Chapter 913
Meng Tianchen's body remained motionless, the power pouring into his body from the strange long soldier was suppressed by him, his brows were slightly frowned, and his expression remained unchanged.

Slowly raising his head to look at the Liuligu Mission, he continued to move forward without stopping.

The aura outside the body did not stop slightly due to the impact on the body, but continued to rise at an astonishing speed, shining like the sun of the sky and the earth, and the aura was like a rainbow, overwhelming and irresistible.With a blunt and powerful posture, they suppressed the Liuligu Mission, making all of them pale and unable to hide their panic.

"Glass Valley Mission, is there anyone else to take action?"

A plain voice spread in the field, and as he stepped forward, the broken Xingtai on the ground slowly merged, and finally restored to integrity.

Many onlookers who hadn't recovered from their senses were awakened by the sound at this moment, and their expressions changed drastically.

Emperor Realm King!
When he looked at the green-robed warrior again, he felt a deep sense of awe.

In the Linglong Great World, no matter which faction they are in, the Emperor Realm King is already considered an absolute powerhouse, and will receive due courtesy and respect!
Their faces were solemn, but their eyes were burning with raging flames of excitement.

On Xingtai today, I was able to see the king of the emperor's realm make a move. It really was a worthwhile trip!
All the anxiety and uneasiness on the faces of the warriors from the Kingdom of Hu Kingdom disappeared, and a look of excitement appeared on their faces.Master Qingyun was indeed so fierce and powerful that he made a direct move and beat the Liuligu mission to pieces!

Rong Zhi looked at the man on the stage with slightly blurred eyes, her heart was filled with a touch of pride, as long as he arrived, everything would be resolved.But soon she lowered her head, so as not to be seen that the expression on her face changed, causing trouble for him, and the bright eyes were slightly sad.

Meng Tianchen walked to the edge of Xingtai, his condescending eyes fell on Wu Li, the saint of Liuli Valley, and he spoke slowly.

"If no one continues to take the stage, you can apologize to Mrs. Hu Guozhi, right?"

The faint voice came to her ears, but Wu Li's delicate body suddenly stiffened, like the cold wind in severe winter, blowing like a knife.Let her clearly sense the strong will shown by the man in green robe in front of her!
No provocation!Cannot be changed!
The dignity of Holy Maiden Wuli made her unwilling to be oppressed by this will, she took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

"If I don't apologize, what can you do?"

After the voice fell, Meng Tianchen narrowed his eyes slightly.

With a flash of inspiration, the warriors of the Liuli Valley Mission didn't react at all, or they didn't dare to stop them. Meng Tianchen's figure appeared beside Wu Li, holding her neck with one hand.

"Then I will let you die here."

Wu Li's pretty face was white, her pupils shrank, but she was still trying to calm herself down.

"I'm the Saintess of the Glass Valley. I'm here to marry the Tong Power Empire to marry the Tong Master. You dare not kill me!"

"If you are really the wife and concubine of the Tongzhu, I would not dare to kill you. But now, you are just the saintess of Liuligu. Even if I kill you, it is only a provocation to Liuligu! Although you are strong, Liuligu is still powerless Interfere with my Pot Kingdom!" Meng Tianchen said lightly.

"Apologies, or you can choose to try it and see if I dare to kill you."

That pair of pitch-black eyes were calm and unwavering, cold and without any warmth.

Looking at such a pair of eyes, Wu Li felt a chill in her heart, she couldn't see the slightest hesitation in Meng Tianchen's eyes!

In other words, this person really dared to kill her!
The fear in her heart became stronger and stronger, gradually suppressing Wuli's insistence on dignity. Her face was bloodless, and after a long silence, her head that was raised forcefully was finally lowered.

"I'm sorry." Although the voice was extremely low, it was amazing to be able to force the majestic Saintess of the Glass Valley to apologize in public.

"Holy lady, please apologize to Mrs. Hu Guozhi."

Wu Li's delicate body trembled slightly, and the sense of shame invaded her whole body, but once she compromised, the tide of fear in her heart became more and more irresistible, and she spoke with trembling lips.

"Madam Zhi, this matter is my fault, please forgive me."

Meng Tianchen looked directly at Wuli, and directly transmitted the sound into her ears.

"Madam Zhi is someone close to me. If you dare to make things difficult for her again in the future, I will kill you!" The deep voice sounded directly from the bottom of Wu Li's heart, and it was directly imprinted into her mind like a spell.

When Wu Li was in a state of turmoil, Meng Tianchen planted a seed of fear in her heart by opening her mouth, so that when she wanted to make an enemy of Rong Zhi in the future, she would think of what he said today, and then fear.

As long as Meng Tianchen survives, this seed will always exist in her mind.

In this way, even if she enters the Tongzhu Palace now, Rong Zhi's safety will be more guaranteed.There was only so much he could do.

After Meng Tianchen finished speaking, he immediately let go, turned around and left.

Wuli panted heavily, and looked at the tall and straight figure with resentment and unwillingness, but more of it was the fear that penetrated into the bone marrow!
A group of Glazed Valley martial artists looked at Meng Tianchen's back, but none of them dared to make any changes.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly to Rong Zhi, stretched out his hand to pick up the string, and spoke slowly.

"You wait to escort Madam back to the pilgrimage palace, and I will take a step first." Yu Luo controlled the Dunguang, led Xian Zi to roar away, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The warriors of the Hu Kingdom Mission should be respectful.

"Ma'am, please."

Rong Zhi nodded, with a look of worry in her eyes.Meng Tianchen is so tough today because he wants to show his strength to deter Xiaoxiao in the dark, but the more reason is probably because of Xianzi's injury.

I hope Xianzi is okay.

The delegation of the Hu Kingdom escorted Rong Zhi to drive away in Liulong Luan, and Wu Li also led the Liuligu delegation to retreat in embarrassment with the fainted warriors. The battle between the two forces in Xingtai came to an end.

But the news of this battle spread to the entire division at an astonishing speed.

Madam Zhi of the Hu Kingdom confronts the Saintess of Liuli Valley.

A warrior of the Pot Kingdom who fought fiercely to the death.

Suspected to be a battle of kings in the imperial realm.

The title full of gimmicks immediately made the battle on Xingtai become something that countless warriors in the division capital talked about.

And the name of Meng Tianchen spread instantly and entered the ears of countless warriors.Especially in the last matter of forcing the Saintess of Liuli Valley to apologize, her tough attitude attracted countless warriors to applaud in secret.Obviously, for the domineering and tough Liuligu mission, not many warriors in the capital have a good impression of them.

Duke Qingyun of the Hu Kingdom became famous all of a sudden!

Child Power Empire Palace.

The boy master summoned Liuligu.

Resplendent and magnificent, the building is luxurious, and the golden dragon pillars prop up the high hall, showing the imperial majesty of the child power empire.Entering the hall, ordinary warriors will be captured by this momentum in an instant, and awe will be born in their hearts.

The child master is wearing a golden robe, with a body like a mountain. He looks like a middle-aged warrior, with a faint glow on his face. Naturally, there is a majestic demeanor of aspiring to the world and in charge of everything in the world.

This is the child master, the master of the child power empire!
On the first floor of His Royal Highness, behind the purple jade table, there are all the people of Liuligu sitting kneeling.

"Your Majesty, under the order of my Master of the Liuli Valley, escorted the saint Wuli into the Tongli Empire. It is good to form an alliance with Your Majesty. From then on, there will be eternal peace between Liuligu and the Tongli Empire, and there will be no disputes!" The envoy of Liuligu respectfully He opened his mouth, bowing his head slightly in awe.

The child master smiled and nodded.

"The Lord of Liuli Valley has this thought. It is really a blessing for both of us. I am very relieved. When you return to Liuli Valley in the future, you can take my promise with you. If Liuli Valley does not have soldiers to invade, I hope you will never join me Soldiers."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I will definitely bring this statement to the Lord of the Kingdom." Wu Guda, the envoy of Liuli Valley, showed a respectful look on his face, and stood up to salute the child owner.

But at this moment, a close attendant came to the side, walked to the side of the child master and reported in a low voice, and retreated respectfully.

The child master's eyes flickered slightly, showing a bit of surprise, and his eyes fell on Wu Guda.

Wu Guda's heart moved slightly, and he spoke respectfully.

"I don't know what happened, maybe it has something to do with me?"

"This matter is related to your Liuligu Mission. There must be warriors from the mission waiting outside. You will know everything after you leave the palace, and deal with it." The child master paused slightly when he spoke of this point.

"Let's end this matter, don't make any more troubles."

Wu Guda's complexion changed slightly, but his behavior did not lose his composure. He saluted the child master, turned and retreated.

"See Your Majesty." Uguda left, and an old man in purple robes came from the side hall, slightly bowing his hands in salute.

The child master occupies the ninth emperor's throne, seeing this person showing a gentle smile.

"Teacher, please sit down."

The person who came was none other than Yizi, the emperor of Tongli Empire.

Yi Zi thanked him, turned around and took a seat below.Even as the emperor's teacher, he wanted to be cautious and respectful, and never disrespected the child master.It is also because of this that the child master has always been trusted and relied on.

"Teacher, what do you think of what the envoy of Liuligu said today?"

The boy master asked, Yi Zi said yes, pondered for a while, and then opened his mouth slowly.

"The fate of the Great Yin Sect and the Han Empire is getting stronger, gradually eliminating hidden dangers, and competing for the world. Although the owner of Liuli Valley did not claim to be the emperor and built the tripod, he is powerful. The two parties do not want to be constrained by him behind the scenes. In recent years The pressure on Liuli Valley is getting stronger and stronger. The owner of Liuli Valley can't bear the disturbance, so he chooses to marry a saint to His Majesty, and borrow the power of our Tongli Empire to resist the pressure. This marriage should be sincere. Our Tongli Empire takes this opportunity to communicate with If Liuli Valley deepens the relationship, it will be able to echo with it from afar, and contain the Great Yin Sect and the Han Empire. Even if a war breaks out in the future, it will be beneficial and harmless to our Tong Empire. Moreover, if its saintess Uli and even the body of wood can cooperate with Your majesty's yin and yang intercourse-combination is also good for your majesty's cultivation."

"What the teacher said coincides with this seat." The child master smiled and nodded.

"This time when the Saintess of Liuli Valley enters the palace, this seat is the heart of An Liuli Valley. If she needs to be given a high status, she will be designated as a concubine for the time being. I wonder what the teacher thinks?"

The child master's harem is divided into concubines, wives, nobles, concubines, noble concubines, concubines and emperors and empresses from low to high.There is only one emperor, empress, and mother in the world, and the concubine makes two. The number of remaining concubines and concubines is not fixed, and it changes according to the will of the child master.

(End of this chapter)

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