Chapter 892 Yuan tie

The dark corpse aura covered every inch of the rocks, and the sky was covered in darkness by the black mist, filled with a gloomy and decaying atmosphere.The stretching palaces are arranged along the mountain, with five steps to the first floor, and ten steps to a pavilion;

The name of the palace is Kugong.

In this palace of the Treasury, tablets of various sizes are arranged from top to bottom according to their status.The higher you go, the bigger the tablets are, and the fewer the number. When you reach the highest level, there is only a cloud of faint black air, and the ghosts of the tablets are faintly visible in it, making it impossible to see clearly.

But at this moment, a tablet on the third floor suddenly cracked open at this moment, and it shattered directly with a light snap.

At the moment when the tablet was shattered, a pillar of corpse aura shot up into the sky outside the main hall, and a dull bell rang, and the sound slowly echoed throughout the entire Mount Ku.

From the countless palaces, pale corpse warriors suddenly flew out at this moment, their pupils shrank slightly and looked in the direction of the beam of corpse aura, their faces gloomy like water.

The change in the Corpse Fire Palace indicates that among the corpse clan, a powerful warrior has fallen!


Abyss tie, it is said that a long, long time ago, shortly after the void and chaotic Forbidden Abyss appeared, it was an extremely prosperous meteorite belt.

As one of the meteorite belts closest to the Chaotic Forbidden Abyss, countless fighters gathered from all directions in the Great World, making it a well-known area in the entire Linglong Great World in a short period of time.

But with the passage of time, Chaos Forbidden Yuan became famous, and fewer and fewer fighters came, which also made the short-term prosperity of Yuan's tie fade away in a very short period of time.

As for now, Yuan tie has been completely defeated.Gradually depleted cultivation resources have made Yuan Ling barren and barren.As a neutral area, several small forces now hold the power of Yuan tie, and there are also many bandits from the Lin clan who will come here to sell their treasures.

But on this day, three foreign warriors came to Yuan Tie.

An ordinary-looking middle-aged warrior, a woman with a scarf covering her face, and a comatose young man.

This strange combination naturally attracted the attention of many Yuan tie warriors, but it was limited to this. The faint aura permeating the middle-aged warrior's body was enough to show his cultivation level!
The middle emperor realm powerhouse!
This kind of cultivation is already a top existence in Yuan's tie. Even if the woman is graceful and attractive, and the young man is unconscious, relying on the middle-aged man alone is enough to deter all those who are about to move in the dark.

"Please come in, you three. Our Old Liu Restaurant in Yuanling City is a 10,000+ year-old restaurant. The owner's ancestors are Yuan tie warriors. The price is fair, safe and tidy, and you will never be disappointed."

The young servant greeted him swiftly, bent slightly, and spoke a series of words very smoothly.

The middle-aged warrior nodded.

"If we didn't know your family's reputation, the three of us wouldn't come here. Arrange a good courtyard, keep it clean, and let no one disturb you."

"Come on, please come inside!"

The three of them followed the young man, selected a courtyard, and the middle-aged warrior took a few Chaos Crystals, and asked the young man to go happily.

Close the gate of the courtyard and carefully open the restriction. Although it is a bit crude, it is enough to isolate the detection of the spiritual sense.The middle-aged warrior hurried into the room. The woman had already taken off her veil, her pretty face was pale, but she still couldn't hide her beauty. She was taking care of the comatose young man with tenderness in her eyes.

The middle-aged warrior looked at the scene in front of him, remained silent for a while, and still spoke respectfully.

"Ma'am, now that we have escaped from the chasing and killing, and left the chaotic forbidden abyss, if you are really good for Lord Qingyun, you should know what to do best."

These three fighters are exactly the three Meng Tianchen who escaped from the chaotic forbidden abyss!

On the black meteorite that day, Meng Tianchen broke through a black passage with the help of the mysterious and terrifying cotton wool-like power, and after entering it, he had a lot of trouble, and after he left, he had already left the chaotic forbidden abyss.

Meng Tianchen fell into a coma immediately after escaping from danger. Shi Yue carefully checked the void map and found that it was not far from Yuan's tie, so the three of them came straight here.

Rong Zhi naturally understood Shi Yue's meaning, her exquisite face was slightly stiff, and her eyes showed pain, but she took a deep breath and nodded slightly.

"Master Shiyue, don't worry, I know what to do."

Speaking of this, the girl paused slightly, then raised her head and looked calmly at Shi Yue.

"Although I don't know what kind of secrets are hidden in me, it must be unusual. Maybe I can get a place in the Child Master's Palace in the future. This time, Lord Duo has helped me. I will remember the kindness in my heart. If there is a chance in the future , I will definitely repay my lord. But for everything that happened in the chaotic forbidden abyss, I hope my lord can guarantee that I will never mention it to anyone in the future."

Shi Yue's heart trembled slightly, he understood what the girl meant, and nodded solemnly.

"Madam, don't worry, I and Lord Qingyun escorted my wife into the chaotic forbidden abyss, and I was lucky enough to escape. In order to save my wife from being seriously injured, Lord Qingyun has nothing else to do."

Madam is the person who fills up the child master's luck. If it is not for the shallow foundation, it is not impossible to become the master of the harem in the future.But even so, it can't prevent her from becoming the most favored woman in the child master's palace!
What she means, Shi Yue naturally dare not disobey, otherwise he may not have a foothold in Tongli Empire in the future.Even the teacher may not be able to keep him.

Moreover, along the way, he has repeatedly received great favors from Meng Tianchen. If it wasn't for Meng Tianchen, he would have already been buried in the chaotic forbidden abyss!Shi Yue is not a person who knows how to be kind and does not repay kindness and ignorance. Based on these alone, he will also hide everything in the chaotic forbidden abyss.

Rong Zhi nodded slightly, her eyes fell on Meng Tianchen's face again, feeling that his weak aura was recovering at an extremely fast speed, her heart was at ease, and she felt sour again, but was suppressed by her.

What Shi Yue said is right, if she doesn't want to harm him, she should keep a sufficient distance from him.No matter how you think in your heart, you can't show the slightest trace.

"Madam, please stay here with Lord Qingyun for the time being. If it is not necessary, please don't leave. I will prepare the things we need to return to Tongli Empire." Shi Yue sighed slightly in his heart, saluted respectfully, turned and exited the room , strode away.
On the nearest meteorite belts near the Forbidden Abyss of Chaos, the empires of the eight major powers have all arranged spies with absolute confidantes, carefully probing the secrets hidden in the Forbidden Abyss of Chaos, and even sending dead soldiers into the Forbidden Abyss of Chaos every once in a while, Although very few of them could come back, they still failed to curb the interest of the eight major power empires in the Forbidden Abyss of Chaos.

Obviously, a long time ago, the empires of the eight major forces really discovered something that interested them.

And the Yuan tie is the place where the spies of Tongli Empire lie dormant.If it weren't for the respected status of the teacher, Shi Yue would not have the qualifications to know about this matter, and what he has to do now is to get help from the spies of Tongli Empire.

Yinyue Liushuo has been destroyed. In order to hide their whereabouts, they need a treasure to travel.

Leaving the inn, Shiyue first wandered around the long street and tasted some special wines on Yuan's tie. After a delay of almost half an hour, he made sure that there was no little tail behind him, and then he stepped into a A lonely alley.

The alley is very long and deep, and there is only a single small door every far away.

Shi Yue counted silently, and the figure stopped outside the seventh small door, and knocked on the door with his hand.

Not long after, faint footsteps came, and the restriction had been lifted with a flash of inspiration. An old man in servant clothes opened the door, and his eyes fell on Shi Yue.

"Excuse me, my lord is asking to see my master, why don't you go through the main entrance?"

"I'm here as a teacher. This is my identity certificate. Please inform me. I have something to see." While speaking, Shi Yue had a flash of inspiration in his hand, and took out a small strange token.

`The old man's complexion changed slightly, his hunchback was straightened, his dim eyes sparkled, he reached out to take the token in his hand, closed the door and walked away in a hurry.

After a while, the small door opened again, and it wasn't the old man who came, but two middle-aged warriors, who nodded slightly to Shiyue and led him into the courtyard.

"Master Shiyue, please, the leader of my family is waiting for you in the secret room." The two warriors who led the way respectfully saluted, then turned and stood aside, but they were a little surprised in their hearts. They didn't know the identity of Master Shiyue. Even they didn't have the qualifications to know.

Shi Yue nodded slightly, pushed the door open and entered.

In the secret room, a warrior with a fair face sat behind a desk with Shi Yue's token on it, and spoke slowly.

"Shi Yue, long time no see."

The teacher was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed ecstasy.

"Brother Ji, why are you here?"

The warrior behind the desk smiled and nodded.

"Back then, my elder brother was ordered by the emperor to come to Yuanyuan secretly to preside over the affairs here. Because the matter involved confidentiality, he declared that it was closed to the public. You and my senior brother have not seen each other for nearly a thousand years. If I hadn't seen you in person today , I thought someone else had your token and came here."

Speaking of this, Brother Ji's eyes fell on Shi Yue.

"Shi Yue, as far as I know, you led your wife back to the capital, and you were intercepted and killed by the kings of the Corpse Clan and the Fire Clan Emperor Realm on the way, and you were forced to enter the chaotic forbidden abyss. Now that you are safe, it must be a rumor. By the way, how did you escape the pursuit, where is Madam now?"

Shi Yue smiled wryly and pondered for a while.

"I'm afraid that senior brother was wrong this time. Junior brother and Lord Qingyun led Mrs. Zhi to escape, and was cornered by corpse clan and fire clan. They really broke into the chaotic forbidden abyss."

"What!" Brother Ji exclaimed.

"You have entered the chaotic forbidden abyss, how can you still stand here now?"

"Senior brother, don't be shocked. Junior brother and others are just a little bit lucky, and escaped from the chaotic forbidden abyss by mistake. In order to prevent people from attracting attention, I left my wife and Lord Qingyun in the inn. Junior brother came to ask for help, looking for a Magic weapon for walking, hurry back to the capital."

(End of this chapter)

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