyue Shuttle on a meteorite. With the help of the meteorite's fast speed, Come and move on. Although this will inevitably be approached by the rear chasers, but fortunately we have opened up a lot of distance, and with their forward speed, we should be able to guarantee that we will not be able to catch up within an hour."

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment before continuing to speak.

"I hope you can guarantee that what you see next can be kept secret, and if you can, never tell anyone."

Yu Luo bowed his head and remained silent, manipulating the Yinyue Shuttle to slowly approach a small meteorite, gradually adjusting the speed to synchronize with it, and then slowly landing on it.

After doing this, he felt a little relieved, Meng Tianchen's eyes turned black under the attack of weakness, he opened his mouth and bit the tip of his tongue, and just now regained consciousness amidst the severe pain and the smell of blood, he took out a Canglong stick with his backhand, and his thoughts moved slightly , the figure disappeared immediately.

The scarlet arrow is locked on the woman who can fill the child master's luck in the dark. During the escape, the direction of the arrow will continue to make subtle adjustments according to the fleeing direction of the target in front.So every moment it is in a small tremor, left or right, up or down.

But at this moment, Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan suddenly discovered that the scarlet arrow that had been trembling up and down suddenly became quiet, but firmly pointed to a certain direction, and the direction was slowly moving in the direction of the meteorite flow. and continuously changing.

And there is only one explanation for this change.

The running target in front finally stopped, landed on a meteorite, and whizzed away along the direction of the meteorite flow, so as to get rid of their pursuit.

Because Emperor Qiong and Emperor Zhenyan were so excited, they almost burst into cheers!

damn it!
Finally can't run anymore!
Especially Emperor Zhenyan, he was greatly relieved.In order to maintain the ability of the Crimson Command Arrow, his strength was depleted faster and faster, and the number of times he needed to donate blood began to become more and more frequent.

This level of loss has reached the point where he is almost unbearable.

He has no doubts that if this continues, it won't take long, and his cultivation will even drop below the eighth-rank Great Emperor. If so, he may become the first person in the entire Linglong World to be killed because of chasing after him. Killing others, but having to vomit blood to the point where his cultivation has dropped, the eighth-rank Great Emperor powerhouse is bound to become the laughing stock of the entire world.

But at this moment, he has completely let go of this worry, and what is left is only a ferocious sneer and extremely vicious conjectures.When the target is caught, the one that can guide the direction is left, and the rest must be cramped first, then peeled, steamed first, and then deep-fried.
While thinking about it, Emperor Zhenyan couldn't help feeling very happy, and wanted to catch Meng Tianchen and others as soon as possible, so that he could really implement it.

"Emperor Yinqiong, you and I should speed up, and don't miss this wonderful opportunity, we must capture them in one fell swoop!"

"it is good!"

Inside the black coffin, Emperor Yinqiong's hoarse voice came out. Although he tried his best to keep calm, there was a slight trembling and excitement in it, but he couldn't completely cover it up.

The aura outside the two of them rose again in an instant, and their forward speed was a little faster, and they galloped away along the direction guided by the red arrow.

What's the use of an hour?

Shi Yue frowned, his eyes fell on the strange stick with dark gold in the gray on the ground, he savored Meng Tianchen's last words, but he still couldn't understand his real meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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