Chapter 886
So Meng Tianchen made a move in an instant, grabbed Rong Zhi's wrist, looked at her, and spoke slowly.

"Trust me, I will take you out of here, and I will definitely not let anything happen to you!"

Rong Zhi looked at his black eyes, which were full of sincerity and gentleness at the moment, as well as that trace of pity hidden in the depths.This is Meng Tianchen's promise to her, no matter what happens in the future, but right now he will take her out of here.

After a while, she nodded slightly, buried her head in his arms, hugged his waist tightly with her hands, tears flowed from her eyes, soaked his clothes, slightly damp, slightly astringent, but full of happiness and joy. safely.

Shi Yue remained silent, but his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, but his eyes were full of complex expressions, but the admiration accounted for the largest proportion of it.Getting along in different places, he asked himself, can he make the same choice as him at this moment?But in the end, he let out a wry smile and bowed his head in silence.

Such a man deserves to be liked by any woman.

At this moment, he even doubted whether what he did at the beginning was correct, whether he should really tell the master about Rong Zhi, otherwise there would be no many things today.

But things are a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed.

Meng Tianchen's expression returned to calm, and he looked into the depths of the meteorite flow, his dark eyes were calm, absolutely calm, without any waves.

The next moment, an astonishing aura erupted from his body, and it surged wildly at an extremely fast speed, like a hurricane born from the ground, spinning wildly, releasing stronger and stronger power.

A terrifying and huge blood-colored tiger head phantom appeared above Meng Tianchen's head.

Holy Flame Tiger Bloodline Totem!
Suffering heavy injuries, his power was seriously depleted, and he no longer had any power reserve in his body. Meng Tianchen took a huge risk by forcibly mobilizing the power of the Holy Flame Tiger's bloodline totem. The emperor's cultivation base may also have a large drop.

But this time he was calm and did not hesitate.

His cultivation base has dropped, and with the strange roulette in his hand, he will be able to practice again soon, but if he is gone, it will be an eternal regret.

Reaching out to grab Shi Yue, the girl lay down in his arms, Meng Tianchen's spiritual light flashed outside his body, and he whizzed away to the depths of the meteorite flow.

The momentum is decisive and indomitable!

Power flowed between the flesh and blood, and in the Purple Mansion, the light golden roulette released dazzling golden light.

The remaining power in the body crazily swells and burns, causing an extremely terrifying loss in every breath, but it is this crazy release of power in a short period of time that makes Meng Tianchen explode at this moment with a power far beyond his own realm.Even the injuries in his body were forcibly suppressed by this surge of power.

The detection range of his consciousness and his own reaction speed, along with the soaring strength, will naturally increase accordingly, allowing him to deal with the more terrifying meteorite flow in front of him.

The spiritual consciousness in Meng Tianchen's body is like a spring rain, covering him as the center for a radius of ten thousand miles. Within this range, the trajectories of all meteorites clearly appear in his sea of ​​consciousness, and he quickly deduces and calculates their trajectories to find the most suitable one. forward route.His face is calm, his eyes are steady, and his steps are firm and powerful.

A huge meteorite with a pointed end and a round end roared towards it like a huge stone cone. In the state of rapid rotation, the power contained in it was enough to kill any middle-level emperor-level warrior directly!

Meng Tianchen's demeanor didn't change at all, and he didn't even glance at the meteorite. He stretched out his palm from the sleeve of his robe and slapped it in front of the meteorite. A huge black sharp edge instantly condensed.

And just at this moment, another smaller meteorite roared towards it, and the huge black blade fell directly on its side!Amidst the loud noise, the black blade was carried by the meteorite and shattered by the terrifying impact force, but it also left a deep gully on the meteorite. The strong counter-shock force made the meteorite suddenly explode in the direction it was going, breaking away from it. It has determined its own trajectory, and its forward direction is obviously the place where the cone-shaped meteorite must pass.

Two meteorites, stronger than gold and iron, collided at high speed. Accompanied by a thunderous roar, the rocks flew, and each piece was mixed with extremely powerful force. When they collided with other meteorites, there was a burst of dense bangs. Boom.

And in this way, the forward trajectories of the two meteorites changed at the same time, avoiding the route chosen by Meng Tianchen, allowing them to roar through.

A few pieces of gravel rushed in and hit the aura outside the body, making the aura dim, and then burst out with even more dazzling light!Meng Tianchen's body trembled slightly, his brows furrowed, but there was no other reaction.

For the last distance, Meng Tianchen crazily released the surging power in his body.A series of terrifying black huge blades, seemingly random and simple, can arouse all the power in his body and release the most terrifying power!

The booming noise never stopped for a moment!Meteorites carrying terrifying power whizzed past them in front of and behind them, up, down, left, and right within a few feet. Any mistake would put the three of them directly in a desperate situation.

Meng Tianchen's face was as calm as before, the girl lowered her head and closed her eyes peacefully. Although Shi Yue tried hard to open his eyes wide to make himself appear calm enough, his pale face and stiff and tense body were enough to show the tension in his heart at the moment.

This kind of state, like walking alone between two mountains with his feet on a steel wire, made him afraid.He was on the verge of life and death anytime and anywhere, and he could even sense the strong breath of death, as if it would swallow him up in the next moment.

But soon, Shi Yue's eyes burst into joy, because he saw the end!I saw the incomparably pitch-black void with no light at all!This blackness is so pure and thorough, like all the darkness in the world is gathered together, it has the power to devour everything!

And now, they are not far from this pitch-black void.Within the reach of the eyes, at the speed of escaping light, one can pass through between lightning and flint.But at this moment, Shi Yue's bright eyes suddenly widened, his eyes fell on the last layer of meteorite flow outside the black sky, and his expression was stiff.

Because it cannot be dodged!

The whistling rotation speed was several times higher than the meteorites in the meteorite flow they were in at the moment. Even with the power of spiritual consciousness, it was already impossible to capture their orbits. To pass this final test, what is needed is absolutely the power of!

Relying on strength, resisting the impact of the meteorite, breaking through, and rushing out of this extremely terrifying meteorite flow!
Otherwise, it would have to be crushed by this crazily spinning meteorite here, destroying both body and spirit!
Rong Zhi sensed the rigidity of the atmosphere, raised her head to look at the last layer of meteorite flow, her eyes instantly showed deep worry, but when her eyes fell on Meng Tianchen's face, all she saw was calm and calm .

Hesitating slightly, she suppressed what she wanted to say.Since he was sure, he would definitely be able to pass through here safely.The reason is so simple, but the girl firmly believes in it.

Meng Tianchen's heart was as calm as his demeanor, because long before arriving here, he had already detected the existence of the last layer of meteorite flow with the help of his divine sense, and he had already known that it could not dodge and pass through.

So at this moment, his steps did not stop at all, his figure was wrapped in spiritual light, and he rushed forward brazenly with the girl in his arms and Shi Yue in his hands.

All the magic power in the body exploded and condensed into round beads about the size of a foot long, enveloping all three of them.

A hint of madness finally appeared in Meng Tianchen's eyes, and two groups of hot and crazy flames were ignited. All the remaining power in his body turned into a torrent at this moment, along his body, and crazily poured into the black and white balls. !

Incorporating a terrifying amount of power, this black and white bead suddenly burst into light, the black and white colors frantically flowed, and a mellow and natural guardian power burst out!

He wants to break out!
The moment of entering the last layer of meteorite flow, the first impact came in an instant. The terrifying impact force contained on the meteorite caused the black and white ball to deform suddenly, and the two-color brilliance flowing on it stagnated for an instant, and there was a strong shock The power caused the entire meteorite that collided with the ball to collapse directly in the loud noise, turning into a sky full of rubble!

Meng Tianchen's body stiffened suddenly, he let out a muffled snort, and his face immediately turned pale.

But it was followed by the arrival of the second meteorite impact.

Amidst the muffled sound, the deformation of the black and white balls became more serious, the black and white aura suddenly became dim, and the speed of its brilliance also decreased accordingly.

Meng Tianchen's body shook violently, and there was blood overflowing from his mouth and nose, but he clenched his teeth tightly and did not make a sound.

The second meteorite collapsed, and the gravel flew randomly, but at this time, the impact of the third meteorite had already arrived.His eyes widened, the veins on his neck bulged out, a dazzling light suddenly burst out from his dark eyes, and he let out a low growl!
The flickering deformed black and white shield that was already on the verge of collapse survived the impact of the third meteorite, rushed out the last distance, and broke into the pitch-black void.

Suddenly two blushes of excitement appeared on Shi Yue's pale face, and ecstasy appeared in his eyes!

It worked!
They actually successfully passed through the barrier of the last layer of meteorite flow!
There was also joy on Rong Zhi's face. After entering this dark void, they had a chance to escape!But in the next moment, her joy disappeared bit by bit, and the strong waist surrounded by her hands suddenly became weak at this moment.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly looked up, only to find that the man in front of her with black hair had turned gray and his face was vicissitudes, as if he was aging in an instant, those dark and calm eyes that never showed any panic, in her eyes Slowly closed under his gaze.

With a soft sound, the dim black and white bead shield suddenly shattered.

He fell on his back.

"Meng Tianchen!" Rong Zhi screamed, calling out his name for the first time, holding him in her arms in a panic, sensing the crazily lowering aura in his body, the rapidly passing vitality, she was so flustered in her heart, At this moment, the whole world seemed to be in darkness, without any light.

(End of this chapter)

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