Chapter 891

After witnessing Meng Tianchen's teleportation supernatural powers and being able to fight against Emperor Zhenyan without losing the wind, the two of them had already thought of retreating, but seeing Meng Tianchen's expression at the same time, a thought arose in their hearts at the same time.

Power soars, mind sinks!
If he possesses a fully awake mind, just relying on teleportation supernatural power alone is enough to make Meng Tianchen invincible.

But now, if they could join forces to suppress him instantly, there might be a chance to kill him!After all, although he has mastered the supernatural power of teleportation, he has only just entered the middle emperor realm, and his cultivation is only a mere fourth-rank emperor.As long as he is killed, the power that has not been fully fused in him can be absorbed by the two of them, which will definitely increase their cultivation!
In just a short time, Great Yinzong Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan had made a decision in their hearts.

The aura of the eighth-rank great emperor broke through his body and rushed straight into the sky, and the corpse aura billowed into flames, and the two figures instantly turned into two phantoms, one black and one red, and they went straight to Meng Tianchen.

While drinking, Xeon Avatar has already made a move.


Under the clouds, a crack in space suddenly appeared, hundreds of miles wide and nearly ten thousand miles long.This is a world of flames, the entire space is burning with raging flames, and terrifying scarlet fire snakes sweep out from it.

"Burning corpses!"

A second spatial crack appeared, revealing a dark space. Although the light was dim, through this crack, one could still faintly see the situation inside.This corpse burial area is actually a place similar to a cemetery. Tombs of various sizes stretch to the end of the line of sight. The number is so dense that it is impossible to count them.At this moment, countless tombs trembled violently, and streams of pure and sinister corpse energy gathered in an instant, turning into a big black hand, and slapped Meng Tianchen down brazenly!

Above the Black Sea, Meng Tianchen's expression did not change at all in the face of the two great eighth-rank great emperors attacking with all their strength, and his eyes were still calm and indifferent, but this did not mean that he would passively bear all this.

Stretching out one hand from inside the sleeve of the robe, he slowly slapped down the two magical powers in front of him.

In the purple mansion, the magic power in the roulette and the cotton-like black energy group were extracted at this moment, and all of them were integrated into his palm.

Below, the black, waveless sea suddenly vibrated violently. The first wave appeared at the end of the line of sight. Before it fell, a second wave formed, followed by a third wave and a fourth wave.
In the blink of an eye, it has already rumbled from the far end of the line of sight, and countless layers of waves are continuously superimposed on top of each other. When it reaches this place, it has already turned into a monstrous wave. Its terrifying momentum can swallow the sun and the moon!

And at the moment when the momentum of the waves reached its peak, a golden sun suddenly rose from the place where the waves appeared, and the dazzling golden light burst out in an instant, piercing all the darkness in the entire world in an instant.

Hei Lang, Jin Yang, the power of the two, presented a perfect fusion at this moment!

This supernatural power is not the supernatural power controlled by Meng Tianchen himself, but the magic power driving the wheel and the cotton-like black energy group, which are automatically activated.

Incredibly weird.

Sensing the aura overflowing from the supernatural powers, Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan of the Great Yin Sect uttered a desperate roar at the same time, and the aura of the king in the imperial realm radiated wildly in their bodies, and at the same time their figures retreated rapidly to the rear.

They dare to chase and kill Meng Tianchen, so they are sure to resist his Demon God Monument!
That is the black coffin of Emperor Yinqiong!This thing was used by Emperor Yinqiong throughout his life, and it almost has the same breath as Emperor Yinqiong. As long as at a critical moment, Emperor Yinqiong melts with half of the power in his body, and Emperor Zhenyan feeds him with blood, the black coffin can replace them. Block the most powerful blow in the Monument of the Demon God!
But at this moment, facing the supernatural power formed by Meng Tianchen's slap, the two of them inexplicably felt a feeling of complete collapse in their hearts.This feeling made them panic!
They are eighth-rank great emperor powerhouses, powerful and ancient kings of the imperial realm, unless the emperor powerhouse personally takes action, who can make them feel irresistible?
Although it is unbelievable, because the movements of Emperor Qiong and Emperor Zhenyan did not stop at all, the black coffin opened instantly in a low roar, and a decayed mummy appeared from it. A rather handsome middle-aged warrior, this is the true face of Emperor Yinqiong.

All the power in his body erupted loudly, flowed out, and merged into the black coffin.Emperor Zhenyan stretched out his hand and directly scratched his wrist, a large amount of blood gushed out and was directly absorbed by the black coffin.

Combining all the power in Emperor Yinqiong's body and the countless blood essence of Emperor Zhenyan, the power possessed by the black coffin at this moment is equivalent to superimposing all the power of two eighth-rank great emperors!
A palpitating breath erupted completely from the black coffin, and this thing was separated in front of Emperor Yinqiong and Emperor Zhenyan, facing Meng Tianchen's supernatural blow.

next moment.

The crackling sound that made the two of them despair came out the moment they came into contact with Meng Tianchen's supernatural power.The black coffin trembled suddenly, from the first crack appeared, and then spread wildly, covering the entire coffin like a spider web, and finally shattered, turning into dust without sound.

The supernatural powers dissipated, because Emperor Qiong and Emperor Zhenyan looked terrified, and their bodies were motionless, but if you look closely, you can find that their eyes are dim, and there is no more expression.Without any warning, cracks appeared in the bodies of the two of them, just like the black coffin, they collapsed silently and turned into fine powder.

The two great eighth-rank great emperor powerhouses, perish!
Rong Zhimei's eyes widened, her small mouth opened, and her delicate body froze for a while.

Is this a dream?how can that be possible?
She is naturally clear about how powerful an eighth-rank great emperor powerhouse is.That is a powerful existence with divided territories and self-built forces, just like the Lord of the Pot Kingdom, and the peak warrior of the Eighth Rank Great Emperor.

But right now, because of Emperor Qiong and Emperor Zhenyan of the Fire Clan, the Great Yin Sect was directly killed in such a way, and their bodies and spirits were completely destroyed.

Rong Zhi's heart was filled with endless shocks, but amidst the shocks, there was a trace of panic and fear that could not be suppressed.What happened to Meng Tianchen?To have such an astonishing increase in his power in such a short period of time!

Meng Tianchen's indifferent eyes dimmed slightly, revealing a deep tired look.The current cultivation base is still too weak, and it is not enough to support him to maintain his current state.His eyes swept across the black meteorite, and he frowned slightly, but without further delay, he raised his hand and held it forward.

In the direction of the palm falling, Shi Yue's frightened and angry face was forcibly captured in the fluctuation of the void, without the slightest resistance at all, he fell directly into Meng Tianchen's hands.

Grabbing Shi Yue with one hand, and letting the girl hug his waist, Meng Tianchen stretched out one hand, and directly grabbed Shi Yue towards the strange and waveless Black Sea.

Under this grasp, the entire pitch-black sea suddenly vibrated violently, like a terrifying tsunami formed by the tumbling of the earth's crust, raging and surging, with a terrifying momentum.It seems that under the surface of the sea, there are evil dragons churning!


Meng Tianchen let out a low snort, grabbed his palm and pulled it upwards fiercely. Immediately, clusters of black flocculent energy rose directly from the sea water, and he forcibly swallowed it away. No matter how violently he struggled, he couldn't escape at all.

Slapping down the void with one hand, the black flocculent force squirmed and merged into a mass, and quickly separated from the central point to the periphery during the violent tumbling. It seemed to dissolve the space and formed a black passage, which was pitch black and lightless.

Stepping down, Meng Tianchen led Rong Zhi and Shi Yue directly into it, and disappeared on the black giant meteorite in a flash.

The black hole quickly disappeared in the creeping motion.

The surface of the Black Sea returned to calm, and the entire space was dead silent again, without any sound.

At this moment, on the surface of the black sea, the sea water squirmed up silently, quickly condensed into a man's figure, looked towards the direction Meng Tianchen was leaving, and after a while, it suddenly dispersed and turned into sea water.


The big family of heaven.

Emperor Zhenyan's territory.

In the underground abyss, a figure of a hundred feet in size sat high on the throne, and streams of pure fire power were forcibly drawn from the magma lake, rushing into the figure's body, wrapping his entire body in In a layer of crimson flames, it is like a fire god!

Suddenly, the Baizhang figure bathed in the flames opened his eyes, and his red eyes showed complex colors such as shock, fear, despair, and unwillingness. He stood up suddenly, raised his head and let out a sky-shattering roar!
A wave of terrifying power, centered on the abyss where he was, spread wildly in all directions!

At this moment, all the underground magma in Emperor Zhenyan's territory violently raged, the ground cracked, the volcano erupted, the crimson magma flowed wantonly, and the raging flames shot up into the sky, burning the entire sky red!

Many Fire Clan warriors who were cultivating with the aid of the underground magma exclaimed in surprise. Startled by the sudden burst of power, their figures shot out in embarrassment, standing in the air, looking at the entire world trapped in the magma world, their faces dull.

But in the next moment, without waiting for them to react, the scorching firepower in the void faded at an extremely fast speed.

The flames subsided, and the magma condensed!
A moment later, in the world still raging with flames, there was no longer any power of the fire system. The magma gushing out from the ground was now cooled into various stone rocks, exuding a cold luster similar to metal.

The hearts of the numerous Fire Clan warriors who witnessed this scene twitched violently, and their faces immediately turned pale.

Seal the king's territory!die.

It shows that Emperor Zhenyan has fallen.

In the underground abyss, the terrifying aura of the hundred-foot figure disappeared, and the throne was completely petrified at this moment.



A series of cracks grew from the feet of the stone statue, spreading to the entire body at an extremely fast speed, and finally collapsed, turning into rubble on the ground, falling into the dry and condensed magma lake.


Great Yin sect.


As the sacred place dedicated to the ancestors of the Great Yin Sect, it is guarded by heavy soldiers all the year round. The mountain is steep and surrounded by black mist, and there are hundreds of millions of warriors guarding it. If you have supernatural powers and cultivations, you will never take half a step without permission.

(End of this chapter)

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