Chapter 897 Tough
"Ma'am, I'll take my leave." Meng Tianchen and the three bowed their hands at the same time.

Rong Zhi nodded and spoke softly.

"Mr. Qingyun, after returning to the mission, please let Aunt Nian come over as soon as possible."

Meng Tianchen should be, the three of them saluted again, turned around and left the tent.

Rong Zhi looked at his back, lowered her head slightly, so that no one could see the reluctance and pain in her eyes, and sighed faintly.

"I'm tired, you go."

"Yes, ma'am."

Several maidservants specially prepared by the army spoke respectfully and led Rong Zhi to the rear living room.

Outside the army tent, Zhang Ling never left, but sent his own army to take over the frontier army's security protection for his wife.As the guarding army hand-picked by the child master, it is reasonable to do so because of their duties.

Shi Yue looked stiff, and bowed to Meng Tianchen.

"I'll take my leave first, and I'll entertain Duke Qingyun after the arrangement is settled."

Shi Ji smiled slightly at Meng Tianchen, although he has not yet known what method Meng Tianchen used to make Shi Yue value him so much, but his attitude is quite friendly, after all, it is always right to be cautious.

But at this moment, there was a faint voice.

"Shi Yue, you and I haven't seen each other for a long time, why are you leaving in such a hurry, don't you want to come and say hello to the general?"

There was a sneer on the corner of Zhang Ling's mouth, his eyes were calm, but filled with a faint coldness.

Shi Yue's body froze suddenly, paused for a breath, and then slowly turned around, his face gloomy like water.

"Zhangling, I think there should be nothing to say between you and me." Although the voice was calm, the coldness in it was like the cold wind in winter, penetrating into the flesh and blood, making people feel chilled.

"Haha, no matter what you say, you and I are old acquaintances. Even if you lost to me in the key battle of the leadership battle, why do you have to be bitter and jealous? Don't forget, if I hadn't been merciful at the beginning, you might not be able to do it now." Standing here again, don't you have any gratitude in your heart?"

"Zhangling!" Shi Yue let out a low growl, and the evil spirit burst out from outside his body, and a pair of eyes fell on this person, revealing a monstrous resentment.

Shi Ji's expression changed slightly, he put his hand on Shi Yue's shoulder, and said in a deep voice.

"Junior brother, don't get angry, and mess with yourself."

Shi Yue struggled for a while, and finally took a deep breath to suppress the rage in his heart.Now that Zhangling is the commander of the forbidden army, if there is a conflict with him at this moment, it will inevitably cause the forces behind him to take advantage of the situation and attack, which will not be good for him to be awarded the title after returning to the division capital.

"Zhangling, what happened back then is right and wrong, you should be clear in your heart, since you have achieved your wish, don't be aggressive any more." Shi Ji said in a deep voice, his eyes looked at this person without dodging.

Zhang Ling seemed to be a bit jealous of Shi Ji, so he sneered, but didn't say much.

Meng Tianchen saw clearly from the sidelines, he had guessed in his mind earlier that there seemed to be some discord between Shiyue and Zhangling, but at this moment it seemed that he still underestimated the enmity between the two, and he felt it clearly just now. Both of them have already launched their murderous intentions, if they hadn't suppressed each other, they might have let go of the fight.Obviously this resentment is extraordinary.

Shi Ji smiled helplessly at Meng Tianchen, stretched out his hand to grab Shi Yue and was about to leave, but at this moment, there were more than a dozen escaping lights falling, and after seeing it clearly, it was the Hu Kingdom Mission and others.

"See Lord Qingyun!" The deputy envoy and other division warriors felt uneasy. The righteousness and confidence they had when they shirked their responsibilities before had been lost, and they were full of fear, fearing that they would be questioned by Lord Qingyun.

Meng Tianchen frowned slightly, although these people hid it very well, but the panic revealed between their brows and eyes could not be hidden from his eyes.His eyes swept over, but he didn't see Xianzi's figure, his heart sank slightly, and his brows became more and more wrinkled.

"Before I left, I ordered Xianzi to be in charge of all affairs of the mission. You are under his control. Now that I am back, where is he now?"

The faces of all the members of the mission suddenly panicked, and they all lowered their heads, but no one answered.

Meng Tianchen's face suddenly became gloomy.

"Deputy envoy, tell me what happened." The voice was calm, but it was the chill contained in this calm that made people more frightened.

The Deputy Envoy's heart skipped a beat, but at this moment, facing Meng Tianchen's gaze, he was bitter but he didn't dare to delay, took a step forward, and respectfully saluted.

"Mr. Qingyun, don't worry. Master Xianzi is fine. It's just that it's not convenient to come to greet you because of some injuries. After you return to the mission camp, the subordinates will report everything to you in detail." The man squeaked Huh, the inside and outside of the words are reminding Meng Tianchen that things are hard to say here.

Meng Tianchen was relieved to hear that Xianzi was fine, but from the look of the deputy envoy, he could easily detect that there must be something else hidden in it.His eyes narrowed slightly, and traces of cold light circulated in them.

"I won't say it a third time. Tell me the whole story."

The deputy envoy's heart shrank fiercely, he knew that Xianzi was Meng Tianchen's confidant, but he never thought that Lord Qingyun would be so tough, even after getting his hint, he would be so persistent!He knew in his heart that it seemed impossible to delay today, otherwise Lord Qingyun would never let it go!Just say it, since you want to humiliate yourself, go with you, let's see what you can do if you know everything!

The man gritted his teeth and bowed his hands.

"Master Xianzi was injured when the mission was surrounded by the forbidden army." He immediately recounted all the things that the mission was taken down before, but there was no concealment or deletion.

"That's how things are. If Mr. Qingyun doesn't believe it, he can ask others."

After the deputy envoy finished speaking, the entire camp suddenly became dead silent.

Meng Tianchen lowered his head slightly and remained silent, his eyes half closed and half opened, so that people could not see the changes in his eyes.

Shi Ji frowned slightly, he didn't expect that he would suddenly reveal this matter, no wonder the envoy was so squeamish and didn't dare to say more, if Meng Tianchen said it in front of Zhang Ling, if Meng Tianchen would expose it Naturally, he couldn't step down.

But if you want to seek justice from Zhangling, I'm afraid there is no possibility at all.Zhang Ling is a tough person, and his own cultivation is quite not weak. Coupled with the background behind him, he is a well-known difficult character in the younger generation of children's power empire. If Meng Tianchen really conflicts with him, he may be killed. Big loss.

Shiji hesitated for a moment, but decided to turn around and give Meng Tianchen a chance to step down. As long as he chooses to suffer from being dumb, Zhang Ling will not be troubled by the mission of the Hu Kingdom.

In this way, it can be regarded as selling this Meng Tianchen a favor.

But before he could speak, Shi Yue suddenly reached out and grabbed his shoulder, with a sneer in his eyes, and shook his head slightly to Shi Ji.

Zhang Ling, Zhang Ling, I was worried that I would not find a chance to punish you. I never thought that you would cause such a big trouble for yourself. It depends on how you end up this time!If the envoys of other affiliated countries were changed, and they learned that the incident was done by the forbidden army, they might really have to knock their teeth out and swallow their blood and admit it.

But Meng Tianchen will never be such a person who suffers a loss and does not fight back. Although Shi Yue dare not say that he has a thorough understanding of Meng Tianchen during this period of getting along, he also knows that he is a person with great affection, otherwise He would not rather take risks, but also flee with Mrs. Zhi.Instead of choosing to give her up and leave alone.

This Xianzi was obviously Meng Tianchen's confidant warrior, not only was he injured by someone, the entire mission was taken down, it can be said that he slapped the face of the entire Hu Kingdom mission, if this matter could be ignored, he would not be Meng Tianchen.

Shi Ji instantly understood the meaning in Shi Yue's gaze, and he intentionally let Meng Tianchen and Zhang Ling get into trouble!It seems that Junior Brother Shi Yue really has confidence in this Duke Qingyun of the Hu Kingdom, otherwise it would not be the case.

This actually made Shiji curious, what kind of tricks did this Lord Qingyun have, so that Shiyue Junior Brother valued him so much, and even thought that he could confront Zhangling head-on and not suffer.

Zhang Ling stood with his hands behind his back, surrounded by all the captains under his command, with a faint sneer on his face, he saw the actions of Shi Yue and Shi Ji, but he didn't take it into his heart at all.Could it be that an envoy of the Mere Hu Kingdom really treats himself as an envoy of another country who needs to be treated with courtesy, and dares to embarrass him?If he really didn't know how to live or die, he would naturally not hesitate to teach him a lesson!
If you are sensible, it is best to think that you are unlucky.

Otherwise, hum!

The whole space was quiet. After a long time, Meng Tianchen raised his head and sighed slightly in his heart.He is naturally aware of the status of the Forbidden Army in the Tongli Empire. Zhang Ling is so cultivated that he can become the commander of the Forbidden Army. He was even appointed by the Tong Lord to welcome Rong Zhi back to the capital. Obviously, he is definitely not an ordinary person. There must be a big man behind him. background.

He was sent as an envoy to the Tongli Empire, and he didn't want to stay in the Tongli Empire for a long time, and he didn't want to cause troubles or grievances, but he still couldn't convince himself that he could ignore Xianzi's injury and the face of the entire mission being trampled underfoot. .

He was an envoy of the mission, and if he slapped the mission, he was slapped.

The person who hurt him has lost his face, if he had chosen to bear it for the time being, he would look for an opportunity to get it back in the future.But a breakthrough in cultivation brings not only an increase in strength, but also an overall sublimation of the entire state of mind!
Now that he has made a decision in his heart, Meng Tianchen will not have any hesitation anymore. At this moment, his thoughts of being a strong man are stretched, his thoughts are extremely clear, and his state of mind has been tempered again silently, making a further step.

"Deputy envoy, repeat what Xianzi said before, word for word, without any concealment." Meng Tianchen said lightly, but the tough attitude in his voice made people tremble slightly.

The deputy envoy's eyes widened in an instant, and he never thought that Meng Tianchen would dare to be so tough after knowing everything clearly!
This is not the Kingdom of Pots, but the Empire of Children's Forces!He, Lord Qingyun, may not be looked down upon by the commander of the imperial army. If he doesn't know how to advance or retreat, he may make the matter worse and worse, and it will be out of control!

(End of this chapter)

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