Chapter 906

Faint footsteps came from outside the hall, Rong Zhi raised her head, and the maid saluted respectfully.

"Ma'am, Duke Qingyun has arrived and is waiting outside the courtyard."

"Well, let him in."

Rong Zhi opened her mouth, trying to keep her voice as flat as possible, this is already the capital of the teacher, she must be absolutely careful not to cause any trouble for him.


The maid retreated respectfully and hurried towards the layman.

Aunt Nian stood aside and sighed softly at this moment.

Meng Tianchen came from outside the hall, looked at the calm Rong Zhi above, fell silent for a while, and then slowly opened his mouth.

"Rong Zhi, the secret protector has retreated, if you want to change your mind, this is your last chance."

Rong Zhi smiled and shook her head.

"Brother Meng, we agreed, don't mention this matter again." She didn't choose to leave before, and she won't do so now.

Meng Tianchen was silent, Zhang Ling suggested that he should stay and protect Rong Zhi that day, he was not unaware of the strangeness, but he still chose to agree.Because in Meng Tianchen's view, this is a good opportunity.

If his wife was killed during the interception, Rong Zhi would be able to get rid of the shackles of her identity and lead a brand new life.

But in the end, the hidden protector completely shattered this plan.

Perhaps, this is fate.

"Mr. Qingyun, let's go." The silence was broken by Rong Zhi, she stood up with a smile, her face was calm, without showing any strangeness.But all the bitterness and reluctance hidden under this tranquility can only be tasted by herself.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly, took a deep look at the girl, and bowed his hands respectfully.

"Yes, ma'am."

From the moment they leave here, the two of them have to enter their respective identities, and they can't show any extraordinary performances, otherwise what awaits them is bound to be an unimaginable ending.

Rong Zhi stepped forward, her body was weak, but her steps were extremely firm, her pretty face was calm and peaceful, with a faint smile, graceful and beautiful.

Meng Tianchen followed behind, silent.

Outside the wormhole boat, Liulong Luan was already waiting, and many maidservants bowed their heads respectfully and stood on one side. When Rong Zhi stepped out of the boat, they knelt down and saluted at the same time.With Aunt Nian's support, Rong Zhi boarded the Luanjia, and the golden veil fell to cover her figure. From the beginning to the end, she never looked back.

Now that you have made a choice, don't continue to hesitate, otherwise you will only harm others and yourself in the end.

The 30 guards were placed in the meteorite fortress in the void, and many tribute treasures were sorted out, and the Hu Kingdom Mission has been packed.Meng Tianchen was followed by many warriors from the mission group, he turned his head and glanced at Liulong Luanjia behind him, feeling silent in his heart.

"My lord, please."

Under the leadership of the warriors received by the Tongli Empire, the mission of the Hu Kingdom escorted his wife to Haohao Tangtang, the capital of the teacher.

The Pilgrimage Palace is a palace built within the scope of the capital for the exclusive use of receiving envoys from subordinate countries.As the time for the tribute of hundreds of countries is approaching, the missions of all parties arrived one by one and were all placed inside.

The delegation of the Hu Kingdom entered the pilgrimage palace under the leadership of the receiving warriors. Several warriors in charge of the pilgrimage palace were waiting outside. Under the leadership of a thin warrior, they stepped forward and saluted.

"Wait to see Mrs. Zhi, see the envoy."

With the support of the woman, Rong Zhi stepped down from the six-dragon carriage and nodded slightly.

"You don't need to be too polite, please get up."

"There are many matters in the pilgrimage palace. Brothers will take care of our other matters, so we won't stay here for long." Several reception warriors saluted at the same time, and turned and retreated after getting their consent.

"Madam please, envoy please." A thin warrior headed by Pilgrimage Palace said respectfully, with enough awe in his expression.His Majesty the Tong Lord attaches great importance to Mrs. Zhi of the Hu Kingdom, and because of the interception and killing of her husband, she took the position of the commander of the imperial army in her husband's family in a fit of anger.

"In the pilgrimage palace, according to His Majesty's will, the envoys live in three ranks of centimeters to correspond to the upper, middle, and lower three-tier dependent countries. Although the pot kingdom has not corrected the name of the upper-rank dependent country, the territory has met the promotion requirements. In addition, Madam With honorable status, His Majesty has authorized his wife and envoys to choose a place where there is no one in the top-grade secret environment to live temporarily."

Rong Zhi paused slightly before speaking slowly.

"Excuse me, my lord"

"Ma'am, that's too serious, it's my duty."

The thin warrior De Rongzhi's words immediately lifted his heart, and led the officials of the mission into the residential area of ​​the mission stationed in the subordinate country of the upper rank, and continued to introduce in a low voice.

"The residential secret environment of the upper-rank affiliated country is an independent secret environment constructed by a small number of forces separated from the guardian formation of the master capital. There is no doubt about its safety, and each secret environment is beautiful, with exquisite and luxurious construction."

To please Madam, as long as she can leave some good impressions, Madam Ruozhi will be favored by the child master in the future, and maybe one day she will be able to rise to the top because of this.

The skinny warrior secretly reminded himself that he must grasp this opportunity well, he must not miss it, and naturally he would spare no effort to curry favor.Fortunately, this person's method of flattery is quite clever, and the detailed explanation is also vivid and vivid, which will not make people feel boring.

Rong Zhi nodded slightly from time to time, at this moment she stopped suddenly, looking at a door hidden at the end of the path.

"Excuse me, which secret realm is this?"

The thin warrior was interrupted, but there was no sign of displeasure on his face. He looked at the door Rong Zhi was pointing at, and responded respectfully.

"Returning to Madam, this place is called Wanhuajing, and there are a large number of Wanhua in it, which is an ancient alien species that moved from a meteorite far away from the wilderness. Effect. In the breeze, the ocean of flowers swayed and undulated, and it was moving and beautiful."

"Wanhuajing!" Rong Zhi whispered to herself, and Shaoqing slowly raised her head.

"I wonder if I can choose to live here?"

A trace of hesitation flashed in the thin warrior's eyes. Although this Wanhua is beautiful, the color is too dim. Looking at it for a long time will give people a sense of melancholy and sadness. It can only be regarded as a low-grade in the secret environment of the high-grade affiliated country, which has rarely been inhabited in history. He didn't expect that this lady would not be interested in the many high-grade secret realms he introduced, so she chose this place directly.But this slight hesitation passed in a flash. Since it was Madam's choice, he naturally did not dare to go against it.

"Wanhuajing is unique and elegant. There are no other secret places around, and it is also rare and clean. It is naturally excellent that Madam chose this place to live."

Rong Zhi saw the insincere words of this pilgrimage warrior, but she didn't take it to heart.She felt that this place was pleasing to the eye, so she lived here, it was as simple as that.

The slender warrior's hand flashed with inspiration, and he took out a Wanhua made of jade, and offered it respectfully with both hands.

"This thing is the thing that controls the Wanhua Realm. Madam holds it in her hand, so she can naturally know everything in the Secret Realm."

Aunt Nian reached out and took the object, and put it into Rong Zhi's hands after making sure it was all right.

Rong Zhi raised her hand slightly, the object flashed with aura, and the confinement door of the Wanhua Realm slowly opened. She walked towards the path, but after two steps, she suddenly turned her head and her eyes fell on Meng Tianchen.

"Through the journey, I have troubled Lord Qingyun to take care of me. This time we parted, it might be difficult to see each other again. I can only thank Lord Qingyun with a salute." The words fell and he bowed slightly.

Meng Tianchen cupped his hands respectfully, and spoke in a deep voice.

"I don't dare to take credit for the responsibility, but please be more careful in the future, madam."

Rong Zhi nodded, and the two said nothing more.

Watching Rong Zhi's figure disappear into the portal of Wanhuajing, the last two maidservants stretched out their hands and closed the portal slowly, cutting off all sight.

Meng Tianchen lowered his head slightly, his face was calm and did not show any abnormality, but he felt a little lost in his heart, shook his head secretly, exhaled slightly, and just now suppressed everything in his heart, and regained his calm again.

As two people, perhaps the current result is the best choice.

"My lord envoy, I wonder where you want to live?" A look of envy flashed in the eyes of the thin martial artist in the pilgrimage palace. To be so remembered by his wife, this Lord Qingyun might be indispensable in the future. When he spoke, his expression was unconscious A little more awe.

Meng Tianchen opened his mouth lightly.

"You don't need to have too many choices, so let's choose the residence closest to Mrs. Zhi's Wanhuajing."

"The nearby Baiqingjing is also a good place to live. What do you think of the envoy?"


"Please envoy."

Meng Tianchen nodded, glanced at the Wanhuajing portal, then turned around and led the missionary warriors to stride away.

After a while, the delegation of Bai Qingjing was settled, but before they sat down for a long time, some warriors from the children's power empire came to see them.

After entering, a brown-clothed warrior quickly walked into the hall and saluted respectfully.

"By order, please come here and ask the envoys to go and report the tribute items to be made into a book and sent to the palace."

This is what should happen. Although Meng Tianchen is not familiar with it, he was told by the officials of the Hu Kingdom long ago, and he nodded upon hearing this.

"I've been waiting for a long time, so I'll go as you please. Just go outside and wait."


The warrior in brown bowed respectfully and retreated.

The deputy envoy had already prepared the list of tribute gifts, put both hands in Meng Tianchen's hands, and carefully stepped aside.The aura of the terrifying fight in the black mist that day was deeply imprinted in his mind and cannot be erased.Although I don't know who the person who shot to stop the powerful enemy is, and there is not much explanation for it afterwards, but all the warriors in the mission group have clear intuitions, maybe this matter has something to do with Lord Qingyun.After all, on the wormhole ship at that time, only he could have such power.Although there is no definite evidence, the awe of Meng Tianchen by the deputy envoy and others is three points more serious, and they dare not behave in the slightest presumptuously.

He took the tribute gift list casually, glanced over to make sure there was nothing wrong, and put it in the storage ring casually.

"During my absence, you should pay close attention to the Wanhuajing where my wife lives, and there must be no accidents."

"Yes, Lord Qingyun."

In Dongcheng, the capital of the division, the ground is paved with sapphire, smooth and tidy.The street is wide and tidy, the buildings on both sides are imposing and occupy a large area, and only a large gate with copper nails will appear after a long distance.There are sculptures of strange beasts in front of the gates, and several guards stand outside the gates expressionlessly, imposing.

(End of this chapter)

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