Chapter 900 A Chance to Choose

The power contained in 500 million chaotic crystals is terrifying, and it cannot be refined all at once. It can only be refined through a special refining forbidden formation.

The majestic and terrifying chaotic spiritual power was refined by the forbidden formation, forcibly absorbed, and merged into powerful beams of chaotic spiritual power that writhed like black dragons, and were swallowed by Meng Tianchen into his body.

At this moment, Meng Tianchen is like a terrifying black hole, devouring all the power crazily.

The chaotic spiritual power that had turned into a dense mist had already enveloped his entire figure, only the surging sound like a river, rolling in, became more and more thrilling and frightening!
But at this moment, the figure sitting cross-legged at the core of the forbidden formation suddenly opened his eyes, his thoughts moved slightly, and the movement of the formation stopped immediately. There was nothing left, and they were all swallowed up, revealing a cyan figure with a ruddy complexion and slow and long breathing.

Meng Tianchen frowned slightly, he had ordered no one to disturb him, at this moment Xianzi came, there must be something that could not be solved, so there was no delay at this moment, he took a step forward, and his figure appeared directly in the secret cultivation room.

Putting the Canglong stick in his hand, he waved his hand to break the restriction of the secret room, pushed the door and walked out to the front hall.

Xianzi was already waiting respectfully in the hall, seeing Meng Tianchen appeared, he hurriedly bowed to salute.

"Palace Master." His breath was round, and there was a strong aura faintly in the circulation, which was caused by the inability to perfectly control his own power after he had just broken through.

Meng Tianchen took a seat at the top and waved his hands slightly.

"No need to be too polite, what happened to you today?"

"Palace Master, on the wormhole ship ahead, Commander Zhangling has sent a small boat to invite you to discuss the matter of docking temporarily. The reason seems to be that some accidents occurred on the wormhole ship ahead, and the chaotic crystals in reserve have decreased by [-]%, which is no longer enough To support the wormhole ship to go straight to the capital." Xianzi respectfully opened his mouth, telling the story in as few words as possible.


Meng Tianchen frowned slightly. The wormhole ship shuttled through the vast sky and void space, driving forward to defend and defend against the enemy. All of them needed the support of Chaos Crystal, and the reserve of Chaos Crystal was naturally the most important thing.Before departure, many preparations must be required, but now that the reserve chaos crystals have disappeared, there must be something tricky about it.

"Xianzi, how many Chaos Crystal reserves are there on the wormhole ship of my mission? Can you spare some of them and deliver them to the wormhole ship in front, so that they can support them to the capital."

"The chaotic crystals on the wormhole ship of my mission were exhausted when they faced the attack of the Fire Clan Emperor Zhenyan that day. The chaotic crystals used today were replenished through trading along the way. After entering the army camp of the Tongli Empire, they have never been used. I have to make supplements, there are not many left now."

Meng Tianchen was silent for a while, and then slowly opened his mouth after a while.

"Since that's the case, I will follow them into the wormhole ship ahead to see how the matter is resolved. After I leave, you will be in charge of the affairs of the mission. Be careful! I feel that this matter is not easy. .”

"Yes." Xianzi cupped his hands, awe-inspiring.

Meng Tianchen didn't delay, he got out of the wormhole ship of the mission and entered the small boat suspended outside. Although the ship was small in size and its defense power was less than one percent of the large wormhole ship, it was extremely fast, and after a while, it had already caught up with the Forbidden Army ahead. The wormhole ship used was introduced into the ship under the awe-inspiring eyes of the guards.

"Mr. Qingyun, the leader of my family invited you, Shiyue and Shiji, to enter the lady's residence on the fourth floor to discuss matters. Now that they are all here, only Mr. Qingyun is left. Please go with the general." Wei spoke respectfully in front of him.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly, followed behind this person, and climbed to the fourth floor.

"Mr. Qingyun, please come in. This subordinate can only send you here." The captain saluted respectfully, turned around and retreated to one side.

Meng Tianchen glanced over, the entire fourth floor was tightly guarded, and the soldiers of the imperial army were patrolling outside, but they were not allowed to step into the courtyard, otherwise it would be a felony.Without pausing under his feet, he strode into it.

The beautiful maid stepped forward to salute, and respectfully led him into the courtyard.

In the hall, Rong Zhi took the first place, she applied light makeup to cover up the paleness of her pretty face, her expression was calm and An Ran exuded a graceful and noble aura.

Aunt Nian has been sent back, and she is standing by the girl's side to wait on her.

Below, Zhangling is alone on the left side, with a solemn expression, seeing Meng Tianchen coming, his eyes just glanced at him and then moved away, making people unable to see the joy and anger in his heart.

Shi Yue and Shi Ji sat on the right side, but left the leader. Now they got up and bowed their hands to Meng Tianchen, their demeanor was a little more restrained than before.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly to the two of them, clasped his fists and saluted.

"See Mrs. Zhi."

Rong Zhi's eyes brightened slightly, and she nodded slightly.

"You don't need to be polite, Lord Qingyun, please sit down."

Meng Tianchen thanked him, got up and took the first seat on the right.

Zhang Ling saw that everyone had arrived, so he stood up and saluted Rong Zhi.

"Madam, since you are all here, I will explain the matter clearly and discuss it with you, and then you can make a decision. I wonder what Madam would like?"

Rong Zhiye had already known about the conflict in the military camp that day, so he nodded and spoke lightly when he heard the words.

"General Zhang is right." The voice was calm, but the indifference and alienation in it was very clear. Obviously because of this matter, he no longer had the slightest liking for Zhangling in his heart.

Zhang Ling responded respectfully, his face was calm as if he didn't notice it.

"The wormhole ship originally had plenty of Chaos Crystals, enough to go back and forth between the capital and the border, but before checking the Chaos Crystal reserves today, [-]% of the Chaos Crystals had disappeared out of thin air. I would send someone to investigate the matter immediately, but found that The three warriors who were in charge of preparing the Chaos Crystal had committed suicide, and the clues have been interrupted." Speaking of this, his face showed a solemn expression.

"This matter is weird, and there must be something else hidden in it! Perhaps someone wanted to harm Madam, and deliberately tampered with the chaos crystals stored in the wormhole ship, forcing my wormhole ship to land and replenish the chaos crystals, so I gave them the opportunity to do it." Opportunity. For the sake of caution, I will propose that the wormhole ship should not land, but instead send warriors into the nearby area to ask for help, so that people can send enough chaos crystals for the wormhole ship to continue to use."

Shi Ji's eyes flickered slightly, since Zhang Ling was able to make this suggestion, it seemed that he really didn't have any ill intentions towards his wife, so he nodded slightly.

"This seat agrees with this matter, in case of accidents."

Shi Yue snorted, didn't express his position on Zhang Ling's words, but he didn't object either, obviously acquiescing to this point.

Zhang Ling nodded slightly, looking at Meng Tianchen.

"I don't know what the envoy thinks about this matter?"

Meng Tianchen's face was calm, but he couldn't help frowning slightly in his heart. This Zhangling is definitely not a kind person. He was humiliated by him that day and was able to remain calm and not show any signs of disbelief. If it is said that he is magnanimous and has put the matter aside, he will definitely not will believe it.But at this moment, there was nothing unusual about what he did. He pondered for a while, but still nodded slightly.

"I have no opinion on this matter."

"Okay!" Zhang Ling nodded, turned around and saluted Rong Zhi respectfully.

"Ma'am, we have already negotiated and sent a small boat to carry warriors into the big city below to fetch the Chaos Crystal to solve the current predicament. I wonder what Ma'am would like?"

Rong Zhi nodded.

"Since it's the result of the discussion between your lords, I naturally have no objection, so let's do it accordingly."

"Yes." Zhang Ling said respectfully, hesitated for a moment, and continued to speak.

"Ma'am, I suggest that before the Chaos Crystal is replenished, I hope Lord Qingyun can stay here, and if something happens, he can also protect Madam."

Rong Zhi's expression was calm, her eyes swept over him, her heart couldn't help beating, she was naturally willing to spend more time with him.

Meng Tianchen frowned more and more in his heart, his eyes swept over Na Zhangling, and he felt that this person was acting strangely, and he was afraid that he was planning something secretly.Now nodded slightly.

"Before the wormhole ship is replenished with chaotic crystals, I would like to stay and guard my wife's safety." He had already decided to escort her to the capital safely. This was the only promise he could make to Rong Zhi's friendship. No one will harm her.

"Since that's the case, I'll trouble Lord Qingyun." Rong Zhi bowed her head slightly to thank, so that no one could see the joy in her eyes.

Zhang Ling bowed his hands and saluted.

"Ma'am, the general will take his leave first, and immediately dispatch the warriors under his command to complete the replenishment of the chaos crystal."

Shi Yue and Shi Ji got up at the same time.

"Since Mr. Qingyun is here, Madam is safe and sound. I will wait for the two of you to enter the boat and patrol immediately in case there is any accident." After the words fell, the two saluted and then retreated.

The hall quickly fell silent, Aunt Nian, who was serving beside Rong Zhi, sighed in her heart, bowed slightly to Rong Zhi, turned around and retreated, guarding outside the hall, leaving some time for the two of them to be alone.

Only Meng Tianchen and Rong Zhi were left in the entire hall, and the atmosphere was quiet, but the atmosphere did not become awkward. It seemed that the two of them just getting along quietly like this was enough.

"Mr. Qingyun, this time I was able to safely escape from the hunt, thanks to your help. I will keep this kindness in my heart. If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely repay you." Rong Zhi whispered, breaking the truth. The silence between the two.

Meng Tianchen raised his head, looked at Rong Zhi's disguised shell, felt a little pity in his heart, shook his head slightly to suppress the thoughts in his heart, and opened his mouth.

"Ma'am, you are welcome, Meng is obliged to do his duty."

Rong Zhi bit her lip slightly, remained silent for a few breaths, slowly raised her head to look at the man below, and said softly: "Mr. Qingyun and I have a great favor, and Rong Zhi wanted to repay it with the rest of his life, but good fortune tricks people so much , if I can choose, everything at present is not my wish. In the future, if I am alone, I wonder if Lord Qingyun can call my name?"

These few words have already shown Rong Zhi's heart.

Rong Zhi hesitated for a long time, but finally decided to tell Meng Tianchen directly that there was a woman who had fallen in love with him.Even knowing that this is a futile effort, I just want peace of mind.

If she didn't say it, she didn't know if she would have such an opportunity in this life, Rong Zhi didn't want to regret her life.

(End of this chapter)

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