Chapter 905
Meng Tianchen was expressionless, walked up to this person, raised his foot and landed on his chest, accompanied by a light click, a force suddenly came from the sole of his foot, rushed into Zhang Ling's body, instantly obliterated him, and his mind was shattered. Shred directly.

Until death, this person's eyes were still full of hatred and disbelief.Zhang Ling must have never thought that returning to the capital this time would be his death.From the moment he conspired against Rong Zhi and wanted to hurt her, he was doomed to die.

Meng Tianchen would never allow this kind of person who might threaten Rong Zhi's safety to survive.

The remnant soul of Zhangling appeared in the Zifu, with a ferocious and venomous expression, but at the moment, under the golden light of the roulette, he had no strength to resist at the moment. He was drawn into it, refined in an instant, and a powerful force gushed out, directly replenishing Meng Tianchen. in vivo.

Walking up to the fourth floor, Meng Tianchen respectfully opened his mouth when he saw the pale and worried girl.

"Madam, don't worry, the powerful enemy has been repelled."

Rong Zhi's face showed joy in an instant, but she didn't show any more, she opened her mouth lightly.

"This time, Lord Qingyun has saved his life again. I will keep it in my heart, and I will definitely repay it in the future!"

"Thank you madam!"

Yu Luo sat aside directly, and began to close his eyes and adjust the power in his body, guiding the chaos and spiritual power to run and restore his physical body.

After a while, the black mist slowly dissipated, and the wormhole ship restriction was reopened in the shortest possible time, but soon there was panic and confusion. The reason was very simple. Master Zhangling, the commander of the forbidden army, died.

The corpse was lying on the deck, the back was densely packed with cracks, and the sternum was all shattered into powder, as if someone had been trampled down from a high altitude and trampled to death.The bloodshot eyes were filled with resentment and unwillingness.

Soon there was news that, confirmed by his wife, Commander Zhang Ling had unfortunately died in order to protect her from fighting with the assassins, and ordered his body to be preserved and transported back to the capital, where he would be buried in a glorious manner after His Majesty bestowed a reward on him.

The matter was settled quickly, and because the forbidden army had no leader, the madam ordered that the teacher Yue be temporarily in charge of the forbidden army until he returned to the capital.

The generals were panicked, and there was no objection at the moment, and the appointment was approved.

Gu Lun lowered his head slightly, his face was pale, but his eyes were full of resentment and shock.He naturally understood what the Lord Commander was planning, if he said that he protected his wife from falling, he would never believe it!
There is definitely a problem with the death of the commander!
Be sure to pass this news back to your husband's family, perhaps because of this it can save his life.Otherwise, if Zhangling is dead, he will never end well!

After a short pause, the wormhole ship of the Hu Kingdom Mission sent chaos crystals to temporarily support the wormhole ship of the imperial army, and many formation masters began to repair the hull and restore the damaged formation.All the millions of forbidden soldiers left the ship, and the next line led by Shiyue guarded them outside to prevent any more assassins from coming.

Three hours later, the aura on the damaged wormhole ship gradually recovered. Under the protection of millions of forbidden troops, it started slowly and gradually accelerated, and disappeared at the end of the void together with the wormhole ship of the Pot Kingdom Mission.

Not long after the two wormhole ships left, a figure slowly emerged amidst the tremors in the void.

Wearing a purple robe and a high crown on his head, the old man just stood there peacefully, without any further movements, but a faint coercion lingered around him, which made people feel awe.He just stood here like this, but he seemed to be perfectly integrated with the space. If he could not see it with the naked eye, even if he scanned it with his spiritual sense, he would not be able to notice it at all.At this moment, looking at the direction in which the wormhole ship was leaving, his brows were slightly frowned, and there was an aura of coercion from the superior slowly emitting.

"Cultivation, character, resourcefulness, and potential are all the top choices. If such a warrior can be used by our Tongli Empire, it will be good to train him, and he will surely achieve something in the future."

But at this moment, his thoughts changed slightly, so he put this aside for the time being, and it will not be too late to deal with this matter after returning to the capital.

"Sure enough, the husband's family has forgotten their identity, and for their own selfishness, they tried to destroy His Majesty's luck to make up for the big event. It seems that it is time to take action and beat them hard. As for the fire, if there is no magic power bead, the old man can Try to keep him, and now you can only let him go."

As the words fell, the purple-robed old man took a step forward, and his figure melted into the void and disappeared.

The child master was furious about the interception and killing in the void, and blamed the forbidden army for not managing the army well, deprived him of all his duties directly under the governor, Zhang Zhan, and temporarily ordered him to go home and contemplate his mistakes behind closed doors, and he was not allowed to leave the house for half a step without permission!
The commander of the Forbidden Army, commanding tens of millions of troops, is a truly important role in the Tong Force Imperial Army. The Tong Master's vigorous pursuit of responsibility, and the strong will and reflection revealed in it, caused the entire division to be in turmoil.

The husband's family and the lady in the palace kept silent on the matter at the same time, and the faction forces behind him did not make any rebuttals or evasions. They obviously knew the source of the child master's anger and understood what he expressed about this matter, and did not This is the default.

This extremely obvious signal immediately made the family of the husband's family deserted, and all the warriors of the husband's family were also panicked, and they restrained a lot in their daily activities.

The shock far away in the teacher's capital could not have any impact on Meng Tianchen and others.But after this incident, everyone in the Tongli Empire knew how much the Tongzhu attached to this lady who had not yet entered the palace. Wherever the wormhole ship passed by, the garrisons of all parties sent heavy troops to escort them until they were handed over to the garrison ahead. return.

The follow-up road is guarded by a fierce army, so it is safe and sound along the way!
After another three months, Shidu finally arrived.

This is a huge and beautiful continent!Haohao Tangtang Wanmin's luck and guarding will gathered from the entire territory of the Tongli Empire, turning into a vast beam of light that cannot be discerned by the naked eye, covering the entire division.

With this kind of luck and power of will, as long as the child power empire does not perish, absolutely no one can conquer the capital, otherwise the backlash of the luck and power of the hundreds of millions of children's power empire subjects will be enough to obliterate anyone in the world. Musha!Even an army of hundreds of millions cannot compete with the luck and willingness of the subjects of the hundreds of millions of child power empires!
Even though he is still in the void now, when his gaze falls, he can clearly see the outline of a city below, which occupies almost one-tenth of the entire continent, and a dense, almost substantive aura rises into the sky. What an aura! Majestic, turned into a tyrannical visual impact, people's mind is instantly taken away.Such a city is really like the residence of the gods, how can it be built by ordinary power!
Countless fighters from the entire Hu Kingdom mission looked shocked, with deep awe in their eyes.Traveling all the way in a hurry, they stayed on the wormhole ship. Although they didn't have a direct feeling of the vastness of the territory of Tongli Empire, but now they looked at the continent in front of them, and they knew the power gap between them!

Compared with the Tongli Empire, the Pot Kingdom is far worse than a thousand times!
Meng Tianchen's mind trembled slightly, the vast continent in front of him was filled with countless powerful auras, and there were nearly a hundred of them that made him feel afraid!

In other words, where the capital is located, there are at least a hundred superpowers above the Emperor Realm King!This is the power possessed by all the imperial masters of the children's forces. It is powerful and terrifying, and it is almost irresistible!Stepping into the middle emperor realm, the combat power is comparable to that of an ordinary emperor realm king, but Meng Tianchen has the qualifications to protect himself and settle down, but if he wants to truly have the power to traverse the world, he is still far behind!

Taking a deep breath, suppressing all the fluctuations in his mood, Meng Tianchen's face slowly returned to calm.

Outside the division capital, there are floating fortresses in the sky transformed from meteorites, densely distributed in the entire void, and a large army is stationed to guard the capital all year round.

At this moment, the two wormhole ships have stopped one after another. From the two meteorite fortresses in front of them, two teams of well-armored and imposing soldiers flew out. They are the Imperial Guards of the Tong Forces, and they are conducting necessary inspections on the wormhole ships. search.Any wormhole ship that wants to enter the capital must go through this step.

Meng Tianchen raised his hand slightly, signaling the wormhole ship to disperse and guard the large formation, and let the Imperial Guards of the Tong Forces board the ship to search.His face was calm, but he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, because the aura that came all the way and followed him faintly disappeared at this moment.

That day the strange red-robed man retreated suddenly, Meng Tianchen had already sensed that strange aura, presumably it was because of this that he was able to force the red-robed man back.This warrior who was hiding in the dark must be a very strong one. Even if he hadn't made a move that day, the red-robed man might not have been able to harm Rong Zhi smoothly.

That's why when he returned that day, he saluted Rong Zhi, so that he would be so respectful and distant, so as not to be noticed by this dark warrior and cause trouble.Rong Zhi's mind was clear, and he understood what he meant in an instant, and there was no inappropriateness between the two of them.

Along the way, Meng Tianchen observed carefully, the aura behind him was still intermittently weak, if he hadn't been careful enough, he would definitely not be able to detect the existence of this person.

It wasn't until the meteorite outside the division capital that the warrior who was secretly protecting him finally retreated.

The inspection was quickly completed, and the two wormhole ships slowly passed through the defense line of the meteorite fortress, and under the guidance of special personnel, they carefully docked at a special position.

Shi Yue came to the wormhole ship of the Hu Kingdom Mission and bowed his hands to Meng Tianchen.

"Mr. Qingyun, according to the etiquette system, madam is not allowed to enter the palace directly. I would like you and madam to stay with you in the pilgrimage palace temporarily. Presumably His Majesty will send someone to welcome madam into the palace in the near future. I will take a step ahead. Enter the palace and report to His Majesty."

Zhangling fell, and Shiyue was temporarily in charge of a part of the Forbidden Army. Now that he has returned to the capital, there are naturally many things to deal with.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely keep my wife safe, just go and get busy."

Shi Yue cupped his hands, hesitated a little but still didn't speak, turned and left.

Meng Tianchen was silent for a while, before speaking lightly.

"Xianzi, you go with me to meet Mrs. Zhi, and the rest of you will pack up. When Mrs. arrives, you and I will enter the capital immediately."


The deputy envoy and other missionary warriors spoke respectfully, with awe-inspiring expressions, not daring to disobey in the slightest.

Meng Tianchen turned around, and took Xianzi to drive the escape light away.

On the wormhole ship used by the imperial army, Rong Zhi sat in the hall, lowered her head slightly, her pretty face was slightly gloomy.

Master, finally arrived.

Although this day has long been expected, and I have made sufficient preparations in my heart, but when this moment really comes, I still feel a little bit reluctant.

(End of this chapter)

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