Chapter 893 Wake up

The shock in Senior Brother Ji's eyes dissipated, and two groups of scorching flames blazed ragingly, his eyes fixed on Shi Yue.

"You actually broke out of the chaotic forbidden abyss! Brother, tell me, what kind of secrets are hidden there? My brother has presided over here for tens of thousands of years, and sent tens of thousands of dead soldiers into it. Few of them can come back alive. It's in the edge region, never entering the depths of the nebula at all."

Shi Yue's face changed slightly, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

"It's hard to go into details about the specific matters now. After returning to the capital, the younger brother will definitely record a detailed copy of what he saw and hear and send it to the senior brother. The most important thing now is to bring his wife back to the capital."

"Young brother is right, but you are too anxious for brother." Senior brother Ji nodded slightly, his eyes flickering slightly.

"Then it's better for the younger brother to leave the king of the pot Qingyun, let him cooperate with the study of the chaotic forbidden abyss, prepare the treasure for the brother, and then send the warriors under his command to escort you and your wife."

Shi Yue's face changed, he understood the senior brother's persistent nature quite well, presumably it was because of this that His Majesty Tong Zhu let him preside over the affairs of the chaotic Forbidden Abyss, if it were someone else, he might not be able to bear this loneliness.

Moreover, Shi Yue could tell that the brother's tone did not put Meng Tianchen in his eyes.With his cultivation base in the Tongli Empire and his teacher's disciple, it's not a big deal if he doesn't take Qing Yungong, a small subsidiary country, seriously.

But not this one!

Although Madam has promised not to tell anyone about the things in the Forbidden Abyss of Chaos, it doesn't mean that he can really forget.Shi Yue has already determined in his heart that Meng Tianchen's identity will not be limited to this in the future, and there will be a time when he will soar into the sky.Although the Lord of the Hu Kingdom can be regarded as a wise master with a strong cultivation base, he may not be able to suppress Meng Tianchen. Perhaps in the future, the Tongli Empire will have another powerful vassal state.

Even without mentioning his identity, just the super-strength fighting power displayed by himself is enough to be called the strongest below the upper emperor realm!If you were really desperate, Shi Yue's heart would be shaken when he thought of the fierce and domineering secret technique and his soaring cultivation base!
In that state, Meng Tianchen might be able to fight head-on even against the real king of the imperial realm!Moreover, on the black meteorite that day, Meng Tianchen fell into a strange state and the battle that he had never witnessed with his own eyes. Although Shi Yue didn't know the final result, the dazzling golden light and the surging sound of the huge waves of the Black Sea were separated by countless distances. Space, but he could hear it clearly, and he could also feel a trace of breath coming from it.

That aura was extremely light, but it gave him an irresistible thought that could kill him with just a slight tremor.He didn't know whether the target of the fierce battle was Emperor Zhenyan of the Tian Family and Emperor Yinqiong of the Great Yin Sect, but he had a faint intuition in his heart that these two people might never be able to get out of the chaos and forbidden abyss.Therefore, apart from admiration for Meng Tianchen, there is also a trace of hidden deep awe in his heart!

While the thoughts were turning rapidly, Shi Yue's face turned into awe, and he slowly raised his head, his eyes were solemn.

"Senior Brother Ji, you must have gotten some information from the teacher. It is no small matter to know the identity of your wife. And Duke Qingyun of the Hu Kingdom has shown great kindness to his wife. They have already been buried in it, and they can't leave safely. Not to mention that Lord Qingyun is seriously injured and unconscious now, even if he is safe and sound, the younger brother will advise the younger brother not to think of him, otherwise it will definitely cause the dissatisfaction of the wife, and I am afraid that in the future There will be a lot of trouble."

Brother Ji's face changed slightly, and he spoke slowly.

"It turns out that there is still this matter, but it is thanks to the younger brother who mentioned it, otherwise I am afraid that I will really offend Madam without knowing it." He is more noble than Shi Yue, and he naturally understands the future position of Madam Zhi in Tongli Empire Well, whoever offends her in the future will have no good fruit to eat.

Shi Yue hesitated a little, but still gritted his teeth.

"Senior Brother Ji must not underestimate Duke Qingyun. Junior Brother has always been considered a person with extremely high vision, but these days he gets along with him. If you compare yourself with him, the gap with him cannot be calculated! In the future, this Duke Qingyun is definitely not Chi Zhongwu!"

Brother Ji's heart trembled slightly.

"I understand, brother, thank you for reminding me, brother." He is somewhat higher than Shi Yue, but he also understands in his heart that this brother's cultivation talent and luck are by no means inferior to his. Be superior.To be treated so seriously by him, this Lord Qingyun of the Pot Kingdom must not be an ordinary person!

His eyes flickered slightly, and Senior Brother Ji's face revealed a look of contemplation.

"Since time is tight, you and I don't want to delay here. Brother Wei also has a dry dragon boat given by the teacher here as a treasure for transportation. After Brother Wei arranges the next thing, you and I will leave immediately."

"Senior brother wants to go back to the capital?" Shi Yue was surprised.

"Escorting Mrs. back to Tong Power Empire is naturally the most important thing. By the way, I will go back to the capital to report on my duties and pay my respects to the teacher. What's the matter? Don't you welcome me?" Senior Brother Ji said with a smile.

Shi Yue showed suspicion.

"I'm afraid the main purpose of senior brother is to inquire about the chaotic forbidden abyss along the way."

"Haha, if you're lonely along the way, I don't think you'll refuse this request, brother. Besides, I'm quite curious about the Lord Qingyun you mentioned, and I want to see what kind of person he is. To let the younger brother value it so much."

"Then please brother hurry up and arrange things, brother go outside and wait." Shi Yue's face was full of helplessness, but he was slightly relieved in his heart.Although the interception and killing of the fire clan and the corpse clan have been overcome, there may not be no other dangers. This time, with the senior brothers accompanying them, the safety will naturally be greatly increased.

Half an hour later, after Senior Brother Ji made arrangements, the two left through the back door.


"Chen Shiji, please refer to Madam." Shiji is also a clan member of the Tongli Empire, and the blood of the Tongzhu family in his body is somewhat purer than that of Shiyue, but at this moment he is still extremely respectful to the girl.

Shi Yue stepped forward.

"Ma'am, this Master Shiji is the leader of the secret agents arranged by our Tongli Empire on Yuan's tie, and he is also a senior brother of Weichen. The rest of the way until returning to the Tongli Empire, the senior brother will escort you with me." lady."

Rong Zhigao sat at the head, with a calm face, a little light makeup, and a dignified and dignified demeanor, and nodded upon hearing this.

"So, I would like to thank Master Shiji."

"Madam is serious, these are all my duties." Shiji's heart trembled slightly, secretly thinking that this lady is really not an ordinary person, but this kind of bearing is by no means comparable to that of ordinary women. Coupled with such a beautiful face, how could he not please the king, his status in the palace would probably be extremely high in the future, and his demeanor became more respectful now.

"Although Yuan's tie is within the scope of activities of our children's empire spies, there are often traces of the enemy's secret activities. In order to ensure the safety of my wife, there will be no incidents along the way. Please leave as soon as possible."

Rong Zhi didn't lift her head when she heard the words, but looked at Shi Yue.

Shi Yue naturally understood Madam's meaning and opened his mouth.

"Ma'am, don't worry. Although Lord Qingyun is unconscious, his internal injuries are recovering. He can wake up after he recovers. Traveling will not affect his injuries."

"It's better to ask Madam to leave very early to ensure safety."

Rong Zhi nodded.

"That being the case, as the two adults said, let's go now."


Shi Ji and Shi Yue saluted at the same time, but they couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring.It seems that Madam really thinks highly of this Lord Qingyun, fortunately, she was reminded by her junior brother before, otherwise she might really cause trouble.

Shi Ji opened up a space of Taoist artifacts on his body, said a word of offense, and let his wife enter first, and Shi Yue supported Meng Tianchen to follow behind.

Shi Ji quietly left Yuan's tie, took out the withered dragon boat, and let the three of them out, the thing suddenly glowed with stars, turned into a strange keel phantom, and roared away.

The grade of this dry dragon boat is higher than that of Yinyue Liusuo, and its interior space is larger. It barely built a small courtyard, which is divided into three parts: the main hall, the master bedroom and the guest bedroom.

Rong Zhi lived alone in the master bedroom, holding Mingyu in her hand, feeling the warm breath radiating from it, resisting the urge to see Meng Tianchen, and fell asleep slowly.From today onwards, she must know her identity clearly, only in this way will she not bring disaster to him.

Meng Tianchen was in a coma, but fortunately the aura in his body gradually stabilized, and he was placed in the guest bedroom.

Shi Ji and Shi Yue are in the main hall, the former controls the dry dragon boat, and the latter is responsible for telling the affairs in the chaotic forbidden abyss.The two chatted from time to time, and Shi Yue omitted all the unspeakable things from what he had seen and heard, and it was enough to make Shi Ji's face serious. The degree of danger in the chaotic forbidden abyss was still beyond his imagination. superior.

In the void, the dry dragon boat rushed towards the border of Tongli Empire.

Half a month later, Meng Tianchen woke up.

Shi Yue came immediately, explained the current situation to him, and introduced Shi Ji and him.With Meng Tianchen's mind, it is not difficult to see that Shi Yue concealed many things in the chaotic burial ground between his words, but these are exactly what he hopes, so naturally he will not say a word.

Rong Zhi then came to visit, but only stayed for a while, then got up and left.

Shi Ji seemed to be very interested in Meng Tianchen, but Shi Yue pulled him out on the grounds that he needed to recuperate after being seriously injured, and left Meng Tianchen to recuperate in the room alone.

When the three of them left one after another, Meng Tianchen frowned slightly. Although he hadn't recovered yet, it didn't prevent him from sweeping the room with his spiritual sense, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, he waved his hand to impose a restraint.

It was good to be in a coma before, but now that he has woken up, he can no longer be defenseless.This is not a distrust of Shi Yue and Shi Ji, but a basic instinct of a warrior. No warrior wants his every move to be under the attention of others.

After finishing this task, he frowned slightly, and slightly blurred pictures flashed in the sea of ​​consciousness.On the giant meteorite that day, Meng Tianchen's sudden awakening was not due to his will, but the incomparably mysterious black misty space that appeared, suddenly dominating everything about Meng Tianchen!
(End of this chapter)

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