Chapter 887: Dark Meteorite
Rong Zhi was scared!

She clearly felt that the life force in his body was crazily passing away at an astonishing speed!She was afraid of losing him. Although she was destined not to have him in her life, she absolutely did not want to watch Meng Tianchen die in her arms.If so, Rong Zhi would rather be the one who is about to die right now!

"Master Shiyue, save him! Please save him!"

Rong Zhi thought he would be fine, just like the last time when he shattered the flaming meteorite, he also used this method in exchange for unparalleled strength in a short period of time, but he could recover quickly afterwards.

But this time, how could it be like this!

There was only one thought in Rong Zhi's mind, if he really left, she would definitely not live alone, because in this big world, there was no longer a figure that could make her feel warm.

Shi Yue's complexion changed drastically, he stepped forward without any hesitation, directly squatted down, put his hands on Meng Tianchen's body, his body shook slightly, and his expression froze instantly.

In his induction, Meng Tianchen no longer had any power in his body, and the mental fluctuations were extremely weak, and even the vitality contained in the physical body directly dissipated most of it.

He finally understood why Meng Tianchen could arouse the power comparable to that of a king in the imperial realm in a short period of time. What he used was such a tyrannical method!Moreover, the injuries he suffered before were forcibly suppressed by the surge of power, and now the power disappeared and broke out again, but it was more menacing, and with Meng Tianchen's current situation, he couldn't resist it at all.

Shi Yue's mind moved slightly, and the power in his body immediately rolled out and merged into Meng Tianchen's physical body.

Rong Zhiqiao's face was covered with tears, drops of salty tears fell on Meng Tianchen's face, her eyes fell on Shi Yue nervously, for fear of hearing bad news from him.

After a while, Shi Yue just slowly opened his eyes, his pupils were slightly dim, and he couldn't hide his exhaustion. In order to help Meng Tianchen suppress the injuries in his body, he wasted a lot of strength, facing the girl's worried eyes, slightly nod.

"Ma'am, don't worry. Although brother Meng was seriously injured, his life is not in danger." While speaking, he couldn't help but sighed slightly in his heart.Although his life is not in danger, his cultivation might be lost.

With his mind, he should have thought of such a result before making the move.

Shi Yue looked at the surprise on the girl's face, the tears on her face, and Meng Tianchen who was pale and asleep, and sighed slightly in his heart, such a man is indeed worthy of your tears.

"Ma'am, brother Meng fell into a deep sleep because of his serious injuries. Let's leave first."

Rong Zhi nodded slightly, it's not that she didn't hear the meaning of Shi Yue's words, but she still didn't let go of the hands holding Meng Tianchen.

Shi Yue sighed in his heart, the light in his hand flickered, he had already taken out the Yinyue Shuttle, waved his sleeves, and led Rong Zhi and Meng Tianchen directly into it.

The next moment, the silver light flickered slightly, and the silver moon shuttle turned into a silver light, roaring towards the depths of the pitch-black void.

Meng Tianchen fell into a coma, and they had already lost the ability to distinguish directions. Now they only hope that the meteorite flow can stop the Great Yin Sect Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan, and last until Meng Tianchen wakes up, otherwise the situation is still not optimistic.

Shi Yue sat cross-legged, his brows were slightly frowned, and after a while he sighed, suppressing his uneasiness.

Rong Zhi squatted in front of Meng Tianchen, carefully sensing the aura in Meng Tianchen's body, and after making sure that although he was extremely weak, his breathing was calm and out of danger, she was truly relieved.But the pair of eyes still fell on him, and they never moved away.

In the stream of meteorites.

Because of Emperor Qiong and Emperor Zhenyan, the black coffin turned into two streamers of light, one black and one red, roaring forward in it, avoiding those who could dodge, and resisting those who could not dodge with their cultivation base.

With the continuous deepening, the danger in the meteorite flow is constantly increasing, and the distance between them and the target is constantly shortening. As for now, in the induction of Emperor Zhenyan, they are already only a very short distance away from Meng Tianchen and others. through.This excited the hearts of Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan, but they did not underestimate them at all. So far, they have realized how tricky Meng Tianchen and others are. If they are not careful, they may escape!

Emperor Zhenyan's face was extremely pale, and even revealed a deep blue color. This was the reason why his body lost too much essence and blood. He was bombarded by meteorites along the way, and the injuries in his body continued to deepen instead of being treated.In his eyes, there are extremely fierce flames jumping, resentful, fierce, without the slightest warmth.

But at this moment, his face suddenly changed, and panic appeared in his eyes.Because, in the induction, the aura belonging to the target suddenly disappeared.It was like a lighthouse guiding the direction in the dark, it suddenly went out at this moment, without any warning, it disappeared completely, no matter how he sensed it, he didn't even notice it at all!
He was dazed for a while, and before he could dodge in time, a rapidly rotating meteorite crashed towards him, smashing Emperor Zhenyan into the air.Fortunately, he was aware of the current state at the moment of the impact, the flames outside his body exploded, bursting out with the power of a king in the imperial realm, crushing this meteorite alive.

He let out a low hum, and the blue color on his face became a little darker, as gloomy as clouds!
"Emperor Zhenyan, what happened?" In the black hall, Emperor Yinqiong's hoarse voice came, seeing the expression on Emperor Zhenyan's face at this moment, a very bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

Emperor Zhenyan took a deep breath and spoke slowly word by word.

"The breath of the target has disappeared!"

The black coffin fell silent, and the two of them docked on a meteorite, and the atmosphere became extremely depressing for a while.

There are many possibilities for the disappearance of the target's breath. Have you found a way to break the lock of the arrow's breath?Temporarily blocked by some means?Or, she has already died directly!But no matter which one, it is definitely not good news for them.If they really lost the sense of breath of the target, they would not be able to find them, and the possibility of retreating from the chaotic forbidden abyss would be greatly reduced.

After a while, Emperor Yinqiong spoke, breaking the silence between the two.

"No matter what is going on, we can only continue to move forward now, maybe we can find the reason why the breath suddenly disappeared, and then we can deal with it."

"Because what Emperor Qiong said is right, let's continue to set off!" Emperor Zhenyan said in a deep voice, and the two of them turned into startled rainbows again, and went deep into the meteorite flow.

After a while, they were already close to the end of the meteorite flow. The two stood on a meteorite, looking at the pure black at the end, their faces changed slightly, and their pupils shrank to reveal a look of surprise and fear.

It's just that their eyes fell, but this extremely dark void instantly brought an invisible pressure to the two of them. With their cultivation base, they felt like a mountain was pressing on their chests under this pressure. It seemed that in this pitch-black void, There is great danger hidden!
Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan looked at each other, and they could see the awe in each other's hearts!
This pitch-black void is anything but simple.

But at the same time, there was a burst of joy in the hearts of the two of them. The sudden loss of the sense of the target person's breath before may be due to the existence of this dark space.If there were no unexpected mistakes, they should have entered it by now.

That being the case, they have no choice.

Because the eyes of Emperor Qiong and Emperor Zhenyan fell on the last layer of meteorite flow outside the pitch-black void at the same time, with their vision, they can easily perceive the danger hidden in it.But Meng Tianchen and others can break through here, so the two of them naturally have no reason to be afraid.

Humming, the aura outside the two of them exploded instantly, and they stepped out, their figures wrapped in spiritual light, and rushed towards the crazily rotating meteorite stream!
The sound was muffled like thunder, and the rumbling continued. Amidst the crazily churning of corpse energy and spiritual light, there came the horrified and angry roars of Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan. They seemed to have underestimated the suffering of passing through this last meteorite stream.

Yinyue Liushuo whizzed forward in the absolutely dark void, becoming the only strange color here, and the whole space was quiet, without the slightest sound.

The silence was eerie.

Shi Yue frowned, constantly changing his perspective through the restriction of Yinyue Liusuo, observing the outside world, but he didn't see anything in the pure blackness along the way.

The bright nebula, the rotating meteorite, the whistling meteorite and even the floating and tumbling dust, everything is gone.

Here, it seems to be an absolutely empty space, and the rest is only darkness!

But at this moment, when he changed his angle of view again, his whole body suddenly stiffened, his pupils contracted violently, and his face showed a look of shock.

A meteorite appeared in his sight.

The extremely huge meteorite can be called a small continent.

But that's not why he was shocked.

This is a huge pure black meteorite, just like a black pearl inlaid in the black sky, its blackness is more absolute than this sky!Moreover, its size is so huge that even the imperial capital of Tongli Empire, with its huge area, can hardly compare with the black meteorite inlaid in the dark sky in front of it, which is less than one-tenth of its size!
You know, as the eight giant power empires in the Linglong World, the imperial capital of the Tong Power Empire is so vast, it is much larger than the entire Pot Kingdom.

No wonder it can attract such an astonishing number of meteorites and produce such a terrifying rotation speed around it. Only such a meteorite, which can be called a giant in the void, can have such a terrifying traction.

After a long time, Shi Yue managed to suppress the shock in his heart, and a solemn look appeared on his face.

This strange meteorite may be the core of the entire meteorite flow. He was considering whether to enter it, but at this moment, a strong suction suddenly broke out, and his face suddenly changed. Moon Shuttle released dazzling silver light, trying to break free from this attraction.

(End of this chapter)

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