Chapter 898

The deputy envoy was about to speak to stop him, but when he looked into Meng Tianchen's eyes, he couldn't help trembling violently in his heart.The chill that came out of Meng Tianchen's eyes made his whole mind seem to be frozen instantly, and he could no longer say anything in his heart.

After hesitating for a while, after all, he still didn't dare to disobey Meng Tianchen's will, and repeated what Xianzi said before in full.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly, then raised his head suddenly, looked at Zhang Ling, and opened his mouth slowly.

"Master Shiyue got the news that there will be powerful members of the corpse clan and the fire clan coming to intercept and kill. I want to protect Mrs. Zhi's safety, and use the group of wormhole boats as bait to attract the attention of fighters from the two clans to intercept and kill warriors. He took his wife away in secret. In order to protect his wife, I did not hesitate to take risks with the entire mission, and even risked life and death several times to protect my wife. Could it be that General Zhangling repaid our Hu Kingdom mission in this way? Just like my subordinates As Xianzi said, the mission of the Hu Kingdom represents the face of my entire Hu Kingdom and the prestige of my Hu Kingdom leader! Although my Hu Kingdom is a vassal state of the Tong Power Empire, it is also a complete independent force. The lord professes to be a minister, even if there is a mistake and needs to be punished, the child master needs to deal with it personally, what qualifications does the commander of Zhangling have to intervene in this matter, and even brazenly ordered to capture all the missions of our Hu Kingdom!"

"As the leader of Zhangling, taking down our Hu Kingdom mission is disrespectful to the lord. Could it be that the generals of the imperial guards of the Tong force can ignore the superiority and inferiority of the upper and lower ranks! I also ask General Zhangling to give me a report on this matter." explain!"

The voice was crisp and cold, spreading out in the barracks, and clearly reaching the ears of every warrior here.

Zhang Ling's face instantly became gloomy, and his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen coldly.

it is good!
very good!

A small envoy from the Hu Kingdom actually acted so presumptuously, bluntly saying that he was not qualified to deal with the embassy, ​​and he was never taken seriously at all!But what Meng Tianchen said, he was able to stand up to reason, making him unable to open his mouth to argue.But it was precisely because of this that Zhang Ling was even more annoyed, and he spoke coldly.

"I don't know what the envoy means, what kind of explanation do you want?"

Meng Tianchen didn't seem to sense the chill in his words, his eyes were calm without any fear, and he spoke slowly.

"General Zhangling apologized to our Hu Kingdom mission, and handed over the person who took down the mission and injured my subordinates, and this matter will be counted."

Zhang Ling laughed back in anger, and pointed.

"This commander is the Hu Kingdom mission that he was sent to take down. If you want this general to apologize, it depends on whether the envoy has the means to take him down?"

Gu Lun took a step forward, and while humming, the cultivation in his body suddenly exploded. This person was actually a middle-level emperor-level powerhouse, and his aura was so powerful that it was as sharp as a blade.

This kind of warriors often have weak defenses, but their attacks are extremely terrifying, far more difficult than ordinary warriors.Once they fight against him, if they are a little careless, at least they will be directly and severely injured.If you are unlucky, it is not impossible to die directly.

Meng Tianchen looked calm, his eyes flickered slightly at this moment, and he spoke lightly.

"Since Commander Zhangling wants me to personally take down this person, I will do as you wish." After speaking, he stepped forward and walked towards Na Gu Lun.

There was a little worry in Shi Ji's eyes. Gu Lun, Zhangling's subordinate, was sent by his family to be his close confidant, and also a close bodyguard. It won't be easy to take it down.If it weren't for Shi Yue's still presence at this moment, he might have already opened his mouth to stop it.

Meng Tianchen took a step forward, his face was slightly pale, giving people a feeling of weakness and powerlessness, but at this moment, a powerful aura suddenly came out of his body, and the divine light in the dark eyes shone like a meteorite.

Shi Yue's eyes lit up, and there was excitement in his eyes.

He knew Meng Tianchen's true combat strength in his heart, if he really wanted to take down Gu Lun, Zhang Ling and others could not stop him at all!
Zhangling, today depends on how you humiliate yourself!

Gu Lun's heart trembled slightly, and the sneer in his eyes disappeared immediately. All that remained was caution and apprehension. Just this aura made him feel a great threat. This envoy of the pot kingdom is very strange!

But just as his thoughts turned, Meng Tianchen had already taken the second step.The already tyrannical aura outside the body, accompanied by this step, unexpectedly rose again astonishingly, the green robe fluttered with no wind, and the black hair roiled violently.

Gu Lun's face changed drastically in an instant, even Nazhangling's pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly at this moment, and his face became more and more ugly.

Meng Tianchen's pace didn't stop, he took a third step with his hands behind his back.

The palpitating and terrifying aura was released from his body crazily, like a straight wolf smoke piercing the sky, the tyrannical coercion enveloped the entire camp, and the sound of rumbling rivers and rivers was produced in the void, and the momentum was terrifying!
In just three steps, Meng Tianchen had crossed the distance between them, and his figure appeared beside Gu Lun, but at this moment, his body was already stiff, and he could no longer make any movements, and the only thing left in his eyes was fear!
Stretching out his hand to hold the man's neck, Meng Tianchen spoke lightly.

"Since you have hurt my subordinates, I will not retaliate too much, just accept my palm." Yu Luo, he slapped the palm indifferently, Gu Lun's face suddenly turned pale, and his body slammed It flew and hit the ground, blood spurting out of the mouth one after another.

Although this palm did not kill him, it had seriously injured him. Even if he could recover, it would not be possible in a short time.

"Commander Zhangling, I have already captured this person, you can apologize."

Zhang Ling's body was stiff, and his eyes were full of shock and anger, but at this moment, there was a faint murderous intent lingering around him. Put him in your sights.

In other words, this person dared to kill him!
In his capacity, as long as the envoy of the Pot Kingdom is not a lunatic, he would never dare to act casually, but what if he is a lunatic!Zhang Ling didn't dare to make fun of his own life, his face was ashen, and he was silent for a while, feeling that the murderous intent was getting heavier, but he could only slightly bow his head.


The three words exited, and the pressure on the whole body suddenly dissipated.

Meng Tianchen turned around and left without hesitation.

"Since Commander Zhangling keeps his word, I will naturally keep what I say, and this matter will come to an end."

Zhang Ling felt ashamed and angry, his face turned pale for a while, his eyes gleamed fiercely, but finally he suppressed the thought in his heart, raised his head suddenly, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me who you are?"

"Shanggong Qingyun of the Pot Kingdom, Meng Tianchen!"

As the words fell, he led the still-shocked warriors from the Hu Kingdom Mission to leave straight away.

"Meng Tianchen! Meng Tianchen!" Zhang Ling murmured repeatedly, his tone was cold, and he looked at the direction of the Hu Kingdom envoy's departure with hatred, and suddenly turned around and walked away with a burst of spiritual light flashing outside his body.

Behind him, the captain helped up Gu Lun, who was seriously injured, and hurriedly followed behind, all of them pale with lingering fear.

Shi Ji watched Meng Tianchen go away, and he didn't even pay attention to Zhang Ling's reaction. His pupils shrank violently, and a turbulent wave arose in his heart. He finally understood why Junior Brother Shi Yue valued this Lord Qingyun so much, and why he repeatedly told him to Never take it lightly!

A mere fifth-rank emperor unexpectedly exploded with power not weaker than that of an eighth-rank emperor, that is, the king of the imperial realm!

This Meng Tianchen has a huge secret.

No wonder Shiyue Junior Brother and his wife were able to safely escape from the chaotic forbidden abyss. I am afraid that this is mostly due to the credit of Qingyun Gong!Fortunately, he hadn't been negligent in the slightest before, otherwise he might have offended a middle-ranked emperor-level powerhouse.Thinking of this, Shi Ji couldn't help feeling a little bit of resentment in his heart, but when his eyes fell on Shi Yue, he found that his face was dull, and he looked like he was lost.

"Junior Brother Shiyue, what's wrong with you?"

Shi Yue murmured.

"This is not the power to cast the surge of the secret method, nor is it the power to excessively stimulate the power of the blood. Everything is under his perfect control. This is his own power. Impossible, this is impossible... just promoted to the fifth-rank emperor , how could it be so strong?"

Shi Ji's heart skipped a beat.

"Junior brother, what did you say?"

Shi Yue smiled wryly, shook his head slowly, and looked directly at Shi Ji.

"Senior Brother Ji, if I tell you that although Lord Qingyun's previous combat power was tyrannical, he was a fourth-rank emperor, and the fifth-rank emperor may have broken through only recently, do you believe it?"

Seeing the shock and disbelief on Shi Ji's face, Shi Yue's wry smile became heavier.

"I know you don't believe it, and I don't want to believe it, but the facts are like this. If I guessed correctly, he should have made a breakthrough in the dry dragon boat of the senior brother, on the way for you and me to rush to the Tongli Empire. "

Shiji froze instantly.


"It's interesting, a mere fifth-rank emperor, but he burst out with power not weaker than that of a king in the imperial realm!" A look of surprise flashed in King Gu's eyes.

"It seems that the Lord of the Hu Kingdom attaches great importance to this tribute, and has sent such a warrior with great potential. Could it be that he is not worried that our child power empire will directly leave him and entrust him with important tasks."

"The subordinate senses his aura. Although he is undoubtedly a fifth-rank emperor, the aura is a little vain, and it cannot be rounded and natural during manipulation. If I guess correctly, the cultivation of this Qingyun Lord is probably rushing towards me. A breakthrough made on the way to the Tongli Empire." Below, a thin man in black said respectfully.

"Just broke through?" King Gu smiled and shook his head.

"But since he has entered our Tongli Empire, this Lord Qingyun may really not be able to go back."

"Your Majesty, my subordinates have collected the information on Meng Tianchen. Although it is a bit simple, it is clearly marked that he ascended from the small world to my Linglong world a few years ago, and then joined the Pot King's school to build a miracle. He was conferred the title of duke because of his outstanding meritorious service. But the most strange thing is his cultivation. According to the data, when he first entered the pot king's training, this person was only a peak martial artist of the Great Master, but when the war ended, However, he has already reached the middle emperor level. Now, on the way to escort his wife to the empire of our children's power, his cultivation level has broken through again, and he has been promoted to the fifth-rank emperor in one fell swoop. The subordinates think that there are only two possibilities for this, one is that he has hidden it before. In order to improve his cultivation, he had no choice but to show a stronger cultivation as he continued to improve his response to the crisis. Two, this Meng Tianchen possessed a method to rapidly increase his cultivation. As for the reason, it is beyond the guesswork of his subordinates .”

(End of this chapter)

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