Chapter 890 Teleportation
The smile on Rong Zhi's face deepened a bit, and she raised her head slightly to look at the black sky, then looked up at the black ground, then turned around suddenly, and looked at the two figures that finally appeared at the end of her sight.

I've been waiting for you for a long time, and now I'm here, it's really slow!

Although I'm a weak girl, I'm sure I can't do you any harm in terms of supernatural powers, but you chased and killed me all the way, forcing this lady to nowhere, so I'll take revenge on you a little at the end, it shouldn't be too much.

Presumably, when you come here after all your hard work, only to find that I am alone, you must be disappointed every now and then.And I'm going to kill myself in front of you, I don't know if you will feel more depressed.

Although I really want to see your expressions afterwards, but now, I don't have enough time.

The corners of Rong Zhi's mouth curled up slightly, and she raised her slender hand, exuding a faint spiritual light, and slapped it down on the top of her head.She had already seen the shock and anger on the faces of the two of them, and she was really angry.
It only takes a moment for her to end her own life, and a figure appears in the sea of ​​consciousness. She slowly closes her eyes and murmurs in her heart.

"In the next life, I will find you."

But at this moment, Rong Zhi didn't realize that from the sea water she stirred, a black object like cotton wool slowly rose up, and the moment it touched her body, it directly disappeared into it.

So her movements stopped abruptly, and the palm of her hand stayed just a tiny bit away from the center of her eyebrows, but at this moment Rong Zhi had lost control of her body.

The Great Yin Sect's figures of Emperor Qiong and Emperor Zhenyan roared in the spiritual light, and the expression of shock and anger on their faces has not yet dissipated.

Only one person!
And almost watched her commit suicide in front of the two of them.If she is really allowed to do this smoothly, I am afraid that Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan will really vomit blood in depression.Although he didn't know why she was motionless all of a sudden, just to be on the safe side, Emperor Zhenyan shot immediately and directly sealed the girl's body.

"How come you are the only one, say, where are the other two?"

Rong Zhi's eyes were full of panic, but her body didn't move at all.

"She seems to be imprisoned by some kind of power." Great Yinzong Yinqiong opened his mouth slowly, and a wisp of corpse breath came out and merged into Rong Zhi's body.

"what is this?"

But at the next moment, a shocking cry suddenly came from the black coffin, along with the wisp of corpse aura, a trace of blackness spread rapidly.Fortunately, the Great Yin Sect instantly cut off the connection with that wisp of corpse energy because of the extremely quick reaction of Emperor Qiong.That trace of black power didn't spread out before it slowly merged into the girl's body and disappeared.

"What kind of weird power is this!" Great Yinzong Yinqiong's voice was serious.

"This seat's corpse energy has just entered, and it is directly entangled by this ray of black power, spreading towards my body rapidly. Although it has only a momentary connection with me, it makes this seat terrified! This black force , absolutely no small matter!"

"You and I saw with my own eyes that she wanted to kill herself, but she froze for an instant. She must have been subdued by this black force at that moment. It seems that there is indeed a danger that you and I have not discovered on this meteorite." Emperor Zhenyan He opened his mouth slowly, his eyes swept across the girl, and he spoke with a grin.

"I originally wanted to have a taste of the child master's woman before you died, but since I can't touch you now, I have to give you a good time."

"Because of poor emperor, unless you and I make great progress in cultivation, we will never be able to leave this strange meteorite under our feet. Even so, we no longer need someone to guide you and me. Kill this woman and complete your mission. , and then explore this meteorite in detail, how about? As for Meng Tianchen and Shi Yue, with their cultivation bases, on this dangerous meteorite, they must be close to death! As long as they can’t leave here, even if they survived , will be found by you and me one day, and it is still a dead word."

Emperor Yinqiong was slightly silent, and spoke slowly.

"it is good."


In the Purple Mansion, the golden light released by the roulette became more and more intense, and the number of black cotton-like powers became more and more, there were more than a hundred of them, stretching into an incomparably pitch-black area, releasing a rich black glow, fighting wildly with the golden light.

But at this moment, Meng Tianchen's closed eyes suddenly opened!

What kind of eyes are these?
Ice-cold, calm, without any emotional fluctuations, like a god high above, overlooking everything in the world.In front of him, it seems that all existence has no meaning.

It was such a gaze, falling at this moment, that made the roulette tremble slightly, and the black cotton-like energy group seemed to be greatly intimidated, and it trembled suddenly and wanted to escape, but Meng Tianchen only said With a low hum, these black cotton-like energies seemed to be absolutely suppressed, unable to move any more.

Under Shi Yue's eager gaze, Meng Tianchen's eyes suddenly opened, but this gaze was so strange to Shi Yue, it was not even close to making his heart stop beating at this moment, and his blood almost condensed into ice !
He even has an intuition that only a slight change in his gaze can kill him!

Fortunately, Meng Tianchen's eyes just swept over him, then turned to look in one direction, and took a step forward, the figure disappeared in an instant!

The pressure that Shi Yue was under suddenly disappeared, his face was pale, he was gasping for breath, and the robes on his body were already wet with cold sweat!He couldn't believe that the terrifying feeling just now came from Meng Tianchen.

The indifferent gaze is like a god slandering and looking down on mortals, and a change of mind can destroy everything in this world!
Completely different temperament, completely different feelings, if Shi Yue hadn't seen him wake up with his own eyes, Shi Yue would never believe that this person would be Meng Tianchen, even if they have exactly the same appearance.

But the fact is right in front of him, this person is Meng Tianchen!It can only be him!
Why is this so?What happened to Meng Tianchen when he was about to die?
What's even more frightening is that Meng Tianchen was not only able to get rid of the terrifying attraction force of the meteorite under his feet just now, but the way he left just now, if he has not misunderstood, is to directly integrate himself into the space, this is the real truth. Teleport supernatural powers!Compared with the usual means of tearing the space through the burst of aura of the middle-ranked strong man, I don't know how many times better!
Shi Yue has only seen this kind of method in his own teacher, Yi Zi, the emperor of Tong Shili Empire.

But today, Meng Tianchen did the same!

Shi Yue was in a state of confusion, feeling that the whole world had suddenly become crazy.


Emperor Zhenyan sneered, without the slightest bit of compassion, he waved his sleeves and slapped Rong Zhi down.

Although his power was suppressed on this meteorite, his cultivation of the Eighth Rank Great Emperor would not change in any way.With his cultivation base, even if he didn't attack with all his strength, it was enough to kill the girl in an instant, causing her body and spirit to be wiped out!
Rong Zhi sighed in her heart, what was supposed to come always came.Since fate is destined to make her perish in the hands of Emperor Zhenyan of the Fire Clan, so what can she do.It's just that even the last wish can be fulfilled, and I still feel a little unwilling.

Hehe, she really is an ominous person, God is not even willing to grant her last wish.

Rong Zhi whispered in her heart.

"Meng Tianchen, farewell."

But the moment Emperor Zhenyan's hand fell, Rong Zhi suddenly stretched out a palm in the void in front of him, and shook Emperor Zhenyan hard. But when he stepped back, he stretched out his hand to stop the girl's waist, and his figure landed on the mirror-black sea.

"Meng Tianchen!"

Emperor Zhenyan's complexion changed, and while drinking in a low voice, it was full of unbelievable meaning.

This sudden appearance, the person who resisted his palm will be Meng Tianchen!
The Emperor Hei Coffin was also silent at this moment because of poverty, as if he was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

The body melts into the sky and the earth, and the moment travels hundreds of millions of miles, this is the real teleportation!Except for the emperor and the boss, it is absolutely impossible for other warriors to do this!
They are very clear about Meng Tianchen's cultivation, but he is just entering the middle emperor realm, a small fourth-rank emperor, although he is considered a strong man in the Linglong world, he still cannot be regarded by the two of them .

But now, he actually showed the magical power of teleportation that can only be mastered by warriors in the realm of emperors.And by virtue of his cultivation, he was able to forcibly shake the palm of Emperor Zhenyan without any harm!
Absolutely got an unimaginable chance on the meteorite!
The Great Yin Sect had this thought in the minds of Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan at the same time. In their opinion, this is the only way to explain why Meng Tianchen's strength suddenly soared to such a level!If they get this opportunity, they may reach the realm of emperors in an instant, only one step away from demigods.If luck is better, it is not impossible to find other opportunities on the meteorite, or even directly become a demigod!

Meng Tianchen held Rong Zhi back, and the moment his palm touched the girl's body, layers of black silk stretched out from her body and crazily penetrated into his body.But the next moment, he fled crazily as if frightened.

But at this moment, it is already too late.

A pair of big hands directly grabbed the dense black silk, pulled it out from the girl's body, gathered it into his hands, and turned it into a ball of cotton-like black energy, which was directly pinched by him lightly. smash.

The cotton-like black energy group left the body, Rong Zhi's imprisoned body suddenly regained freedom, and even the restriction imposed by Emperor Zhenyan was broken just now.

She reached out and hugged Meng Tianchen's waist tightly. She originally thought that she would never see him again, but she never thought that at the last moment of dying, he was the one who rescued her!
At this moment, Rong Zhi raised her head and looked at Meng Tianchen's indifferent and heartless expression and cold eyes, but her delicate body couldn't help trembling slightly. She keenly sensed that Meng Tianchen's state was not right at the moment, and she felt a sense of fear in her heart. a feeling of.

It seems that this Meng Tianchen is not the person in her mind.

But at this moment, Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan of the Great Yin Sect also noticed this.

(End of this chapter)

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