Chapter 885
The deeper the meteorite flows, the faster the meteorite flows, the harder the texture is, and the more terrifying the impact force it carries, it is already almost comparable to the middle-level emperor-level powerhouse.If they were in a state of complete victory, Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan would naturally not be afraid, but they had already suffered serious injuries before, and they barely suppressed the pursuit. , on the contrary, there is an increasingly serious trend.

In the silence, Sen Leng's murderous intent burst out, filling the entire space!
Damn juniors, let's see where you can escape!
Even in the state of serious injury, they will not be able to compare with these juniors if they don't believe it!Let's see who can last longer!
Because Emperor Qiong and Emperor Zhenyan took a elixir at the same time, which turned into billowing power to supplement the loss of strength in the body, two groups of killing fireworks danced in the eyes!
On the meteorite whizzing forward, the gust of wind hits the face, forming extremely strong pressure.

Meng Tianchen took out the Canglong stick, dug a deep pit, and took out the body of the Martial God Stele with his backhand and put it in.

"Don't resist, follow me into my monument of power, we have to stop here for a while." He said slowly, his face was pale due to the exhaustion of spiritual power in his body and the injury caused by the impact of meteorite fragments.

After the words fell, he waved his robe sleeves, leading Shi Yue and Rong Zhi into the Martial God Monument.

Loosening the girl's waist, Meng Tianchen sat cross-legged directly.

"Time is running out, you and I can only stay in the Valkyrie Monument for two days before we need to leave, otherwise we will definitely be caught up."

Shi Yue's eyes flickered a bit puzzled, and then his pupils shrank violently, revealing the meaning of endless shock, and he spoke in a shy voice.

"Brother Meng said two days, what do you mean?"

Meng Tianchen's eyes were dim, he raised his head to look at him, was slightly silent, and then slowly opened his mouth.

"We will enter the tenth floor of the Wuzhan Tower, and there is a time gap of thirty times." Yu Luo raised his head and swallowed a elixir directly, sweeping Shi Yue and Rong Zhi, and directly escaped into the tenth floor of the Wuzhan Tower. The eye stimulates the medicinal power.

At the same time, with a thought, the Wu Zhan Tower suddenly turned, and the vast chaotic spiritual power suddenly gathered, rushing and mighty, like the Yangtze River and the sea, the momentum is astonishing!

Meng Tianchen is like a strange black hole, frantically devouring all chaotic spiritual power and merging it into his body.

Change the time flow rate!
Thirty times!
As a teacher, he spent a lot of money back then, but he just invited a powerful person to refine a treasure five times the speed of time for him, but the size is less than a hundred miles, but it is already treasured. It is one of the most important treasures of the teacher, and it is kept secret during the weekdays. Even though he is quite valued by the teacher, he only went in once. The flow of time is different, and the magic of the outside world for five days inside is unforgettable to him to this day!
But Meng Tianchen's so-called tenth floor space of the Wu Zhan Tower at this moment has a gap of thirty times the speed of time. Although I don't know the size of its range, but just because of this, its value is far higher than that of the teacher's treasure. superior!

This kind of treasure, I am afraid that even the child master may not have it in his hands!

As for the refiner of this treasure, whether it is possible for him to have stepped into the realm of true gods, this point, Shi Yue has already dared not imagine!

He didn't know what kind of chance Meng Tianchen had to obtain this treasure!
Meng Tianchen, how many secrets are hidden in you!
Shi Yue's body was stiff again for a long time. Fortunately, he had already detected too many vibrations from Meng Tianchen's body during this time, otherwise he would not be able to recover in such a short time now, sensing the dense and dense space outside his body. After reaching the terrifying level of chaotic spiritual power, he took a deep breath, sighed, and then sat down cross-legged and swallowed several elixir, and began to recover from the injuries in his body.

It took a long time for the mind that set off the turbulent waves to calm down and enter the state of deep cultivation.

Rong Zhi also sat cross-legged, closed her eyes and rested her mind, absorbing the power of the Chaos Crystal to replenish the power lost in her body due to resisting the cold poison.

The whole space was quiet, only the chaotic spiritual power flowing, making the continuous and imperceptible sound of surging waves.

As soon as the two days passed, Meng Tianchen opened his eyes, Shi Yue and Rong Zhi opened their eyes and got up at the same time.

"Let's go."

After speaking in a low voice, he waved his sleeves and led the two of them directly away from the tenth floor of the Wuzhan Tower, out of the Valkyrie Monument, and his figure appeared on the meteorite again.Raising her hand to put away the main body of the Martial God Stele, Rong Zhi approached him by herself, stretched out her arms to hug his waist, her pretty face was slightly flushed, but her movements were very natural without any embarrassment.

Shi Yue shook his head slightly in his heart, Meng Tianchen grabbed his arm, the three of them had a flash of spiritual light, left the meteorite and continued to go deep into the meteorite flow.

Possessing a seemingly dilapidated ancient power monument, as well as the miraculous treasure of the Wuzhan Tower, became the second most powerful weapon in Meng Tianchen's hands besides the power of divine consciousness!The Great Yin Sect was doomed to become a tragedy because Emperor Qiong and Emperor Zhenyan made up their minds to compete with them for attrition.

For a whole month, the two parties struggled through this meteorite flow.

Blood dripped from the corner of Meng Tianchen's mouth, staining the skirt of his clothes red, and fell on the girl's hands.The white and delicate palm like warm jade forms a stark contrast with the crimson blood, making it even more shocking!

Rong Zhi's face was pale, not only did she exert a slight force on her waist while hugging him, it seemed that she wanted to integrate herself into his body.

Going deep here, even with Meng Tianchen's spiritual detection, it is no longer possible to perfectly evade in the meteorite flow.Even though he barely made a move just now and bombarded the roaring meteorite out of its original trajectory, the change in direction was not enough to leave a safe space for them to pass through.The aura of body protection was swept by the corner of the meteorite, and it didn't even collide head-on, so Meng Tianchen was severely injured as if he had been hit hard, and he suffered extremely serious injuries in an instant.

This is because Shura Zunjia has been promoted to the level of Shura Zunjia long ago, otherwise the blow just now would hardly be said to have fallen.

Shi Yue's face was full of bitterness. The stream of meteorites seemed to be endless. They spent a month, but they still haven't penetrated it. Moreover, the deeper the meteorite moves, the faster the meteorite moves, and the danger soars crazily.

Up to now, any meteorite is enough to kill the three of them directly!

Perhaps, they are really going to perish here!

Meng Tianchen gritted his teeth, and he couldn't help feeling a little desperate in his heart. This kind of endless road ahead, the danger is getting stronger and stronger, and there are powerful enemies chasing after him. situation!
His divine sense came out of his body and tried his best to probe into the depths of the meteorite flow. He wanted to know if there was still a glimmer of life!
Suddenly, his body trembled slightly, and he raised his head to look into the depths of the meteorite stream, his eyes showing firmness again.


During the exploration of his consciousness, he finally saw the end of the meteorite stream!

It was a pitch-black void, completely black, pure, single, deep, without any light, it seemed to be able to swallow everything, and even light could not escape from it.

The moment his consciousness approached the pitch-black void, a chill broke into his body in an instant, making his whole body instantly stiff, as if even his mind would be frozen in this chill!Inside the Purple Mansion, the roulette appeared instantly, emitting a rich golden light, illuminating Meng Tianchen's entire Purple Mansion!Under the golden light, the chill was only dissipated after a little counterbalancing.

Meng Tianchen's body returned to normal, and he looked towards the end of the meteorite stream with a dignified expression.

This pitch-black void, which can induce the roulette to attack, must be a dangerous place!But now they have no choice to retreat, and only by breaking into it can they get rid of the possibility of being chased and killed!
"I have already seen the end of the road ahead, if you persist a little longer, you and I will be able to cross this meteorite flow, and then we will have a chance to escape!"

Meng Tianchen opened his mouth in a low voice, Shi Yue's spirit lifted, and ecstasy appeared in his eyes instantly.

"We are here to cultivate for two days. When our strength recovers, we will charge with all our strength. There may not be a chance to break through this last distance!"

"I'm afraid I can't stop to rest."

Meng Tianchen stood on the meteorite, turned his head and glanced backward, there were two auras approaching them constantly.The danger of the meteorite flow is becoming more and more terrifying, and the effect of the power of spiritual consciousness has been weakened a lot, causing their forward speed to slow down. Due to the impact, the distance between the two parties has been shortened to an absolutely dangerous situation.

If they stay still, they will catch up for a quarter of an hour at most.

When Meng Tianchen clarified this, the joy on Shi Yue's face disappeared bit by bit, and despair appeared in his eyes.If you continue to move forward in the current state, you must be close to death, but if you don't move, you can only close your eyes and wait for death.

On the contrary, Rong Zhi in Meng Tianchen's arms was extremely calm at the moment.She lay quietly in his arms, feeling the warm breath from his body through the thin clothes, feeling at peace in her heart.

She raised her hand suddenly, and gently wiped the blood at the corner of Meng Tianchen's mouth with a warm jade-like palm, and a thrilling and beautiful smile bloomed on her face.

Stopped, thinking about the space between his brows, he slapped it down without warning.

There was a faint spiritual light shining in those jade hands, although it was not strong, it was enough for her to kill herself instantly.As long as she dies, Great Yinzong Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan will lose their direction, and Meng Tianchen and the others will be able to escape from danger.

Looking at this face so close at this moment, Rong Zhi felt nothing but peace in his heart.

It was enough to drag him down until now, and he already knew that he was unwilling to give up on himself. Rong Zhi was very satisfied, and did not dare to have more extravagant demands.

But her palm didn't land on the brow smoothly after all, a pair of powerful big hands held her wrist.

Meng Tianchen looked down at the girl in his arms, he only needed a moment of hesitation to watch her kill him, and then let him escape from the danger smoothly.But seeing the smile on her face and the calmness and satisfaction in her eyes, his heart shook violently.

Rong Zhi wanted to use her death in exchange for his being safe and sound. If he turned a blind eye to this and watched the girl die in his arms, he would feel guilty and regretful for the rest of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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