Chapter 895
The power of Haohaotangtang in Meng Tianchen's body is running wildly like a wild horse at this moment, but it will no longer cause any damage to the physical body. During the operation, there is a strong desire to devour.

Fifth Rank Great Emperor!

In the Martial God Monument, Meng Tianchen's closed eyes suddenly opened, the divine light shone, but his face looked a little pale.This is not caused by injuries in the body, but caused by the emptiness of one's own strength after the breakthrough of cultivation base, but unable to get enough strength to replenish.This kind of problem can be resolved naturally after absorbing enough chaotic spiritual power.

The power of Emperor Zhenyan's remnant soul is running out, and he made a breakthrough by fusing the power of luck.If he continues to refine the remnant soul of Emperor Yinqiong of the Great Yin Sect, it will be enough to raise his strength to the peak in a short time.But right now is not a critical moment, Meng Tianchen just changed his mind and dropped this plan.

With the remnant soul of Emperor Yinqiong of the Great Yin Sect in his hand, even if he has a powerful trump card in his hand, if there is a crisis that cannot be dealt with in the future, he can use the power of the Holy Flame Tiger bloodline totem to the limit. As a supplement to his strength, the remnant soul is enough to make him carefree.

A smile emerged from the corner of his mouth. After entering the Linglong World, Meng Tianchen gained an unprecedented speed of cultivation because of the roulette!

Now hundreds of years have passed the process that ordinary warriors need to go through tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, to be promoted to rank five great emperor!

Meng Tianchen took a deep breath, and slowly adjusted his breath, so that his agitated mood slowly returned to calm, and he closed his eyes slightly with a thought, and took out a large amount of chaos crystals.

Wisps of pure power crazily gushed out from millions of chaotic crystals, converging into beams of chaotic spiritual power, which roared like surging rivers, pouring madly into Meng Tianchen's body.
The dry dragon boat sailed across the void with its long tail whizzing forward, and at the end of the distant line of sight, a stretch of continent could already be vaguely seen.

There is the border of Tongli Empire's dynasty!
They are not far from there.

The sprawling military tents, majestic and majestic, filled the void with awe-inspiring coercion, making people unconsciously awed.The golden dragon flag and the ancient seal character "Tong" in the center can make people easily identify the identity of this army.

The imperial court of the children's forces, the forbidden army!
As the army defending the imperial capital and guarding the emperor, the Forbidden Army possesses the most terrifying force in the entire army of the Tongli Empire. The number is only 6000 million, but it is comparable to an army of tens of billions!Because joining the Forbidden Army, the lowest level of cultivation is the Lower Emperor Realm!

In other words, this is a terrifying legion composed of the emperor's powerhouse, and the head of the legion, Luo Kai, is even rumored to be a terrifying powerhouse who is close to the emperor!
To be selected into the Forbidden Army, cultivation base requirements are second, the most basic point is to guarantee absolute loyalty to the child master!Only the soldiers with the most outstanding performance among the legions of all parties can join after going through layers of review and passing.

The forbidden army is a powerful armed force under the control of the child master, possessing absolute loyalty to the child master and unparalleled tyrannical power!

Army of Kings Legion!
Invincible, invincible weapon of war!
Although the forbidden army lined up on the border of this place is only a mere million, the evil spirit it exudes is comparable to an army of hundreds of millions, and the might of the army is palpitating!

In the big tent of the Chinese army, the commander of Zhangling sits high and sits high. He is tall and wears the armor of a general of the imperial army. At this moment, his eyes are half closed and half open, he is like a tiger entrenched, and his momentum is overwhelming.

On the following two sides, several captains of the Forbidden Army sat solemnly, all with expressionless faces and dark eyes.

On the ground, a military detective fell to one knee.

"Commander, my subordinates have sent spies to inquire about the news, but there is still no news."

Zhang Ling couldn't see the joy and anger in his heart, and he was silent for a while before waving his hand.

The army scout on the ground saluted again as if he had been pardoned, and then got up and retreated respectfully.

"Everyone, you and I are ordered by His Majesty to come here to welcome Madam Zhi. Now Shiyue and Hu Kingdom envoys lead Madam Zhi into the chaotic forbidden abyss. I am afraid that the consequences will be worrisome. Although this matter has nothing to do with you and me , but if your Majesty blames it, I'm afraid you will be implicated." Lowering his head, a captain spoke in a deep voice, with a look of worry flashing in his eyes.

"This matter, you and I still need to think about it in advance and find a countermeasure."

When the person finished speaking, there was a sudden commotion in the tent.Coming out this time, they thought it was an opportunity to gain credit, but the change of things was somewhat beyond their expectations.After entering the chaotic forbidden abyss, Madam Zhi is afraid that it will be difficult to get out. If she is implicated because of this, wouldn't it be wronged.

"I was ordered to meet you at the border, but now that Mrs. Zhi has not arrived, even if there is an accident, it should be the fault of the Hu Kingdom mission and Shiyue, and we can't blame it on us!"

"That's right! The mission of the Hu Kingdom came to the border a few days ago and was temporarily placed in the army. Now that Madam has an accident, they are safe and sound. It must be that they did not try their best to protect Madam's safety. They should be convicted!"

"Take down the Hu Kingdom Mission, and wait for His Majesty's punishment!"

All the generals in the tent opened their mouths one after another. Now that something happened, someone must take the blame. If they don't go, only the Hu Kingdom Mission will be left.Most of His Majesty's anger was vented on the missions. Even if they were implicated, the punishment would definitely be weakened a lot.

Zhang Ling was still in a calm demeanor. Seeing that everyone had discussed the results, he opened his mouth slowly.

"Since that's the case, the matter will be decided like this. Gu Lun, you will lead an army of [-] to take down the mission of the Hu Kingdom. If there is any resistance, kill it on the spot, and you must not escape."


Next, the captain who spoke first stood up and said yes, received the military order, turned around and left the tent.Gathering all the soldiers, one hundred thousand troops drove away in the light of the light, and the momentum was soaring to the sky. Haohaotangtang overwhelmed the world, and rushed straight to the Hu Kingdom mission station.

The move of the forbidden army has already alarmed the frontier army of Tongli Empire, and the information was transmitted into the king's tent of the frontier army at an extremely fast speed.

The person who sits on the northeast border of the Tongli Empire is King Gu. He holds a high position in the Tongli Empire and is one of the four kings in the army. .

"It's just looking for a scapegoat for this matter and evading responsibility." King Gu shook his head slightly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

If it wasn't for the background of the lady in the palace, he would not have put the commander of the imperial guard in his eyes at all.With a status of his level, the identity of the Forbidden Army has no deterrent power at all. His eyes have already set his sights on the entire Tongli Empire, and ordinary characters are naturally out of his sight.

"Let's leave this matter to them. If something really happens to Mrs. Zhi, someone will take the blame. I don't need to intervene. I can take this opportunity to sell a favor."

"The prince's words are very true. The position in the palace has been stable over the years, and the background of the mother's family is strong. It may not be impossible to enter the palace."

The person below spoke respectfully.

King Gu nodded slightly, and let the soldier retreat casually.

The residence of the Hu Kingdom Mission.

The officials of the mission gathered in the main tent, all of them looked worried, and their eyes were full of panic.

"Mr. Qingyun and the angel led Mrs. Zhi to leave the mission secretly. I have received definite news that Lord Qingyun and others broke into the chaotic forbidden abyss in order to avoid being intercepted and killed by the corpse clan and fire clan warriors. I am afraid that it is more or less ominous now. Everyone. , you and I came here on orders to escort Madam to the Gongtong Empire, if Madam has an accident, I am afraid you and I will be blamed!" The deputy envoy of the mission is the confidant of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, and his eyes swept over everyone's faces at this moment , The opening is full of worry.

"The Forbidden Abyss of Chaos is a famous and fierce place. Once you enter it, there is little hope of getting out alive. If something happens to Mrs. Zhi, the child master will definitely take his anger out on you and me. Please ask the child master to seal my Pot Kingdom as an envoy." I am afraid that there is no hope of completing the matter of the upper-rank vassal state, and I am afraid that I am lucky to be able to protect myself and return to the pot kingdom safely!"

"Even if you return to the country, you and I will definitely be punished if you and I haven't completed the tasks entrusted by the lord. Alas, I knew that I was not sure. Why did Lord Qingyun take his wife away? Now that he has harmed himself, it will also implicate us."

"Mr. Qingyun should take full responsibility for this matter, you and I must report this to the child master and the country master!"


Following the news of Meng Tianchen and others appearing in the chaotic Forbidden Abyss, the mission fell into panic, and the status of Xianzi's temperance mission was instantly disintegrated.Meng Tianchen was alive, so no one would dare to disobey his order, but now that he has entered the chaotic forbidden abyss, it is almost impossible to leave alive, so the effectiveness of this order will naturally end.

But at this moment, Xianzi still has the qualifications to be included in the account for consultation, and at this moment when he heard the words, his heart was filled with anger, and he couldn't help but sneer.

"You guys are so forgetful. Could it be that you have forgotten that Emperor Zhenyan of the Fire Clan attacked the wormhole ship that day? If Lord Qingyun hadn't taken his wife away in advance, could it be possible to rely on the power of the mission to protect her safety? I am afraid that he will eventually escape. But the defense was broken, and you and I were all buried in the void! After careful calculation, it must be Lord Qingyun who saved your lives? Why are you so anxious to shirk responsibility."

Speaking of this, Xianzi's eyes swept over the faces of all the missionaries of the Hu Kingdom in the tent.

"Furthermore, you and I don't know the current safety of Lord Qingyun. Why do you adults think that Lord Qingyun and Mrs. Zhi have already suffered a disaster? Maybe they will return soon. Even if there is an accident, I think your lords should be there It won't be too late to make a statement after the news is confirmed by Tongli Empire, what do you adults think?"

The faces of the warriors from the Kingdom of Opening Pot Kingdom Mission instantly flushed with shame and anger.

Xianzi saw the faces of these people clearly. Although he spoke calmly this time, the slight mocking meaning hit them directly in the face like a resounding slap, so embarrassing!
The Deputy Envoy's face suddenly became gloomy, and he snorted coldly.

"Now I am waiting not only for my own future, but also for my Hu Kingdom. It would be better if Lord Qingyun could bring his wife back safely. The child master's anger will definitely be alleviated a lot when he angers the Pot Kingdom. We are not ignoring the matter of Lord Qingyun's life-saving, but this is also an expedient measure. Even if Lord Qingyun comes back in the future, I will be able to deal with it calmly in front of him .”

(End of this chapter)

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