Chapter 896
The members of the crimson-faced Hu Kingdom Mission naturally nodded one after another. They put aside the embarrassment on their faces and became confident. Their eyes swept over Xianzi, mixed with ridicule and disdain, as if they were saying that you can see that we are waiting Good intentions, but with the heart of a villain, I wait for the belly of a gentleman!

Xianzi sneered and bowed his head in silence, but the contempt was so obvious, especially the mocking look at the corner of his mouth, which made many warriors of the mission group furious.

The deputy envoy glanced coldly at Xianzi.

"When Lord Qingyun led Mrs. Zhi away that day, you, Xianzi, did not report the knowledge, and you also bear great responsibility for the matter. If the child master really blames you, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you."

"If Lord Qingyun is really unfortunate, I don't need to bother me. I can do whatever I want." Xianzi said lightly, but he couldn't help but clenched his fist tightly with the palm of his robe sleeve.

Even though he had heard the news that Meng Tianchen and others had entered the chaotic forbidden abyss, Xianzi already understood how dangerous this place was, but he would not believe that Meng Tianchen had encountered an accident until he received the confirmed news!
At this moment, the faces of the people in the tent changed drastically, and a powerful aura enveloped the entire mission station, besieging it from all directions.

The deputy envoy and others left the tent in a hurry, and Xianzi followed with a solemn expression.

"The mission of the Kingdom of Hu is not doing well. It is unable to protect Madam Zhi's safety, causing her to fall into danger and her life is uncertain! Lieutenant Ben Du was ordered by the commander to personally lead the army to capture the mission of the Kingdom of Hu for His Majesty's attention!"

"Anyone who disobeys will be killed!"

Gu Lun drank in a low voice, and the rolling sound spread loudly in the power package, and spread throughout the entire Hu Kingdom mission station.

The faces of the deputy envoy and the warriors from the Hu Kingdom's envoy suddenly turned pale, and they kept saying that they were wronged.

"General, Lord Qingyun and the angel secretly took his wife away that day. We didn't even know about it. Please check it out, General, so don't wrong us!" Disposal by the forbidden army.

"The captain is acting according to the order of the commander, and I don't care about the rest! Come, take down all the people from the Hu Kingdom mission!" Gu Lun's face was indifferent, and he didn't even look at the envoy's flattering smile. Raising his hand, the army under his command immediately stepped forward, his awe-inspiring murderous intent made all the warriors in the entire mission feel cold, and their faces turned pale while their bodies stiffened.

But at this moment, there was a loud shout.

"Wait a minute!"

Xianzi strode out, although his face was pale, but his steps were firm, without flinching at all, he bowed his hands to Gu Lun and spoke in a deep voice.

"We are the envoys of the Hu Kingdom. We pay tribute to the Tong Lord and offer our lord's respect to the Tong Power Empire. We represent the Hu Kingdom Lord! Even if you want to ask for a crime, you need His Majesty the Tong Lord to personally issue an order. All right? Besides, this road encounter was intercepted and killed by the kings of the corpse clan and the fire clan. With the power of the mission, it is impossible to protect Madam Zhi's safety. That's why Qingyun Gong and the angel Shiyue led his wife to leave in secret. Go, in order to avoid being chased and killed, and escort his wife safely into the Tongli Empire. Now that something unexpected happened, the entire mission of my mission is also feeling uneasy. In order to protect his wife, Qing Yun’s whereabouts are unknown, and his life and death are unknown. Is it a little unreasonable to take down all the missions of our Hu Kingdom for questioning?"

Xianzi's opening this time is naturally not to protect these disgusting warriors in the mission, but before Qingyun Gong left, Xianzi promised that he would try his best to keep the mission safe and wait for Qingyun Gong to return!
What Xianzi said was majestic and reasonable, and he could not be defeated in the face of a hundred thousand forbidden troops!

Gu Lun's eyes flickered slightly, he didn't want to have such a tough fighter in the Hu Kingdom Mission, but the Hu Kingdom Mission has been tacitly regarded as the culprit by the leader, no matter how much Xianzi's words stand on the ground Even above that, he couldn't be shaken at all.

Reach out.

"My mouth is full of nonsense, trying to quibble and evade my own guilt, take this person down!"


Several soldiers echoed, and the light flashed outside their bodies, and they went straight to Xianzi.There was a faint evil spirit in the eyes of several people, and they were even more forceful and domineering when they made their moves. They never held back their hands at all, and they were all warriors in the middle emperor realm.

"Could it be that the general is really unreasonable and blindly trying to shift all responsibility to our Hu Kingdom mission!" Xianzi shouted angrily, but his body remained motionless, and he did not make a move of resistance.

Although Xianzi opened his mouth to stop him, he did not fail to see the current situation clearly.Now that the imperial guards from the Tong Force Empire are coming to arrest him, coupled with his behavior before, if he dares to resist, he may be killed in an instant!
A soldier slapped Xianzi's back with a palm, and the chaotic spiritual energy in his hand was surging, obviously it was a heavy hand!

Xianzi was unprepared, let out a muffled grunt, his face turned pale, a trace of blood spilled from his mouth, and he was taken down directly, his eyes were full of anger, but he clenched his teeth tightly and did not continue to speak.

"General, this person is Qingyun Gong Meng Tianchen's confidant. He also participated in the secret sending of Mrs. Zhi away that day. As long as the general interrogates, he will definitely know everything from him, and he will know that I and others are I was wronged. This matter, I was kept in the dark from the beginning to the end, it was Qingyun Lord Meng Tianchen's own plan, and it has nothing to do with us!" The deputy envoy hurriedly stepped forward and spoke hastily, wanting to Get rid of your guilt.

A trace of contempt flashed in Gu Lun's eyes, he didn't pay attention to what this person said, and opened his mouth lightly.

"Temporarily imprison the warriors of the Hu Kingdom Mission into the Forbidden Army camp, waiting for His Majesty's holy order!"

Hundreds of thousands of warriors from the entire Hu Kingdom mission were obediently captured, their cultivation bases were banned, and they were imprisoned in an independent camp. The guards were patrolling around and no one was allowed to approach.

Gu Lun completed the task and returned to the big tent to report to the commander.

Zhang Ling nodded slightly.

"The commander has already written the report, and will send it back to the capital through the urgent channel, waiting for His Majesty to deal with it. But this matter is absolutely impossible to be unrelated, you must make due preparations in your heart."

However, before he finished speaking this time, the camp tent was suddenly raised, and the chief of his pro-army quickly stepped into the tent and saluted solemnly.

"Commander, Mrs. Zhi has safely returned to the camp."

The veins in the corners of Zhang Ling's eyes twitched slightly. Although the expression on his face remained unchanged, those who really knew him would understand that his mood must be full of tyranny at the moment. He took a deep breath before opening his mouth slowly.

"Is the news accurate?"

"The patrolling frontier army has already welcomed his wife into the barracks. King Gu sent warriors to offer condolences. It should be true."

Zhangling nodded slightly, since King Gu had already taken action, the matter was naturally correct.I really didn't expect that this so-called Mrs. Zhi was lucky enough to get out of the chaotic forbidden abyss.

"Everyone, since Mrs. Zhi has already entered the camp, you and I will naturally go to visit, so let's go with this commander."


The captains on both sides got up one after another, with joyful expressions on their faces.They thought it was inevitable that they would be blamed, but they never thought of a turnaround, but their wife returned safely, which naturally made them happy.

"Commander, since Mrs. Zhi has returned, what should the mission of the Hu Kingdom do?" Gu Lun said respectfully.

There was never a slight pause at the foot of Zhangling, and he opened his mouth slightly as he took a step.

"Since Madam is fine, let them go."

Yuluo stepped out, leading a group of generals behind him to drive away in the light.Gu Lun ordered people to release the Hu Kingdom mission, and turned around to follow.
"Madam, everything in the barracks is simple. Please stay here for now. After everything is arranged, you can leave for the capital." A warrior in the frontier army said respectfully. He is not qualified to come to greet him in person, so he is specially sent to arrange everything.However, the King Gu obviously knew something, and ordered his subordinates to be respectful to the lady, without any neglect.

Rong Zhigao sat at the head of the tent, and nodded at this moment, with a calm and peaceful expression.

"King Gu has already given orders. If Madam needs anything, please just ask. My frontier camp will definitely meet all Madam's requirements. Madam has been exhausted all the way, so I won't bother you and leave for the time being."

After speaking respectfully, the warrior took two steps back before turning around and leaving.

Next, Meng Tianchen, Shi Yue, and Shi Ji were standing on one side, and at this moment they were about to say goodbye and leave, when a message from the guards came from outside the tent.

"Ma'am, Commander of the Forbidden Army, Zhang Ling, is asking to see you."

Shi Yue let out a low hum when he heard the words, and his face instantly became extremely ugly.

Shi Ji also looked indifferent, with a slight coldness in his expression.

Meng Tianchen glanced slightly at the two of them, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.


Rong Zhi nodded slightly, and the maidservant beside her raised her voice.

"The Proclamation Army commanded Zhangling to enter the account."

The tent door was raised, Zhang Ling strode in, his eyes swept over the girl above, and he bowed his hands respectfully.

"The Zuodu Commander of the Forbidden Army, Zhangling, see Madam!" He spoke with a respectful expression, without any strange expression.

"General Zhang, you don't need to be polite, please come up." Rong Zhi said, revealing her own dignity, and her current identity is the wife of the Tongzhu, which made people feel a little shivering and a little more reverent. .

Zhang Ling's eyes flickered slightly, and when he stood up, he had regained his composure.

"At the request of His Majesty, the last general came to the border to welcome his wife. He heard that his wife had fallen into the chaotic forbidden abyss. He felt anxious and uneasy. Now that his wife returned safely, he felt at ease. One of my imperial guards is ready and can leave at any time." Escort Madam to the division capital, and when Madam rests in the barracks, she can decide when to leave."

"There is General Laozhang, I am still a little tired now, I can leave after I have a rest." Since the fate that should come, since it cannot be avoided, it can only be faced calmly.

"Madam, please rest early, I will leave first." Zhang Ling saluted, turned around and strode away, his eyes never looked at Meng Tianchen, Shi Yue, and Shi Ji from the beginning to the end.

Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't take his attitude seriously, but Shi Yue's face became more and more ugly, and he didn't show it just now under the signal of Shi Ji's gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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