Chapter 889 Black Sea
Fortunately, Emperor Zhenyan and Emperor Yinqiong passed through smoothly after all.

Emperor Zhenyan didn't care about sensing the more serious injuries in his body, and a bit of joy suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"The induction of the target person reappeared."

"That's good." The voice of Emperor Yinqiong came from the black hall, and it became deeper and hoarse, revealing a sense of weakness.Although his situation was better than Emperor Zhenyan's, the series of accidents also caused him to suffer serious injuries.

"Can you determine their location?"

Emperor Zhenyan sneered ferociously and nodded slightly.

"You and I will set off now and catch up with them!"

"it is good!"

Emperor Zhenyan took a step forward, his figure wrapped in crimson flames roaring forward, and the black coffin followed him silently, walking side by side with him, and the two roared towards the depths of the void.

The completely dark sky, the extremely pure black, and the emptiness without a single object naturally attracted the serious expressions of Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan of the Great Yin Sect, and fear secretly arose in their hearts.

Walking in such a strange void, a faint pressure lingered in the hearts of the two of them, making them 12 points vigilant, not daring to be careless.

With the speed of the two, even if they slowed down just in case, they still penetrated the black void very quickly, and their eyes fell on the huge black meteorite.With the state of mind and vision of Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan, he couldn't help but stare at this moment, and his mind was shocked!

Such an incomparably large meteorite hangs quietly above the void and suddenly appears in the sight, causing an unimaginable visual impact.

"The world is so big, there are really no surprises! Who would have thought that in this chaotic forbidden abyss, there would be such an unimaginable meteorite!" Emperor Zhenyan said slowly, his eyes shining with strange brilliance.

Hei Coffin remained silent, and then slowly opened his mouth after a long while.

"This black meteorite is so terrifying, and there are dense meteorite belts around it, I'm afraid no one has stepped on it yet?"

The two had their own words, but their hearts were equally hot!
There must be endless opportunities hidden on this strange black giant meteorite. If the two of them can get it, their cultivation base will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and even one step closer. Once they break through, they will be the ninth rank emperor, the real emperor, and become The pinnacle of existence in the Linglong world!

Who would have thought that after suffering so much to chase after the target, there would be such a sudden surprise in the end.

This is the opportunity!

Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan were very excited.

"The target breath is on this meteorite."

"Then let's take action earlier, take them all down, and then explore the secrets on this meteorite, what do you think, Emperor Zhenyan?"

"This statement is exactly what I mean."


Full of anticipation, the two went straight to the giant black meteorite.But at this moment, suddenly there was a strong pulling force from the meteorite, binding the two of them tightly.

Immediately, Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan suddenly changed their countenance, and they roared in fright and anger, and the flames of the corpse outside the body soared into the sky, and they couldn't break free from the suction. As the two struggled, they became more and more tyrannical, and The two forcibly pulled down.

"This may be the unique power of black meteorites. Don't resist, or the suction will be stronger!" Emperor Yinqiong said in a deep voice, and the roiling corpses outside the black coffin slowly dissipated, giving up most of his resistance. Sure enough, the suction from the meteorite decreased accordingly.

Emperor Zhenyan nodded slightly, and also weakened the raging flames outside his body.

The two of them landed quickly under the traction force, and when they approached the ground, the strength in their bodies exploded, offsetting the impact of the rapid fall, and their bodies landed on the black meteorite.

Emperor Zhenyan looked around, his face changed slightly.

The black coffin Yinqiong also remained silent, observing the outside world in his own way.

This strange meteorite seemed a little different from their imagination.Although the air was filled with this rich chaotic spiritual power, no living things had been bred, and there was only endless desolation and death.

"Let's go, capture them first, and then it's not too late to explore slowly." Emperor Yinqiong spoke, his voice faintly revealing a bit dignified.

The meteorite under their feet must have undergone major changes, perhaps hiding a crisis they hadn't expected, so they must be a little more cautious, if they didn't find the treasure, they would pay themselves for it.

"Okay, the poor emperor will come with me."

Emperor Zhenyan nodded slightly, the spiritual light flickered outside his body, and he wanted to ride the escape light to soar into the sky, but at this moment his expression suddenly changed.With his cultivation base, on this huge black meteorite, he could only simply control the light to move forward, and he couldn't leave the ground too far, and even his speed was greatly suppressed.This discovery made Emperor Zhenyan extremely shocked and furious.

If so, wouldn't it cut off the possibility of them leaving this meteorite!
The black coffin remained silent because of Emperor Qiong, and spoke in a deep voice after a while.

"This meteorite can actually bind you and me, the eighth-rank emperor warrior! Falling into it now is not only a chance for you and me, but also a big crisis. If you can get the opportunity hidden on this meteorite, you will be able to cultivate. It is easy here. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will be trapped here for life and death, and I will never leave!"

Emperor Zhenyan was silent for a while after hearing the words.

"Looking at it now, things are just as Emperor Yinqiong said, I just hope you and I are lucky and can get opportunities. Now, let's go and take them down first."


Emperor Zhenyan drives the Dunguang in front, and the black coffin floats behind, but the speed of the two is greatly suppressed, and the target in the breath sensor is also extremely far away from where they are, and it may not be possible to catch up in a short time.


Rong Zhi was walking alone on the black ground, her pretty face was pale, and the hair on her temples was wet with sweat, before it evaporated, it had already turned into pieces of ice, and she moved forward step by step with difficulty.

On the black meteorite under the dark sky, perhaps because there is no light and heat, the temperature is frighteningly cold.Even though there was no cold wind, the coldness still wanted to penetrate into her body crazily.

The cold poison in the body is ready to move, and it seems to be showing signs of breaking out again.

Rong Zhi gritted her teeth, held the dark jade in one hand, and a green jade stick in the other as a support, resisting the discomfort in her body and moving on.The farther she went, the lower the possibility of Meng Tianchen and the others being discovered, and the higher the security, so she couldn't stop and had to go further.

With a flash of inspiration in her hand, she took out a panacea to suppress the cold poison in her body, and swallowed it with her head raised.This panacea is a panacea specially refined by the pharmacist of the Pot Kingdom to prevent her cold poison from accidentally breaking out on the way to the Tongli Empire in front of her. The effect is quite good. Open, flow to the limbs and bones, and blend into the flesh and blood.

With the effect of the medicine, the cold poison in her body was immediately suppressed, which made her feel much more relaxed.He took out several panaceas and swallowed them one by one to quickly replenish the strength in his body.Now she can't fall down, she has to keep moving forward.

On the endless black land, a girl with a thin body held a piece of crimson jade tightly in one hand and a jade stick in the other, and walked slowly in an endless direction.

Meng Tianchen was still in a coma, but Shi Yue discovered an extremely strange thing, the injuries and even the lost strength in his body were recovering at an astonishing speed.But no matter how he probed, he couldn't detect what was wrong in Meng Tianchen's body. It seemed that a pure and powerful mysterious force directly merged into his body, repairing everything.

After confirming that his search for the cause was doomed to be futile, Shi Yue simply gave up this plan, but his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, only hoping that he could wake up early. The emperor found his wife before he arrived, otherwise it would be too late.

In Meng Tianchen's Purple Mansion, the fight between the roulette and the cotton-like black energy group has entered a fierce stage.The dense golden light filled the entire Zifu, but the black cotton-like power also had dozens of pieces, and the number was still increasing at a steady speed. Under the combination, they could barely compete with the roulette. The pure power that turned into white from the entanglement of a large amount of golden light and black light was absorbed by Meng Tianchen's mind.

It is precisely because of the continuous replenishment of this power that Meng Tianchen's power can be recovered quickly, and he has got rid of the possibility of his cultivation base falling.

Guangling's mind has almost fully recovered, and it is filled with faint fluorescence. If it continues at this speed of devouring power, it may not take long for him to wake up.


"We're here! They're right ahead!" Emperor Zhenyan gritted his teeth, his face full of ferocity.Even if you flee to the ends of the earth, you still cannot escape from their grasp, this time it depends on where you go!
The black coffin remained silent, but there was a sudden murderous intent emanating from it, which was enough to show Emperor Yinqiong's mood at the moment.

The flames and corpse energy outside the body of the two flourished at the same time, and the speed was instantly faster by a few points.
A sea of ​​black.

On this gigantic meteorite, in a bitterly cold place with extremely low temperature, this sea has never frozen, even though the sea water in it has no ripples, it is strangely calm.

On this vast black land, there is such a huge black ocean, without any ripples, just like a huge mirror, inlaid on this land, looking at it like this, it seems a bit silent Shockingly beautiful.

Rong Zhi stood on the edge of the black ocean without ripples, looked down at her blurred figure reflected in the black sea, stretched out her hand and moved slightly, arousing a layer of faint ripples, although the ripples soon returned to calm , but she still had a happy smile on her face.

Being able to die here seems to be an excellent destination.

Now they are far away from Meng Tianchen and the others, presumably they are dead now, and no one will find them again.

(End of this chapter)

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