Chapter 888
But this attraction is so strong that there is no chance for Shi Yue to resist at all. The Yinyue Liushuo is like a shooting star, burning with a raging silver flame, pulled by this attraction, towards that A huge and incomparably pitch-black meteorite fell.

"Careful, I think we're about to make a forced landing!"

Shi Yue let out a low growl, and the power in his body rolled out, pouring all of it into the Yinyue Shuttle, and the treasure burst out with a tyrannical aura, which counteracted the pulling force and slowed down the impact on the ground.

Rong Zhi reached out and hugged Meng Tianchen, holding him in her arms, a look of worry flashed in her eyes.The development of the situation was somewhat beyond their expectations. After breaking through the meteorite stream and entering this black void, things didn't seem to be going in a good direction.

From the pitch-black sky, a streak of silvery light with long tails streaked across the sky and fell towards the pitch-black land that no living creature has ever set foot on since its birth.

There was a muffled sound, the ground trembled, and the Yinyue Flow Shuttle flickered under the force of the impact, and finally disappeared completely. After the ordeal in the meteorite flow, this treasure was finally destroyed in this collision.

But such a violent impact force failed to cause any damage to the ground.The inconspicuous black land has a solid texture that surpasses heavy treasures.

After a few breaths, the spiritual light flickered slightly, and three figures appeared directly outside.

Shi Yue's face turned slightly pale, and he fully controlled the Yinyue Shuttle to resist the traction and suction force from the meteorite, coupled with the force shock at the moment of the collision, the strength in his body was greatly damaged, and he suffered some injuries.

Rong Zhi hugged Meng Tianchen and put his arm on her shoulder, Shi Yue stretched out his hand to support his other arm, feeling a little, his face couldn't help but change slightly.

This pitch-black meteorite actually shrouded an extremely powerful pressure. With his cultivation base, he was absolutely suppressed under this pressure, and he was even unable to fly in the air.Fortunately, there is no crisis at this moment, otherwise the current state of the three of them must be extremely dangerous.

Looking at it, there is a stretch of mountains in the distance, which is also extremely dark, but it is bare, without the slightest breath of life, and there is not even a single flower or plant.

This meteorite was actually a dead place.

Shi Yue frowned slightly. Now that he landed on this meteorite, he seemed to have entered a desperate place. He couldn't resist the suction and fly off the ground. Naturally, he couldn't leave the meteorite, which was equivalent to being trapped here.

But now is not the time to think deeply about this matter, we can only wait for Meng Tianchen to wake up, and then slowly figure it out.

Perhaps, he will have a way.

Before he knew it, Shi Yue had already developed great confidence in Meng Tianchen's ability.

"Madam, let's go to that mountain range and try to dig out a cave as a place to stay."

Rong Zhi nodded, and the two of them supported Meng Tianchen and walked towards the black mountain step by step.

It took them a while to walk for such a short distance, panting slightly, feeling tired.On this meteorite, their strength was suppressed and they became like mortals.

Putting down Meng Tianchen to lean against the rock, Rong Zhi took care of it carefully, Shi Yue took out a treasure from his hand, and slid across the rock, but it couldn't cause any damage at all.

Everything about this black meteorite seems to be extremely hard.

Shi Yue frowned.

"There should be no danger here. Madam will take care of brother Meng Tianchen here for the time being. I will follow the mountains to see if I can find a place where I can dig a cave."

"Teacher, let's go."

Shi Yue arched his hands slightly, held a long sword, and walked far away along the mountain wall, stabbing the rock with the long sword from time to time to determine its hardness.

Rong Zhi watched his figure go away slowly, turned a corner, and disappeared from sight.She stretched out her arms to hug Meng Tianchen's body, let his head rest on her lap, looked down at his pale face, and stretched out her hand to slowly caress his face.

"Meng Tianchen, thank you for letting me feel a little warmth after I entered the big world. I originally thought that if you liked me, I would spend the rest of my life with you. But the facts show that I don't have this blessing."

Rong Zhi spoke in a low voice, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

"But to be able to walk this journey with you, although the time is not long, it is already an extra gain for me, so I am very satisfied, although I want to stay with you forever like this, even if it is the current relationship, But this can only be imagined after all. I have dragged you down to the present, caused you serious injuries, and can no longer stay by your side. "

"During this time, I lived very happily. This peaceful life is the best memory in my life. Thank you."

Rong Zhi's face was a little rosy, her eyes flickered slightly, and finally she lowered her head slightly, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, she leaned over slowly, her cherry lips fell on his face lightly, then she quickly got up and spoke in a low voice .

"Originally, I wanted to ask you if you would like to, but now you don't answer at all, and this girl will take you as the default."

A slightly satisfied smile appeared on the girl's face, she lifted him up carefully, leaned against the stone wall gently, got up slowly, her eyes fell on him, and she spoke in a low voice.

"If I have another life, I hope to be with you."

At the end of the sentence, Rong Zhi took out a black cloak of precious clothes from the storage ring, which she made by herself in the Hou's mansion. She thought she had no chance, but now she finally gave it to him.

He pursed his lips, exerting a little force, and his lips turned a little white.She turned around suddenly, and walked away towards the depths of the vast black earth.Resisting the urge to look back at him, Rong Zhi told herself in her heart that only by leaving him can he save his life, and there is no need to perish with her.

Meng Tianchen could break through the meteorite stream and enter this black void, and the Yinqiong Emperor and Zhenyan Emperor of the Great Yin Sect could do the same.If she continues to stay, she will become the source of disaster.Rong Zhi don't want to do this, she would rather choose to walk away by herself.

She raised her head and tried her best not to cry, but she couldn't let the tears overflowing from her eyes flow back, she could only slide down the corners of her eyes.

Shi Yue searched around, but did not find any hiding place where he could dig a cave, but when he turned back, he found that his wife had disappeared without a trace.

He stood under the mountain wall, looking around, there was only a vast blackness, but he couldn't see her figure.Turning around and looking at the treasured cloak on Meng Tianchen's body, with Shi Yue's mentality, it is not difficult to figure out the key to this.

Madam Zhi chose to leave to protect Meng Tianchen.

He suddenly felt a little sour in his heart, and sat down slumped against the mountain wall. Looking at the black and lifeless meteorite, he felt regret again.

At the beginning, did he really do something wrong?


Purple House.

Meng Tianchen's mind fell into silence, coma, and extremely dim, only traces of faint golden light kept flashing, maintaining the existence of his mind from collapsing.

But at this moment, at the core, for no reason, a ball of black energy like cotton wool suddenly appeared, slowly fluttering, and flew towards Meng Tianchen's comatose Guangling.

But before the black cotton-like energy approached, the magic power suddenly transformed into a phantom of a roulette, and the purple mansion suddenly glowed with golden light!The rich golden light swelled like water waves, and like falling waves, it swept towards the black cotton-like energy.

A layer of faint black awn suddenly emanated from this cotton-like energy. It was a touch of extreme black, which was exactly the same color as the entire black sky and the black meteorite below him.

Bathed in the golden light, this layer of faint black light actually resisted the seal from the roulette. The two completely different rays of light collided frantically at the edge of meeting and entangled together.

The golden light is magnificent, noble and dazzling.

The black awn is deep and thick, strange and mysterious.

Two kinds of light fought together, a ray of gold and a ray of black entangled into a ball, the unique power of the two showed a slowly fused state in the madness of swallowing each other, the gold and black gradually blended, the color gradually faded, and finally turned out to be It turned into a wisp of pale white exuding a faint fluorescent energy.

Losing all the imprints of the roulette and cotton-like black energy, it condensed into a brand new power, floating quietly in the golden light, until it fell on Meng Tianchen's comatose Guang Ling's mind.

This ray of new energy, which combines the power of the roulette and the strange black cotton-like energy, easily merged into his mind and turned into a pure force, nourishing his slightly weak mind.Although this ray of power is very small, it is extremely pure, making the golden light flickering in Meng Tianchen's mind instantly become much more intense.

Although he was still in a coma, after devouring this ray of energy, Meng Tianchen subconsciously produced a devouring power to replenish his weak consciousness, and a weak suction slowly emanated from it.

Wisps of newborn white energy floating in the Purple Mansion slowly gathered towards his mind under this weak suction.

And at this moment, in Mengtianchen Zifu, when the first ball of cotton-like black energy was not completely exhausted, a second ball of cotton-like black energy appeared out of thin air.

Roulette was indifferent and speechless, and he was never afraid of one against two. The fighting between the two forces became more intense, and the number of new fusion forces produced naturally increased rapidly in a short period of time.While wandering around, he replenished as much as possible into Meng Tianchen's mind, and then slowly entered into his physical body through his mind.


Two phantoms, one black and one red, rushed out of the meteorite stream and broke into the black void.The aura subsided, revealing the black coffin of Yinqiong Emperor of the Great Yin Sect and the deep blue face of Emperor Zhenyan. The bombardment force of the last layer of meteorite flow caused them both to suffer greatly, and their internal injuries aggravated a lot.

I don't know if it's because of bad luck. Before Meng Tianchen and others broke in, they only endured the impact of three meteorites, but the Great Yin Sect had five meteorites, and the Zhenyan Emperor had seven. There was a burst of qi and blood in his chest, and he had to endure it, so he didn't spit out blood.

(End of this chapter)

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