Chapter 899 Ah Hei
The skinny man frowned. Although his rationality told him that this guess about the method of soaring his cultivation base was extremely absurd, his intuition was more inclined to this possibility.

King Gu couldn't help but laugh.

"Ah Hei, do you think this kind of method really exists in this world? Although your deduction is very reasonable, this king is more inclined to the former possibility."

Ah Hei nodded slightly.

"Your Majesty's words are correct, maybe the subordinates are really thinking too much." But he frowned slightly in his heart, still unable to let go of the weird guesses in his heart.

King Gu could see clearly the thoughts of this confidant subordinate, but he didn't mean to stop him. Since he was interested, it wouldn't hurt to check it out.Instead, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and then relaxed, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's just that this time, with the protection of Lord Qingyun, who is comparable to the king of the imperial realm, if the lady in the palace really wants to do something, it may not be an easy task."

"As long as Mrs. Zhi and the imperial army leave the range of our border army safely, this matter will have nothing to do with the king. It is up to them to fight however they want." Ah Hei said lightly, as if he didn't have much concern for these matters. interest.

"Well, what you said is right. Tell people to watch Zhangling carefully. Before Mrs. Zhi leaves, he is not allowed to cause trouble."

"Yes, my subordinates retire."

Ah Hei respectfully agreed, turned around and retreated after saluting.

King Gu turned around, his eyes fell on the huge map behind him, his brows could not help but frown slightly, and there was a look of worry in his eyes.

The eight giant forces of the Linglong World have stood side by side to this day, and each has multiplied and reached its peak period of power. Now that the chaos of the world has begun to appear, I am afraid that it will not be long before the peace of the entire world will be completely broken, and then it will be the real one. War is coming!
Meng Tianchen returned to the mission station, raised his hand slightly, dispersed all the missionaries behind him, and walked into the Xianzi recuperation tent alone.

The deputy envoy and the others all turned pale, thinking of the power Meng Tianchen had shown before, they were terrified in their hearts, and finally regretted the busy evasion of responsibility that day, but now the matter is a foregone conclusion, even if it is too late to regret.

Everyone dispersed worriedly, fearing that they would be restless for a long time.

Meng Tianchen didn't pay attention to the changes in the faces of these people. Through their reactions, he could faintly notice some of them, but he didn't bother with them. As long as he came back, these people would not be able to cause trouble. If they dare to make trouble again, they will deal with it They are not late.

There were two maidservants waiting in the tent, and they all saluted Meng Tianchen when they saw Meng Tianchen enter the tent.

Meng Tianchen waved his hand slightly, and the maid bowed respectfully and stepped back.When he walked to the bed, his eyes fell on Xianzi, and he saw his pale face with a faint tinge of blue. He put his hand on his shoulder, and a trace of strength instantly entered Xianzi's body to detect his injuries.

Meng Tianchen's face instantly became extremely ugly, and he couldn't help but let out a cold snort!
The person who attacked Xianzi should not have strong cultivation, but the method was quite vicious. It had already directly injured Xianzi's Zifu, leaving strength to accumulate in it.If the stagnant power cannot be cleaned up, even if the superficial injuries are healed, there will be extremely serious hidden wounds left behind, which will lead to illnesses and no hope of promotion in the future.

But at this moment, Xianzi already sensed that someone was on his side while he was in a coma, and his eyes suddenly opened. After seeing Meng Tianchen clearly, the guard in his eyes dissipated, and all of them turned into ecstasy.

"My lord, you are back!"

Struggling to stand up and salute, Meng Tianchen pressed down with a flick of his sleeve, looked at his dim eyes and opened his mouth.

"You don't need to be too polite. You have been hurt this time. I have already sought justice for you. As for the person who hurt you, if you have a chance in the future, you can kill him yourself." This kind of vicious person, How can we keep him.

"Thank you, Palace Master." Xianzi's eyes suddenly showed gratitude. Since Meng Tianchen opened his mouth, he must have accomplished this matter, but he knew in his heart how difficult this matter was. Meng Tianchen was willing to help him, so naturally let him Heart current rolling.

"You and I are no different than ordinary people. I will bring you from the small world to the big exquisite world. I hope you will all be well."

With Yu Luo's first move, Xianzi's body straightened up, Meng Tianchen put his hand on his shoulder, and the aura burst out from his body, instantly blending into his body.

"Don't resist, it will be done soon."

Xianzi's body was stiff, and Meng Tianchen's strength rushed into that body, so that he could clearly and directly sense his strength at the moment!That torrential trembling power, every trace of tremor exudes an aura that shakes his mind. If this kind of power wants to kill him, just a slight movement is enough to kill him physically and mentally. Completely disappeared between heaven and earth.But at this moment, there was no fear in Xianzi's heart, only endless joy.

The cultivation of the Palace Master is even stronger!
Xianzi really can't believe that Meng Tianchen's cultivation has skyrocketed to the current level since his ascension to the Linglong World.

According to this crazy speed of improvement, it won't take long for Meng Tianchen to become the peak powerhouse in the Linglong world, and become a real mighty giant!
With Meng Tianchen's mysterious magic power, it's extremely simple to remove the accumulated power in Xianzi's Zifu. He can easily wrap it up and refine it one by one, and circulate his own power in his body, blending into his flesh and blood, and nourishing his injured body.Xianzi's injuries were quickly recovered in Meng Tianchen's hands.

After three days of stopping at the border camp, Madam Zhi, the guard of the imperial army, set off and returned to the capital, accompanied by the Hu Kingdom mission.

The army of millions of imperial guards was mighty and imposing, and Zhang Ling led the army in front, with a calm expression on his face. He never showed any abnormality due to the loss he suffered in the hands of Meng Tianchen a few days ago, and commanded the army to move forward calmly.

Rong Zhi entered the army's luxurious Luanjia, driving with six dragons, with a canopy on the top, and a golden mantle fluttering in the wind, showing a luxurious and noble atmosphere.On both sides of Luanjia, two teams of maidservants followed with lowered heads, holding flower baskets, constantly reaching in, sprinkled colorful petals, and the faint fragrance of flowers diffused in the wind.

Further outside, the soldiers of the forbidden army guarded Luanjia inside, and spies from the army scattered around to ensure the safety of Luanjia.

Following Luanjia was the Mission of the Hu Kingdom.

Next to Meng Tianchen, Xianzi followed, and all the officials of the surrounding missions bowed their heads slightly to show respect for Lord Qingyun. The 30 guards guarded silently by the side, but in contrast to their momentum, they were completely overwhelmed by the imperial guards.

King Gu still didn't show up, but sent his warriors to see him off, and ordered the army along the way to serve as guards until Mrs. Zhi and her party were sent out of the area where the frontier troops were stationed.

The team left the border of Tongli Empire and rushed to the capital of the division. The imperial army and their party took this specially equipped wormhole ship, which was extremely powerful and imposing, and its volume was actually much larger than that used by the Hu Kingdom mission.

Behind the two wormhole ships, one large and one small, are three military wormhole ships sent by the frontier army of Tongli Empire to escort them. Each large ship has tens of thousands of soldiers on board, escorting them all the way into the depths of the void.

Seven days later, the last three military wormhole ships in the rear turned around and left after saying hello, implying that the party had left the enveloping range of the frontier army camp and truly entered the territory of the Tongli Empire.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye, and the two wormhole ships did not stop at all. They had already moved away from the border and entered the hinterland of Tongli Empire.

The wormhole ship used by the Imperial Army has four floors, and Rong Zhi's status is respected, so naturally the maid's clothes live alone on the fourth floor.The third floor is where Zhang Ling and his generals live, while Shi Yue and Shi Ji are on the second floor.

In the independent courtyard, Shi Yue and Shi Ji were sitting in the hall, the former frowned slightly, and spoke slowly after a while.

"Now the wormhole ship is not far from the teacher, and it has been safe and sound all the way. It seems that you and I may have been too careful this time. The lady in the palace has always been known for her meticulous thinking and fierce methods. She must also understand the current situation. In this situation, once she makes a move, she will not be able to get rid of it no matter what.”

Shiji nodded.

"Junior brother Shi Yue is right, but if you haven't arrived at the capital for a day, you and I can't relax for a day. Be careful, it's good after all."

"Yes, brother."
"Commander, the wormhole ship is not far from the scheduled location." Gu Lun saluted respectfully, his face was pale, with a faint blue color, obviously the injuries in his body had not recovered.

Zhang Ling took the main seat, and nodded slowly upon hearing this.

"This matter must be done seamlessly, without showing any flaws. Go down and prepare."

"Yes, Commander!" Gu Lun should have said yes, and took two steps back before turning around and striding away.

Zhang Ling's eyes narrowed slightly, with a hint of coldness flickering in them, a trace of helplessness appeared at the corner of his mouth, but there was no intention of disobedience in his heart.Even if his future future will be affected to some extent because of this matter, the current status of the husband's family is closely related to the honor and disgrace of the husband in the palace. If the husband loses power in the palace, the whole husband's family will suffer heavy losses.Compared with family interests, personal honor and disgrace can only be put aside for the time being.

"But this time, I won't bear the responsibility alone, maybe I will bring you together."

While whispering, this person's eyes were filled with coldness!
Pot Kingdom Mission Wormhole Ship.

The third floor became Meng Tianchen's solitary place without accident, and he had already issued a strict order that no one should disturb him unless there was anything urgent.

In the secret training room, Lord Qing Yun, who announced his retreat, disappeared without a trace, except for a stick that fell to a corner of the ground.

Inside the Martial God Monument, Meng Tianchen sat cross-legged. After his adjustments, the number of Chaos Crystals in the formation has soared from a million to 500 million. Only in this way can he provide a continuous and stable torrent of chaotic spiritual power for him to devour, absorb, refine and integrate. own body.

Since breaking through to the fifth-rank Great Emperor, the strength in his body has never been fully replenished. Now he is rushing to the Tongli Empire. With the Tongli Empire's forbidden army opening the way, the danger level has naturally been reduced to the extreme. It is naturally excellent to take this opportunity to completely stabilize the realm of cultivation. Chance.

Although it may not be too dangerous to go to the Tongli Empire, there are no absolutes, just like being intercepted and killed by corpse and fire warriors on the way, accidents may happen at any time, he must restore his state to the peak as soon as possible Level, in order to calmly deal with everything.

(End of this chapter)

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